using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TC = System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute; using EXP = System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter; using System.Xml; namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles { [TC(typeof(EXP))]public class AwcFile : PackedFile { public string Name { get; set; } public RpfFileEntry FileEntry { get; set; } public string ErrorMessage { get; set; } public uint Magic { get; set; } = 0x54414441; public ushort Version { get; set; } public ushort Flags { get; set; } = 0xFF00; public int StreamCount { get; set; } public int InfoOffset { get; set; } public bool UnkUshortsFlag { get { return ((Flags & 1) == 1); } set { Flags = (ushort)((Flags & 0xFFFE) + (value ? 1 : 0)); } } public bool SingleChannelEncryptFlag { get { return ((Flags & 2) == 2); } set { Flags = (ushort)((Flags & 0xFFFD) + (value ? 2 : 0)); } } public bool MultiChannelFlag { get { return ((Flags & 4) == 4); } set { Flags = (ushort)((Flags & 0xFFFB) + (value ? 4 : 0)); } } public bool MultiChannelEncryptFlag { get { return ((Flags & 8) == 8); } set { Flags = (ushort)((Flags & 0xFFF7) + (value ? 8 : 0)); } } public ushort[] UnkUshorts { get; set; } //offsets of some sort? public bool WholeFileEncrypted { get; set; } public AwcStreamInfo[] StreamInfos { get; set; } public AwcStream[] Streams { get; set; } static public void Decrypt_RSXXTEA(byte[] data, uint[] key) { // Rockstar's modified version of XXTEA uint[] blocks = new uint[data.Length / 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, blocks, 0, data.Length); int block_count = blocks.Length; uint a, b = blocks[0], i; i = (uint)(0x9E3779B9 * (6 + 52 / block_count)); do { for (int block_index = block_count - 1; block_index >= 0; --block_index) { a = blocks[(block_index > 0 ? block_index : block_count) - 1]; b = blocks[block_index] -= (a >> 5 ^ b << 2) + (b >> 3 ^ a << 4) ^ (i ^ b) + (key[block_index & 3 ^ (i >> 2 & 3)] ^ a ^ 0x7B3A207F); } i -= 0x9E3779B9; } while (i != 0); Buffer.BlockCopy(blocks, 0, data, 0, data.Length); } public void Load(byte[] data, RpfFileEntry entry) { Name = entry.Name; FileEntry = entry; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { var nl = Name.ToLowerInvariant(); var fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(nl); JenkIndex.Ensure(fn + "_left"); JenkIndex.Ensure(fn + "_right"); } if ((data == null) || (data.Length < 8)) { ErrorMessage = "Data null or too short!"; return; //nothing to do, not enough data... } Endianess endianess = Endianess.LittleEndian; Magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0); if (Magic != 0x54414441 && Magic != 0x41444154) { if (data.Length % 4 == 0) { Decrypt_RSXXTEA(data, GTA5Keys.PC_AWC_KEY); Magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0); WholeFileEncrypted = true; } else { ErrorMessage = "Corrupted data!"; } } switch (Magic) { default: ErrorMessage = "Unexpected Magic 0x" + Magic.ToString("X"); return; case 0x54414441: endianess = Endianess.LittleEndian; break; case 0x41444154: endianess = Endianess.BigEndian; break; } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data)) { DataReader r = new DataReader(ms, endianess); Read(r); } } public byte[] Save() { MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(); DataWriter w = new DataWriter(s); Write(w); var buf = new byte[s.Length]; s.Position = 0; s.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); return buf; } private void Read(DataReader r) { Magic = r.ReadUInt32(); Version = r.ReadUInt16(); Flags = r.ReadUInt16(); StreamCount = r.ReadInt32(); InfoOffset = r.ReadInt32(); //if ((Flags >> 8) != 0xFF) //{ }//no hit if (UnkUshortsFlag) { UnkUshorts = new ushort[StreamCount]; //offsets of some sort? for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++) { UnkUshorts[i] = r.ReadUInt16(); } } //var infoStart = 16 + (UnkUshortsFlag ? (StreamCount * 2) : 0); //if (r.Position != infoStart) //{ }//no hit var infos = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++) { var info = new AwcStreamInfo(r); infos.Add(info); } for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++) { var info = infos[i]; for (int j = 0; j < info.ChunkCount; j++) { var chunk = new AwcChunkInfo(r); info.Chunks[j] = chunk; } } StreamInfos = infos.ToArray(); //var infoOffset = infoStart + StreamCount * 4; //foreach (var info in infos) infoOffset += (int)info.ChunkCount * 8; //if (infoOffset != InfoOffset) //{ }//no hit //if (r.Position != InfoOffset) //{ }//no hit var streams = new List(); AwcStream multisource = null; for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++) { var info = StreamInfos[i]; var stream = new AwcStream(info, this); stream.Read(r); streams.Add(stream); stream.UnkUshort = (UnkUshorts != null) ? (ushort?)UnkUshorts[i] : null; if (MultiChannelFlag && (stream.DataChunk != null)) { multisource = stream; } } if (multisource != null) { multisource.AssignMultiChannelSources(streams); } Streams = streams.ToArray(); } private void Write(DataWriter w) { var infoStart = 16 + (UnkUshortsFlag ? (StreamCount * 2) : 0); var infoOffset = infoStart + StreamCount * 4; foreach (var info in StreamInfos) infoOffset += (int)info.ChunkCount * 8; InfoOffset = infoOffset; StreamCount = StreamInfos?.Length ?? 0; w.Write(Magic); w.Write(Version); w.Write(Flags); w.Write(StreamCount); w.Write(InfoOffset); if (UnkUshortsFlag) { for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++) { w.Write((i < (UnkUshorts?.Length ?? 0)) ? UnkUshorts[i] : 0); } } for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++) { var info = StreamInfos[i]; info.Write(w); } for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++) { var info = StreamInfos[i]; for (int j = 0; j < info.ChunkCount; j++) { var chunk = info.Chunks[j]; chunk.Write(w); } } for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++) { var stream = Streams[i]; stream.Write(w); } } public void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent, string wavfolder) { AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "Version", Version.ToString()); if (MultiChannelFlag) { AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "MultiChannel", true.ToString()); } if ((Streams?.Length ?? 