using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; /* Shamelessly stolen and mangled from: Under GPL license, for full terms see the above link. Copyright (c) 2015 Hamish Milne "An FBX library for .NET" */ namespace CodeWalker { /// /// Static read and write methods /// public static class FbxIO { /// /// Read binary or ASCII FBX from memory. Decides which based on the header. /// (This method added by dexyfex) /// /// FBX byte array. /// public static FbxDocument Read(byte[] data) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream(data)) { var isbinary = FbxBinary.IsBinary(stream); if (isbinary) { var reader = new FbxBinaryReader(stream); return reader.Read(); } else //try ASCII { var reader = new FbxAsciiReader(stream); return reader.Read(); } } } /// /// Reads a binary FBX file /// /// /// The top level document node public static FbxDocument ReadBinary(string path) { if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { var reader = new FbxBinaryReader(stream); return reader.Read(); } } /// /// Reads an ASCII FBX file /// /// /// The top level document node public static FbxDocument ReadAscii(string path) { if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { var reader = new FbxAsciiReader(stream); return reader.Read(); } } /// /// Writes an FBX document /// /// The top level document node /// public static void WriteBinary(FbxDocument document, string path) { if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { var writer = new FbxBinaryWriter(stream); writer.Write(document); } } /// /// Writes an FBX document /// /// The top level document node /// public static void WriteAscii(FbxDocument document, string path) { if (path == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path)); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { var writer = new FbxAsciiWriter(stream); writer.Write(document); } } } /// /// Reads FBX nodes from a text stream /// public class FbxAsciiReader { private readonly Stream stream; private readonly FbxErrorLevel errorLevel; private int line = 1; private int column = 1; /// /// Creates a new reader /// /// /// public FbxAsciiReader(Stream stream, FbxErrorLevel errorLevel = FbxErrorLevel.Checked) { if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); = stream; this.errorLevel = errorLevel; } /// /// The maximum array size that will be allocated /// /// /// If you trust the source, you can expand this value as necessary. /// Malformed files could cause large amounts of memory to be allocated /// and slow or crash the system as a result. /// public int MaxArrayLength { get; set; } = (1 << 24); // We read bytes a lot, so we should make a more efficient method here // (The normal one makes a new byte array each time) readonly byte[] singleChar = new byte[1]; private char? prevChar; private bool endStream; private bool wasCr; // Reads a char, allows peeking and checks for end of stream char ReadChar() { if (prevChar != null) { var c = prevChar.Value; prevChar = null; return c; } if (stream.Read(singleChar, 0, 1) < 1) { endStream = true; return '\0'; } var ch = (char)singleChar[0]; // Handle line and column numbers here; // This isn't terribly accurate, but good enough for diagnostics if (ch == '\r') { wasCr = true; line++; column = 0; } else { if (ch == '\n' && !wasCr) { line++; column = 0; } wasCr = false; } column++; return ch; } // Checks if a character is valid in a real number static bool IsDigit(char c, bool first) { if (char.IsDigit(c)) return true; switch (c) { case '-': case '+': return true; case '.': case 'e': case 'E': case 'X': case 'x': return !first; } return false; } static bool IsLineEnd(char c) { return c == '\r' || c == '\n'; } // Token to mark the end of the stream class EndOfStream { public override string ToString() { return "end of stream"; } } // Wrapper around a string to mark it as an identifier // (as opposed to a string literal) class Identifier { public readonly string String; public override bool Equals(object obj) { var id = obj as Identifier; if (id != null) return String == id.String; return false; } public override int GetHashCode() { return String?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; } public Identifier(string str) { String = str; } public override string ToString() { return String + ":"; } } private object prevTokenSingle; // Reads a single token, allows peeking // Can return 'null' for a comment or whitespace object ReadTokenSingle() { if (prevTokenSingle != null) { var ret = prevTokenSingle; prevTokenSingle = null; return ret; } var c = ReadChar(); if (endStream) return new EndOfStream(); switch (c) { case ';': // Comments while (!IsLineEnd(ReadChar()) && !endStream) { } // Skip a line return null; case '{': // Operators case '}': case '*': case ':': case ',': return c; case '"': // String literal var sb1 = new StringBuilder(); while ((c = ReadChar()) != '"') { if (endStream) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected end of stream; expecting end quote"); sb1.Append(c); } return sb1.ToString(); default: if (char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) { // Merge whitespace while (char.IsWhiteSpace(c = ReadChar()) && !endStream) { } if (!endStream) prevChar = c; return null; } if (IsDigit(c, true)) // Number { var sb2 = new StringBuilder(); do { sb2.Append(c); c = ReadChar(); } while (IsDigit(c, false) && !endStream); if (!endStream) prevChar = c; var str = sb2.ToString(); if (str.Contains(".")) { if (str.Split('.', 'e', 'E')[1].Length > 6) { double d; if (!double.TryParse(str, out d)) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Invalid number"); return d; } else { float f; if (!float.TryParse(str, out f)) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Invalid number"); return f; } } long l; if (!long.TryParse(str, out l)) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Invalid integer"); // Check size and return the smallest possible if (l >= byte.MinValue && l <= byte.MaxValue) return (byte)l; if (l >= int.MinValue && l <= int.MaxValue) return (int)l; return l; } if (char.IsLetter(c) || c == '_') // Identifier { var sb3 = new StringBuilder(); do { sb3.Append(c); c = ReadChar(); } while ((char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_') && !endStream); if (!endStream) prevChar = c; return new Identifier(sb3.ToString()); } break; } throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unknown character " + c); } private object prevToken; // Use a loop rather than recursion to prevent stack overflow // Here we can also merge string+colon into an identifier, // returning single-character bare strings (for C-type properties) object ReadToken() { object ret; if (prevToken != null) { ret = prevToken; prevToken = null; return ret; } do { ret = ReadTokenSingle(); } while (ret == null); var id = ret as Identifier; if (id != null) { object colon; do { colon = ReadTokenSingle(); } while (colon == null); if (!':'.Equals(colon)) { if (id.String.Length > 1) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected '" + colon + "', expected ':' or a single-char literal"); ret = id.String[0]; prevTokenSingle = colon; } } return ret; } void ExpectToken(object token) { var t = ReadToken(); if (!token.Equals(t)) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected '" + t + "', expected " + token); } private enum ArrayType { Byte = 0, Int = 1, Long = 2, Float = 3, Double = 4, }; Array ReadArray() { // Read array length and header var len = ReadToken(); long l; if (len is long) l = (long)len; else if (len is int) l = (int)len; else if (len is byte) l = (byte)len; else throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected '" + len + "', expected an integer"); if (l < 0) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Invalid array length " + l); if (l > MaxArrayLength) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Array length " + l + " higher than permitted maximum " + MaxArrayLength); ExpectToken('{'); ExpectToken(new Identifier("a")); var array = new double[l]; // Read array elements bool expectComma = false; object token; var arrayType = ArrayType.Byte; long pos = 0; while (!'}'.Equals(token = ReadToken())) { if (expectComma) { if (!','.Equals(token)) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected '" + token + "', expected ','"); expectComma = false; continue; } if (pos >= array.Length) { if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Checked) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Too many elements in array"); continue; } // Add element to the array, checking for the maximum // size of any one element. // (I'm not sure if this is the 'correct' way to do it, but it's the only // logical one given the nature of the ASCII format) double d; if (token is byte) { d = (byte)token; } else if (token is int) { d = (int)token; if (arrayType < ArrayType.Int) arrayType = ArrayType.Int; } else if (token is long) { d = (long)token; if (arrayType < ArrayType.Long) arrayType = ArrayType.Long; } else if (token is float) { d = (float)token; // A long can't be accurately represented by a float arrayType = arrayType < ArrayType.Long ? ArrayType.Float : ArrayType.Double; } else if (token is double) { d = (double)token; if (arrayType < ArrayType.Double) arrayType = ArrayType.Double; } else throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected '" + token + "', expected a number"); array[pos++] = d; expectComma = true; } if (pos < array.Length && errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Checked) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Too few elements in array - expected " + (array.Length - pos) + " more"); // Convert the array to the smallest type we can see Array ret; switch (arrayType) { case ArrayType.Byte: var bArray = new byte[array.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < bArray.Length; i++) bArray[i] = (byte)array[i]; ret = bArray; break; case ArrayType.Int: var iArray = new int[array.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < iArray.Length; i++) iArray[i] = (int)array[i]; ret = iArray; break; case ArrayType.Long: var lArray = new long[array.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < lArray.Length; i++) lArray[i] = (long)array[i]; ret = lArray; break; case ArrayType.Float: var fArray = new float[array.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < fArray.Length; i++) fArray[i] = (long)array[i]; ret = fArray; break; default: ret = array; break; } return ret; } /// /// Reads the next node from the stream /// /// The read node, or null public FbxNode ReadNode() { var first = ReadToken(); var id = first as Identifier; if (id == null) { if (first is EndOfStream) return null; throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected '" + first + "', expected an identifier"); } var node = new FbxNode { Name = id.String }; // Read properties object token; bool expectComma = false; while (!'