using CodeWalker.World; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles { [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class YmtFile : GameFile, PackedFile { public Meta Meta { get; set; } public PsoFile Pso { get; set; } public RbfFile Rbf { get; set; } public YmtFileFormat FileFormat { get; set; } = YmtFileFormat.Unknown; public YmtFileContentType ContentType { get; set; } = YmtFileContentType.None; public Dictionary CMapParentTxds { get; set; } public YmtScenarioPointManifest CScenarioPointManifest { get; set; } public MCScenarioPointRegion CScenarioPointRegion { get; set; } public ScenarioRegion ScenarioRegion { get; set; } //fields used by the editor: public bool HasChanged { get; set; } = false; public List SaveWarnings = null; public YmtFile() : base(null, GameFileType.Ymt) { } public YmtFile(RpfFileEntry entry) : base(entry, GameFileType.Ymt) { } public void LoadRSC(byte[] data) { //direct load from a raw, compressed ymt resource file (openIV-compatible format) RpfResourceFileEntry resentry = new RpfResourceFileEntry(); //hopefully this format has an RSC7 header... uint rsc7 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0); if (rsc7 == 0x37435352) //RSC7 header present! { int version = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 4); resentry.SystemFlags = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 8); resentry.GraphicsFlags = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 12); if (data.Length > 16) { int newlen = data.Length - 16; //trim the header from the data passed to the next step. byte[] newdata = new byte[newlen]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 16, newdata, 0, newlen); data = newdata; } else { data = null; //shouldn't happen... empty.. } } else { //direct load from file without the rpf header.. //assume it's in resource meta format resentry.SystemFlags = RpfResourceFileEntry.GetFlagsFromSize(data.Length, 0); resentry.GraphicsFlags = RpfResourceFileEntry.GetFlagsFromSize(0, 2); //graphics type 2 for ymt/meta } var oldresentry = RpfFileEntry as RpfResourceFileEntry; if (oldresentry != null) //update the existing entry with the new one { oldresentry.SystemFlags = resentry.SystemFlags; oldresentry.GraphicsFlags = resentry.GraphicsFlags; resentry.Name = oldresentry.Name; resentry.NameHash = oldresentry.NameHash; resentry.NameLower = oldresentry.NameLower; resentry.ShortNameHash = oldresentry.ShortNameHash; } else { RpfFileEntry = resentry; //just stick it in there for later... } data = ResourceBuilder.Decompress(data); Load(data, resentry); //Loaded = true; } public void Load(byte[] data, RpfFileEntry entry) { RpfFileEntry = entry; Name = entry.Name; FilePath = Name; RpfResourceFileEntry resentry = entry as RpfResourceFileEntry; if (resentry != null) { ResourceDataReader rd = new ResourceDataReader(resentry, data); Meta = rd.ReadBlock(); var rootblock = Meta.GetRootBlock(); if (rootblock != null) { if (rootblock.StructureNameHash == MetaName.CScenarioPointRegion) { LoadScenarioPointRegion(Meta, rootblock); } } Loaded = true; return; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data); if (RbfFile.IsRBF(ms)) { Rbf = new RbfFile(); var rbfstruct = Rbf.Load(ms); if (rbfstruct.Name == "CMapParentTxds") { LoadMapParentTxds(rbfstruct); } Loaded = true; return; } if (PsoFile.IsPSO(ms)) { Pso = new PsoFile(); Pso.Load(ms); //PsoTypes.EnsurePsoTypes(Pso); var root = PsoTypes.GetRootEntry(Pso); if (root != null) { if (root.NameHash == MetaName.CScenarioPointManifest) { LoadScenarioPointManifest(Pso); } } Loaded = true; return; } else { } } private void LoadMapParentTxds(RbfStructure rbfstruct) { FileFormat = YmtFileFormat.RBF; ContentType = YmtFileContentType.MapParentTxds; CMapParentTxds = new Dictionary(); //StringBuilder sblist = new StringBuilder(); foreach(var child in rbfstruct.Children) { var childstruct = child as RbfStructure; if ((childstruct != null) && (childstruct.Name == "txdRelationships")) { foreach (var txdrel in childstruct.Children) { var txdrelstruct = txdrel as RbfStructure; if ((txdrelstruct != null) && (txdrelstruct.Name == "item")) { string parentstr = string.Empty; string childstr = string.Empty; foreach(var item in txdrelstruct.Children) { var itemstruct = item as RbfStructure; if ((itemstruct != null)) { var strbytes = itemstruct.Children[0] as RbfBytes; string thisstr = string.Empty; if (strbytes != null) { thisstr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(strbytes.Value).Replace("\0", ""); } switch (item.Name) { case "parent": parentstr = thisstr; break; case "child": childstr = thisstr; break; } } } if((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentstr)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(childstr))) { if (!CMapParentTxds.ContainsKey(childstr)) { CMapParentTxds.Add(childstr, parentstr); } else { } //sblist.AppendLine(childstr + ": " + parentstr); } } } } } //string alltxdmap = sblist.ToString(); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alltxdmap)) //{ //} } private void LoadScenarioPointManifest(PsoFile pso) { FileFormat = YmtFileFormat.PSO; ContentType = YmtFileContentType.ScenarioPointManifest; CScenarioPointManifest = new YmtScenarioPointManifest(); CScenarioPointManifest.Load(pso); } private void LoadScenarioPointRegion(Meta meta, MetaDataBlock rootblock) { FileFormat = YmtFileFormat.RSC; ContentType = YmtFileContentType.ScenarioPointRegion; var cdata = MetaTypes.ConvertData(rootblock.Data); CScenarioPointRegion = new MCScenarioPointRegion(); CScenarioPointRegion.Ymt = this; CScenarioPointRegion.Load(meta, cdata); ScenarioRegion = new ScenarioRegion(); ScenarioRegion.Load(this); //string stypes = MetaTypes.GetTypesInitString(meta); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stypes)) //{ } } public byte[] Save() { switch (ContentType) { case YmtFileContentType.MapParentTxds: return SaveMapParentTxds(); case YmtFileContentType.ScenarioPointManifest: return SaveScenarioPointManifest(); case YmtFileContentType.ScenarioPointRegion: return SaveScenarioPointRegion(); } return null; } private byte[] SaveMapParentTxds() { return null; } private byte[] SaveScenarioPointManifest() { return null; } private byte[] SaveScenarioPointRegion() { if (ScenarioRegion != null) { return ScenarioRegion.Save(); } return null; } private void LogSaveWarning(string w) { if (SaveWarnings == null) SaveWarnings = new List(); SaveWarnings.Add(w); } public override string ToString() { return RpfFileEntry.ToString(); } } public enum YmtFileFormat { Unknown = 0, RSC = 1, PSO = 2, RBF = 3, } public enum YmtFileContentType { None = 0, MapParentTxds = 1, ScenarioPointManifest = 2, ScenarioPointRegion = 3, } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class YmtScenarioPointManifest { public CScenarioPointManifest _Data; public CScenarioPointManifest Data { get { return _Data; } set { _Data = value; } } public CScenarioPointRegionDef[] RegionDefs { get; set; } public CScenarioPointGroup[] Groups { get; set; } public MetaHash[] InteriorNames { get; set; } public void Load(PsoFile pso) { Data = PsoTypes.GetRootItem(pso); RegionDefs = PsoTypes.ConvertDataArray(pso, _Data.RegionDefs); Groups = PsoTypes.ConvertDataArray(pso, _Data.Groups); InteriorNames = PsoTypes.GetHashArray(pso, _Data.InteriorNames); } } }