using SharpDX; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CodeWalker.World { public class Camera { public Vector3 TargetRotation = Vector3.Zero; public Vector3 CurrentRotation = Vector3.Zero; public float Smoothness;// 10.0f;//0.15f; public float Sensitivity;// 0.005f; public float TargetDistance = 1.0f; public float CurrentDistance = 1.0f; public float ZoomCurrentTime = 0.0f; public float ZoomTargetTime = 2.0f; public float ZoomVelocity = 0.0f; public float ZoomSpeed = 0.1f; public float Width = 1920.0f; public float Height = 1080.0f; public float FieldOfView;// 1.0f; public float FieldOfViewFactor = 0.5f / (float)Math.Tan(/*FieldOfView*/ 1.0f * 0.5f); public float AspectRatio = 1920.0f / 1080.0f; public float ZNear = 0.5f; public float ZFar = 12000.0f; public Entity FollowEntity = null; public Vector3 LocalLookAt = Vector3.ForwardLH; public float VOffset = 0.0f; public bool UpdateProj = true; public bool IsMapView = false; public bool IsOrthographic = false; public float OrthographicSize = 20.0f; public float OrthographicTargetSize = 20.0f; public Matrix ProjMatrix = Matrix.Identity; public Vector3 Position = Vector3.Zero; public Vector3 UpDirection = Vector3.Up; public Vector3 ViewDirection = Vector3.ForwardLH; public Quaternion ViewQuaternion = Quaternion.Identity; public Quaternion ViewInvQuaternion = Quaternion.Identity; public Matrix ViewMatrix = Matrix.Identity; public Matrix ViewInvMatrix = Matrix.Identity; public Matrix ViewProjMatrix = Matrix.Identity; public Matrix ViewProjInvMatrix = Matrix.Identity; public Frustum ViewFrustum = new Frustum(); public Vector3 MouseRayNear = Vector3.Zero; public Vector3 MouseRayFar = Vector3.Zero; public Ray MouseRay; private float MouseX = 0; private float MouseY = 0; private object syncRoot = new object(); public Camera(float smoothness, float sensitivity, float fov) { Smoothness = smoothness; Sensitivity = sensitivity; FieldOfView = fov; FieldOfViewFactor = 0.5f / (float)Math.Tan(FieldOfView * 0.5f); } public void SetMousePosition(int x, int y) { MouseX = (x / Width) * 2.0f - 1.0f; MouseY = (y / Height) * -2.0f + 1.0f; } public void SetFollowEntity(Entity e) { FollowEntity = e; } public void Update(float elapsed) { lock (syncRoot) { UpdateFollow(elapsed); if (UpdateProj) UpdateProjMatrix(); //float mx = (LastMouseX / Width) * 2.0f; //float my = (LastMouseY / Height) * -2.0f; ////MousedItem = nullptr; ////MousedThing = nullptr; ////MousedItemSpace = nullptr; UpdateProjection();//, mx, my); } } private void UpdateFollow(float elapsed) { const float ythresh = 1.55f; const float nythresh = -1.55f; Vector3 up = Vector3.Up;// new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); if (TargetRotation.Y > ythresh) TargetRotation.Y = ythresh; if (TargetRotation.Y < nythresh) TargetRotation.Y = nythresh; float sv = Math.Min(Smoothness * elapsed, 1.0f); CurrentRotation = CurrentRotation + ((TargetRotation - CurrentRotation) * sv); if (TargetDistance > 11000.0f) TargetDistance = 11000.0f; //11km max zoom dist if (TargetDistance < 0.0001f) TargetDistance = 0.0001f; //0.1mm min zoom dist... ZoomCurrentTime += elapsed; if (ZoomCurrentTime > ZoomTargetTime) ZoomCurrentTime = ZoomTargetTime; float currentTime = ZoomCurrentTime / ZoomTargetTime; float deltaDist = TargetDistance - CurrentDistance; if (currentTime < 1.0f && deltaDist > 0.0f) { //TODO: when to properly reset ZoomCurrentTime? float y = currentTime*currentTime*currentTime; //powf(currentTime, 3.0f); deltaDist *= y; } CurrentDistance = CurrentDistance + deltaDist * ZoomSpeed; if (IsOrthographic || IsMapView) { if (OrthographicTargetSize > 20000.0f) OrthographicTargetSize = 20000.0f; if (OrthographicTargetSize < 1.0f) OrthographicTargetSize = 1.0f; OrthographicSize = OrthographicSize + ((OrthographicTargetSize - OrthographicSize) * sv); UpdateProj = true; } if (IsMapView) { //in map view, need a constant view matrix aligned to XY. Vector3 cpos = new Vector3(); if (FollowEntity != null) { cpos = FollowEntity.Position; } LocalLookAt = Vector3.Zero; Position = cpos; //Position.Z = 1000.0f; ViewDirection = -Vector3.UnitZ; UpDirection = Vector3.UnitY; } else { //normal view mode Vector3 rdir = new Vector3(); float cryd = (float)Math.Cos(CurrentRotation.Y); rdir.X = -(float)Math.Sin(-CurrentRotation.X) * cryd; rdir.Z = -(float)Math.Cos(-CurrentRotation.X) * cryd; rdir.Y = (float)Math.Sin(CurrentRotation.Y); Vector3 lookat = new Vector3(0.0f, VOffset, 0.0f); Vector3 cpos = new Vector3(); if (FollowEntity != null) { up = FollowEntity.Orientation.Multiply(up); lookat = FollowEntity.Orientation.Multiply(lookat); rdir = FollowEntity.Orientation.Multiply(rdir); cpos = FollowEntity.Position; } LocalLookAt = (rdir * CurrentDistance) + lookat; Position = cpos + LocalLookAt; ViewDirection = Vector3.Normalize(-rdir); UpDirection = up; } //M16FLookAt(LocalProjection.ViewMatrix, V3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), LocalProjection.ViewDirection, LocalProjection.UpDirection); ViewQuaternion = Quaternion.LookAtRH(Vector3.Zero, ViewDirection, UpDirection); ViewInvQuaternion = Quaternion.Invert(ViewQuaternion); ViewMatrix = ViewQuaternion.ToMatrix(); ViewInvMatrix = Matrix.Invert(ViewMatrix); } private void UpdateProjMatrix() { if (IsMapView) { ProjMatrix = Matrix.OrthoRH(AspectRatio * OrthographicSize, OrthographicSize, 1.0f, 3000.0f); } else if (IsOrthographic) { ProjMatrix = Matrix.OrthoRH(AspectRatio * OrthographicSize, OrthographicSize, ZNear, ZFar); } else { ProjMatrix = Matrix.PerspectiveFovRH(FieldOfView, AspectRatio, ZNear, ZFar); } //ProjMatrix._33/=ZFar; //ProjMatrix._43/=ZFar; UpdateProj = false; } private void UpdateProjection() //CameraSpaceProjection& p, float mx, float my) { float mx = MouseX; float my = MouseY; ViewProjMatrix = Matrix.Multiply(ViewMatrix, ProjMatrix); ViewProjInvMatrix = Matrix.Invert(ViewProjMatrix); MouseRayNear = ViewProjInvMatrix.MultiplyW(new Vector3(mx, my, 0.0f)); MouseRayFar = ViewProjInvMatrix.MultiplyW(new Vector3(mx, my, 1.0f)); MouseRay.Position = Vector3.Zero; MouseRay.Direction = Vector3.Normalize(MouseRayFar - MouseRayNear); if (IsMapView || IsOrthographic) { MouseRay.Position = MouseRayNear; } ViewFrustum.Update(ref ViewProjMatrix); ViewFrustum.Position = Position; } private void UpdateMousedItem() { //////MousedItem = nullptr; //////MousedThing = nullptr; //////MousedItemSpace = nullptr; ////int i = 0; //////var cp = &SpaceProjections[i++]; //////auto item = cp->MousedItem; //////auto thing = cp->MousedThing; ////auto count = cp->MouseTestedItems; //////while((item==nullptr) && (thing==nullptr) && (iMoused.HasValue) Moused.Set(cp->Moused); ////while (!Moused.HasValue && (i < SpaceProjections.size())) ////{ //// cp = &SpaceProjections[i++]; //// //item = cp->MousedItem; //// //thing = cp->MousedThing; //// if (cp->Moused.HasValue) //// { //// Moused.Set(cp->Moused); //// } //// count += cp->MouseTestedItems; ////} //////if((item!