{'.Equals(token = ReadToken()) && !(token is Identifier) && !'}'.Equals(token)) { if (expectComma) { if (!','.Equals(token)) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected '" + token + "', expected a ','"); expectComma = false; continue; } if (token is char) { var c = (char)token; switch (c) { case '*': token = ReadArray(); break; case '}': case ':': case ',': throw new FbxException(line, column, "Unexpected '" + c + "' in property list"); } } node.Properties.Add(token); expectComma = true; // The final comma before the open brace isn't required } // TODO: Merge property list into an array as necessary // Now we're either at an open brace, close brace or a new node if (token is Identifier || '}'.Equals(token)) { prevToken = token; return node; } // The while loop can't end unless we're at an open brace, so we can continue right on object endBrace; while (!'}'.Equals(endBrace = ReadToken())) { prevToken = endBrace; // If it's not an end brace, the next node will need it node.Nodes.Add(ReadNode()); } if (node.Nodes.Count < 1) // If there's an open brace, we want that to be preserved node.Nodes.Add(null); return node; } /// /// Reads a full document from the stream /// /// The complete document object public FbxDocument Read() { var ret = new FbxDocument(); // Read version string const string versionString = @"; FBX (\d)\.(\d)\.(\d) project file"; char c; while (char.IsWhiteSpace(c = ReadChar()) && !endStream) { } // Skip whitespace bool hasVersionString = false; if (c == ';') { var sb = new StringBuilder(); do { sb.Append(c); } while (!IsLineEnd(c = ReadChar()) && !endStream); var match = Regex.Match(sb.ToString(), versionString); hasVersionString = match.Success; if (hasVersionString) ret.Version = (FbxVersion)( int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value) * 1000 + int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value) * 100 + int.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value) * 10 ); } if (!hasVersionString && errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Strict) throw new FbxException(line, column, "Invalid version string; first line must match \"" + versionString + "\""); FbxNode node; while ((node = ReadNode()) != null) ret.Nodes.Add(node); return ret; } } /// /// Writes an FBX document in a text format /// public class FbxAsciiWriter { private readonly Stream stream; /// /// Creates a new reader /// /// public FbxAsciiWriter(Stream stream) { if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); = stream; } /// /// The maximum line length in characters when outputting arrays /// /// /// Lines might end up being a few characters longer than this, visibly and otherwise, /// so don't rely on it as a hard limit in code! /// public int MaxLineLength { get; set; } = 260; readonly Stack nodePath = new Stack(); // Adds the given node text to the string void BuildString(FbxNode node, StringBuilder sb, bool writeArrayLength, int indentLevel = 0) { nodePath.Push(node.Name ?? ""); int lineStart = sb.Length; // Write identifier for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) sb.Append('\t'); sb.Append(node.Name).Append(':'); // Write properties var first = true; for (int j = 0; j < node.Properties.Count; j++) { var p = node.Properties[j]; if (p == null) continue; if (!first) sb.Append(','); sb.Append(' '); if (p is string) { sb.Append('"').Append(p).Append('"'); } else if (p is Array) { var array = (Array)p; var elementType = p.GetType().GetElementType(); // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException // We know it's an array, so we don't need to check for null if (array.Rank != 1 || !elementType.IsPrimitive) throw new FbxException(nodePath, j, "Invalid array type " + p.GetType()); if (writeArrayLength) { sb.Append('*').Append(array.Length).Append(" {\n"); lineStart = sb.Length; for (int i = -1; i < indentLevel; i++) sb.Append('\t'); sb.Append("a: "); } bool pFirst = true; foreach (var v in (Array)p) { if (!pFirst) sb.Append(','); var vstr = v.ToString(); if ((sb.Length - lineStart) + vstr.Length >= MaxLineLength) { sb.Append('\n'); lineStart = sb.Length; } sb.Append(vstr); pFirst = false; } if (writeArrayLength) { sb.Append('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) sb.Append('\t'); sb.Append('}'); } } else if (p is char) sb.Append((char)p); else if (p.GetType().IsPrimitive && p is IFormattable) sb.Append(p); else throw new FbxException(nodePath, j, "Invalid property type " + p.GetType()); first = false; } // Write child nodes if (node.Nodes.Count > 0) { sb.Append(" {\n"); foreach (var n in node.Nodes) { if (n == null) continue; BuildString(n, sb, writeArrayLength, indentLevel + 1); } for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) sb.Append('\t'); sb.Append('}'); } sb.Append('\n'); nodePath.Pop(); } /// /// Writes an FBX document to the stream /// /// /// /// ASCII FBX files have no header or footer, so you can call this multiple times /// public void Write(FbxDocument document) { if (document == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(document)); var sb = new StringBuilder(); // Write version header (a comment, but required for many importers) var vMajor = (int)document.Version / 1000; var vMinor = ((int)document.Version % 1000) / 100; var vRev = ((int)document.Version % 100) / 10; sb.Append($"; FBX {vMajor}.