using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; /* Copyright(c) 2017 Neodymium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ //ruthlessly stolen namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles { [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class FrameFilterDictionary : ResourceFileBase { // pgDictionaryBase // pgDictionary public override long BlockLength => 0x40; // structure data public uint Unknown_10h { get; set; } // 0x00000000 public uint Unknown_14h { get; set; } // 0x00000000 public uint Unknown_18h { get; set; } = 1; // 0x00000001 public uint Unknown_1Ch { get; set; } // 0x00000000 public ResourceSimpleList64_s FilterNameHashes { get; set; } public ResourcePointerList64 Filters { get; set; } /// /// Reads the data-block from a stream. /// public override void Read(ResourceDataReader reader, params object[] parameters) { base.Read(reader, parameters); // read structure data this.Unknown_10h = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.Unknown_14h = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.Unknown_18h = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.Unknown_1Ch = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.FilterNameHashes = reader.ReadBlock>(); this.Filters = reader.ReadBlock>(); if (Filters?.data_items != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Filters.data_items.Length; i++) { var h = ((FilterNameHashes?.data_items != null) && (i < FilterNameHashes.data_items.Length)) ? FilterNameHashes.data_items[i] : 0; if (Filters.data_items[i] != null) { Filters.data_items[i].NameHash = h; } } } } /// /// Writes the data-block to a stream. /// public override void Write(ResourceDataWriter writer, params object[] parameters) { base.Write(writer, parameters); // write structure data writer.Write(this.Unknown_10h); writer.Write(this.Unknown_14h); writer.Write(this.Unknown_18h); writer.Write(this.Unknown_1Ch); writer.WriteBlock(this.FilterNameHashes); writer.WriteBlock(this.Filters); } public override Tuple[] GetParts() { return new Tuple[] { new Tuple(0x20, FilterNameHashes), new Tuple(0x30, Filters) }; } public void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { if (Filters?.data_items != null) { foreach (var filter in Filters.data_items) { YfdXml.OpenTag(sb, indent, "Item"); filter.WriteXml(sb, indent + 1); YfdXml.CloseTag(sb, indent, "Item"); } } } public void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { var filters = new List(); var inodes = node.SelectNodes("Item"); if (inodes != null) { foreach (XmlNode inode in inodes) { // frame filters are polymorphic but this is the only type used in the files var filter = new FrameFilterMultiWeight(); filter.ReadXml(inode); filters.Add(filter); } } BuildFromFilterList(filters); } public static void WriteXmlNode(FrameFilterDictionary d, StringBuilder sb, int indent, string name = "FrameFilterDictionary") { if (d == null) return; if ((d.Filters?.data_items == null) || (d.Filters.data_items.Length == 0)) { YfdXml.SelfClosingTag(sb, indent, name); } else { YfdXml.OpenTag(sb, indent, name); d.WriteXml(sb, indent + 1); YfdXml.CloseTag(sb, indent, name); } } public void BuildFromFilterList(List filters) { filters.Sort((a, b) => a.NameHash.Hash.CompareTo(b.NameHash.Hash)); var namehashes = new List(); foreach (var f in filters) { namehashes.Add(f.NameHash); } FilterNameHashes = new ResourceSimpleList64_s(); FilterNameHashes.data_items = namehashes.ToArray(); Filters = new ResourcePointerList64(); Filters.data_items = filters.ToArray(); } } public enum FrameFilterType : uint { Bone = 1, BoneBasic = 2, BoneMultiWeight = 3, MultiWeight = 4, // only type used in .yfd files TrackMultiWeight = 5, Mover = 6, } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class FrameFilterBase : ResourceSystemBlock, IResourceXXSystemBlock//, IMetaXmlItem { // rage::crFrameFilter public override long BlockLength => 0x18; // structure data public uint VFT { get; set; } public uint Unknown_04h { get; set; } // 0x00000001 public uint RefCount { get; set; } = 1; // 0x00000001 public uint Signature { get; set; } public FrameFilterType Type { get; set; } public uint Unknown_14h { get; set; } // 0x00000000 public MetaHash NameHash { get; set; } /// /// Reads the data-block from a stream. /// public