mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 07:07:50 +08:00
* - Add ability to edit/add ytyp files to project. - Add ability to edit/add ytyp archetype files to ytyp. - Add ability to add/remove entities from mlo archetype defs. - Add ability to save ytyp files. - Add dialog popup before optimizing grass batches. - Fix grass batches not being selected when chaning selection in project explorer. - Merged with upstream/master. - Squashed last 4 commits for PR cleanliness. * Fixed windows forms reference error. * - Added error checking to deleting mlo entities. - Fixed various bugs with deleting mlo entities. - Fixed edit archetype panel Asset Type box. - Removed redundant/unnecessary. - Removed backwards references between MCEntityDef and YmapEntityDef. All ymap entity to mcentity references are grabbed using indecies in the MloInstanceData class. - Fixed "YmapMenu" not showing when selecting entities/mlo entities in project form. Current bugs: - Loading a ytyp file -- mlo entities are not editiable, and are created in the world. - entitysets are not editable (properly). - Removing an mloinstancedef from a ymap does not delete the mlo instance's gizmo from the world, and it's still selectable. (Although all references are lost, and I believe collected by the GC?) * - Moved archetype initialization methods YmapFile.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) and MloInstanceData.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(GameFileCache gfc) - Added ability to load mlo instance defs through ymap files. - Fixed add method for mlo archetypes. * - Removed SetOrientationInv. - Removed unreachable code + updated comment. - Renamed CreateEntity to CreateYmapEntity, and renamed params for consistency. * Split calls to CreateYmapEntity() and MloArchetype.AddEntity(). * Fixed redundant rotation inversions. * - Added ability to select rooms. - Changed tree view grouping for mlo entities. - Fixed projectexplorer selection bugs. - Added ability to toggle mlo entity sets. - Fixed some change events when editing archetypes.
1618 lines
58 KiB
1618 lines
58 KiB
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using CodeWalker.World;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking;
namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
public partial class ProjectExplorerPanel : ProjectPanel
public ProjectForm ProjectForm { get; set; }
public ProjectFile CurrentProjectFile { get; set; }
private bool inDoubleClick = false; //used in disabling double-click to expand tree nodes
public ProjectExplorerPanel(ProjectForm projectForm)
ProjectForm = projectForm;
public void LoadProjectTree(ProjectFile projectFile)
CurrentProjectFile = projectFile;
if (CurrentProjectFile == null) return;
var pcstr = CurrentProjectFile.HasChanged ? "*" : "";
var projnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Add(pcstr + CurrentProjectFile.Name);
projnode.Tag = CurrentProjectFile;
if (CurrentProjectFile.YmapFiles.Count > 0)
var ymapsnode = projnode.Nodes.Add("Ymap Files");
ymapsnode.Name = "Ymap";
foreach (var ymapfile in CurrentProjectFile.YmapFiles)
var ycstr = ymapfile.HasChanged ? "*" : "";
string name = ymapfile.Name;
if (ymapfile.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = ymapfile.RpfFileEntry.Name;
var ymapnode = ymapsnode.Nodes.Add(ycstr + name);
ymapnode.Tag = ymapfile;
LoadYmapTreeNodes(ymapfile, ymapnode);
if (CurrentProjectFile.YtypFiles.Count > 0)
var ytypsnode = projnode.Nodes.Add("Ytyp Files");
ytypsnode.Name = "Ytyp";
foreach (var ytypfile in CurrentProjectFile.YtypFiles)
var ycstr = ytypfile.HasChanged ? "*" : "";
string name = ytypfile.Name;
if (ytypfile.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = ytypfile.RpfFileEntry.Name;
var ytypnode = ytypsnode.Nodes.Add(ycstr + name);
ytypnode.Tag = ytypfile;
LoadYtypTreeNodes(ytypfile, ytypnode);
if (CurrentProjectFile.YndFiles.Count > 0)
var yndsnode = projnode.Nodes.Add("Ynd Files");
yndsnode.Name = "Ynd";
foreach (var yndfile in CurrentProjectFile.YndFiles)
var ycstr = yndfile.HasChanged ? "*" : "";
string name = yndfile.Name;
if (yndfile.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = yndfile.RpfFileEntry.Name;
var yndnode = yndsnode.Nodes.Add(ycstr + name);
yndnode.Tag = yndfile;
LoadYndTreeNodes(yndfile, yndnode);
if (CurrentProjectFile.YnvFiles.Count > 0)
var ynvsnode = projnode.Nodes.Add("Ynv Files");
ynvsnode.Name = "Ynv";
foreach (var ynvfile in CurrentProjectFile.YnvFiles)
var ycstr = ynvfile.HasChanged ? "*" : "";
string name = ynvfile.Name;
if (ynvfile.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = ynvfile.RpfFileEntry.Name;
var ynvnode = ynvsnode.Nodes.Add(ycstr + name);
ynvnode.Tag = ynvfile;
LoadYnvTreeNodes(ynvfile, ynvnode);
if (CurrentProjectFile.TrainsFiles.Count > 0)
var trainsnode = projnode.Nodes.Add("Trains Files");