{vMinor}.{vRev} project file\n\n"); nodePath.Clear(); foreach (var n in document.Nodes) { if (n == null) continue; BuildString(n, sb, document.Version >= FbxVersion.v7_1); sb.Append('\n'); } var b = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()); stream.Write(b, 0, b.Length); } } /// /// Base class for binary stream wrappers /// public abstract class FbxBinary { // Header string, found at the top of all compliant files private static readonly byte[] headerString = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Kaydara FBX Binary \0\x1a\0"); // This data was entirely calculated by me, honest. Turns out it works, fancy that! private static readonly byte[] sourceId = { 0x58, 0xAB, 0xA9, 0xF0, 0x6C, 0xA2, 0xD8, 0x3F, 0x4D, 0x47, 0x49, 0xA3, 0xB4, 0xB2, 0xE7, 0x3D }; private static readonly byte[] key = { 0xE2, 0x4F, 0x7B, 0x5F, 0xCD, 0xE4, 0xC8, 0x6D, 0xDB, 0xD8, 0xFB, 0xD7, 0x40, 0x58, 0xC6, 0x78 }; // This wasn't - it just appears at the end of every compliant file private static readonly byte[] extension = { 0xF8, 0x5A, 0x8C, 0x6A, 0xDE, 0xF5, 0xD9, 0x7E, 0xEC, 0xE9, 0x0C, 0xE3, 0x75, 0x8F, 0x29, 0x0B }; // Number of null bytes between the footer code and the version private const int footerZeroes1 = 20; // Number of null bytes between the footer version and extension code private const int footerZeroes2 = 120; /// /// The size of the footer code /// protected const int footerCodeSize = 16; /// /// The namespace separator in the binary format (remember to reverse the identifiers) /// protected const string binarySeparator = "\0\x1"; /// /// The namespace separator in the ASCII format and in object data /// protected const string asciiSeparator = "::"; /// /// Checks if the first part of 'data' matches 'original' /// /// /// /// true if it does, otherwise false protected static bool CheckEqual(byte[] data, byte[] original) { for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++) if (data[i] != original[i]) return false; return true; } public static bool IsBinary(Stream stream) { var isb = ReadHeader(stream); stream.Position = 0; return isb; } /// /// Writes the FBX header string /// /// protected static void WriteHeader(Stream stream) { stream.Write(headerString, 0, headerString.Length); } /// /// Reads the FBX header string /// /// /// true if it's compliant protected static bool ReadHeader(Stream stream) { var buf = new byte[headerString.Length]; stream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); return CheckEqual(buf, headerString); } // Turns out this is the algorithm they use to generate the footer. Who knew! static void Encrypt(byte[] a, byte[] b) { byte c = 64; for (int i = 0; i < footerCodeSize; i++) { a[i] = (byte)(a[i] ^ (byte)(c ^ b[i])); c = a[i]; } } const string timePath1 = "FBXHeaderExtension"; const string timePath2 = "CreationTimeStamp"; static readonly Stack timePath = new Stack(new[] { timePath1, timePath2 }); // Gets a single timestamp component static int GetTimestampVar(FbxNode timestamp, string element) { var elementNode = timestamp[element]; if (elementNode != null && elementNode.Properties.Count > 0) { var prop = elementNode.Properties[0]; if (prop is int || prop is long) return (int)prop; } throw new FbxException(timePath, -1, "Timestamp has no " + element); } /// /// Generates the unique footer code based on the document's timestamp /// /// /// A 16-byte code protected static byte[] GenerateFooterCode(FbxNodeList document) { var timestamp = document.GetRelative(timePath1 + "/" + timePath2); if (timestamp == null) throw new FbxException(timePath, -1, "No creation timestamp"); try { return GenerateFooterCode( GetTimestampVar(timestamp, "Year"), GetTimestampVar(timestamp, "Month"), GetTimestampVar(timestamp, "Day"), GetTimestampVar(timestamp, "Hour"), GetTimestampVar(timestamp, "Minute"), GetTimestampVar(timestamp, "Second"), GetTimestampVar(timestamp, "Millisecond") ); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { throw new FbxException(timePath, -1, "Invalid timestamp"); } } /// /// Generates a unique footer code based on a timestamp /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// A 16-byte code protected static byte[] GenerateFooterCode( int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond) { if (year < 0 || year > 9999) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(year)); if (month < 0 || month > 12) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(month)); if (day < 0 || day > 31) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(day)); if (hour < 0 || hour >= 24) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(hour)); if (minute < 0 || minute >= 60) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(minute)); if (second < 0 || second >= 60) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(second)); if (millisecond < 0 || millisecond >= 1000) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(millisecond)); var str = (byte[])sourceId.Clone(); var mangledTime = $"{second:00}{month:00}{hour:00}{day:00}{(millisecond / 10):00}{year:0000}{minute:00}"; var mangledBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(mangledTime); Encrypt(str, mangledBytes); Encrypt(str, key); Encrypt(str, mangledBytes); return