=nullptr) || (thing!=nullptr)) //////{ ////// MousedItem = item; ////// MousedThing = thing; ////// MousedItemSpace = cp->MousedItemSpace; //////} } public void OnWindowResize(int w, int h) { lock (syncRoot) { Width = (float)w; Height = (float)h; AspectRatio = Width / Height; UpdateProj = true; } } public void ControllerRotate(float x, float y) { lock (syncRoot) { TargetRotation.X += x; TargetRotation.Y += y; } } public void ControllerZoom(float z) { lock (syncRoot) { float v = (z < 0) ? (1.0f - z) : (z > 0) ? (1.0f / (1.0f + z)) : 1.0f; TargetDistance *= v; OrthographicTargetSize *= v; } } public void MouseRotate(int x, int y) { lock (syncRoot) { TargetRotation.X += x * Sensitivity; TargetRotation.Y += y * Sensitivity; } } public void MouseZoom(int z) { lock (syncRoot) { float v = (z < 0) ? 1.1f : (z > 0) ? 1.0f / 1.1f : 1.0f; TargetDistance *= v; OrthographicTargetSize *= v; } } } public class Frustum { public Plane[] Planes = new Plane[6]; public Vector3 Position; public void Update(ref Matrix vp) { //left, right, top, bottom, near, far Planes[0] = Plane.Normalize(new Plane((vp.M14 + vp.M11), (vp.M24 + vp.M21), (vp.M34 + vp.M31), (vp.M44 + vp.M41))); Planes[1] = Plane.Normalize(new Plane((vp.M14 - vp.M11), (vp.M24 - vp.M21), (vp.M34 - vp.M31), (vp.M44 - vp.M41))); Planes[2] = Plane.Normalize(new Plane((vp.M14 - vp.M12), (vp.M24 - vp.M22), (vp.M34 - vp.M32), (vp.M44 - vp.M42))); Planes[3] = Plane.Normalize(new Plane((vp.M14 + vp.M12), (vp.M24 + vp.M22), (vp.M34 + vp.M32), (vp.M44 + vp.M42))); Planes[4] = Plane.Normalize(new Plane((vp.M13), (vp.M23), (vp.M33), 0.0f));//(vp.M43)); Planes[5] = Plane.Normalize(new Plane((vp.M14 - vp.M13), (vp.M24 - vp.M23), (vp.M34 - vp.M33), (vp.M44 - vp.M43))); } //public bool ContainsSphere(ref Vector3 c, float cls, float r) //{ // //cls = c length squared, for optimization // if (cls < (r * r)) // { // return true; //frustrum center is in the sphere // } // float nr = -r; // for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) // { // if (Plane.DotCoordinate(Planes[i], c) < nr) // { // return false; // } // } // return true; //} public bool ContainsSphereNoClipNoOpt(ref Vector3 c, float r) { float nr = -r; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (Plane.DotCoordinate(Planes[i], c) < nr) { return false; } } return true; } public bool ContainsAABBNoClipNoOpt(ref Vector3 bmin, ref Vector3 bmax) { var c = (bmax + bmin) * 0.5f - Position; var e = (bmax - bmin) * 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var pd = Planes[i].D; var pn = Planes[i].Normal; var d = (c.X * pn.X) + (c.Y * pn.Y) + (c.Z * pn.Z); var r = (e.X * (pn.X > 0 ? pn.X : -pn.X)) + (e.Y * (pn.Y > 0 ? pn.Y : -pn.Y)) + (e.Z * (pn.Z > 0 ? pn.Z : -pn.Z)); if ((d + r) < -pd) return false; //if ((d - r) < -pd) ; //intersecting } return true; } } }