trainsnode.Name = "Trains";
foreach (var trainfile in CurrentProjectFile.TrainsFiles)
var tcstr = trainfile.HasChanged ? "*" : "";
string name = trainfile.Name;
if (trainfile.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = trainfile.RpfFileEntry.Name;
var trainnode = trainsnode.Nodes.Add(tcstr + name);
trainnode.Tag = trainfile;
LoadTrainTrackTreeNodes(trainfile, trainnode);
if (CurrentProjectFile.ScenarioFiles.Count > 0)
var scenariosnode = projnode.Nodes.Add("Scenario Files");
scenariosnode.Name = "Scenarios";
foreach (var scenariofile in CurrentProjectFile.ScenarioFiles)
var scstr = scenariofile.HasChanged ? "*" : "";
string name = scenariofile.Name;
if (scenariofile.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = scenariofile.RpfFileEntry.Name;
var scenarionode = scenariosnode.Nodes.Add(scstr + name);
scenarionode.Tag = scenariofile;
LoadScenarioTreeNodes(scenariofile, scenarionode);
if (CurrentProjectFile.AudioRelFiles.Count > 0)
var audiorelsnode = projnode.Nodes.Add("Audio Rel Files");
audiorelsnode.Name = "AudioRels";
foreach (var audiorelfile in CurrentProjectFile.AudioRelFiles)
var acstr = audiorelfile.HasChanged ? "*" : "";
string name = audiorelfile.Name;
if (audiorelfile.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = audiorelfile.RpfFileEntry.Name;
var audiorelnode = audiorelsnode.Nodes.Add(acstr + name);
audiorelnode.Tag = audiorelfile;
LoadAudioRelTreeNodes(audiorelfile, audiorelnode);
private void LoadYmapTreeNodes(YmapFile ymap, TreeNode node)
if (ymap == null) return;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name)) return; //named nodes are eg Entities and CarGens
if ((ymap.AllEntities != null) && (ymap.AllEntities.Length > 0))
var entsnode = node.Nodes.Add("Entities (" + ymap.AllEntities.Length.ToString() + ")");
entsnode.Name = "Entities";
entsnode.Tag = ymap;
var ents = ymap.AllEntities;
for (int i = 0; i < ents.Length; i++)
var ent = ents[i];
var edef = ent.CEntityDef;
var enode = entsnode.Nodes.Add(edef.archetypeName.ToString());
enode.Tag = ent;
if ((ymap.CarGenerators != null) && (ymap.CarGenerators.Length > 0))
var cargensnode = node.Nodes.Add("Car Generators (" + ymap.CarGenerators.Length.ToString() + ")");
cargensnode.Name = "CarGens";
cargensnode.Tag = ymap;
var cargens = ymap.CarGenerators;
for (int i = 0; i < cargens.Length; i++)
var cargen = cargens[i];
var ccgnode = cargensnode.Nodes.Add(cargen.ToString());
ccgnode.Tag = cargen;
if ((ymap.GrassInstanceBatches != null) && (ymap.GrassInstanceBatches.Length > 0))
var grassbatchesnodes = node.Nodes.Add("Grass Batches (" + ymap.GrassInstanceBatches.Length.ToString() + ")");
grassbatchesnodes.Name = "GrassBatches";
grassbatchesnodes.Tag = ymap;
var grassbatches = ymap.GrassInstanceBatches;
for (int i = 0; i < grassbatches.Length; i++)
var batch = grassbatches[i];
var gbnode = grassbatchesnodes.Nodes.Add(batch.ToString());
gbnode.Tag = batch;
private void LoadYtypTreeNodes(YtypFile ytyp, TreeNode node)
if (ytyp == null) return;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name)) return;
if ((ytyp.AllArchetypes != null) && (ytyp.AllArchetypes.Length > 0))
var archetypesnode = node.Nodes.Add("Archetypes (" + ytyp.AllArchetypes.Length.ToString() + ")");
archetypesnode.Name = "Archetypes";
archetypesnode.Tag = ytyp;
var archetypes = ytyp.AllArchetypes;
for (int i = 0; i < archetypes.Length; i++)
var yarch = archetypes[i];
var tarch = archetypesnode.Nodes.Add(yarch.Name);
tarch.Tag = yarch;
if (yarch is MloArchetype mlo)
if ((mlo.entities.Length) > 0 && (mlo.rooms.Length > 0))
MCEntityDef[] entities = mlo.entities;
var roomsnode = tarch.Nodes.Add("Rooms (" + mlo.rooms.Length.ToString() + ")");
roomsnode.Name = "Rooms";
for (int j = 0; j < mlo.rooms.Length; j++)
MCMloRoomDef room = mlo.rooms[j];
var roomnode = roomsnode.Nodes.Add(room.RoomName);
roomnode.Tag = room;
var entitiesnode = roomnode.Nodes.Add("Attached Objects (" + room.AttachedObjects.Length + ")");
entitiesnode.Name = "Attached Objects";
for (int k = 0; k < room.AttachedObjects.Length; k++)
uint attachedObject = room.AttachedObjects[k];
MCEntityDef ent = entities[attachedObject];
TreeNode entnode = entitiesnode.Nodes.Add(ent.ToString());
entnode.Tag = ent;
private void LoadYndTreeNodes(YndFile ynd, TreeNode node)
if (ynd == null) return;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name)) return; //named nodes are eg Nodes
if ((ynd.Nodes != null) && (ynd.Nodes.Length > 0))
var nodesnode = node.Nodes.Add("Nodes (" + ynd.Nodes.Length.ToString() + ")");
nodesnode.Name = "Nodes";
nodesnode.Tag = ynd;
var nodes = ynd.Nodes;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
var ynode = nodes[i];
var nnode = ynode.RawData;
var tnode = nodesnode.Nodes.Add(nnode.ToString());
tnode.Tag = ynode;
private void LoadYnvTreeNodes(YnvFile ynv, TreeNode node)//TODO!