override void Read(ResourceDataReader reader, params object[] parameters) { // read structure data this.VFT = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.Unknown_04h = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.RefCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.Signature = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.Type = (FrameFilterType)reader.ReadUInt32(); this.Unknown_14h = reader.ReadUInt32(); } /// /// Writes the data-block to a stream. /// public override void Write(ResourceDataWriter writer, params object[] parameters) { // write structure data writer.Write(this.VFT); writer.Write(this.Unknown_04h); writer.Write(this.RefCount); writer.Write(this.Signature); writer.Write((uint)this.Type); writer.Write(this.Unknown_14h); } public override Tuple[] GetParts() { return Array.Empty>(); } public IResourceSystemBlock GetType(ResourceDataReader reader, params object[] parameters) { reader.Position += 0x10; var type = reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.Position -= 0x14; return ConstructFilter((FrameFilterType)type); } public static FrameFilterBase ConstructFilter(FrameFilterType type) { switch (type) { case FrameFilterType.MultiWeight: return new FrameFilterMultiWeight(); default: return null; // throw new Exception("Unknown type"); } } public virtual void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { YfdXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Name", YfdXml.HashString(NameHash)); } public virtual void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { NameHash = XmlMeta.GetHash(Xml.GetChildInnerText(node, "Name")); } public virtual uint CalculateSignature() { return 0; } public override string ToString() { return NameHash + " (" + Type + ")"; } // used to calculate filter signatures public static uint Crc32Hash(byte[] data, uint seed = 0) { if (data == null) return 0; uint h = ~seed; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { h = Crc32Table[data[i] ^ (h & 0xFF)] ^ (h >> 8); } return ~h; } private static readonly uint[] Crc32Table = new uint[256] { 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA, 0x076DC419, 0x706AF48F, 0xE963A535, 0x9E6495A3, 0x0EDB8832, 0x79DCB8A4, 0xE0D5E91E, 0x97D2D988, 0x09B64C2B, 0x7EB17CBD, 0xE7B82D07, 0x90BF1D91, 0x1DB71064, 0x6AB020F2, 0xF3B97148, 0x84BE41DE, 0x1ADAD47D, 0x6DDDE4EB, 0xF4D4B551, 0x83D385C7, 0x136C9856, 0x646BA8C0, 0xFD62F97A, 0x8A65C9EC, 0x14015C4F, 0x63066CD9, 0xFA0F3D63, 0x8D080DF5, 0x3B6E20C8, 0x4C69105E, 0xD56041E4, 0xA2677172, 0x3C03E4D1, 0x4B04D447, 0xD20D85FD, 0xA50AB56B, 0x35B5A8FA, 0x42B2986C, 0xDBBBC9D6, 0xACBCF940, 0x32D86CE3, 0x45DF5C75, 0xDCD60DCF, 0xABD13D59, 0x26D930AC, 0x51DE003A, 0xC8D75180, 0xBFD06116, 0x21B4F4B5, 0x56B3C423, 0xCFBA9599, 0xB8BDA50F, 0x2802B89E, 0x5F058808, 0xC60CD9B2, 0xB10BE924, 0x2F6F7C87, 0x58684C11, 0xC1611DAB, 0xB6662D3D, 0x76DC4190, 0x01DB7106, 0x98D220BC, 0xEFD5102A, 0x71B18589, 0x06B6B51F, 0x9FBFE4A5, 0xE8B8D433, 0x7807C9A2, 0x0F00F934, 0x9609A88E, 0xE10E9818, 0x7F6A0DBB, 0x086D3D2D, 0x91646C97, 0xE6635C01, 0x6B6B51F4, 0x1C6C6162, 0x856530D8, 0xF262004E, 0x6C0695ED, 0x1B01A57B, 0x8208F4C1, 0xF50FC457, 0x65B0D9C6, 0x12B7E950, 0x8BBEB8EA, 0xFCB9887C, 0x62DD1DDF, 0x15DA2D49, 0x8CD37CF3, 0xFBD44C65, 0x4DB26158, 0x3AB551CE, 0xA3BC0074, 0xD4BB30E2, 0x4ADFA541, 0x3DD895D7, 0xA4D1C46D, 0xD3D6F4FB, 0x4369E96A, 0x346ED9FC, 0xAD678846, 0xDA60B8D0, 0x44042D73, 0x33031DE5, 0xAA0A4C5F, 0xDD0D7CC9, 0x5005713C, 0x270241AA, 0xBE0B1010, 0xC90C2086, 0x5768B525, 0x206F85B3, 0xB966D409, 0xCE61E49F, 0x5EDEF90E, 0x29D9C998, 0xB0D09822, 0xC7D7A8B4, 0x59B33D17, 0x2EB40D81, 0xB7BD5C3B, 0xC0BA6CAD, 0xEDB88320, 0x9ABFB3B6, 0x03B6E20C, 0x74B1D29A, 0xEAD54739, 0x9DD277AF, 0x04DB2615, 0x73DC1683, 0xE3630B12, 0x94643B84, 0x0D6D6A3E, 0x7A6A5AA8, 0xE40ECF0B, 0x9309FF9D, 0x0A00AE27, 0x7D079EB1, 0xF00F9344, 0x8708A3D2, 0x1E01F268, 0x6906C2FE, 0xF762575D, 0x806567CB, 0x196C3671, 0x6E6B06E7, 0xFED41B76, 0x89D32BE0, 0x10DA7A5A, 0x67DD4ACC, 0xF9B9DF6F, 0x8EBEEFF9, 0x17B7BE43, 0x60B08ED5, 0xD6D6A3E8, 0xA1D1937E, 0x38D8C2C4, 0x4FDFF252, 0xD1BB67F1, 0xA6BC5767, 0x3FB506DD, 0x48B2364B, 0xD80D2BDA, 0xAF0A1B4C, 0x36034AF6, 0x41047A60, 0xDF60EFC3, 0xA867DF55, 0x316E8EEF, 0x4669BE79, 0xCB61B38C, 0xBC66831A, 0x256FD2A0, 0x5268E236, 0xCC0C7795, 0xBB0B4703, 0x220216B9, 0x5505262F, 