using CodeWalker.GameFiles; using SharpDX; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CodeWalker.World { public class Entity { public Space Space; public YmapEntityDef EntityDef; public float Radius; public Vector3 Center; public Vector3 Position; public Quaternion Orientation = Quaternion.Identity; public Quaternion OrientationInv = Quaternion.Identity; public float Mass; public Matrix MomentOfInertia; public Vector3 Momentum; public Vector3 Velocity; public Vector3 AngularMomentum; public Vector3 AngularVelocity; public bool WasColliding; public bool EnableCollisions; public bool Enabled; public float Lifetime; public float Age; //public CollisionShape .. public virtual void PreUpdate(float elapsed) { } } public class PedEntity : Entity { public Vector2 ControlMovement; public bool ControlJump; public bool ControlBoost; public Vector3 ForwardVec; public Quaternion CameraOrientation = Quaternion.LookAtLH(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up, Vector3.ForwardLH); public Entity CameraEntity = new Entity(); public bool OnGround = false; public PedEntity() { Radius = 0.5f; Center = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.2f); //base collision point is 1.7m below center... for camera offset Mass = 80.0f; ForwardVec = Vector3.UnitY; CameraEntity.Orientation = CameraOrientation; CameraEntity.OrientationInv = Quaternion.Invert(Orientation); } public override void PreUpdate(float elapsed) { //float rotspd = 0.5f; float movspd = 10.0f; float velspd = 10.0f; float jmpvel = 3.0f; float boostmult = 10.0f; if (ControlBoost) movspd *= boostmult; Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Identity;// .RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitZ, -ControlMovement.X * rotspd * elapsed); Quaternion ori = Quaternion.Multiply(Orientation, rot); SetOrientation(ori); float jmpamt = (ControlJump ? jmpvel : 0); Vector3 curvel = Velocity; Vector3 controlvel = new Vector3(ControlMovement * movspd, jmpamt); Vector3 targetvel = controlvel + new Vector3(0, 0, curvel.Z); Vector3 newvel = curvel + (targetvel - curvel) * velspd * elapsed; Velocity = newvel; var coll = Space.FindFirstCollision(this, elapsed); if (coll.Hit) { Vector3 collpos = coll.PrePos; //last known ok position Vector3 disp = Velocity * elapsed; Vector3 oldpos = Position; Vector3 targetpos = Position + disp; float displ = disp.Length(); //////BoundingSphere sph = new BoundingSphere(targetpos + Center, Radius); //////r.SphereHit = SphereIntersect(sph); if ((disp.Z > -0.25f))/* && (displ < Radius * 2.0f)*/ { Vector3 raydir = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); Vector3 rayoff = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Ray ray = new Ray(targetpos + Center + rayoff, raydir); var rayhit = Space.RayIntersect(ref ray, 1.0f); if (rayhit.Hit) { if (rayhit.HitDist > 0) { Position = rayhit.Position - Center + new Vector3(0, 0, Radius); //collpos = Position;//targetpos;// } else { //the start of the ray was a collision... can't move here Position = collpos; } } else //might happen when about to go off a big drop? { Position = targetpos;// collpos; //collpos = targetpos; } } else //moving fast... { Position = collpos; //last known ok position } //Position = collpos; //last known ok position bool wasOnGround = OnGround; OnGround = (Vector3.Dot(coll.SphereHit.Normal, Vector3.UnitZ) > 0.8f); if (OnGround) { } Vector3 findisp = Position - oldpos; float findispl = findisp.Length(); float fdisp = Math.Min(displ, findispl); Vector3 dispdir = findisp / Math.Max(findispl, 0.0001f); float absvel = fdisp / Math.Max(elapsed, 0.0001f); Velocity = dispdir * absvel; //Vector3 veldir = Vector3.Normalize(Position - oldpos); //float vellen = (collpos - oldpos).Length() / Math.Max(elapsed, 0.0001f); //Velocity = veldir * vellen; //Velocity = (Position - oldpos) / Math.Max(elapsed, 0.0001f); } else { Position = coll.HitPos; //hitpos is the end pos if not hit OnGround = false; var raydir = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); var ray = new Ray(Position, raydir); var rayhit = Space.RayIntersect(ref ray, float.MaxValue); if (!rayhit.Hit && rayhit.TestComplete) { //must be under the map? try to find the ground... ray.Position = Position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f); rayhit = Space.RayIntersect(ref ray, float.MaxValue); if (rayhit.Hit) { Position = rayhit.Position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, Radius) - Center; OnGround = true; } else { }//didn't find the ground, what to do now? } } CameraEntity.Position = Position; } private void SetOrientation(Quaternion ori) { Orientation = ori; OrientationInv = Quaternion.Invert(Orientation); CameraEntity.Orientation = Quaternion.Multiply(Orientation, CameraOrientation); CameraEntity.OrientationInv = Quaternion.Invert(Orientation); } } }