str; } /// /// Writes the FBX footer extension (NB - not the unique footer code) /// /// /// protected void WriteFooter(BinaryWriter stream, int version) { var zeroes = new byte[Math.Max(footerZeroes1, footerZeroes2)]; stream.Write(zeroes, 0, footerZeroes1); stream.Write(version); stream.Write(zeroes, 0, footerZeroes2); stream.Write(extension, 0, extension.Length); } static bool AllZero(byte[] array) { foreach (var b in array) if (b != 0) return false; return true; } /// /// Reads and checks the FBX footer extension (NB - not the unique footer code) /// /// /// /// true if it's compliant protected bool CheckFooter(BinaryReader stream, FbxVersion version) { var buffer = new byte[Math.Max(footerZeroes1, footerZeroes2)]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, footerZeroes1); bool correct = AllZero(buffer); var readVersion = stream.ReadInt32(); correct &= (readVersion == (int)version); stream.Read(buffer, 0, footerZeroes2); correct &= AllZero(buffer); stream.Read(buffer, 0, extension.Length); correct &= CheckEqual(buffer, extension); return correct; } } /// /// Reads FBX nodes from a binary stream /// public class FbxBinaryReader : FbxBinary { private readonly BinaryReader stream; private readonly FbxErrorLevel errorLevel; private delegate object ReadPrimitive(BinaryReader reader); /// /// Creates a new reader /// /// The stream to read from /// When to throw an /// does /// not support seeking public FbxBinaryReader(Stream stream, FbxErrorLevel errorLevel = FbxErrorLevel.Checked) { if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); if (!stream.CanSeek) throw new ArgumentException( "The stream must support seeking. Try reading the data into a buffer first"); = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.ASCII); this.errorLevel = errorLevel; } // Reads a single property object ReadProperty() { var dataType = (char)stream.ReadByte(); switch (dataType) { case 'Y': return stream.ReadInt16(); case 'C': return (char)stream.ReadByte(); case 'I': return stream.ReadInt32(); case 'F': return stream.ReadSingle(); case 'D': return stream.ReadDouble(); case 'L': return stream.ReadInt64(); case 'f': return ReadArray(br => br.ReadSingle(), typeof(float)); case 'd': return ReadArray(br => br.ReadDouble(), typeof(double)); case 'l': return ReadArray(br => br.ReadInt64(), typeof(long)); case 'i': return ReadArray(br => br.ReadInt32(), typeof(int)); case 'b': return ReadArray(br => br.ReadBoolean(), typeof(bool)); case 'S': var len = stream.ReadInt32(); var str = len == 0 ? "" : Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(len)); // Convert \0\1 to '::' and reverse the tokens if (str.Contains(binarySeparator)) { var tokens = str.Split(new[] { binarySeparator }, StringSplitOptions.None); var sb = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; for (int i = tokens.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!first) sb.Append(asciiSeparator); sb.Append(tokens[i]); first = false; } str = sb.ToString(); } return str; case 'R': return stream.ReadBytes(stream.ReadInt32()); default: throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position - 1, "Invalid property data type `" + dataType + "'"); } } // Reads an array, decompressing it if required Array ReadArray(ReadPrimitive readPrimitive, Type arrayType) { var len = stream.ReadInt32(); var encoding = stream.ReadInt32(); var compressedLen = stream.ReadInt32(); var ret = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, len); var s = stream; var endPos = stream.BaseStream.Position + compressedLen; if (encoding != 0) { if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Checked) { if (encoding != 1) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position - 1, "Invalid compression encoding (must be 0 or 1)"); var cmf = stream.ReadByte(); if ((cmf & 0xF) != 8 || (cmf >> 4) > 7) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position - 1, "Invalid compression format " + cmf); var flg = stream.ReadByte(); if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Strict && ((cmf << 8) + flg) % 31 != 0) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position - 1, "Invalid compression FCHECK"); if ((flg & (1 << 5)) != 0) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position - 1, "Invalid compression flags; dictionary not supported"); } else { stream.BaseStream.Position += 2; } var codec = new FbxDeflateWithChecksum(stream.BaseStream, CompressionMode.Decompress); s = new BinaryReader(codec); } try { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) ret.SetValue(readPrimitive(s), i); } catch (InvalidDataException) { throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position - 1, "Compressed data was malformed"); } if (encoding != 0) { if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Checked) { stream.BaseStream.Position = endPos - sizeof(int); var checksumBytes = new byte[sizeof(int)]; stream.BaseStream.Read(checksumBytes, 0, checksumBytes.Length); int checksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < checksumBytes.Length; i++) checksum = (checksum << 8) + checksumBytes[i]; if (checksum != ((FbxDeflateWithChecksum)s.BaseStream).Checksum) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position, "Compressed data has invalid checksum"); } else { stream.BaseStream.Position = endPos; } } return ret; } /// /// Reads a single node. /// /// /// This won't read the file header or footer, and as such will fail if the stream is a full FBX file /// /// The node /// The FBX data was malformed /// for the reader's error level public FbxNode ReadNode() { var endOffset = stream.ReadInt32(); var numProperties = stream.ReadInt32(); var propertyListLen = stream.ReadInt32(); var nameLen = stream.ReadByte(); var name = nameLen == 0 ? "" : Encoding.ASCII.GetString(stream.ReadBytes(nameLen)); if (endOffset == 0) { // The end offset should only be 0 in a null node if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Checked && (numProperties != 0 || propertyListLen != 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position, "Invalid node; expected NULL record"); return null; } var node = new FbxNode { Name = name }; var propertyEnd = stream.BaseStream.Position + propertyListLen; // Read properties for (int i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) node.Properties.Add(ReadProperty()); if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Checked && stream.BaseStream.Position != propertyEnd) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position, "Too many bytes in property list, end point is " + propertyEnd); // Read nested nodes var listLen = endOffset - stream.BaseStream.Position; if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Checked && listLen < 0) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position, "Node has invalid end point"); if (listLen > 0) { FbxNode nested; do { nested = ReadNode(); node.Nodes.Add(nested); } while (nested != null); if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Checked && stream.BaseStream.Position != endOffset) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position, "Too many bytes in node, end point is " + endOffset); } return node; } /// /// Reads an FBX document from the stream /// /// The top-level node /// The FBX data was malformed /// for the reader's error level public FbxDocument Read() { // Read header bool validHeader = ReadHeader(stream.BaseStream); if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Strict && !validHeader) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position, "Invalid header string"); var document = new FbxDocument { Version = (FbxVersion)stream.ReadInt32() }; // Read nodes var dataPos = stream.BaseStream.Position; FbxNode nested; do { nested = ReadNode(); if (nested != null) document.Nodes.Add(nested); } while (nested != null); // Read footer code var footerCode = new byte[footerCodeSize]; stream.BaseStream.Read(footerCode, 0, footerCode.Length); if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Strict) { var validCode = GenerateFooterCode(document); if (!CheckEqual(footerCode, validCode)) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position - footerCodeSize, "Incorrect footer code"); } // Read footer extension dataPos = stream.BaseStream.Position; var validFooterExtension = CheckFooter(stream, document.Version); if (errorLevel >= FbxErrorLevel.Strict && !validFooterExtension) throw new FbxException(dataPos, "Invalid footer"); return document; } } /// /// Writes an FBX document to a binary stream /// public class FbxBinaryWriter : FbxBinary { private readonly Stream output; private readonly MemoryStream memory; private readonly BinaryWriter stream; readonly Stack nodePath = new Stack(); /// /// The minimum size of an array in bytes before it is compressed /// public int CompressionThreshold { get; set; } = 1024; /// /// Creates a new writer /// /// public FbxBinaryWriter(Stream stream) { if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); output = stream; // Wrap in a memory stream to guarantee seeking memory = new MemoryStream(); = new BinaryWriter(memory, Encoding.ASCII); } private delegate void PropertyWriter(BinaryWriter sw, object obj); struct WriterInfo { public readonly char id; public readonly PropertyWriter writer; public WriterInfo(char id, PropertyWriter writer) { = id; this.writer = writer; } } private static readonly Dictionary writePropertyActions = new Dictionary { { typeof(int), new WriterInfo('I', (sw, obj) => sw.Write((int)obj)) }, { typeof(short), new WriterInfo('Y', (sw, obj) => sw.Write((short)obj)) }, { typeof(long), new WriterInfo('L', (sw, obj) => sw.Write((long)obj)) }, { typeof(float), new WriterInfo('F', (sw, obj) => sw.Write((float)obj)) }, { typeof(double), new WriterInfo('D', (sw, obj) => sw.Write((double)obj)) }, { typeof(bool), new WriterInfo('C', (sw, obj) => sw.Write((byte)(char)obj)) }, { typeof(byte[]), new WriterInfo('R', WriteRaw) }, { typeof(string), new WriterInfo('S', WriteString) }, // null elements indicate arrays - they are checked again with their element type { typeof(int[]), new WriterInfo('i', null) }, { typeof(long[]), new WriterInfo('l', null) }, { typeof(float[]), new WriterInfo('f', null) }, { typeof(double[]), new WriterInfo('d', null) }, { typeof(bool[]), new WriterInfo('b', null) }, }; static void WriteRaw(BinaryWriter stream, object obj) { var bytes = (byte[])obj; stream.Write(bytes.Length); stream.Write(bytes); } static void WriteString(BinaryWriter stream, object obj) { var str = obj.ToString(); // Replace "::" with \0\1 and reverse the tokens if (str.Contains(asciiSeparator)) { var tokens = str.Split(new[] { asciiSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.None); var sb = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; for (int i = tokens.