0xC5BA3BBE, 0xB2BD0B28, 0x2BB45A92, 0x5CB36A04, 0xC2D7FFA7, 0xB5D0CF31, 0x2CD99E8B, 0x5BDEAE1D, 0x9B64C2B0, 0xEC63F226, 0x756AA39C, 0x026D930A, 0x9C0906A9, 0xEB0E363F, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95BF4A82, 0xE2B87A14, 0x7BB12BAE, 0x0CB61B38, 0x92D28E9B, 0xE5D5BE0D, 0x7CDCEFB7, 0x0BDBDF21, 0x86D3D2D4, 0xF1D4E242, 0x68DDB3F8, 0x1FDA836E, 0x81BE16CD, 0xF6B9265B, 0x6FB077E1, 0x18B74777, 0x88085AE6, 0xFF0F6A70, 0x66063BCA, 0x11010B5C, 0x8F659EFF, 0xF862AE69, 0x616BFFD3, 0x166CCF45, 0xA00AE278, 0xD70DD2EE, 0x4E048354, 0x3903B3C2, 0xA7672661, 0xD06016F7, 0x4969474D, 0x3E6E77DB, 0xAED16A4A, 0xD9D65ADC, 0x40DF0B66, 0x37D83BF0, 0xA9BCAE53, 0xDEBB9EC5, 0x47B2CF7F, 0x30B5FFE9, 0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6, 0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF, 0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94, 0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D }; } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class FrameFilterMultiWeight : FrameFilterBase { // rage::crFrameFilterMultiWeight public override long BlockLength => 0x40; public ResourceSimpleList64_s Entries { get; set; } // sorted by (BoneId | (Track << 16)) public ResourceSimpleList64_float Weights { get; set; } public ulong Unknown_38h { get; set; } // 0 public FrameFilterMultiWeight() { Type = FrameFilterType.MultiWeight; } /// /// Reads the data-block from a stream. /// public override void Read(ResourceDataReader reader, params object[] parameters) { base.Read(reader, parameters); // read structure data this.Entries = reader.ReadBlock>(); this.Weights = reader.ReadBlock(); this.Unknown_38h = reader.ReadUInt64(); } /// /// Writes the data-block to a stream. /// public override void Write(ResourceDataWriter writer, params object[] parameters) { base.Write(writer, parameters); // write structure data writer.WriteBlock(this.Entries); writer.WriteBlock(this.Weights); writer.Write(this.Unknown_38h); } public override Tuple[] GetParts() { return new Tuple[] { new Tuple(0x18, Entries), new Tuple(0x28, Weights) }; } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { base.WriteXml(sb, indent); YfdXml.WriteItemArray(sb, Entries?.data_items, indent, "Entries"); YfdXml.WriteRawArray(sb, Weights?.data_items, indent, "Weights", "", FloatUtil.ToString); } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { base.ReadXml(node); Unknown_38h = 0; Entries = new ResourceSimpleList64_s(); Entries.data_items = XmlMeta.ReadItemArray(node, "Entries"); Weights = new ResourceSimpleList64_float(); Weights.data_items = Xml.GetChildRawFloatArray(node, "Weights"); SortEntries(); Signature = CalculateSignature(); } public void SortEntries() { if (Entries?.data_items == null) { return; } Array.Sort(Entries.data_items, (x, y) => x.GetSortKey().CompareTo(y.GetSortKey())); } public override uint CalculateSignature() { // CRC-32 hash of the Entries and Weights arrays uint s = 0; if (Entries?.data_items != null && Entries?.data_items.Length > 0) { var data = MetaTypes.ConvertArrayToBytes(Entries.data_items); s = Crc32Hash(data, s); } if (Weights?.data_items != null && Weights?.data_items.Length > 0) { var data = MetaTypes.ConvertArrayToBytes(Weights.data_items); s = Crc32Hash(data, s); } return s; } public struct TrackIdIndex : IMetaXmlItem { public byte Unknown_00h { get; set; } // 0 public byte Track { get; set; } // rage::crTrack public ushort BoneId { get; set; } // rage::crId public uint WeightIndex { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return BoneId + ", " + Track + ": " + WeightIndex; } public uint GetSortKey() => (uint)(BoneId | (Track << 16)); public void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { YfdXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "Track", Track.ToString()); YfdXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "BoneId", BoneId.ToString()); YfdXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "WeightIndex", WeightIndex.ToString()); } public void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { Unknown_00h = 0; Track = (byte)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "Track"); BoneId = (ushort)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "BoneId"); WeightIndex = Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "WeightIndex"); } } } }