if (ynv == null) return;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name)) return; //named nodes are eg Polygons
TreeNode n;
n = node.Nodes.Add("Edit Polygon");
n.Name = "EditPoly";
n.Tag = ynv; //this tag should get updated with the selected poly!
n = node.Nodes.Add("Edit Portal");
n.Name = "EditPortal";
n.Tag = ynv; //this tag should get updated with the selected portal!
n = node.Nodes.Add("Edit Point");
n.Name = "EditPoint";
n.Tag = ynv; //this tag should get updated with the selected point!
private void LoadTrainTrackTreeNodes(TrainTrack track, TreeNode node)
if (track == null) return;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name)) return; //named nodes are eg Nodes
if ((track.Nodes != null) && (track.Nodes.Count > 0))
var nodesnode = node.Nodes.Add("Nodes (" + track.Nodes.Count.ToString() + ")");
nodesnode.Name = "Nodes";
nodesnode.Tag = track;
var nodes = track.Nodes;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
var ynode = nodes[i];
var tnode = nodesnode.Nodes.Add(ynode.ToString());
tnode.Tag = ynode;
private void LoadScenarioTreeNodes(YmtFile ymt, TreeNode node)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name)) return; //named nodes are eg Points
var region = ymt?.ScenarioRegion;
if (region == null) return;
var nodes = region.Nodes;
if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.Count == 0)) return;
var pointsnode = node.Nodes.Add("Points (" + nodes.Count.ToString() + ")");
pointsnode.Name = "Points";
pointsnode.Tag = ymt;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
var snode = nodes[i];
var tnode = pointsnode.Nodes.Add(snode.MedTypeName + ": " + snode.StringText);
tnode.Tag = snode;
//var sr = region.Region;
//if (sr == null) return;
//int pointCount = (sr.Points?.LoadSavePoints?.Length ?? 0) + (sr.Points?.MyPoints?.Length ?? 0);
//int entityOverrideCount = (sr.EntityOverrides?.Length ?? 0);
//int chainCount = (sr.Paths?.Chains?.Length ?? 0);
//int clusterCount = (sr.Clusters?.Length ?? 0);
//TreeNode pointsNode = null;
//TreeNode entityOverridesNode = null;
//TreeNode chainsNode = null;
//TreeNode clustersNode = null;
//if (pointCount > 0)
// pointsNode = node.Nodes.Add("Points (" + pointCount.ToString() + ")");
//if (entityOverrideCount > 0)
// entityOverridesNode = node.Nodes.Add("Entity Overrides (" + entityOverrideCount.ToString() + ")");
//if (chainCount > 0)
// chainsNode = node.Nodes.Add("Chains (" + chainsNode.ToString() + ")");
//if (clusterCount > 0)
// clustersNode = node.Nodes.Add("Clusters (" + clusterCount.ToString() + ")");
//for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
// var snode = nodes[i];
// if (snode == null) continue;
// if ((pointsNode != null) && ((snode.LoadSavePoint != null) || (snode.MyPoint != null)))
// {
// pointsNode.Nodes.Add(snode.ToString()).Tag = snode;
// }
// if ((entityOverridesNode != null) && ((snode.EntityOverride != null) || (snode.EntityPoint != null)))
// {
// entityOverridesNode.Nodes.Add(snode.ToString()).Tag = snode;
// }
// if ((chainsNode != null) && (snode.ChainingNode != null))
// {
// chainsNode.Nodes.Add(snode.ToString()).Tag = snode;
// }
// if ((clustersNode != null) && ((snode.Cluster != null) || (snode.ClusterLoadSavePoint != null) || (snode.ClusterMyPoint != null)))
// {
// clustersNode.Nodes.Add(snode.ToString()).Tag = snode;
// }
private void LoadAudioRelTreeNodes(RelFile rel, TreeNode node)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name)) return; //named nodes are eg Zones, Emitters
TreeNode n;
n = node.Nodes.Add("Edit Zone");
n.Name = "EditZone";
n.Tag = rel; //this tag should get updated with the selected zone!