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!first) sb.Append(binarySeparator); sb.Append(tokens[i]); first = false; } str = sb.ToString(); } var bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str); stream.Write(bytes.Length); stream.Write(bytes); } void WriteArray(Array array, Type elementType, PropertyWriter writer) { stream.Write(array.Length); var size = array.Length * Marshal.SizeOf(elementType); bool compress = size >= CompressionThreshold; stream.Write(compress ? 1 : 0); var sw = stream; FbxDeflateWithChecksum codec = null; var compressLengthPos = stream.BaseStream.Position; stream.Write(0); // Placeholder compressed length var dataStart = stream.BaseStream.Position; if (compress) { stream.Write(new byte[] { 0x58, 0x85 }, 0, 2); // Header bytes for DeflateStream settings codec = new FbxDeflateWithChecksum(stream.BaseStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true); sw = new BinaryWriter(codec); } foreach (var obj in array) writer(sw, obj); if (compress) { codec.Close(); // This is important - otherwise bytes can be incorrect var checksum = codec.Checksum; byte[] bytes = { (byte)((checksum >> 24) & 0xFF), (byte)((checksum >> 16) & 0xFF), (byte)((checksum >> 8) & 0xFF), (byte)(checksum & 0xFF), }; stream.Write(bytes); } // Now we can write the compressed data length, since we know the size if (compress) { var dataEnd = stream.BaseStream.Position; stream.BaseStream.Position = compressLengthPos; stream.Write((int)(dataEnd - dataStart)); stream.BaseStream.Position = dataEnd; } } void WriteProperty(object obj, int id) { if (obj == null) return; WriterInfo writerInfo; if (!writePropertyActions.TryGetValue(obj.GetType(), out writerInfo)) throw new FbxException(nodePath, id, "Invalid property type " + obj.GetType()); stream.Write((byte); // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute if (writerInfo.writer == null) // Array type { var elementType = obj.GetType().GetElementType(); WriteArray((Array)obj, elementType, writePropertyActions[elementType].writer); } else writerInfo.writer(stream, obj); } // Data for a null node static readonly byte[] nullData = new byte[13]; // Writes a single document to the buffer void WriteNode(FbxNode node) { if (node == null) { stream.BaseStream.Write(nullData, 0, nullData.Length); } else { nodePath.Push(node.Name ?? ""); var name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Name) ? null : Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(node.Name); if (name != null && name.Length > byte.MaxValue) throw new FbxException(stream.BaseStream.Position, "Node name is too long"); // Header var endOffsetPos = stream.BaseStream.Position; stream.Write(0); // End offset placeholder stream.Write(node.Properties.Count); var propertyLengthPos = stream.BaseStream.Position; stream.Write(0); // Property length placeholder stream.Write((byte)(name?.Length ?? 0)); if (name != null) stream.Write(name); // Write properties and length var propertyBegin = stream.BaseStream.Position; for (int i = 0; i < node.Properties.Count; i++) { WriteProperty(node.Properties[i], i); } var propertyEnd = stream.BaseStream.Position; stream.BaseStream.Position = propertyLengthPos; stream.Write((int)(propertyEnd - propertyBegin)); stream.BaseStream.Position = propertyEnd; // Write child nodes if (node.Nodes.Count > 0) { foreach (var n in node.Nodes) { if (n == null) continue; WriteNode(n); } WriteNode(null); } // Write end offset var dataEnd = stream.BaseStream.Position; stream.BaseStream.Position = endOffsetPos; stream.Write((int)dataEnd); stream.BaseStream.Position = dataEnd; nodePath.Pop(); } } /// /// Writes an FBX file to the output /// /// public void Write(FbxDocument document) { stream.BaseStream.Position = 0; WriteHeader(stream.BaseStream); stream.Write((int)document.Version); // TODO: Do we write a top level node or not? Maybe check the version? nodePath.Clear(); foreach (var node in document.Nodes) WriteNode(node); WriteNode(null); stream.Write(GenerateFooterCode(document)); WriteFooter(stream, (int)document.Version); output.Write(memory.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)memory.Position); } } /// /// A top-level FBX node /// public class FbxDocument : FbxNodeList { /// /// Describes the format and data of the document /// /// /// It isn't recommended that you change this value directly, because /// it won't change any of the document's data which can be version-specific. /// Most FBX importers can cope with any version. /// public FbxVersion Version { get; set; } = FbxVersion.v7_4; /// /// Creates connections between objects and returns the root nodes. /// (added by dexyfex) /// /// public List GetSceneNodes() { var fobjs = this["Objects"]; if (fobjs?.Nodes == null) return null; var fconns = this["Connections"]; if (fconns?.Nodes == null) return null; var fobjdict = new Dictionary(); var rootnodes = new List(); foreach (var node in fobjs.Nodes) //put all the object nodes into a decktionary for the connections { if (node == null) continue; long id = 0; if (node.Value is long) { id = (long)node.Value; } if (id == 0) { }//shouldn't happen.. fobjdict[id] = node; } foreach (var node in fconns.Nodes) //build the scene hierarchy by adding connections to object nodes { if (node == null) continue; var connType = node.Value as string; if ((connType == "OO") || (connType == "OP")) { if (node.Properties.Count < 3) { continue; } if (!