using CodeWalker.GameFiles; using SharpDX; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels { public partial class GenerateLODLightsPanel : ProjectPanel { public ProjectForm ProjectForm { get; set; } public ProjectFile CurrentProjectFile { get; set; } public GenerateLODLightsPanel(ProjectForm projectForm) { ProjectForm = projectForm; InitializeComponent(); if (ProjectForm?.WorldForm == null) { //could happen in some other startup mode - world form is required for this.. GenerateButton.Enabled = false; UpdateStatus("Unable to generate - World View not available!"); } } public void SetProject(ProjectFile project) { CurrentProjectFile = project; } private void GenerateComplete() { try { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => { GenerateComplete(); })); } else { GenerateButton.Enabled = true; } } catch { } } private void UpdateStatus(string text) { try { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => { UpdateStatus(text); })); } else { StatusLabel.Text = text; } } catch { } } private void GenerateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //var space = ProjectForm?.WorldForm?.Space; //if (space == null) return; var gameFileCache = ProjectForm?.WorldForm?.GameFileCache; if (gameFileCache == null) return; var path = ProjectForm.CurrentProjectFile.GetFullFilePath("navmeshes") + "\\"; GenerateButton.Enabled = false; List projectYmaps = ProjectForm.CurrentProjectFile.YmapFiles; var pname = NameTextBox.Text; Task.Run(() => { var position = new List(); var colour = new List(); var direction = new List(); var falloff = new List(); var falloffExponent = new List(); var timeAndStateFlags = new List(); var hash = new List(); var coneInnerAngle = new List(); var coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = new List(); var coronaIntensity = new List(); var eemin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue); var eemax = new Vector3(float.MinValue); var semin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue); var semax = new Vector3(float.MinValue); foreach (var ymap in projectYmaps) { foreach (var ent in ymap.AllEntities) { if (ent.Archetype == null) continue; bool waiting = false; var dwbl = gameFileCache.TryGetDrawable(ent.Archetype, out waiting); while (waiting) { dwbl = gameFileCache.TryGetDrawable(ent.Archetype, out waiting); UpdateStatus("Waiting for " + ent.Archetype.AssetName + " to load..."); Thread.Sleep(20); } UpdateStatus("Adding lights from " + ent.Archetype.Name + "..."); if (dwbl != null) { Drawable ddwbl = dwbl as Drawable; FragDrawable fdwbl = dwbl as FragDrawable; LightAttributes_s[] lightAttrs = null; if (ddwbl != null) { lightAttrs = ddwbl.LightAttributes; } else if (fdwbl != null) { lightAttrs = fdwbl.OwnerFragment?.LightAttributes; } if (lightAttrs != null) { eemin = Vector3.Min(eemin, ent.BBMin); eemax = Vector3.Max(eemax, ent.BBMax); semin = Vector3.Min(semin, ent.BBMin - ent._CEntityDef.lodDist); semax = Vector3.Max(semax, ent.BBMax + ent._CEntityDef.lodDist); foreach (var la in lightAttrs) { //transform this light with the entity position and orientation //generate lights data from it! //gotta transform the light position by the given bone! annoying Bone bone = null; Matrix xform = Matrix.Identity; int boneidx = 0; var skeleton = dwbl.Skeleton; if (skeleton?.Bones?.Data != null) { for (int j = 0; j < skeleton.Bones.Data.Count; j++) { var tbone = skeleton.Bones.Data[j]; if (tbone.Id == la.BoneId) { boneidx = j; bone = tbone; break; } } if (bone != null) { var modeltransforms = skeleton.Transformations; var fragtransforms = fdwbl?.OwnerFragmentPhys?.OwnerFragPhysLod?.FragTransforms?.Data; var fragtransformid = fdwbl?.OwnerFragmentPhys?.OwnerFragPhysIndex ?? 