using SharpDX; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles { public class CacheDatFile : PackedFile { public RpfFileEntry FileEntry { get; set; } public CacheFileDate[] FileDates { get; set; } public Dictionary MapNodeDict { get; set; } public MapDataStoreNode[] RootMapNodes { get; set; } //public Dictionary InteriorProxyDict { get; set; } public Dictionary BoundsStoreDict { get; set; } public MapDataStoreNode[] AllMapNodes { get; set; } public CInteriorProxy[] AllCInteriorProxies { get; set; } public BoundsStoreItem[] AllBoundsStoreItems { get; set; } public void Load(byte[] data, RpfFileEntry entry) { FileEntry = entry; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; (i < 100) && (i < data.Length); i++) { //read version string. byte b = data[i]; if (b == 0) break; sb.Append((char)b); } string versionstr = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); int lastn = 0; int lspos = 0; uint structcount = 0; uint modlen; bool indates = false; List lines = new List(); var dates = new List(); var allMapNodes = new List(); var allCInteriorProxies = new List(); var allBoundsStoreItems = new List(); for (int i = 100; i < data.Length; i++) { byte b = data[i]; if (b == 0) break; if (b == 0xA) { lastn = i; string line = sb.ToString(); lines.Add(line); switch (line) { case "": indates = true; break; case "": indates = false; break; case "": break; case "": break; case "fwMapDataStore": ms.Position = i + 1; modlen = br.ReadUInt32(); structcount = modlen / 64; lspos = i + (int)modlen + 5; while (ms.Position(); var rootMapNodes = new List(); foreach (var mapnode in AllMapNodes) { MapNodeDict[mapnode.Name] = mapnode; if (mapnode.ParentName == 0) { rootMapNodes.Add(mapnode); } if (mapnode.UnkExtra != null) { }//notsure what to do with this } foreach (var mapnode in AllMapNodes) { MapDataStoreNode pnode; if (MapNodeDict.TryGetValue(mapnode.ParentName, out pnode)) { pnode.AddChildToList(mapnode); } else if ((mapnode.ParentName != 0)) { } } foreach (var mapnode in AllMapNodes) { mapnode.ChildrenListToArray(); } RootMapNodes = rootMapNodes.ToArray(); BoundsStoreDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (BoundsStoreItem item in AllBoundsStoreItems) { BoundsStoreItem mbsi = null; if (BoundsStoreDict.TryGetValue(item.Name, out mbsi)) { } BoundsStoreDict[item.Name] = item; } //InteriorProxyDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (CInteriorProxy prx in AllCInteriorProxies) { //CInteriorProxy mprx = null; //if (InteriorProxyDict.TryGetValue(prx.Name, out mprx)) //{ } //InteriorProxyDict[prx.Name] = prx;//can't do this! multiples with same name different pos MapDataStoreNode mnode = null; if (MapNodeDict.TryGetValue(prx.Parent, out mnode)) { mnode.AddInteriorToList(prx); } else { } } foreach (var mapnode in AllMapNodes) { mapnode.InteriorProxyListToArray(); } br.Dispose(); ms.Dispose(); } public override string ToString() { if (FileEntry != null) { return FileEntry.ToString(); } return base.ToString(); } } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class CacheFileDate { public MetaHash FileName { get; set; } public DateTime TimeStamp { get; set; } public uint FileID { get; set; } public CacheFileDate(string line) { string[] parts = line.Split(' '); if (parts.Length == 3) { FileName = new MetaHash(uint.Parse(parts[0])); TimeStamp = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(long.Parse(parts[1])); FileID = uint.Parse(parts[2]); } else { } //testing } public override string ToString() { return FileName.ToString() + ", " + TimeStamp.ToString() + ", " + FileID.ToString(); } } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class BoundsStoreItem { public MetaHash Name { get; set; } public Vector3 Min { get; set; } public Vector3 Max { get; set; } public uint Layer { get; set; } public BoundsStoreItem(Bounds b) { Name = 0; Min = b.BoundingBoxMin; Max = b.BoundingBoxMax; Layer = 0; } public BoundsStoreItem(BinaryReader br) { Name = new MetaHash(br.ReadUInt32()); Min = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); Max = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); Layer = br.ReadUInt32(); } public override string ToString() { return Name.ToString() + ", " + Min.ToString() + ", " + Max.ToString() + ", " + Layer.ToString(); } } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class CInteriorProxy { public uint Unk01 { get; set; } public uint Unk02 { get; set; } public uint Unk03 { get; set; } public MetaHash Name { get; set; } public MetaHash Parent { get; set; } public Vector3 Position { get; set; } public Quaternion Orientation { get; set; } public Vector3 BBMin { get; set; } public Vector3 BBMax { get; set; } public float Unk11 { get; set; } public uint Unk12 { get; set; } public float Unk13 { get; set; } public uint Unk14 { get; set; } public float Unk15 { get; set; } public uint Unk16 { get; set; } public uint Unk17 { get; set; } public uint Unk18 { get; set; } public CInteriorProxy(BinaryReader br) { Unk01 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk02 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk03 = br.ReadUInt32(); Name = new MetaHash(br.ReadUInt32()); Parent = new MetaHash(br.ReadUInt32()); Position = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); Orientation = new Quaternion(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); BBMin = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); BBMax = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); Unk11 = br.ReadSingle(); Unk12 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk13 = br.ReadSingle(); Unk14 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk15 = br.ReadSingle(); Unk16 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk17 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk18 = br.ReadUInt32(); } public override string ToString() { return Unk01.ToString() + ", " + Unk02.ToString() + ", " + Unk03.ToString() + ", " + Name.ToString() + ", " + Parent.ToString() + ", " + Position.ToString() + ", " + Orientation.ToString() + ", " + BBMin.ToString() + ", " + BBMax.ToString() + ", " + Unk11.ToString() + ", " + Unk12.ToString() + ", " + Unk13.ToString() + ", " + Unk14.ToString() + ", " + Unk15.ToString() + ", " + Unk16.ToString() + ", " + Unk17.ToString() + ", " + Unk18.ToString(); } } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class MapDataStoreNode { public MetaHash Name { get; set; } public MetaHash ParentName { get; set; } public uint ContentFlags { get; set; } public Vector3 streamingExtentsMin { get; set; } public Vector3 streamingExtentsMax { get; set; } public Vector3 entitiesExtentsMin { get; set; } public Vector3 entitiesExtentsMax { get; set; } public byte Unk02 { get; set; } public byte Unk03 { get; set; } public byte Unk04 { get; set; } public byte Unk05 { get; set; } public MapDataStoreNodeExtra UnkExtra { get; set; } public MapDataStoreNode[] Children { get; set; } private List ChildrenList; //used when building the array public CInteriorProxy[] InteriorProxies { get; set; } private List InteriorProxyList; public MapDataStoreNode(YmapFile ymap) { Name =; ParentName = ymap._CMapData.parent; ContentFlags = ymap._CMapData.contentFlags; streamingExtentsMin = ymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMin; streamingExtentsMax = ymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMax; entitiesExtentsMin = ymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMin; entitiesExtentsMax = ymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMax; } public MapDataStoreNode(BinaryReader br) { Name = new MetaHash(br.ReadUInt32()); ParentName = new MetaHash(br.ReadUInt32()); ContentFlags = br.ReadUInt32(); streamingExtentsMin = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); streamingExtentsMax = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); entitiesExtentsMin = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); entitiesExtentsMax = new Vector3(br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle(), br.ReadSingle()); Unk02 = br.ReadByte(); Unk03 = br.ReadByte(); Unk04 = br.ReadByte(); Unk05 = br.ReadByte(); if (Unk05 == 0xFE) { UnkExtra = new MapDataStoreNodeExtra(br); } } public void AddChildToList(MapDataStoreNode child) { if (ChildrenList == null) { ChildrenList = new List(); } ChildrenList.Add(child); } public void ChildrenListToArray() { if (ChildrenList != null) { Children = ChildrenList.ToArray(); ChildrenList = null; //plz get this GC } } public void AddInteriorToList(CInteriorProxy iprx) { if (InteriorProxyList == null) { InteriorProxyList = new List(); } InteriorProxyList.Add(iprx); } public void InteriorProxyListToArray() { if (InteriorProxyList != null) { InteriorProxies = InteriorProxyList.ToArray(); InteriorProxyList = null; //plz get this GC } } public override string ToString() { return Name.ToString() + ", " + ParentName.ToString() + ", " + ContentFlags.ToString() + ", " + streamingExtentsMin.ToString() + ", " + streamingExtentsMax.ToString() + ", " + entitiesExtentsMin.ToString() + ", " + entitiesExtentsMax.ToString();// + ", " + } } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class MapDataStoreNodeExtra { public uint Unk01; //0 public byte[] Unk02; //1 - 16 (60 bytes) public uint Unk03;//16 public uint Unk04; public uint Unk05; public uint Unk06; public uint Unk07; public uint Unk08; public uint Unk09; public uint Unk10; public string Unk02str { get { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (Unk02 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Unk02.Length; i++) { if (Unk02[i] == 0) break; sb.Append((char)Unk02[i]); } } return sb.ToString(); } } public MapDataStoreNodeExtra(BinaryReader br) { Unk01 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk02 = new byte[60]; for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { Unk02[i] = br.ReadByte(); } Unk03 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk04 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk05 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk06 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk07 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk08 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk09 = br.ReadUInt32(); Unk10 = br.ReadUInt32(); } public override string ToString() { return Unk01.ToString() + ", " + Unk02str; } } }