0) > 0) { AwcXml.OpenTag(sb, indent, "Streams"); var strlist = Streams.ToList(); strlist.Sort((a, b) => a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name)); foreach (var stream in strlist) { AwcXml.OpenTag(sb, indent + 1, "Item"); stream.WriteXml(sb, indent + 2, wavfolder); AwcXml.CloseTag(sb, indent + 1, "Item"); } AwcXml.CloseTag(sb, indent, "Streams"); } } public void ReadXml(XmlNode node, string wavfolder) { Version = (ushort)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "Version"); MultiChannelFlag = Xml.GetChildBoolAttribute(node, "MultiChannel"); var unkUshorts = new List(); var hasUshorts = false; var snode = node.SelectSingleNode("Streams"); if (snode != null) { var slist = new List(); var inodes = node.SelectNodes("Item"); foreach (XmlNode inode in inodes) { var stream = new AwcStream(this); stream.ReadXml(inode, wavfolder); slist.Add(stream); hasUshorts = hasUshorts || stream.UnkUshort.HasValue; unkUshorts.Add(stream.UnkUshort ?? 0); } slist.Sort((a, b) => a.Hash.Hash.CompareTo(b.Hash.Hash)); Streams = slist.ToArray(); } if (hasUshorts) { UnkUshorts = unkUshorts.ToArray(); UnkUshortsFlag = true; } } public static void WriteXmlNode(AwcFile f, StringBuilder sb, int indent, string wavfolder, string name = "AudioWaveContainer") { if (f == null) return; AwcXml.OpenTag(sb, indent, name); f.WriteXml(sb, indent + 1, wavfolder); AwcXml.CloseTag(sb, indent, name); } public static AwcFile ReadXmlNode(XmlNode node, string wavfolder) { if (node == null) return null; var f = new AwcFile(); f.ReadXml(node, wavfolder); return f; } } public enum AwcCodecType { PCM = 0, ADPCM = 4 } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcStreamInfo { public uint RawVal { get; set; } public uint ChunkCount { get; set; } public uint Id { get; set; } public AwcChunkInfo[] Chunks { get; set; } public AwcStreamInfo() { } public AwcStreamInfo(DataReader r) { RawVal = r.ReadUInt32(); ChunkCount = (RawVal >> 29); Id = (RawVal & 0x1FFFFFFF); Chunks = new AwcChunkInfo[ChunkCount]; } public void Write(DataWriter w) { ChunkCount = (uint)(Chunks?.Length ?? 0); RawVal = (Id & 0x1FFFFFFF) + (ChunkCount << 29); w.Write(RawVal); } public override string ToString() { return Id.ToString("X") + ": " + ChunkCount.ToString() + " chunks"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcChunkInfo { public ulong RawVal { get; set; } public AwcChunkType Type { get; set; } public int Size { get; set; } public int Offset { get; set; } public AwcChunkInfo(AwcChunkType type) { Type = type; } public AwcChunkInfo(DataReader r) { RawVal = r.ReadUInt64(); Type = (AwcChunkType)(RawVal >> 56); Size = (int)((RawVal >> 28) & 0x0FFFFFFF); Offset = (int)(RawVal & 0x0FFFFFFF); } public void Write(DataWriter w) { RawVal = (((ulong)Offset) & 0x0FFFFFFF) + ((((ulong)Size) & 0x0FFFFFFF) << 28) + (((ulong)Type) << 56); w.Write(RawVal); } public override string ToString() { return Type.ToString() + ": " + Size.ToString() + ", " + Offset.ToString(); } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcStream { public AwcFile Awc { get; set; } public AwcStreamInfo StreamInfo { get; set; } public AwcChunk[] Chunks { get; set; } public AwcFormatChunk FormatChunk { get; set; } public AwcDataChunk DataChunk { get; set; } public AwcAnimationChunk AnimationChunk { get; set; } public AwcGestureChunk GestureChunk { get; set; } public AwcPeakChunk PeakChunk { get; set; } public AwcMIDIChunk MidiChunk { get; set; } public AwcMarkersChunk MarkersChunk { get; set; } public AwcGranularGrainsChunk GranularGrainsChunk { get; set; } public AwcGranularLoopsChunk GranularLoopsChunk { get; set; } public AwcStreamFormatChunk StreamFormatChunk { get; set; } public AwcSeekTableChunk SeekTableChunk { get; set; } public AwcStream StreamSource { get; set; } public AwcStreamFormat StreamFormat { get; set; } public AwcStreamDataBlock[] StreamBlocks { get; set; } public int StreamChannelIndex { get; set; } public short Channels = 1; public short BitsPerSample = 16; public int SamplesPerSecond { get { return FormatChunk?.SamplesPerSecond ?? StreamFormat?.SamplesPerSecond ?? 0; } } public int SampleCount { get { return (int)(FormatChunk?.Samples ?? StreamFormat?.Samples ?? 0); } } public ushort? UnkUshort { get; set; } // stored in root of AWC, will have value if present public MetaHash Hash { get { return StreamInfo?.Id ?? 0; } set { if (StreamInfo != null) { StreamInfo.Id = value & 0x1FFFFFFF; } } } public MetaHash HashAdjusted { get { var h = (uint)Hash; if (h == 0) return h; for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var th = h + (i << 29); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JenkIndex.TryGetString(th))) return th; if (MetaNames.TryGetString(th, out string str)) return th; } return h; } } public string Name { get { if (CachedName != null) return CachedName; var ha = HashAdjusted; var str = JenkIndex.TryGetString(ha); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) CachedName = str; else if (MetaNames.TryGetString(ha, out str)) CachedName = str; else CachedName = "0x" + Hash.Hex; return CachedName; } } private string CachedName; public string Type { get { if (MidiChunk != null) { return "MIDI"; } var fc = AwcCodecType.PCM; var hz = 0; if (FormatChunk != null) { fc = FormatChunk.Codec; hz = FormatChunk.SamplesPerSecond; } if (StreamFormat != null) { fc = StreamFormat.Codec; hz = StreamFormat.SamplesPerSecond; } string codec = fc.ToString(); switch (fc) { case AwcCodecType.PCM: case AwcCodecType.ADPCM: break; default: codec = "Unknown"; break; } return codec + ((hz > 0) ? (", " + hz.ToString() + " Hz") : ""); } } public float Length { get { if (FormatChunk != null) return (float)FormatChunk.Samples / FormatChunk.SamplesPerSecond; if (StreamFormat != null) return (float)StreamFormat.Samples / StreamFormat.SamplesPerSecond; return 0; } } public string LengthStr { get { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Length).ToString("m\\:ss"); } } public int ByteLength { get { if (MidiChunk?.Data != null) { return MidiChunk.Data.Length; } if (DataChunk?.Data != null) { return DataChunk.Data.Length; } if (StreamSource != null) { int c = 0; if (StreamSource?.StreamBlocks != null) { foreach (var blk in StreamSource.StreamBlocks) { if (StreamChannelIndex < (blk?.Channels?.Length ?? 