using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using SharpDX; namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles { [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class YnvFile : GameFile, PackedFile, BasePathData { public NavMesh Nav { get; set; } public List Vertices { get; set; } public List Indices { get; set; } public List AdjPolys { get; set; } public List Polys { get; set; } public EditorVertex[] PathVertices { get; set; } public EditorVertex[] TriangleVerts { get; set; } public Vector4[] NodePositions { get; set; } //fields used by the editor: public bool HasChanged { get; set; } = false; public List SaveWarnings = null; public int AreaID { get { return (int)(Nav?.AreaID ?? 0); } set { if (Nav != null) Nav.AreaID = (uint)value; } } public int CellX { get { return AreaID % 100; } set { AreaID = (CellY * 100) + value; } } public int CellY { get { return AreaID / 100; } set { AreaID = (value * 100) + CellX; } } public YnvFile() : base(null, GameFileType.Ynv) { } public YnvFile(RpfFileEntry entry) : base(entry, GameFileType.Ynv) { } public void Load(byte[] data) { //direct load from a raw, compressed ynv file (openIV-compatible format) RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(this, data, 2); Loaded = true; } public void Load(byte[] data, RpfFileEntry entry) { Name = entry.Name; RpfFileEntry = entry; RpfResourceFileEntry resentry = entry as RpfResourceFileEntry; if (resentry == null) { throw new Exception("File entry wasn't a resource! (is it binary data?)"); } ResourceDataReader rd = new ResourceDataReader(resentry, data); Nav = rd.ReadBlock(); if ((Nav != null) && (Nav.SectorTree != null)) { if (Nav.Vertices != null) { Vector3 posoffset = Nav.SectorTree.AABBMin.XYZ(); Vector3 aabbsize = Nav.AABBSize; var verts = Nav.Vertices.GetFullList(); Vertices = new List(verts.Count); for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++) { var ov = verts[i].ToVector3(); Vertices.Add(posoffset + ov * aabbsize); } } if (Nav.Indices != null) { Indices = Nav.Indices.GetFullList(); } if (Nav.AdjPolys != null) { AdjPolys = Nav.AdjPolys.GetFullList(); } if (Nav.Polys != null) { var polys = Nav.Polys.GetFullList(); Polys = new List(polys.Count); for (int i = 0; i < polys.Count; i++) { YnvPoly poly = new YnvPoly(); poly.Init(this, polys[i]); poly.Index = i; Polys.Add(poly); //calc poly center. if ((Indices == null) || (Vertices == null)) { continue; } var vc = Vertices.Count; var ic = poly._RawData.IndexCount; var startid = poly._RawData.IndexID; var endid = startid + ic; if (startid >= Indices.Count) { continue; } if (endid > Indices.Count) { continue; } Vector3 pcenter = Vector3.Zero; float pcount = 0.0f; for (int id = startid; id < endid; id++) { var ind = Indices[id]; if(ind>=vc) { continue; } pcenter += Vertices[ind]; pcount += 1.0f; } poly.Position = pcenter * (1.0f / pcount); } } } UpdateAllNodePositions(); UpdateTriangleVertices(); Loaded = true; LoadQueued = true; } public byte[] Save() { BuildStructs(); byte[] data = ResourceBuilder.Build(Nav, 2); //ynv is version 2... return data; } public void BuildStructs() { Vector3 posoffset = Nav.SectorTree?.AABBMin.XYZ() ?? Vector3.Zero; Vector3 aabbsize = Nav.AABBSize; Vector3 aabbsizeinv = 1.0f / aabbsize; var vertlist = new List(); if (Vertices != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++) { vertlist.Add(NavMeshVertex.Create((Vertices[i] - posoffset) * aabbsizeinv)); } } var polylist = new List(); if (Polys != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Polys.Count; i++) { polylist.Add(Polys[i].RawData); } } if (Nav.Vertices == null) { Nav.Vertices = new NavMeshList(); Nav.Vertices.VFT = 1080158456; } if (Nav.Indices == null) { Nav.Indices = new NavMeshList(); Nav.Indices.VFT = 1080158424; } if (Nav.AdjPolys == null) { Nav.AdjPolys = new NavMeshList(); Nav.AdjPolys.VFT = 1080158440; } if (Nav.Polys == null) { Nav.Polys = new NavMeshList(); Nav.Polys.VFT = 1080158408; } Nav.Vertices.RebuildList(vertlist); Nav.Indices.RebuildList(Indices); Nav.AdjPolys.RebuildList(AdjPolys); Nav.Polys.RebuildList(polylist); for (int i = 0; i < Nav.Polys.ListParts.Count; i++) //reassign part id's on all the polys... { var listpart = Nav.Polys.ListParts[i]; var partitems = listpart?.Items; if (partitems == null) continue; ushort iu = (ushort)i; for (int j = 0; j < partitems.Length; j++) { partitems[j].PartID = iu; } } } public bool RemovePoly(YnvPoly poly) { return false; } public void UpdateAllNodePositions() { if (Nav == null) return; if (Nav.Portals == null) return; int cnt = Nav.Portals?.Length ?? 0; if (cnt <= 0) { NodePositions = null; return; } Vector3 posoffset = Nav.SectorTree.AABBMin.XYZ(); Vector3 aabbsize = Nav.AABBSize; var np = new Vector4[cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var portal = Nav.Portals[i]; var pv = portal.Position1.ToVector3(); //var pv = portal.Position2.ToVector3(); np[i] = new Vector4(posoffset + pv * aabbsize, 1.0f); } NodePositions = np; int lcnt = Nav.PortalLinks?.Length ?? 