n = node.Nodes.Add("Edit Emitter");
n.Name = "EditEmitter";
n.Tag = rel; //this tag should get updated with the selected emitter!
var zonelists = new List<Dat151AmbientZoneList>();
var emitterlists = new List<Dat151AmbientEmitterList>();
foreach (var reldata in rel.RelDatas)
if (reldata is Dat151AmbientZoneList)
zonelists.Add(reldata as Dat151AmbientZoneList);
if (reldata is Dat151AmbientEmitterList)
emitterlists.Add(reldata as Dat151AmbientEmitterList);
if (zonelists.Count > 0)
var zonelistsnode = node.Nodes.Add("Zone Lists (" + zonelists.Count.ToString() + ")");
zonelistsnode.Name = "ZoneLists";
zonelistsnode.Tag = rel;
for (int i = 0; i < zonelists.Count; i++)
var zonelist = zonelists[i];
var tnode = zonelistsnode.Nodes.Add(zonelist.ToString());
tnode.Tag = zonelist;
if (emitterlists.Count > 0)
var emitterlistsnode = node.Nodes.Add("Emitter Lists (" + emitterlists.Count.ToString() + ")");
emitterlistsnode.Name = "EmitterLists";
emitterlistsnode.Tag = rel;
for (int i = 0; i < emitterlists.Count; i++)
var emitterlist = emitterlists[i];
var tnode = emitterlistsnode.Nodes.Add(emitterlist.ToString());
tnode.Tag = emitterlist;
public void SetProjectHasChanged(bool changed)
if ((ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0) && (CurrentProjectFile != null))
//first node is the project...
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0].Text = changestr + CurrentProjectFile.Name;
public void SetYmapHasChanged(YmapFile ymap, bool changed)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0)
var pnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var ymnode = GetChildTreeNode(pnode, "Ymap");
if (ymnode == null) return;
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
for (int i = 0; i < ymnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var ynode = ymnode.Nodes[i];
if (ynode.Tag == ymap)
string name = ymap.Name;
if (ymap.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = ymap.RpfFileEntry.Name;
ynode.Text = changestr + name;
public void SetYtypHasChanged(YtypFile ytyp, bool changed)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0)
var pnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var ytnode = GetChildTreeNode(pnode, "Ytyp");
if (ytnode == null) return;
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
for (int i = 0; i < ytnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var ynode = ytnode.Nodes[i];
if (ynode.Tag == ytyp)
string name = ytyp.Name;
if (ytyp.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = ytyp.RpfFileEntry.Name;
ynode.Text = changestr + name;
public void SetYndHasChanged(YndFile ynd, bool changed)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0)
var pnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var ynnode = GetChildTreeNode(pnode, "Ynd");
if (ynnode == null) return;
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
for (int i = 0; i < ynnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var ynode = ynnode.Nodes[i];
if (ynode.Tag == ynd)
string name = ynd.Name;
if (ynd.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = ynd.RpfFileEntry.Name;
ynode.Text = changestr + name;
public void SetYnvHasChanged(YnvFile ynv, bool changed)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0)
var pnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var ynnode = GetChildTreeNode(pnode, "Ynv");
if (ynnode == null) return;
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
for (int i = 0; i < ynnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var ynode = ynnode.Nodes[i];
if (ynode.Tag == ynv)
string name = ynv.Name;
if (ynv.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = ynv.RpfFileEntry.Name;
ynode.Text = changestr + name;
public void SetTrainTrackHasChanged(TrainTrack track, bool changed)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0)
var pnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var trnode = GetChildTreeNode(pnode, "Trains");
if (trnode == null) return;
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
for (int i = 0; i < trnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var tnode = trnode.Nodes[i];
if (tnode.Tag == track)
string name = track.Name;
if (track.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = track.RpfFileEntry.Name;
tnode.Text = changestr + name;
public void SetScenarioHasChanged(YmtFile scenario, bool changed)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0)
var pnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var scnode = GetChildTreeNode(pnode, "Scenarios");
if (scnode == null) return;
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
for (int i = 0; i < scnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var snode = scnode.Nodes[i];
if (snode.Tag == scenario)
string name = scenario.Name;
if (scenario.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = scenario.RpfFileEntry.Name;
snode.Text = changestr + name;
public void SetAudioRelHasChanged(RelFile rel, bool changed)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0)
var pnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var acnode = GetChildTreeNode(pnode, "AudioRels");
if (acnode == null) return;
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
for (int i = 0; i < acnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var anode = acnode.Nodes[i];
if (anode.Tag == rel)