0)) { var chan = blk.Channels[StreamChannelIndex]; c += chan?.Data?.Length ?? 0; } } } return c; } return 0; } } public AwcStream(AwcFile awc) { Awc = awc; StreamInfo = new AwcStreamInfo(); } public AwcStream(AwcStreamInfo s, AwcFile awc) { Awc = awc; StreamInfo = s; } public void AssignMultiChannelSources(List audios) { for (int i = 0; i < audios.Count; i++) { var audio = audios[i]; if (audio != this) { var id = audio.StreamInfo?.Id ?? 0; var srcind = 0; var chancnt = StreamFormatChunk?.Channels?.Length ?? 0; var found = false; for (int ind = 0; ind < chancnt; ind++) { var mchan = StreamFormatChunk.Channels[ind]; if (mchan.Id == id) { srcind = ind; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { }//no hit audio.StreamSource = this; audio.StreamFormat = (srcind < chancnt) ? StreamFormatChunk.Channels[srcind] : null; audio.StreamChannelIndex = srcind; } } } public void Read(DataReader r) { var chunklist = new List(); for (int j = 0; j < StreamInfo.Chunks?.Length; j++) { var cinfo = StreamInfo.Chunks[j]; r.Position = cinfo.Offset; var chunk = CreateChunk(cinfo); chunk?.Read(r); chunklist.Add(chunk); if (chunk is AwcDataChunk dataChunk) DataChunk = dataChunk; if (chunk is AwcFormatChunk formatChunk) FormatChunk = formatChunk; if (chunk is AwcAnimationChunk animChunk) AnimationChunk = animChunk; if (chunk is AwcMarkersChunk markersChunk) MarkersChunk = markersChunk; if (chunk is AwcGestureChunk gestureChunk) GestureChunk = gestureChunk; if (chunk is AwcPeakChunk peakChunk) PeakChunk = peakChunk; if (chunk is AwcMIDIChunk midiChunk) MidiChunk = midiChunk; if (chunk is AwcStreamFormatChunk streamformatChunk) StreamFormatChunk = streamformatChunk; if (chunk is AwcSeekTableChunk seektableChunk) SeekTableChunk = seektableChunk; if (chunk is AwcGranularGrainsChunk ggChunk) GranularGrainsChunk = ggChunk; if (chunk is AwcGranularLoopsChunk glChunk) GranularLoopsChunk = glChunk; if ((r.Position - cinfo.Offset) != cinfo.Size) { }//make sure everything was read! } Chunks = chunklist.ToArray(); //create multichannel blocks and decrypt data where necessary if (DataChunk?.Data != null) { if (Awc.MultiChannelFlag) { var ocount = (int)(SeekTableChunk?.SeekTable?.Length ?? 0); var ccount = (int)(StreamFormatChunk?.ChannelCount ?? 0); var bcount = (int)(StreamFormatChunk?.BlockCount ?? 0); var bsize = (int)(StreamFormatChunk?.BlockSize ?? 0); var blist = new List(); for (int b = 0; b < bcount; b++) { int srcoff = b * bsize; int mcsoff = (b < ocount) ? (int)SeekTableChunk.SeekTable[b] : 0; int blen = Math.Max(Math.Min(bsize, DataChunk.Data.Length - srcoff), 0); var bdat = new byte[blen]; Buffer.BlockCopy(DataChunk.Data, srcoff, bdat, 0, blen); if (Awc.MultiChannelEncryptFlag && !Awc.WholeFileEncrypted) { AwcFile.Decrypt_RSXXTEA(bdat, GTA5Keys.PC_AWC_KEY); } var blk = new AwcStreamDataBlock(bdat, StreamFormatChunk, r.Endianess, b, mcsoff); blist.Add(blk); } StreamBlocks = blist.ToArray(); } else { if (Awc.SingleChannelEncryptFlag && !Awc.WholeFileEncrypted) { AwcFile.Decrypt_RSXXTEA(DataChunk.Data, GTA5Keys.PC_AWC_KEY); } } } //if ((Data != null) && awc.WholeFileEncrypted && awc.MultiChannelFlag) //{ }//no hit } public void Write(DataWriter w) { } public void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent, string wavfolder) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Name", AwcXml.HashString(HashAdjusted)); if (StreamFormatChunk == null) { //skip the wave file output for multichannel sources AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "FileName", AwcXml.XmlEscape(Name + ".wav")); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wavfolder)) { if (!Directory.Exists(wavfolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(wavfolder); } var filepath = Path.Combine(wavfolder, (Name ?? "null") + ".wav"); var wav = GetWavFile(); File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, wav); } } catch { } } if (UnkUshort.HasValue) { AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "UnkUshort", UnkUshort.Value.ToString()); } if (StreamFormat != null) { AwcXml.OpenTag(sb, indent, "StreamFormat"); StreamFormat.WriteXml(sb, indent + 1); AwcXml.CloseTag(sb, indent, "StreamFormat"); } if ((Chunks?.Length ?? 0) > 0) { AwcXml.OpenTag(sb, indent, "Chunks"); for (int i = 0; i < Chunks.Length; i++) { AwcXml.OpenTag(sb, indent + 1, "Item"); Chunks[i].WriteXml(sb, indent + 2); AwcXml.CloseTag(sb, indent + 1, "Item"); } AwcXml.CloseTag(sb, indent, "Chunks"); } } public void ReadXml(XmlNode node, string wavfolder) { Hash = XmlMeta.GetHash(Xml.GetChildInnerText(node, "Name")); var filename = Xml.GetChildInnerText(node, "FileName"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(wavfolder)) { try { var filepath = Path.Combine(wavfolder, filename); if (File.Exists(filepath)) { var wav = File.ReadAllBytes(filepath); //TODO: deal with wave file!! } } catch { } } var unode = node.SelectSingleNode("UnkUshort"); if (unode != null) { UnkUshort = (ushort)Xml.GetUIntAttribute(unode, "value"); } var fnode = node.SelectSingleNode("StreamFormat"); if (fnode != null) { StreamFormat = new AwcStreamFormat(); StreamFormat.ReadXml(fnode); } var cnode = node.SelectSingleNode("Chunks"); if (cnode != null) { var clist = new List(); var inodes = node.SelectNodes("Item"); foreach (XmlNode inode in inodes) { var type = Xml.GetChildEnumInnerText(node, "Type"); var info = new AwcChunkInfo(type); var chunk = CreateChunk(info); chunk?.ReadXml(inode); clist.Add(chunk); } Chunks = clist.ToArray(); } } public static AwcChunk CreateChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) { switch (info.Type) { case return new AwcDataChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.format: return new AwcFormatChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.animation: return new AwcAnimationChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.peak: return new AwcPeakChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.mid: return new AwcMIDIChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.gesture: return new AwcGestureChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.granulargrains: return new AwcGranularGrainsChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.granularloops: return new AwcGranularLoopsChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.markers: return new AwcMarkersChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.streamformat: return new AwcStreamFormatChunk(info); case AwcChunkType.seektable: return new AwcSeekTableChunk(info); } return null; } public override string ToString() { var hash = "0x" + (StreamInfo?.Id.ToString("X") ?? "0").PadLeft(8, '0') + ": "; if (FormatChunk != null) { return hash + FormatChunk?.ToString() ?? "AwcAudio"; } if (StreamFormat != null) { return hash + StreamFormat?.ToString() ?? "AwcAudio"; } if (MidiChunk != null) { return hash + MidiChunk.ToString(); } return hash + "Unknown"; } public byte[] GetWavData() { if (StreamFormat != null) { if (DataChunk?.Data == null) { var ms = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); if (StreamSource?.StreamBlocks != null) { foreach (var blk in StreamSource.StreamBlocks) { if (StreamChannelIndex < (blk?.Channels?.Length ?? 0)) { var chan = blk.Channels[StreamChannelIndex]; var cdata = chan.Data; bw.Write(cdata); } } } bw.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; DataChunk = new AwcDataChunk(null); DataChunk.Data = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Read(DataChunk.Data, 0, (int)ms.Length); } } return DataChunk.Data; } public byte[] GetWavFile() { var ms = GetWavStream(); var data = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Read(data, 0, (int)ms.Length); return data; } public Stream GetWavStream() { byte[] dataPCM = GetWavData(); var bitsPerSample = BitsPerSample; var channels = Channels; var codec = StreamFormat?.Codec ?? FormatChunk?.Codec ?? AwcCodecType.PCM; if (codec == AwcCodecType.ADPCM)//just convert ADPCM to PCM for compatibility reasons { dataPCM = ADPCMCodec.DecodeADPCM(dataPCM, SampleCount); bitsPerSample = 16; } short formatcodec = 1; // 1 = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM int byteRate = SamplesPerSecond * channels * bitsPerSample / 8; short blockAlign = (short)(channels * bitsPerSample / 8); short samplesPerBlock = 0; bool addextrafmt = false; //if (codec == AwcCodecFormat.ADPCM)//can't seem to get ADPCM wav files to work :( //{ // bitsPerSample = 4; // formatcodec = 17; // byteRate = (int)(SamplesPerSecond * 0.50685 * channels); // blockAlign = 2048;// (short)(256 * (4 * channels));// (short)(36 * channels);//256;// 2048;// // samplesPerBlock = 4088;// (short)(((blockAlign - (4 * channels)) * 8) / (bitsPerSample * channels) + 1); // 2044;// // addextrafmt = true; //} MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(stream); int wavLength = 36 + dataPCM.Length; if (addextrafmt) { wavLength += 4; } // RIFF chunk w.Write("RIFF".ToCharArray()); w.Write((int)wavLength); w.Write("WAVE".ToCharArray()); // fmt sub-chunk w.Write("fmt ".ToCharArray()); w.Write((int)(addextrafmt ? 20 : 16)); // fmt size w.Write((short)formatcodec); w.Write((short)channels); w.Write((int)SamplesPerSecond); w.Write((int)byteRate); w.Write((short)blockAlign); w.Write((short)bitsPerSample); if (addextrafmt) { w.Write((ushort)0x0002); w.Write((ushort)samplesPerBlock); } // data sub-chunk w.Write("data".ToCharArray()); w.Write((int)dataPCM.Length); w.Write(dataPCM); w.Flush(); stream.Position = 0; return stream; } } public enum AwcChunkType : byte { //should be the last byte of the hash of the name. data = 0x55, // 0x5EB5E655 format = 0xFA, // 0x6061D4FA animation = 0x5C, // 0x938C925C not correct peak = 0x36, // 0x8B946236 mid = 0x68, // 0x71DE4C68 gesture = 0x2B, // 0x23097A2B granulargrains = 0x5A, // 0xE787895A granularloops = 0xD9, // 0x252C20D9 markers = 0xBD, // 0xD4CB98BD streamformat = 0x48, // 0x81F95048 seektable = 0xA3, // 0x021E86A3 } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public abstract class AwcChunk : IMetaXmlItem { public AwcChunkInfo ChunkInfo { get; set; } public AwcChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) { ChunkInfo = info; } public abstract void Read(DataReader r); public abstract void Write(DataWriter w); public abstract void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent); public abstract void ReadXml(XmlNode node); } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcDataChunk : AwcChunk { public byte[] Data { get; set; } public AwcDataChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { Data = r.ReadBytes(ChunkInfo.Size); } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { w.Write(Data); } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); //this is just a placeholder. in XML, channel data is written as WAV files } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { } public override string ToString() { return "data: " + (Data?