0; if (lcnt <= 0) { PathVertices = null; return; } //var lv = new EditorVertex[lcnt]; //for (int i = 0; i < lcnt; i++) //{ // var pl = Nav.PortalLinks[i]; // if (pl >= np.Length) lv[i] = new EditorVertex(); // else // { // lv[i].Position = np[pl].XYZ(); // lv[i].Colour = 0xFF0000FF; // } //} //PathVertices = lv; EditorVertex v = new EditorVertex(); v.Colour = 0xFF0000FF; var lv = new List(); //int cind = 0; var plinks = Nav.PortalLinks; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var portal = Nav.Portals[i]; //var plcnt = 2; v.Position = posoffset + portal.Position1.ToVector3() * aabbsize; lv.Add(v); v.Position = posoffset + portal.Position2.ToVector3() * aabbsize; lv.Add(v); //var plcnt = portal.LinkCount; //if (plcnt < 2) continue; //var plink = (cind < plinks.Length) ? plinks[cind] : 0xFFFF; //var ppos = (plink < np.Length) ? np[plink].XYZ() : Vector3.Zero; //for (int pl = 1; pl < plcnt; pl++) //{ // var ind2 = cind + pl; // var plink2 = (ind2 < plinks.Length) ? plinks[ind2] : 0xFFFF; // var ppos2 = (plink2 < np.Length) ? np[plink2].XYZ() : Vector3.Zero; // v.Position = ppos; lv.Add(v); // v.Position = ppos2; lv.Add(v); //} //cind += plcnt; } PathVertices = lv.ToArray(); } public void UpdateTriangleVertices() { if (Nav == null) return; if (Nav.Polys == null) return; if (Nav.Vertices == null) return; //need position and colour for each vertex. //render as a triangle list... (no indices needed) //go through the nav mesh polys and generate verts to render... if ((Vertices == null) || (Vertices.Count == 0)) return; if ((Indices == null) || (Indices.Count == 0)) return; if ((Polys == null) || (Polys.Count == 0)) return; int vc = Vertices.Count; List rverts = new List(); foreach (var ypoly in Polys) { var poly = ypoly.RawData; var colour = ypoly.GetColour(); var colourval = (uint)colour.ToRgba(); var ic = poly.IndexCount; var startid = poly.IndexID; var endid = startid + ic; if (startid >= Indices.Count) { continue; } if (endid > Indices.Count) { continue; } if(ic<3) { continue; }//not enough verts to make a triangle... if (ic > 15) { } EditorVertex p0 = new EditorVertex(); EditorVertex p1 = new EditorVertex(); EditorVertex p2 = new EditorVertex(); p0.Colour = colourval; p1.Colour = colourval; p2.Colour = colourval; var startind = Indices[startid]; if (startind >= vc) { continue; } p0.Position = Vertices[startind]; //build triangles for the poly. int tricount = ic - 2; for (int t = 0; t < tricount; t++) { int tid = startid + t; int ind1 = Indices[tid + 1]; int ind2 = Indices[tid + 2]; if ((ind1 >= vc) || (ind2 >= vc)) { continue; } p1.Position = Vertices[ind1]; p2.Position = Vertices[ind2]; rverts.Add(p0); rverts.Add(p1); rverts.Add(p2); } } TriangleVerts = rverts.ToArray(); } public EditorVertex[] GetPathVertices() { return PathVertices; } public EditorVertex[] GetTriangleVertices() { return TriangleVerts; } public Vector4[] GetNodePositions() { return NodePositions; } } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class YnvPoly { public NavMeshPoly _RawData; public YnvFile Ynv { get; set; } public NavMeshPoly RawData { get { return _RawData; } set { _RawData = value; } } public ushort AreaID { get { return _RawData.AreaID; } set { _RawData.AreaID = value; } } public ushort PartID { get { return _RawData.PartID; } set { _RawData.PartID = value; } } public ushort PortalID { get { return _RawData.PortalID; } set { _RawData.PortalID = value; } } public byte PortalUnk { get { return _RawData.PortalUnk; } set { _RawData.PortalUnk = value; } } public byte Flags1 { get { return (byte)(_RawData.Unknown_00h & 0xFF); } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)((_RawData.Unknown_00h & 0xFF00) | (value & 0xFF)); } } public byte Flags2 { get { return (byte)((_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value >> 0) & 0xFF); } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = ((_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 0xFFFFFF00u) | ((value & 0xFFu) << 0)); } } public byte Flags3 { get { return (byte)((_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value >> 9) & 0xFF); } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = ((_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 0xFFFE01FFu) | ((value & 0xFFu) << 9)); } } public byte Flags4 { get { return (byte)((_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value >> 16) & 0xFF); } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = ((_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 0x0000FFFFu) | ((value & 0xFFu) << 16)); } } public bool B00_AvoidUnk { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_00h & 1) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_00h, 0, value); } } public bool B01_AvoidUnk { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_00h & 2) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_00h, 1, value); } } public bool B02_IsFootpath { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_00h & 4) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_00h, 2, value); } } public bool B03_IsUnderground { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_00h & 8) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_00h, 3, value); } } //public bool B04_Unused { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_00h & 16) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_00h, 4, value); } } //public bool B05_Unused { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_00h & 32) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_00h, 5, value); } } public bool B06_SteepSlope { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_00h & 64) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_00h, 6, value); } } public bool B07_IsWater { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_00h & 128) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_00h = (ushort)BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_00h, 7, value); } } public bool B08_UndergroundUnk0 { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 1) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 0, value); } } public bool B09_UndergroundUnk1 { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 2) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 1, value); } } public bool B10_UndergroundUnk2 { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 4) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 2, value); } } public bool B11_UndergroundUnk3 { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 8) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 3, value); } } //public bool B12_Unused { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 16) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 4, value); } } public bool B13_HasPathNode { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 32) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 5, value); } } public bool B14_IsInterior { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 64) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 6, value); } } public bool B15_InteractionUnk { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 128) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 7, value); } } //public bool B16_Unused { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 256) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 8, value); } } public bool B17_IsFlatGround { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 512) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 9, value); } } public bool B18_IsRoad { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 1024) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 10, value); } } public bool B19_IsCellEdge { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 2048) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 11, value); } } public bool B20_IsTrainTrack { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 4096) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 12, value); } } public bool B21_IsShallowWater { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 8192) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 13, value); } } public bool B22_FootpathUnk1 { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 16384) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 14, value); } } public bool B23_FootpathUnk2 { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 32768) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 15, value); } } public bool B24_FootpathMall { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value & 65536) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_24h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_24h.Value, 16, value); } } public bool B25_SlopeSouth { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 65536) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value, 16, value); } } public bool B26_SlopeSouthEast { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 131072) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value, 17, value); } } public bool B27_SlopeEast { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 262144) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value, 18, value); } } public bool B28_SlopeNorthEast { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 524288) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value, 19, value); } } public bool B29_SlopeNorth { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 