string name = rel.Name;
if (rel.RpfFileEntry != null)
name = rel.RpfFileEntry.Name;
anode.Text = changestr + name;
public void SetGrassBatchHasChanged(YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch, bool changed)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0)
var gbnode = FindGrassTreeNode(batch);
if (gbnode == null) return;
string changestr = changed ? "*" : "";
if (gbnode.Tag == batch)
string name = batch.ToString();
gbnode.Text = changestr + name;
private TreeNode GetChildTreeNode(TreeNode node, string name)
if (node == null) return null;
var nodes = node.Nodes.Find(name, false);
if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.Length != 1)) return null;
return nodes[0];
public TreeNode FindYmapTreeNode(YmapFile ymap)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count <= 0) return null;
var projnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var ymapsnode = GetChildTreeNode(projnode, "Ymap");
if (ymapsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < ymapsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var ymapnode = ymapsnode.Nodes[i];
if (ymapnode.Tag == ymap) return ymapnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindEntityTreeNode(YmapEntityDef ent)
if (ent == null) return null;
TreeNode ymapnode = FindYmapTreeNode(ent.Ymap);
if (ymapnode == null) return null;
var entsnode = GetChildTreeNode(ymapnode, "Entities");
if (entsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < entsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode entnode = entsnode.Nodes[i];
if (entnode.Tag == ent) return entnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindCarGenTreeNode(YmapCarGen cargen)
if (cargen == null) return null;
TreeNode ymapnode = FindYmapTreeNode(cargen.Ymap);
if (ymapnode == null) return null;
var cargensnode = GetChildTreeNode(ymapnode, "CarGens");
if (cargensnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < cargensnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode cargennode = cargensnode.Nodes[i];
if (cargennode.Tag == cargen) return cargennode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindGrassTreeNode(YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch)
if (batch == null) return null;
TreeNode ymapnode = FindYmapTreeNode(batch.Ymap);
if (ymapnode == null) return null;
var batchnode = GetChildTreeNode(ymapnode, "GrassBatches");
if (batchnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < batchnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode grassnode = batchnode.Nodes[i];
if (grassnode.Tag == batch) return grassnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindYtypTreeNode(YtypFile ytyp)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count <= 0) return null;
var projnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var ytypsnode = GetChildTreeNode(projnode, "Ytyp");
if (ytypsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < ytypsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var ytypnode = ytypsnode.Nodes[i];
if (ytypnode.Tag == ytyp) return ytypnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindArchetypeTreeNode(Archetype archetype)
if (archetype == null) return null;
TreeNode ytypnode = FindYtypTreeNode(archetype.Ytyp);
if (ytypnode == null) return null;
var archetypenode = GetChildTreeNode(ytypnode, "Archetypes");
if (archetypenode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < archetypenode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode archnode = archetypenode.Nodes[i];
if (archnode.Tag == archetype) return archnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindMloRoomTreeNode(MCMloRoomDef room)
if (room == null) return null;
TreeNode ytypnode = FindYtypTreeNode(room.Archetype.Ytyp);
if (ytypnode == null) return null;
TreeNode archetypesnode = GetChildTreeNode(ytypnode, "Archetypes");
if (archetypesnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < archetypesnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode mloarchetypenode = archetypesnode.Nodes[i];
if (mloarchetypenode.Tag == room.Archetype)
TreeNode roomsnode = GetChildTreeNode(mloarchetypenode, "Rooms");
if (roomsnode == null) return null;
for (int j = 0; j < roomsnode.Nodes.Count; j++)
TreeNode roomnode = roomsnode.Nodes[j];
if (roomnode.Tag == room) return roomnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindMloEntityTreeNode(MCEntityDef ent)
MCMloRoomDef entityroom = ent?.Archetype?.GetEntityRoom(ent);
if (entityroom == null) return null;
TreeNode ytypnode = FindYtypTreeNode(ent.Archetype.Ytyp);
if (ytypnode == null) return null;
var archetypesnode = GetChildTreeNode(ytypnode, "Archetypes");
if (archetypesnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < archetypesnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode mloarchetypenode = archetypesnode.Nodes[i];
if (mloarchetypenode.Tag == ent.Archetype)
TreeNode roomsnode = GetChildTreeNode(mloarchetypenode, "Rooms");
if (roomsnode == null) return null;
for (int j = 0; j < roomsnode.Nodes.Count; j++)
TreeNode roomnode = roomsnode.Nodes[j];
if (roomnode.Tag == entityroom)
TreeNode entitiesnode = GetChildTreeNode(roomnode, "Attached Objects");
if (entitiesnode == null) return null;
for (var k = 0; k < entitiesnode.Nodes.Count; k++)
TreeNode entitynode = entitiesnode.Nodes[k];