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " bytes"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcFormatChunk : AwcChunk { public uint Samples { get; set; } public int LoopPoint { get; set; } public ushort SamplesPerSecond { get; set; } public short Headroom { get; set; } public ushort LoopBegin { get; set; } public ushort LoopEnd { get; set; } public ushort PlayEnd { get; set; } public byte PlayBegin { get; set; } public AwcCodecType Codec { get; set; } public uint? UnkExtra { get; set; } public AwcFormatChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { Samples = r.ReadUInt32(); LoopPoint = r.ReadInt32(); SamplesPerSecond = r.ReadUInt16(); Headroom = r.ReadInt16(); LoopBegin = r.ReadUInt16(); LoopEnd = r.ReadUInt16(); PlayEnd = r.ReadUInt16(); PlayBegin = r.ReadByte(); Codec = (AwcCodecType)r.ReadByte(); switch (ChunkInfo.Size) //Apparently sometimes this struct is longer? { case 20: break; case 24: UnkExtra = r.ReadUInt32(); break; default: break;//no hit } } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { w.Write(Samples); w.Write(LoopPoint); w.Write(SamplesPerSecond); w.Write(Headroom); w.Write(LoopBegin); w.Write(LoopEnd); w.Write(PlayEnd); w.Write(PlayBegin); w.Write((byte)Codec); if (UnkExtra.HasValue) { w.Write(UnkExtra.Value); } } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Codec", Codec.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "Samples", Samples.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "SampleRate", SamplesPerSecond.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "Headroom", Headroom.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "PlayBegin", PlayBegin.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "PlayEnd", PlayEnd.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "LoopBegin", LoopBegin.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "LoopEnd", LoopEnd.ToString()); if (UnkExtra.HasValue) { AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "UnkExtra", UnkExtra.Value.ToString()); } } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { Codec = Xml.GetChildEnumInnerText(node, "Codec"); Samples = Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "Samples"); SamplesPerSecond = (ushort)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "SampleRate"); Headroom = (short)Xml.GetChildIntAttribute(node, "Headroom"); PlayBegin = (byte)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "PlayBegin"); PlayEnd = (ushort)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "PlayEnd"); LoopBegin = (ushort)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "LoopBegin"); LoopEnd = (ushort)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "LoopEnd"); var unode = node.SelectSingleNode("UnkExtra"); if (unode != null) { UnkExtra = Xml.GetUIntAttribute(unode, "value"); } } public override string ToString() { return "format: " + Codec.ToString() + ": " + Samples.ToString() + " samples, " + SamplesPerSecond.ToString() + " samples/sec, headroom: " + Headroom.ToString(); } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcStreamFormatChunk : AwcChunk { public uint BlockCount { get; set; } public uint BlockSize { get; set; } public uint ChannelCount { get; set; } public AwcStreamFormat[] Channels { get; set; } public AwcStreamFormatChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { BlockCount = r.ReadUInt32(); BlockSize = r.ReadUInt32(); ChannelCount = r.ReadUInt32(); var channels = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < ChannelCount; i++) { var itemInfo = new AwcStreamFormat(); itemInfo.Read(r); channels.Add(itemInfo); } Channels = channels.ToArray(); } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { w.Write(BlockCount); w.Write(BlockSize); w.Write(ChannelCount); for (int i = 0; i < ChannelCount; i++) { Channels[i].Write(w); } } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); //this is just a placeholder. in XML, channel format is written with each channel stream } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { } public override string ToString() { return "streamformat: " + ChannelCount.ToString() + " channels, " + BlockCount.ToString() + " blocks, " + BlockSize.ToString() + " bytes per block"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcStreamFormat { public uint Id { get; set; } public uint Samples { get; set; } public short Headroom { get; set; } public ushort SamplesPerSecond { get; set; } public AwcCodecType Codec { get; set; } = AwcCodecType.ADPCM; public byte Unused1 { get; set; } public ushort Unused2 { get; set; } public void Read(DataReader r) { Id = r.ReadUInt32(); Samples = r.ReadUInt32(); Headroom = r.ReadInt16(); SamplesPerSecond = r.ReadUInt16(); Codec = (AwcCodecType)r.ReadByte(); Unused1 = r.ReadByte(); Unused2 = r.ReadUInt16(); #region test //switch (Codec) //{ // case AwcCodecFormat.ADPCM: // break; // default: // break;//no hit //} //switch (Unused1) //{ // case 0: // break; // default: // break;//no hit //} //switch (Unused2) //{ // case 0: // break; // default: // break;//no hit //} #endregion } public void Write(DataWriter w) { w.Write(Id); w.Write(Samples); w.Write(Headroom); w.Write(SamplesPerSecond); w.Write((byte)Codec); w.Write(Unused1); w.Write(Unused2); } public void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Codec", Codec.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "Samples", Samples.