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// File: BrightPassAndHorizFilterCS.hlsl
// The CS for bright pass and horizontal blur, used in CS path of
// HDRToneMappingCS11 sample
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
static const float MIDDLE_GRAY = 0.72f;
static const float LUM_WHITE = 1.5f;
static const float BRIGHT_THRESHOLD = 50.0f;//0.8f;
Texture2D Input : register( t0 );
StructuredBuffer<float> lum : register( t1 );
RWStructuredBuffer<float4> Result : register( u0 );
cbuffer cb0
float4 g_avSampleWeights[15];
uint g_outputwidth;
float g_inverse;
int2 g_inputsize;
#define kernelhalf 7
#define groupthreads 128
groupshared float4 temp[groupthreads];
[numthreads( groupthreads, 1, 1 )]
void main( uint3 Gid : SV_GroupID, uint GI : SV_GroupIndex )
int2 coord = int2( GI - kernelhalf + (groupthreads - kernelhalf * 2) * Gid.x, Gid.y );
coord = coord.xy * 8 + int2(4, 3);
coord = clamp( coord, int2(0, 0), int2(g_inputsize.x-1, g_inputsize.y-1) );
float4 vColor = Input.Load( int3(coord, 0) );
float fLum = max(lum[0]*g_inverse, 0.75);
// Bright pass and tone mapping
vColor = max( 0.0f, vColor - BRIGHT_THRESHOLD );
vColor *= MIDDLE_GRAY / (fLum + 0.001f);
vColor *= (1.0f + vColor/LUM_WHITE);
vColor /= (1.0f + vColor);
temp[GI] = vColor;
// Horizontal blur
if ( GI >= kernelhalf &&
GI < (groupthreads - kernelhalf) &&
( (Gid.x * (groupthreads - 2 * kernelhalf) + GI - kernelhalf) < g_outputwidth) )
float4 vOut = 0;
for ( int i = -kernelhalf; i <= kernelhalf; ++i )
vOut += temp[GI + i] * g_avSampleWeights[i + kernelhalf];
Result[GI - kernelhalf + (groupthreads - kernelhalf * 2) * Gid.x + Gid.y * g_outputwidth] = float4(vOut.rgb, 1.0f);