if (entitynode.Tag == ent) return entitynode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindYndTreeNode(YndFile ynd)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count <= 0) return null;
var projnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var yndsnode = GetChildTreeNode(projnode, "Ynd");
if (yndsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < yndsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var yndnode = yndsnode.Nodes[i];
if (yndnode.Tag == ynd) return yndnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindPathNodeTreeNode(YndNode n)
if (n == null) return null;
TreeNode yndnode = FindYndTreeNode(n.Ynd);
var nodesnode = GetChildTreeNode(yndnode, "Nodes");
if (nodesnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < nodesnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode nnode = nodesnode.Nodes[i];
if (nnode.Tag == n) return nnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindYnvTreeNode(YnvFile ynv)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count <= 0) return null;
var projnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var ynvsnode = GetChildTreeNode(projnode, "Ynv");
if (ynvsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < ynvsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var yndnode = ynvsnode.Nodes[i];
if (yndnode.Tag == ynv) return yndnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindNavPolyTreeNode(YnvPoly p)
if (p == null) return null;
TreeNode ynvnode = FindYnvTreeNode(p.Ynv);
var polynode = GetChildTreeNode(ynvnode, "EditPoly");
if (polynode == null) return null;
polynode.Tag = p;
return polynode;
//for (int i = 0; i < polysnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
// TreeNode pnode = polysnode.Nodes[i];
// if (pnode.Tag == p) return pnode;
//return null;
public TreeNode FindNavPointTreeNode(YnvPoint p)
if (p == null) return null;
TreeNode ynvnode = FindYnvTreeNode(p.Ynv);
var pointnode = GetChildTreeNode(ynvnode, "EditPoint");
if (pointnode == null) return null;
pointnode.Tag = p;
return pointnode;
//for (int i = 0; i < pointsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
// TreeNode pnode = pointsnode.Nodes[i];
// if (pnode.Tag == p) return pnode;
//return null;
public TreeNode FindNavPortalTreeNode(YnvPortal p)
if (p == null) return null;
TreeNode ynvnode = FindYnvTreeNode(p.Ynv);
var portalnode = GetChildTreeNode(ynvnode, "EditPortal");
if (portalnode == null) return null;
portalnode.Tag = p;
return portalnode;
//for (int i = 0; i < portalsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
// TreeNode pnode = portalsnode.Nodes[i];
// if (pnode.Tag == p) return pnode;
//return null;
public TreeNode FindTrainTrackTreeNode(TrainTrack track)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count <= 0) return null;
var projnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var trainsnode = GetChildTreeNode(projnode, "Trains");
if (trainsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < trainsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var trainnode = trainsnode.Nodes[i];
if (trainnode.Tag == track) return trainnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindTrainNodeTreeNode(TrainTrackNode n)
if (n == null) return null;
TreeNode tracknode = FindTrainTrackTreeNode(n.Track);
var nodesnode = GetChildTreeNode(tracknode, "Nodes");
if (nodesnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < nodesnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode nnode = nodesnode.Nodes[i];
if (nnode.Tag == n) return nnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindScenarioTreeNode(YmtFile ymt)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count <= 0) return null;
var projnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var scenariosnode = GetChildTreeNode(projnode, "Scenarios");
if (scenariosnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < scenariosnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var ymtnode = scenariosnode.Nodes[i];
if (ymtnode.Tag == ymt) return ymtnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindScenarioNodeTreeNode(ScenarioNode p)
if (p == null) return null;
TreeNode ymtnode = FindScenarioTreeNode(p.Ymt);
var pointsnode = GetChildTreeNode(ymtnode, "Points");
if (pointsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < pointsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode pnode = pointsnode.Nodes[i];
if (pnode.Tag == p) return pnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindAudioRelTreeNode(RelFile rel)
if (ProjectTreeView.Nodes.Count <= 0) return null;
var projnode = ProjectTreeView.Nodes[0];
var scenariosnode = GetChildTreeNode(projnode, "AudioRels");
if (scenariosnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < scenariosnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
var ymtnode = scenariosnode.Nodes[i];
if (ymtnode.Tag == rel) return ymtnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindAudioZoneTreeNode(AudioPlacement zone)
if (zone == null) return null;
TreeNode relnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(zone.RelFile);
var zonenode = GetChildTreeNode(relnode, "EditZone");
if (zonenode == null) return null;
zonenode.Tag = zone;
return zonenode;
public TreeNode FindAudioEmitterTreeNode(AudioPlacement emitter)
if (emitter == null) return null;
TreeNode relnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(emitter.RelFile);