0; var fragoffset = fdwbl?.OwnerFragmentPhys?.OwnerFragPhysLod.Unknown_30h ?? Vector4.Zero; fragoffset.W = 0.0f; if ((fragtransforms != null))// && (fragtransformid < fragtransforms.Length)) { if (fragtransformid < fragtransforms.Length) { xform = fragtransforms[fragtransformid]; xform.Row4 += fragoffset; } } else { //when using the skeleton's matrices, they need to be transformed by parent xform = modeltransforms[boneidx]; xform.Column4 = Vector4.UnitW; //xform = Matrix.Identity; ushort[] pinds = skeleton.ParentIndices; ushort parentind = ((pinds != null) && (boneidx < pinds.Length)) ? pinds[boneidx] : (ushort)65535; while (parentind < pinds.Length) { Matrix ptrans = (parentind < modeltransforms.Length) ? modeltransforms[parentind] : Matrix.Identity; ptrans.Column4 = Vector4.UnitW; xform = Matrix.Multiply(ptrans, xform); parentind = ((pinds != null) && (parentind < pinds.Length)) ? pinds[parentind] : (ushort)65535; } } } } Vector3 lpos = new Vector3(la.PositionX, la.PositionY, la.PositionZ); Vector3 ldir = new Vector3(la.DirectionX, la.DirectionY, la.DirectionZ); Vector3 bpos = xform.Multiply(lpos); Vector3 epos = ent.Orientation.Multiply(bpos) + ent.Position; Vector3 edir = ent.Orientation.Multiply(ldir); uint r = la.ColorR; uint g = la.ColorG; uint b = la.ColorB; uint i = (byte)Math.Min(la.Intensity*4, 255); uint c = (i << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b; uint h = 0; //TODO: what hash to use??? uint t = la.TimeFlags; var maxext = (byte)Math.Max(Math.Max(la.ExtentX, la.ExtentY), la.ExtentZ); position.Add(new MetaVECTOR3(epos)); colour.Add(c); direction.Add(new MetaVECTOR3(edir)); falloff.Add(la.Falloff); falloffExponent.Add(la.FalloffExponent); timeAndStateFlags.Add(t); hash.Add(h); coneInnerAngle.Add((byte)la.ConeInnerAngle); coneOuterAngleOrCapExt.Add(Math.Max((byte)la.ConeOuterAngle, maxext)); coronaIntensity.Add((byte)la.CoronaIntensity); } } } } } if (position.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No lights found in project!"); return; } var lodymap = new YmapFile(); var distymap = new YmapFile(); var ll = new YmapLODLights(); var dl = new YmapDistantLODLights(); var cdl = new CDistantLODLight(); cdl.category = 1; dl.CDistantLODLight = cdl; dl.positions = position.ToArray(); dl.colours = colour.ToArray(); ll.direction = direction.ToArray(); ll.falloff = falloff.ToArray(); ll.falloffExponent = falloffExponent.ToArray(); ll.timeAndStateFlags = timeAndStateFlags.ToArray(); ll.hash = hash.ToArray(); ll.coneInnerAngle = coneInnerAngle.ToArray(); ll.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = coneOuterAngleOrCapExt.ToArray(); ll.coronaIntensity = coronaIntensity.ToArray(); lodymap._CMapData.flags = 0; distymap._CMapData.flags = 2; lodymap._CMapData.contentFlags = 128; distymap._CMapData.contentFlags = 256; lodymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMin = eemin; lodymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMax = eemax; lodymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMin = semin - 1000f; lodymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMax = semax + 1000f; distymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMin = eemin; distymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMax = eemax; distymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMin = semin - 5000f; //make it huge distymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMax = semax + 5000f; lodymap.LODLights = ll; distymap.DistantLODLights = dl; var lodname = pname + "_lodlights"; var distname = pname + "_distantlights"; lodymap.Name = lodname; = JenkHash.GenHash(lodname); lodymap.RpfFileEntry = new RpfResourceFileEntry(); lodymap.RpfFileEntry.Name = lodname + ".ymap"; lodymap.RpfFileEntry.NameLower = lodname + ".ymap"; distymap.Name = distname; = JenkHash.GenHash(distname); distymap.RpfFileEntry = new RpfResourceFileEntry(); distymap.RpfFileEntry.Name = distname + ".ymap"; distymap.RpfFileEntry.NameLower = distname + ".ymap"; lodymap._CMapData.parent =; ProjectForm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { ProjectForm.AddYmapToProject(lodymap); ProjectForm.AddYmapToProject(distymap); }); var stats = ""; UpdateStatus("Process complete. " + stats); GenerateComplete(); }); } } }