(node.Properties[1] is long)) { continue; } if (!(node.Properties[2] is long)) { continue; } long cid = (long)node.Properties[1]; long pid = (long)node.Properties[2]; FbxNode cnode; FbxNode pnode; fobjdict.TryGetValue(cid, out cnode); fobjdict.TryGetValue(pid, out pnode); if (cnode == null) { continue; } if (pnode == null) { rootnodes.Add(cnode); } else { pnode.Connections.Add(cnode); } } else { } } return rootnodes; } } /// /// An error with the FBX data input /// public class FbxException : Exception { /// /// An error at a binary stream offset /// /// /// public FbxException(long position, string message) : base($"{message}, near offset {position}") { } /// /// An error in a text file /// /// /// /// public FbxException(int line, int column, string message) : base($"{message}, near line {line} column {column}") { } /// /// An error in a node object /// /// /// /// public FbxException(Stack nodePath, int propertyID, string message) : base(message + ", at " + string.Join("/", nodePath.ToArray()) + (propertyID < 0 ? "" : $"[{propertyID}]")) { } } /// /// Represents a node in an FBX file /// public class FbxNode : FbxNodeList { /// /// The node name, which is often a class type /// /// /// The name must be smaller than 256 characters to be written to a binary stream /// public string Name { get; set; } /// /// The list of properties associated with the node /// /// /// Supported types are primitives (apart from byte and char),arrays of primitives, and strings /// public List Properties { get; } = new List(); /// /// List of FbxNodes that are connected to this node via the Connections section. /// (Added by dexyfex, used by FbxConverter) /// public List Connections { get; } = new List(); /// /// The first property element /// public object Value { get { return Properties.Count < 1 ? null : Properties[0]; } set { if (Properties.Count < 1) Properties.Add(value); else Properties[0] = value; } } /// /// Whether the node is empty of data /// public bool IsEmpty => string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) && Properties.Count == 0 && Nodes.Count == 0; public override string ToString() { return Name + ((Value != null) ? (": " + Value.ToString()) : ""); } } /// /// Base class for nodes and documents /// public abstract class FbxNodeList { /// /// The list of child/nested nodes /// /// /// A list with one or more null elements is treated differently than an empty list, /// and represented differently in all FBX output files. /// public List Nodes { get; } = new List(); /// /// Gets a named child node /// /// /// The child node, or null public FbxNode this[string name] { get { return Nodes.Find(n => n != null && n.Name == name); } } /// /// Gets a child node, using a '/' separated path /// /// /// The child node, or null public FbxNode GetRelative(string path) { var tokens = path.Split('/'); FbxNodeList n = this; foreach (var t in tokens) { if (t == "") continue; n = n[t]; if (n == null) break; } return n as FbxNode; } } /// /// Enumerates the FBX file versions /// public enum FbxVersion { /// /// FBX version 6.0 /// v6_0 = 6000, /// /// FBX version 6.1 /// v6_1 = 6100, /// /// FBX version 7.0 /// v7_0 = 7000, /// /// FBX 2011 version /// v7_1 = 7100, /// /// FBX 2012 version /// v7_2 = 7200, /// /// FBX 2013 version /// v7_3 = 7300, /// /// FBX 2014 version /// v7_4 = 7400, } /// /// Indicates when a reader should throw errors /// public enum FbxErrorLevel { /// /// Ignores inconsistencies unless the parser can no longer continue /// Permissive = 0, /// /// Checks data integrity, such as checksums and end points /// Checked = 1, /// /// Checks everything, including magic bytes /// Strict = 2, } /// /// A wrapper for DeflateStream that calculates the Adler32 checksum of the payload /// public class FbxDeflateWithChecksum : DeflateStream { private const int modAdler = 65521; private uint checksumA; private uint checksumB; /// /// Gets the Adler32 checksum at the current point in the stream /// public int Checksum { get { checksumA %= modAdler; checksumB %= modAdler; return (int)((checksumB << 16) | checksumA); } } /// public FbxDeflateWithChecksum(Stream stream, CompressionMode mode) : base(stream, mode) { ResetChecksum(); } /// public FbxDeflateWithChecksum(Stream stream, CompressionMode mode, bool leaveOpen) : base(stream, mode, leaveOpen) { ResetChecksum(); } // Efficiently extends the checksum with the given buffer void CalcChecksum(byte[] array, int offset, int count) { checksumA %= modAdler; checksumB %= modAdler; for (int i = offset, c = 0; i < (offset + count); i++, c++) { checksumA += array[i]; checksumB += checksumA; if (c > 4000) // This is about how many iterations it takes for B to reach IntMax { checksumA %= modAdler; checksumB %= modAdler; c = 0; } } } /// public override void Write(byte[] array, int offset, int count) { base.Write(array, offset, count); CalcChecksum(array, offset, count); } /// public override int Read(byte[] array, int offset, int count) { var ret = base.Read(array, offset, count); CalcChecksum(array, offset, count); return ret; } /// /// Initializes the checksum values /// public void ResetChecksum() { checksumA = 1; checksumB = 0; } } }