var zonenode = GetChildTreeNode(relnode, "EditEmitter");
if (zonenode == null) return null;
zonenode.Tag = emitter;
return zonenode;
public TreeNode FindAudioZoneListTreeNode(Dat151AmbientZoneList list)
if (list == null) return null;
TreeNode relnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(list.Rel);
var zonelistsnode = GetChildTreeNode(relnode, "ZoneLists");
if (zonelistsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < zonelistsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode lnode = zonelistsnode.Nodes[i];
if (lnode.Tag == list) return lnode;
return null;
public TreeNode FindAudioEmitterListTreeNode(Dat151AmbientEmitterList list)
if (list == null) return null;
TreeNode relnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(list.Rel);
var emitterlistsnode = GetChildTreeNode(relnode, "EmitterLists");
if (emitterlistsnode == null) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < emitterlistsnode.Nodes.Count; i++)
TreeNode enode = emitterlistsnode.Nodes[i];
if (enode.Tag == list) return enode;
return null;
public void DeselectNode()
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = null;
public void TrySelectEntityTreeNode(YmapEntityDef ent)
TreeNode entnode = FindEntityTreeNode(ent);
if (entnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == entnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = entnode;
public void TrySelectCarGenTreeNode(YmapCarGen cargen)
TreeNode cargennode = FindCarGenTreeNode(cargen);
if (cargennode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == cargennode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = cargennode;
public void TrySelectGrassBatchTreeNode(YmapGrassInstanceBatch grassBatch)
TreeNode grassNode = FindGrassTreeNode(grassBatch);
if (grassNode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == grassNode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = grassNode;
public void TrySelectMloEntityTreeNode(MCEntityDef ent)
TreeNode entnode = FindMloEntityTreeNode(ent);
if (entnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == entnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = entnode;
public void TrySelectMloRoomTreeNode(MCMloRoomDef room)
TreeNode roomnode = FindMloRoomTreeNode(room);
if (roomnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == roomnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = roomnode;
public void TrySelectArchetypeTreeNode(Archetype archetype)
TreeNode archetypenode = FindArchetypeTreeNode(archetype);
if (archetypenode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == archetypenode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = archetypenode;
public void TrySelectPathNodeTreeNode(YndNode node)
TreeNode tnode = FindPathNodeTreeNode(node);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindYndTreeNode(node?.Ynd);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectNavPolyTreeNode(YnvPoly poly)
TreeNode tnode = FindNavPolyTreeNode(poly);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindYnvTreeNode(poly?.Ynv);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectNavPointTreeNode(YnvPoint point)
TreeNode tnode = FindNavPointTreeNode(point);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindYnvTreeNode(point?.Ynv);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectNavPortalTreeNode(YnvPortal portal)
TreeNode tnode = FindNavPortalTreeNode(portal);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindYnvTreeNode(portal?.Ynv);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectTrainNodeTreeNode(TrainTrackNode node)
TreeNode tnode = FindTrainNodeTreeNode(node);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindTrainTrackTreeNode(node?.Track);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectScenarioTreeNode(YmtFile scenario)
TreeNode tnode = FindScenarioTreeNode(scenario);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode(ScenarioNode node)
TreeNode tnode = FindScenarioNodeTreeNode(node);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindScenarioTreeNode(node?.Ymt);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectAudioRelTreeNode(RelFile rel)
TreeNode tnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(rel);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectAudioZoneTreeNode(AudioPlacement zone)
TreeNode tnode = FindAudioZoneTreeNode(zone);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(zone?.RelFile);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectAudioEmitterTreeNode(AudioPlacement emitter)
TreeNode tnode = FindAudioEmitterTreeNode(emitter);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(emitter?.RelFile);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectAudioZoneListTreeNode(Dat151AmbientZoneList list)
TreeNode tnode = FindAudioZoneListTreeNode(list);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(list?.Rel);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void TrySelectAudioEmitterListTreeNode(Dat151AmbientEmitterList list)
TreeNode tnode = FindAudioEmitterListTreeNode(list);
if (tnode == null)
tnode = FindAudioRelTreeNode(list?.Rel);
if (tnode != null)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode == tnode)
ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode = tnode;
public void UpdateArchetypeTreeNode(Archetype archetype)