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "SampleRate", SamplesPerSecond.ToString()); AwcXml.ValueTag(sb, indent, "Headroom", Headroom.ToString()); } public void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { Codec = Xml.GetChildEnumInnerText(node, "Codec"); Samples = Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "Samples"); SamplesPerSecond = (ushort)Xml.GetChildUIntAttribute(node, "SampleRate"); Headroom = (short)Xml.GetChildIntAttribute(node, "Headroom"); } public override string ToString() { return Id.ToString() + ", " + Codec.ToString() + ": " + Samples.ToString() + " samples, " + SamplesPerSecond.ToString() + " samples/sec, headroom: " + Headroom.ToString(); } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcAnimationChunk : AwcChunk { public byte[] Data { get; set; } public ClipDictionary ClipDict { get; set; } public AwcAnimationChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { Data = r.ReadBytes(ChunkInfo.Size); if ((Data == null) || (Data.Length < 16)) return; var data = Data; RpfResourceFileEntry resentry = new RpfResourceFileEntry(); uint rsc7 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0); int version = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 4); resentry.SystemFlags = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 8); resentry.GraphicsFlags = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 12); if (rsc7 != 0x37435352) { } //testing.. if (version != 46) //46 is Clip Dictionary... { } int newlen = data.Length - 16; //trim the header from the data passed to the next step. int arrlen = Math.Max(newlen, resentry.SystemSize + resentry.GraphicsSize);//expand it as necessary for the reader. byte[] newdata = new byte[arrlen]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 16, newdata, 0, newlen); data = newdata; ResourceDataReader rd = new ResourceDataReader(resentry, data); ClipDict = rd.ReadBlock(); } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); if (ClipDict != null) { AwcXml.OpenTag(sb, indent, "ClipDictionary"); ClipDict.WriteXml(sb, indent + 1); AwcXml.CloseTag(sb, indent, "ClipDictionary"); } } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { var dnode = node.SelectSingleNode("ClipDictionary"); if (dnode != null) { ClipDict = new ClipDictionary(); ClipDict.ReadXml(dnode); } } public override string ToString() { return "animation: " + (ClipDict?.ClipsMapEntries ?? 0).ToString() + " entries"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcPeakChunk : AwcChunk { public ushort[] Data { get; set; } public AwcPeakChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { //if ((ChunkInfo.Size % 2) != 0) //{ }//no hit var count = ChunkInfo.Size / 2; Data = new ushort[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Data[i] = r.ReadUInt16(); } } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); AwcXml.WriteRawArray(sb, Data, indent, "Data", ""); } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { Data = Xml.GetChildRawUshortArray(node, "Data"); } public override string ToString() { if (Data == null) return ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++) { if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(' '); sb.Append(Data[i].ToString()); } return "peak: " + sb.ToString(); } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcGestureChunk : AwcChunk { public Gesture[] Gestures { get; set; } public class Gesture : IMetaXmlItem { public MetaHash Name { get; set; } public uint UnkUint1 { get; set; } public float UnkFloat1 { get; set; } public float UnkFloat2 { get; set; } public float UnkFloat3 { get; set; } public float UnkFloat4 { get; set; } public float UnkFloat5 { get; set; } public float UnkFloat6 { get; set; } public uint UnkUint2 { get; set; } public void Read(DataReader r) { Name = r.ReadUInt32(); UnkUint1 = r.ReadUInt32(); UnkFloat1 = r.ReadSingle(); UnkFloat2 = r.ReadSingle(); UnkFloat3 = r.ReadSingle(); UnkFloat4 = r.ReadSingle(); UnkFloat5 = r.ReadSingle(); UnkFloat6 = r.ReadSingle(); UnkUint2 = r.ReadUInt32(); //switch (Name) //{ // case 0xceda50be: // // case 0x452c06fc: // // case 0xba377ce2: // // case 0xbe4c6d06: // // case 0x9db051b4: // // case 0x8a726e9f: // // case 0x1f60ea95: // // case 0x14e63a65: // // case 0x32b4abf4: // // case 0xe2b1dd62: // // case 0x482d3572: // // case 0x32f8d7a7: // // case 0x9144296b: // // case 0x3c73a8a4: // // case 0x057c10c5: // // case 0x981a4da0: // // case 0x519d5f74: // // case 0x0de43bc8: // // case 0x89c16359: // // case 0xd8884a6b: // // case 0xfec7eb20: // // case 0x06f0f709: // // case 0x788a8abd: // // break; // default: // break;//and more... //} //switch (UnkUint2) //{ // case 1: // case 0: // break; // default: // break;//no hit //} } public void Write(DataWriter w) { w.Write(Name); w.Write(UnkUint1); w.Write(UnkFloat1); w.Write(UnkFloat2); w.Write(UnkFloat3); w.Write(UnkFloat4); w.Write(UnkFloat5); w.Write(UnkFloat6); w.Write(UnkUint2); } public void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { } public void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { } public override string ToString() { return Name.ToString() + ": " + UnkUint1.ToString() + ", " + UnkFloat1.ToString() + ", " + UnkFloat2.ToString() + ", " + UnkFloat3.ToString() + ", " + UnkFloat4.ToString() + ", " + UnkFloat5.ToString() + ", " + UnkFloat6.ToString() + ", " + UnkUint2.ToString(); } } public AwcGestureChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { // (hash, uint, 6x floats, uint) * n //if ((ChunkInfo.Size % 36) != 0) //{ }//no hit var count = ChunkInfo.Size / 36; Gestures = new Gesture[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var g = new Gesture(); g.Read(r); Gestures[i] = g; } } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { for (int i = 0; i < (Gestures?.Length ?? 0); i++) { Gestures[i].Write(w); } } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); AwcXml.WriteItemArray(sb, Gestures, indent, "Gestures"); } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { Gestures = XmlMeta.ReadItemArray(node, "Gestures"); } public override string ToString() { return "gesture: " + (Gestures?