1048576) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value, 20, value); } } public bool B30_SlopeNorthWest { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 2097152) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value, 21, value); } } public bool B31_SlopeWest { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 4194304) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value, 22, value); } } public bool B32_SlopeSouthWest { get { return (_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value & 8388608) > 0; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h = BitUtil.UpdateBit(_RawData.Unknown_28h.Value, 23, value); } } //public bool B33_PortalUnk1 { get { return (_RawData.PortalUnk & 1) > 0; } } //public bool B34_PortalUnk2 { get { return (_RawData.PortalUnk & 2) > 0; } } //public bool B35_PortalUnk3 { get { return (_RawData.PortalUnk & 4) > 0; } } //public bool B36_PortalUnk4 { get { return (_RawData.PortalUnk & 8) > 0; } } public byte UnkX { get { return _RawData.Unknown_28h_8a; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h_8a = value; } } public byte UnkY { get { return _RawData.Unknown_28h_8b; } set { _RawData.Unknown_28h_8b = value; } } public Vector3 Position { get; set; } public int Index { get; set; } public void Init(YnvFile ynv, NavMeshPoly poly) { Ynv = ynv; RawData = poly; } public Color4 GetColour() { var colour = new Color4(); var u0 = _RawData.Unknown_00h; if ((u0 & 1) > 0) colour.Red += 0.01f;//avoid? loiter? if ((u0 & 2) > 0) colour.Red += 0.01f; //avoid? if ((u0 & 4) > 0) colour.Green += 0.25f; //ped/footpath if ((u0 & 8) > 0) colour.Green += 0.02f; //underground? ////if ((u0 & 16) > 0) colour.Red += 1.0f; //not used? ////if ((u0 & 32) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f;//not used? if ((u0 & 64) > 0) colour.Red += 0.25f; //steep slope if ((u0 & 128) > 0) colour.Blue += 0.25f; //water //if (u0 >= 256) colour.Green += 1.0f;//other bits unused... var u2 = _RawData.Unknown_24h.Value; //colour.Green = (u2 & 15) / 15.0f; //maybe underground amount..? //if ((u2 & 1) > 0) colour.Blue += 1.0f; //peds interact with something? underground? //if ((u2 & 2) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f;//underneath something? //if ((u2 & 4) > 0) colour.Red += 0.5f;//peds interact with something..? underground? //if ((u2 & 8) > 0) colour.Red += 0.5f; //underground? //if ((u2 & 16) > 0) colour.Red += 1.0f; //not used.. //if ((u2 & 32) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f;//use path node? if ((u2 & 64) > 0) colour.Blue += 0.1f; //is interior? //if ((u2 & 128) > 0) colour.Red += 1.0f; //interacting areas? veg branches, roofs, vents, worker areas? //if ((u2 & 256) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f; //not used? if ((u2 & 512) > 0) colour.Green += 0.1f;//is flat ground? ped-navigable? if ((u2 & 1024) > 0) colour.Blue += 0.03f;//is a road //if ((u2 & 2048) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f; //poly is on a cell edge if ((u2 & 4096) > 0) colour.Green += 0.75f; //is a train track if ((u2 & 8192) > 0) colour.Blue += 0.75f;//shallow water/moving water if ((u2 & 16384) > 0) colour.Red += 0.2f; //footpaths/beach - peds walking? if ((u2 & 32768) > 0) colour.Blue += 0.2f; //footpaths - special? if ((u2 & 65536) > 0) colour.Green = 0.2f;//footpaths - mall areas? eg mall, vinewood blvd //if (u2 >= 131072) { }//other bits unused var u5 = _RawData.Unknown_28h.Value; //32 bits //colour.Red = poly.Unknown_28h_8a / 255.0f; //heuristic vals..? //colour.Green = poly.Unknown_28h_8b / 255.0f; //heuristic vals..? //if ((u5 & 65536) > 0) colour.Red += 1.0f; //slope facing -Y (south) //if ((u5 & 131072) > 0) colour.Blue += 1.0f; //slope facing +X,-Y (southeast) //if ((u5 & 262144) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f; //slope facing +X (east) //if ((u5 & 524288) > 0) colour.Red += 1.0f; //slope facing +X,+Y (northeast) //if ((u5 & 1048576) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f; //slope facing +Y (north) //if ((u5 & 2097152) > 0) colour.Blue += 1.0f; //slope facing -X,+Y (northwest) //if ((u5 & 4194304) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f; //slope facing -X (west) //if ((u5 & 8388608) > 0) colour.Red += 1.0f; //slope facing -X,-Y (southwest) //if (u5 >= 16777216) { } //other bits unused var u1 = _RawData.PortalUnk; //if ((u1 & 1) > 0) colour.Red += 1.0f; //portal - don't interact? //if ((u1 & 2) > 0) colour.Green += 1.0f; //portal - ladder/fence interaction? //if ((u1 & 4) > 0) colour.Blue += 1.0f; //portal - fence interaction / go away from? //if ((u1 & 8) > 0) colour.Red += 1.0f;//something file-specific? portal index related? colour.Alpha = 0.75f; return colour; } public override string ToString() { return AreaID.ToString() + ", " + Index.ToString(); } } }