var tn = FindArchetypeTreeNode(archetype);
if (tn != null)
tn.Text = archetype._BaseArchetypeDef.ToString();
public void UpdateCarGenTreeNode(YmapCarGen cargen)
var tn = FindCarGenTreeNode(cargen);
if (tn != null)
tn.Text = cargen.ToString();
public void UpdatePathNodeTreeNode(YndNode node)
var tn = FindPathNodeTreeNode(node);
if (tn != null)
tn.Text = node._RawData.ToString();
public void UpdateNavPolyTreeNode(YnvPoly poly)
var tn = FindNavPolyTreeNode(poly);
if (tn != null)
public void UpdateTrainNodeTreeNode(TrainTrackNode node)
var tn = FindTrainNodeTreeNode(node);
if (tn != null)
tn.Text = node.ToString();
public void UpdateScenarioNodeTreeNode(ScenarioNode node)
var tn = FindScenarioNodeTreeNode(node);
if (tn != null)
tn.Text = node.MedTypeName + ": " + node.StringText;
public void UpdateAudioZoneTreeNode(AudioPlacement zone)
var tn = FindAudioZoneTreeNode(zone);
if (tn != null)
public void UpdateAudioEmitterTreeNode(AudioPlacement emitter)
var tn = FindAudioEmitterTreeNode(emitter);
if (tn != null)
public void UpdateAudioZoneListTreeNode(Dat151AmbientZoneList list)
var tn = FindAudioZoneListTreeNode(list);
if (tn != null)
tn.Text = list.ToString();
public void UpdateAudioEmitterListTreeNode(Dat151AmbientEmitterList list)
var tn = FindAudioEmitterListTreeNode(list);
if (tn != null)
tn.Text = list.ToString();
public void RemoveEntityTreeNode(YmapEntityDef ent)
var tn = FindEntityTreeNode(ent);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
tn.Parent.Text = "Entities (" + ent.Ymap.AllEntities.Length.ToString() + ")";
public void RemoveCarGenTreeNode(YmapCarGen cargen)
var tn = FindCarGenTreeNode(cargen);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
tn.Parent.Text = "Car Generators (" + cargen.Ymap.CarGenerators.Length.ToString() + ")";
public void RemoveGrassBatchTreeNode(YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch)
var tn = FindGrassTreeNode(batch);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
tn.Parent.Text = "Grass Batches (" + batch.Ymap.GrassInstanceBatches.Length.ToString() + ")";
public void RemoveArchetypeTreeNode(Archetype archetype)
var tn = FindArchetypeTreeNode(archetype);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
tn.Parent.Text = "Archetypes (" + archetype.Ytyp.AllArchetypes.Length.ToString() + ")";
public void RemoveMloEntityTreeNode(MCEntityDef ent)
var tn = FindMloEntityTreeNode(ent);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
var tnp = tn.Parent.Parent;
MCMloRoomDef room = null;
if (tnp != null) room = tnp.Tag as MCMloRoomDef;
tn.Parent.Text = "Attached Objects (" + (room?.AttachedObjects.Length - 1 ?? 0) + ")";
public void RemovePathNodeTreeNode(YndNode node)
var tn = FindPathNodeTreeNode(node);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
tn.Parent.Text = "Nodes (" + node.Ynd.Nodes.Length.ToString() + ")";
public void RemoveTrainNodeTreeNode(TrainTrackNode node)
var tn = FindTrainNodeTreeNode(node);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
tn.Parent.Text = "Nodes (" + node.Track.Nodes.Count.ToString() + ")";
public void RemoveScenarioNodeTreeNode(ScenarioNode node)
var tn = FindScenarioNodeTreeNode(node);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
tn.Parent.Text = "Points (" + (node.Ymt?.ScenarioRegion?.Nodes?.Count ?? 0).ToString() + ")";
public void RemoveAudioZoneListTreeNode(Dat151AmbientZoneList list)
var tn = FindAudioZoneListTreeNode(list);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
var zonelists = new List<Dat151AmbientZoneList>();
foreach (var reldata in list.Rel.RelDatas)
if (reldata is Dat151AmbientZoneList)
zonelists.Add(reldata as Dat151AmbientZoneList);
tn.Parent.Text = "Zone Lists (" + zonelists.Count.ToString() + ")";
public void RemoveAudioEmitterListTreeNode(Dat151AmbientEmitterList list)
var tn = FindAudioEmitterListTreeNode(list);
if ((tn != null) && (tn.Parent != null))
var emitterlists = new List<Dat151AmbientEmitterList>();
foreach (var reldata in list.Rel.RelDatas)
if (reldata is Dat151AmbientEmitterList)
emitterlists.Add(reldata as Dat151AmbientEmitterList);
tn.Parent.Text = "Emitter Lists (" + emitterlists.Count.ToString() + ")";
public event ProjectExplorerItemSelectHandler OnItemSelected;
public event ProjectExplorerItemActivateHandler OnItemActivated;
private void ProjectTreeView_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
private void ProjectTreeView_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ProjectTreeView.SelectedNode != null)
private void ProjectTreeView_BeforeCollapse(object sender, TreeViewCancelEventArgs e)
//if (e.Node.Tag != CurrentProjectFile) return; //disabling doubleclick expand/collapse only for project node
if (inDoubleClick == true && e.Action == TreeViewAction.Collapse) e.Cancel = true;
private void ProjectTreeView_BeforeExpand(object sender, TreeViewCancelEventArgs e)
//if (e.Node.Tag != CurrentProjectFile) return; //disabling doubleclick expand/collapse only for project node
if (inDoubleClick == true && e.Action == TreeViewAction.Expand) e.Cancel = true;
private void ProjectTreeView_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
inDoubleClick = (e.Clicks > 1); //disabling doubleclick expand/collapse
public delegate void ProjectExplorerItemSelectHandler(object item);
public delegate void ProjectExplorerItemActivateHandler(object item);