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " items"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcGranularGrainsChunk : AwcChunk { public GranularGrain[] GranularGrains { get; set; } public float UnkFloat1 { get; set; } public class GranularGrain { public uint UnkUint1 { get; set; } public float UnkFloat1 { get; set; } public ushort UnkUshort1 { get; set; } public ushort UnkUshort2 { get; set; } public GranularGrain(DataReader r) { UnkUint1 = r.ReadUInt32(); UnkFloat1 = r.ReadSingle(); UnkUshort1 = r.ReadUInt16(); UnkUshort2 = r.ReadUInt16(); } public override string ToString() { return UnkUint1.ToString() + ", " + UnkFloat1.ToString() + ", " + UnkUshort1.ToString() + ", " + UnkUshort2.ToString(); } } public AwcGranularGrainsChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { //int, (2x floats, int) * n ? //if ((ChunkInfo.Size % 12) != 4) //{ }//no hit var count = (ChunkInfo.Size - 4) / 12; GranularGrains = new GranularGrain[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { GranularGrains[i] = new GranularGrain(r); } UnkFloat1 = r.ReadSingle(); //if (UnkFloat1 > 1.0f) //{ }//no hit //if (UnkFloat1 < 0.45833f) //{ }//no hit } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { } public override string ToString() { return "granulargrains: " + (GranularGrains?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " items"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcGranularLoopsChunk : AwcChunk { public uint GranularLoopsCount { get; set; } public GranularLoop[] GranularLoops { get; set; } public class GranularLoop { public uint UnkUint1 { get; set; } = 2; public uint GrainCount { get; set; } public MetaHash Hash { get; set; } = 0x4c633d07; public uint[] Grains { get; set; } public GranularLoop(DataReader r) { UnkUint1 = r.ReadUInt32(); GrainCount = r.ReadUInt32(); Hash = r.ReadUInt32(); Grains = new uint[GrainCount]; for (int i = 0; i < GrainCount; i++) { Grains[i] = r.ReadUInt32(); } switch (UnkUint1) { case 2: break; default: break; } switch (Hash) { case 0x4c633d07: break; default: break; } } public override string ToString() { return Hash.ToString() + ": " + UnkUint1.ToString() + ": " + GrainCount.ToString() + " items"; } } public AwcGranularLoopsChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { //uint count // [count*items]: uint(type?), uint(count2), hash, [count2*uint] GranularLoopsCount = r.ReadUInt32(); GranularLoops = new GranularLoop[GranularLoopsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < GranularLoopsCount; i++) { GranularLoops[i] = new GranularLoop(r); } } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { } public override string ToString() { return "granularloops: " + (GranularLoops?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " items"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcMarkersChunk : AwcChunk { public Marker[] Markers { get; set; } public class Marker { public MetaHash Name { get; set; } public MetaHash Value { get; set; }//usually a float, but in some cases a hash, or other value public uint SampleOffset { get; set; } public uint Unused { get; set; } public Marker(DataReader r) { Name = r.ReadUInt32(); Value = r.ReadUInt32(); SampleOffset = r.ReadUInt32(); Unused = r.ReadUInt32(); //switch (Name) //{ // case 0: // case 0xa6d93246: // trackid // case 0xe89ae78c: // beat // case 0xf31b4f6a: // rockout // case 0x08dba0f8: // dj // case 0x7a495db3: // tempo // case 0x14d857be: // g_s // break; // case 0xcd171e55: // // case 0x806b80c9: // 1 // case 0x91aa2346: // 2 // case 0x11976678: // r_p // case 0x91be54cb: // // case 0xab2238c0: // // case 0xdb599288: // // case 0x2ce40eb5: // // case 0xa35e1092: // 01 // case 0x1332b405: // tank_jump // case 0x2b20b891: // // case 0x8aa726e7: // tank_jump_land // case 0xe0bfba99: // tank_turret_move // case 0x1d91339e: // // case 0xa5344b07: // // case 0x7a7cba39: // tank_weapon_main_cannon_hit // case 0xd66a90c3: // // case 0x1fd18857: // 14 // case 0x65a52c67: // // case 0xd8846402: // uihit // case 0x8958bce4: // m_p // if (Value != 0) // { }//no hit // break; // default: // break;//no hit //} //if (Unused != 0) //{ }//no hit } public override string ToString() { var valstr = Value.Float.ToString(); switch (Name) { case 0xf31b4f6a: // rockout case 0x08dba0f8: // dj case 0x14d857be: // g_s valstr = Value.ToString(); break; } return Name.ToString() + ": " + valstr + ", " + SampleOffset.ToString() + ", " + Unused.ToString(); } } public AwcMarkersChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { //if ((ChunkInfo.Size % 16) != 0) //{ }//no hit var count = ChunkInfo.Size / 16; Markers = new Marker[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Markers[i] = new Marker(r); } } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { } public override string ToString() { return "markers: " + (Markers?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " markers"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcMIDIChunk : AwcChunk { public byte[] Data { get; set; } public AwcMIDIChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { Data = r.ReadBytes(ChunkInfo.Size); } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { } public override string ToString() { return "mid: " + (Data?.Length??0).ToString() + " bytes"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcSeekTableChunk : AwcChunk { public uint[] SeekTable { get; set; } public AwcSeekTableChunk(AwcChunkInfo info) : base(info) { } public override void Read(DataReader r) { //if ((ChunkInfo.Size % 4) != 0) //{ }//no hit var count = ChunkInfo.Size / 4; SeekTable = new uint[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SeekTable[i] = r.ReadUInt32(); } } public override void Write(DataWriter w) { } public override void WriteXml(StringBuilder sb, int indent) { AwcXml.StringTag(sb, indent, "Type", ChunkInfo?.Type.ToString()); } public override void ReadXml(XmlNode node) { } public override string ToString() { return "seektable: " + (SeekTable?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " items"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcStreamDataBlock { public byte[] Data { get; set; } public int Index { get; set; } public int SampleOffset { get; set; } public AwcStreamDataChannel[] Channels { get; set; } public AwcStreamDataBlock(byte[] data, AwcStreamFormatChunk channelInfo, Endianess endianess, int index, int sampleOffset) { Data = data; Index = index; SampleOffset = sampleOffset; using (var ms = new MemoryStream(data)) { var r = new DataReader(ms, endianess); var channelcount = channelInfo?.ChannelCount ?? 0; var ilist = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < channelcount; i++) { var channel = new AwcStreamDataChannel(r); ilist.Add(channel); } Channels = ilist.ToArray(); foreach (var channel in Channels) { channel.ReadOffsets(r); } var padc = (0x800 - (r.Position % 0x800)) % 0x800; var padb = r.ReadBytes((int)padc); foreach (var channel in Channels) { var bcnt = channel.OffsetCount * 2048; channel.Data = r.ReadBytes(bcnt); } if (r.Position != r.Length) { }//still more, just padding? } } public override string ToString() { return (Data?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " bytes"; } } [TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcStreamDataChannel { public int Unk0 { get; set; } public int OffsetCount { get; set; } public int Unk2 { get; set; } public int SampleCount { get; set; } public int Unk4 { get; set; } public int Unk5 { get; set; } public int[] SampleOffsets { get; set; } public byte[] Data { get; set; } public AwcStreamDataChannel(DataReader r) { Unk0 = r.ReadInt32(); OffsetCount = r.ReadInt32(); Unk2 = r.ReadInt32(); SampleCount = r.ReadInt32(); Unk4 = r.ReadInt32(); Unk5 = r.ReadInt32(); } public void ReadOffsets(DataReader r) { var olist = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < OffsetCount; i++) { var v = r.ReadInt32(); olist.Add(v); } SampleOffsets = olist.ToArray(); } public override string ToString() { return Unk0.ToString() + ", " + OffsetCount.ToString() + ", " + Unk2.ToString() + ", " + SampleCount.ToString() + ", " + Unk4.ToString() + ", " + Unk5.ToString(); } } public class ADPCMCodec { private static int[] ima_index_table = { -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8 }; private static short[] ima_step_table = { 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 41, 45, 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118, 130, 143, 157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307, 337, 371, 408, 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, 724, 796, 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, 1552, 1707, 1878, 2066, 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, 3327, 3660, 4026, 4428, 4871, 5358, 5894, 6484, 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442, 11487, 12635, 13899, 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086, 29794, 32767 }; private static int clip(int value, int min, int max) { if (value < min) return min; if (value > max) return max; return value; } public static byte[] DecodeADPCM(byte[] data, int sampleCount) { byte[] dataPCM = new byte[data.Length * 4]; int predictor = 0, stepIndex = 0; int readingOffset = 0, writingOffset = 0, bytesInBlock = 0; void parseNibble(byte nibble) { var step = ima_step_table[stepIndex]; int diff = ((((nibble & 7) << 1) + 1) * step) >> 3; if ((nibble & 8) != 0) diff = -diff; predictor = predictor + diff; stepIndex = clip(stepIndex + ima_index_table[nibble], 0, 88); int samplePCM = clip(predictor, -32768, 32767); dataPCM[writingOffset] = (byte)(samplePCM & 0xFF); dataPCM[writingOffset + 1] = (byte)((samplePCM >> 8) & 0xFF); writingOffset += 2; } while ((readingOffset < data.Length) && (sampleCount > 0)) { if (bytesInBlock == 0) { stepIndex = clip(data[readingOffset], 0, 88); predictor = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, readingOffset + 2); bytesInBlock = 2044; readingOffset += 4; } else { parseNibble((byte)(data[readingOffset] & 0x0F)); parseNibble((byte)((data[readingOffset] >> 4) & 0x0F)); bytesInBlock--; sampleCount -= 2; readingOffset++; } } return dataPCM; } public static byte[] EncodeADPCM(byte[] data, int sampleCount) { byte[] dataPCM = new byte[data.Length / 4]; int predictor = 0, stepIndex = 0; int readingOffset = 0, writingOffset = 0, bytesInBlock = 0; short readSample() { var s = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, readingOffset); readingOffset += 2; return s; } void writeInt16(short v) { var ba = BitConverter.GetBytes(v); dataPCM[writingOffset++] = ba[0]; dataPCM[writingOffset++] = ba[1]; } byte encodeNibble(int pcm16) { int delta = pcm16 - predictor; uint value = 0; if (delta < 0) { value = 8; delta = -delta; } var step = ima_step_table[stepIndex]; var diff = step >> 3; if (delta > step) { value |= 4; delta -= step; diff += step; } step >>= 1; if (delta > step) { value |= 2; delta -= step; diff += step; } step >>= 1; if (delta > step) { value |= 1; diff += step; } predictor += (((value & 8) != 0) ? -diff : diff); predictor = clip(predictor, short.MinValue, short.MaxValue); stepIndex += ima_index_table[value & 7]; stepIndex = clip(stepIndex, 0, 88); return (byte)value; } while ((writingOffset < dataPCM.Length) && (sampleCount > 0)) { if (bytesInBlock == 0) { writeInt16((short)stepIndex); writeInt16((short)predictor); bytesInBlock = 2044; } else { var s0 = readSample(); var s1 = readSample(); var b0 = encodeNibble(s0); var b1 = encodeNibble(s1); var b = (b0 & 0x0F) + ((b1 & 0x0F) << 4); dataPCM[writingOffset++] = (byte)b; bytesInBlock--; sampleCount -= 2; } } return dataPCM; } } public class AwcXml : MetaXmlBase { public static string GetXml(AwcFile awc, string outputFolder = "") { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(XmlHeader); if (awc != null) { AwcFile.WriteXmlNode(awc, sb, 0, outputFolder); } return sb.ToString(); } } public class XmlAwc { public static AwcFile AwcYft(string xml, string inputFolder = "") { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xml); return GetAwc(doc, inputFolder); } public static AwcFile GetAwc(XmlDocument doc, string inputFolder = "") { AwcFile r = null; var node = doc.DocumentElement; if (node != null) { r = AwcFile.ReadXmlNode(node, inputFolder); } r.Name = Path.GetFileName(inputFolder); return r; } } }