using SharpDX; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles { public class GameFileCache { public RpfManager RpfMan; private Action UpdateStatus; private Action ErrorLog; public int MaxItemsPerLoop = 1; //to keep things flowing... private ConcurrentQueue requestQueue = new ConcurrentQueue(); ////dynamic cache private Cache mainCache; public volatile bool IsInited = false; private volatile bool archetypesLoaded = false; private Dictionary archetypeDict = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary textureLookup = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary textureParents; private Dictionary hdtexturelookup; private object updateSyncRoot = new object(); private object requestSyncRoot = new object(); private object textureSyncRoot = new object(); //for the texture lookup. //static indexes public Dictionary YdrDict { get; private set; } public Dictionary YddDict { get; private set; } public Dictionary YtdDict { get; private set; } public Dictionary YmapDict { get; private set; } public Dictionary YftDict { get; private set; } public Dictionary YbnDict { get; private set; } public Dictionary YcdDict { get; private set; } public Dictionary YnvDict { get; private set; } public Dictionary Gxt2Dict { get; private set; } public Dictionary AllYmapsDict { get; private set; } //static cached data loaded at init public Dictionary YtypDict { get; set; } public List AllCacheFiles { get; set; } public Dictionary YmapHierarchyDict { get; set; } public List AllManifests { get; set; } public bool EnableDlc { get; set; } = false;//true;// public bool EnableMods { get; set; } = false; public List DlcPaths { get; set; } = new List(); public List DlcActiveRpfs { get; set; } = new List(); public List DlcSetupFiles { get; set; } = new List(); public List DlcExtraFolderMounts { get; set; } = new List(); public Dictionary DlcPatchedPaths { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public List DlcCacheFileList { get; set; } = new List(); public List DlcNameList { get; set; } = new List(); public string SelectedDlc { get; set; } = string.Empty; public Dictionary ActiveMapRpfFiles { get; set; } = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary TimeCycleModsDict = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary VehiclesInitDict { get; set; } public Dictionary PedsInitDict { get; set; } public Dictionary PedVariationsDict { get; set; } public Dictionary> PedDrawableDicts { get; set; } public Dictionary> PedTextureDicts { get; set; } public Dictionary> PedClothDicts { get; set; } public List BaseRpfs { get; private set; } public List AllRpfs { get; private set; } public List DlcRpfs { get; private set; } public bool DoFullStringIndex = false; public bool BuildExtendedJenkIndex = true; public bool LoadArchetypes = true; public bool LoadVehicles = true; public bool LoadPeds = true; private bool PreloadedMode = false; private string GTAFolder; private string ExcludeFolders; public int QueueLength { get { return requestQueue.Count; } } public int ItemCount { get { return mainCache.Count; } } public long MemoryUsage { get { return mainCache.CurrentMemoryUsage; } } public GameFileCache(long size, double cacheTime, string folder, string dlc, bool mods, string excludeFolders) { mainCache = new Cache(size, cacheTime);//2GB is good as default SelectedDlc = dlc; EnableDlc = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedDlc); EnableMods = mods; GTAFolder = folder; ExcludeFolders = excludeFolders; } public void Clear() { IsInited = false; mainCache.Clear(); textureLookup.Clear(); GameFile queueclear; while (requestQueue.TryDequeue(out queueclear)) { } //empty the old queue out... } public void Init(Action updateStatus, Action errorLog) { UpdateStatus = updateStatus; ErrorLog = errorLog; Clear(); if (RpfMan == null) { //EnableDlc = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedDlc); RpfMan = new RpfManager(); RpfMan.ExcludePaths = GetExcludePaths(); RpfMan.EnableMods = EnableMods; RpfMan.BuildExtendedJenkIndex = BuildExtendedJenkIndex; RpfMan.Init(GTAFolder, UpdateStatus, ErrorLog);//, true); InitGlobal(); InitDlc(); //RE test area! //TestAudioRels(); //TestAudioYmts(); //TestMetas(); //TestPsos(); //TestRbfs(); //TestCuts(); //TestYlds(); //TestYcds(); //TestYtds(); //TestYbns(); //TestYdrs(); //TestYdds(); //TestYfts(); //TestYpts(); //TestYmaps(); //TestPlacements(); //TestDrawables(); //GetArchetypeTimesList(); //string typestr = PsoTypes.GetTypesString(); } else { GC.Collect(); //try free up some of the previously used memory.. } UpdateStatus("Scan complete"); IsInited = true; } public void Init(Action updateStatus, Action errorLog, List allRpfs) { UpdateStatus = updateStatus; ErrorLog = errorLog; Clear(); PreloadedMode = true; EnableDlc = true;//just so everything (mainly archetypes) will load.. EnableMods = false; RpfMan = new RpfManager(); //try not to use this in this mode... RpfMan.Init(allRpfs); AllRpfs = allRpfs; BaseRpfs = allRpfs; DlcRpfs = new List(); UpdateStatus("Building global dictionaries..."); InitGlobalDicts(); UpdateStatus("Loading manifests..."); InitManifestDicts(); UpdateStatus("Loading global texture list..."); InitGtxds(); UpdateStatus("Loading archetypes..."); InitArchetypeDicts(); UpdateStatus("Loading strings..."); InitStringDicts(); IsInited = true; } private void InitGlobal() { BaseRpfs = GetModdedRpfList(RpfMan.BaseRpfs); AllRpfs = GetModdedRpfList(RpfMan.AllRpfs); DlcRpfs = GetModdedRpfList(RpfMan.DlcRpfs); UpdateStatus("Building global dictionaries..."); InitGlobalDicts(); } private void InitDlc() { UpdateStatus("Building DLC List..."); InitDlcList(); UpdateStatus("Building active RPF dictionary..."); InitActiveMapRpfFiles(); UpdateStatus("Building map dictionaries..."); InitMapDicts(); UpdateStatus("Loading manifests..."); InitManifestDicts(); UpdateStatus("Loading global texture list..."); InitGtxds(); UpdateStatus("Loading cache..."); InitMapCaches(); UpdateStatus("Loading archetypes..."); InitArchetypeDicts(); UpdateStatus("Loading strings..."); InitStringDicts(); UpdateStatus("Loading vehicles..."); InitVehicles(); UpdateStatus("Loading peds..."); InitPeds(); } private void InitDlcList() { //if (!EnableDlc) return; string dlclistpath = "update\\update.rpf\\common\\data\\dlclist.xml"; //if (!EnableDlc) //{ // dlclistpath = "common.rpf\\data\\dlclist.xml"; //} var dlclistxml = RpfMan.GetFileXml(dlclistpath); DlcPaths.Clear(); if ((dlclistxml == null) || (dlclistxml.DocumentElement == null)) { ErrorLog("InitDlcList: Couldn't load " + dlclistpath + "."); } else { foreach (XmlNode pathsnode in dlclistxml.DocumentElement) { foreach (XmlNode itemnode in pathsnode.ChildNodes) { DlcPaths.Add(itemnode.InnerText.ToLowerInvariant().Replace('\\', '/').Replace("platform:", "x64")); } } } //get dlc path names in the appropriate format for reference by the dlclist paths Dictionary dlcDict = new Dictionary(); Dictionary dlcDict2 = new Dictionary(); foreach (RpfFile dlcrpf in DlcRpfs) { if (dlcrpf == null) continue; if (dlcrpf.NameLower == "dlc.rpf") { string path = GetDlcRpfVirtualPath(dlcrpf.Path); string name = GetDlcNameFromPath(dlcrpf.Path); dlcDict[path] = dlcrpf; dlcDict2[name] = dlcrpf; } } //find all the paths for patched files in update.rpf and build the dict DlcPatchedPaths.Clear(); string updrpfpath = "update\\update.rpf"; var updrpffile = RpfMan.FindRpfFile(updrpfpath); if (updrpffile != null) { XmlDocument updsetupdoc = RpfMan.GetFileXml(updrpfpath + "\\setup2.xml"); DlcSetupFile updsetupfile = new DlcSetupFile(); updsetupfile.Load(updsetupdoc); XmlDocument updcontentdoc = RpfMan.GetFileXml(updrpfpath + "\\" + updsetupfile.datFile); DlcContentFile updcontentfile = new DlcContentFile(); updcontentfile.Load(updcontentdoc); updsetupfile.DlcFile = updrpffile; updsetupfile.ContentFile = updcontentfile; updcontentfile.DlcFile = updrpffile; updsetupfile.deviceName = "update"; updcontentfile.LoadDicts(updsetupfile, RpfMan, this); if (updcontentfile.ExtraTitleUpdates != null) { foreach (var tumount in updcontentfile.ExtraTitleUpdates.Mounts) { var lpath = tumount.path.ToLowerInvariant(); var relpath = lpath.Replace('/', '\\').Replace("update:\\", ""); var dlcname = GetDlcNameFromPath(relpath); RpfFile dlcfile; dlcDict2.TryGetValue(dlcname, out dlcfile); if (dlcfile == null) { continue; } var dlcpath = dlcfile.Path + "\\"; var files = updrpffile.GetFiles(relpath, true); foreach (var file in files) { if (file == null) continue; var fpath = file.Path; var frelpath = fpath.Replace(updrpfpath, "update:").Replace('\\', '/').Replace(lpath, dlcpath).Replace('/', '\\'); if (frelpath.StartsWith("mods\\")) { frelpath = frelpath.Substring(5); } DlcPatchedPaths[frelpath] = fpath; } } } } else { ErrorLog("InitDlcList: update.rpf not found!"); } DlcSetupFiles.Clear(); DlcExtraFolderMounts.Clear(); foreach (string path in DlcPaths) { RpfFile dlcfile; if (dlcDict.TryGetValue(path, out dlcfile)) { try { string setuppath = GetDlcPatchedPath(dlcfile.Path + "\\setup2.xml"); XmlDocument setupdoc = RpfMan.GetFileXml(setuppath); DlcSetupFile setupfile = new DlcSetupFile(); setupfile.Load(setupdoc); string contentpath = GetDlcPatchedPath(dlcfile.Path + "\\" + setupfile.datFile); XmlDocument contentdoc = RpfMan.GetFileXml(contentpath); DlcContentFile contentfile = new DlcContentFile(); contentfile.Load(contentdoc); setupfile.DlcFile = dlcfile; setupfile.ContentFile = contentfile; contentfile.DlcFile = dlcfile; contentfile.LoadDicts(setupfile, RpfMan, this); foreach (var extramount in contentfile.ExtraMounts.Values) { DlcExtraFolderMounts.Add(extramount); } DlcSetupFiles.Add(setupfile); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog("InitDlcList: Error processing DLC " + path + "\n" + ex.ToString()); } } } //load the DLC in the correct order.... DlcSetupFiles = DlcSetupFiles.OrderBy(o => o.order).ToList(); DlcNameList.Clear(); foreach (var sfile in DlcSetupFiles) { if ((sfile == null) || (sfile.DlcFile == null)) continue; DlcNameList.Add(GetDlcNameFromPath(sfile.DlcFile.Path)); } if (DlcNameList.Count > 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedDlc)) { SelectedDlc = DlcNameList[DlcNameList.Count - 1]; } } } private void InitImagesMetas() { //currently not used.. ////parse images.meta //string imagesmetapath = "common.rpf\\data\\levels\\gta5\\images.meta"; //if (EnableDlc) //{ // imagesmetapath = "update\\update.rpf\\common\\data\\levels\\gta5\\images.meta"; //} //var imagesmetaxml = RpfMan.GetFileXml(imagesmetapath); //var imagesnodes = imagesmetaxml.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; //List imagedatafilelist = new List(); //Dictionary imagedatafiles = new Dictionary(); //foreach (XmlNode node in imagesnodes) //{ // DlcContentDataFile datafile = new DlcContentDataFile(node); // string fname = datafile.filename.ToLower(); // fname = fname.Replace('\\', '/'); // imagedatafiles[fname] = datafile; // imagedatafilelist.Add(datafile); //} //filter ActiveMapFiles based on images.meta? //DlcContentDataFile imagesdata; //if (imagedatafiles.TryGetValue(path, out imagesdata)) //{ // ActiveMapRpfFiles[path] = baserpf; //} } private void InitActiveMapRpfFiles() { ActiveMapRpfFiles.Clear(); foreach (RpfFile baserpf in BaseRpfs) //start with all the base rpf's (eg x64a.rpf) { string path = baserpf.Path.Replace('\\', '/'); if (path == "common.rpf") { ActiveMapRpfFiles["common"] = baserpf; } else { int bsind = path.IndexOf('/'); if ((bsind > 0) && (bsind < path.Length)) { path = "x64" + path.Substring(bsind); //if (ActiveMapRpfFiles.ContainsKey(path)) //{ } //x64d.rpf\levels\gta5\generic\cutsobjects.rpf // x64g.rpf\levels\gta5\generic\cutsobjects.rpf - identical? ActiveMapRpfFiles[path] = baserpf; } else { //do we need to include root rpf files? generally don't seem to contain map data? ActiveMapRpfFiles[path] = baserpf; } } } if (!EnableDlc) return; //don't continue for base title only foreach (var rpf in DlcRpfs) { if (rpf.NameLower == "update.rpf")//include this so that files not in child rpf's can be used.. { string path = rpf.Path.Replace('\\', '/'); ActiveMapRpfFiles[path] = rpf; break; } } DlcActiveRpfs.Clear(); DlcCacheFileList.Clear(); //int maxdlcorder = 10000000; Dictionary> overlays = new Dictionary>(); foreach (var setupfile in DlcSetupFiles) { if (setupfile.DlcFile != null) { //if (setupfile.order > maxdlcorder) // break; var contentfile = setupfile.ContentFile; var dlcfile = setupfile.DlcFile; DlcActiveRpfs.Add(dlcfile); for (int i = 1; i <= setupfile.subPackCount; i++) { var subpackPath = dlcfile.Path.Replace("\\dlc.rpf", "\\dlc" + i.ToString() + ".rpf"); var subpack = RpfMan.FindRpfFile(subpackPath); if (subpack != null) { DlcActiveRpfs.Add(subpack); if (setupfile.DlcSubpacks == null) setupfile.DlcSubpacks = new List(); setupfile.DlcSubpacks.Add(subpack); } } string dlcname = GetDlcNameFromPath(dlcfile.Path); foreach (var rpfkvp in contentfile.RpfDataFiles) { string umpath = GetDlcUnmountedPath(rpfkvp.Value.filename); string phpath = GetDlcRpfPhysicalPath(umpath, setupfile); //if (rpfkvp.Value.overlay) AddDlcOverlayRpf(rpfkvp.Key, umpath, setupfile, overlays); AddDlcActiveMapRpfFile(rpfkvp.Key, phpath, setupfile); } DlcExtraFolderMountFile extramount; DlcContentDataFile rpfdatafile; foreach (var changeset in contentfile.contentChangeSets) { if (changeset.useCacheLoader) { uint cachehash = JenkHash.GenHash(changeset.changeSetName.ToLowerInvariant()); string cachefilename = dlcname + "_" + cachehash.ToString() + "_cache_y.dat"; string cachefilepath = dlcfile.Path + "\\x64\\data\\cacheloaderdata_dlc\\" + cachefilename; string cachefilepathpatched = GetDlcPatchedPath(cachefilepath); DlcCacheFileList.Add(cachefilepathpatched); //if ((changeset.mapChangeSetData != null) && (changeset.mapChangeSetData.Count > 0)) //{ } //else //{ } } else { //if ((changeset.mapChangeSetData != null) && (changeset.mapChangeSetData.Count > 0)) //{ } //if (changeset.executionConditions != null) //{ } } //if (changeset.filesToInvalidate != null) //{ }//not used //if (changeset.filesToDisable != null) //{ }//not used if (changeset.filesToEnable != null) { foreach (string file in changeset.filesToEnable) { string dfn = GetDlcPlatformPath(file).ToLowerInvariant(); if (contentfile.ExtraMounts.TryGetValue(dfn, out extramount)) { //foreach (var rpfkvp in contentfile.RpfDataFiles) //{ // string umpath = GetDlcUnmountedPath(rpfkvp.Value.filename); // string phpath = GetDlcRpfPhysicalPath(umpath, setupfile); // //if (rpfkvp.Value.overlay) // AddDlcOverlayRpf(rpfkvp.Key, umpath, setupfile, overlays); // AddDlcActiveMapRpfFile(rpfkvp.Key, phpath); //} } else if (contentfile.RpfDataFiles.TryGetValue(dfn, out rpfdatafile)) { string phpath = GetDlcRpfPhysicalPath(rpfdatafile.filename, setupfile); //if (rpfdatafile.overlay) AddDlcOverlayRpf(dfn, rpfdatafile.filename, setupfile, overlays); AddDlcActiveMapRpfFile(dfn, phpath, setupfile); } else { if (dfn.EndsWith(".rpf")) { } } } } if (changeset.executionConditions != null) { } if (changeset.mapChangeSetData != null) { foreach (var mapcs in changeset.mapChangeSetData) { //if (mapcs.mapChangeSetData != null) //{ }//not used if (mapcs.filesToInvalidate != null) { foreach (string file in mapcs.filesToInvalidate) { string upath = GetDlcMountedPath(file); string fpath = GetDlcPlatformPath(upath); if (fpath.EndsWith(".rpf")) { RemoveDlcActiveMapRpfFile(fpath, overlays); } else { } //how to deal with individual files? milo_.interior } } if (mapcs.filesToDisable != null) { } if (mapcs.filesToEnable != null) { foreach (string file in mapcs.filesToEnable) { string fpath = GetDlcPlatformPath(file); string umpath = GetDlcUnmountedPath(fpath); string phpath = GetDlcRpfPhysicalPath(umpath, setupfile); if (fpath != umpath) { } AddDlcOverlayRpf(fpath, umpath, setupfile, overlays); AddDlcActiveMapRpfFile(fpath, phpath, setupfile); } } } } } if (dlcname == SelectedDlc) { break; //everything's loaded up to the selected DLC. } } } } private void AddDlcActiveMapRpfFile(string vpath, string phpath, DlcSetupFile setupfile) { vpath = vpath.ToLowerInvariant(); phpath = phpath.ToLowerInvariant(); if (phpath.EndsWith(".rpf")) { RpfFile rpffile = RpfMan.FindRpfFile(phpath); if (rpffile != null) { ActiveMapRpfFiles[vpath] = rpffile; } else { } } else { } //how to handle individual files? eg interiorProxies.meta } private void AddDlcOverlayRpf(string path, string umpath, DlcSetupFile setupfile, Dictionary> overlays) { string opath = GetDlcOverlayPath(umpath, setupfile); if (opath == path) return; List overlayList; if (!overlays.TryGetValue(opath, out overlayList)) { overlayList = new List(); overlays[opath] = overlayList; } overlayList.Add(path); } private void RemoveDlcActiveMapRpfFile(string vpath, Dictionary> overlays) { List overlayList; if (overlays.TryGetValue(vpath, out overlayList)) { foreach (string overlayPath in overlayList) { if (ActiveMapRpfFiles.ContainsKey(overlayPath)) { ActiveMapRpfFiles.Remove(overlayPath); } else { } } overlays.Remove(vpath); } if (ActiveMapRpfFiles.ContainsKey(vpath)) { ActiveMapRpfFiles.Remove(vpath); } else { } //nothing to remove? } private string GetDlcRpfPhysicalPath(string path, DlcSetupFile setupfile) { string devname = setupfile.deviceName.ToLowerInvariant(); string fpath = GetDlcPlatformPath(path).ToLowerInvariant(); string kpath = fpath;//.Replace(devname + ":\\", ""); string dlcpath = setupfile.DlcFile.Path; fpath = fpath.Replace(devname + ":", dlcpath); fpath = fpath.Replace("x64:", dlcpath + "\\x64").Replace('/', '\\'); if (setupfile.DlcSubpacks != null) { if (RpfMan.FindRpfFile(fpath) == null) { foreach (var subpack in setupfile.DlcSubpacks) { dlcpath = subpack.Path; var tpath = kpath.Replace(devname + ":", dlcpath); tpath = tpath.Replace("x64:", dlcpath + "\\x64").Replace('/', '\\'); if (RpfMan.FindRpfFile(tpath) != null) { return GetDlcPatchedPath(tpath); } } } } return GetDlcPatchedPath(fpath); } private string GetDlcOverlayPath(string path, DlcSetupFile setupfile) { string devname = setupfile.deviceName.ToLowerInvariant(); string fpath = path.Replace("%PLATFORM%", "x64").Replace('\\', '/').ToLowerInvariant(); string opath = fpath.Replace(devname + ":/", ""); return opath; } private string GetDlcRpfVirtualPath(string path) { path = path.Replace('\\', '/'); if (path.StartsWith("mods/")) { path = path.Substring(5); } if (path.Length > 7) { path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 7);//trim off "dlc.rpf" } if (path.StartsWith("x64")) { int bsind = path.IndexOf('/'); //replace x64*.rpf if ((bsind > 0) && (bsind < path.Length)) { path = "x64" + path.Substring(bsind); } else { } //no hits here } else if (path.StartsWith("update/x64/dlcpacks")) { path = path.Replace("update/x64/dlcpacks", "dlcpacks:"); } else { } //no hits here return path; } private string GetDlcNameFromPath(string path) { string[] parts = path.ToLowerInvariant().Split('\\'); if (parts.Length > 1) { return parts[parts.Length - 2].ToLowerInvariant(); } return path; } public static string GetDlcPlatformPath(string path) { return path.Replace("%PLATFORM%", "x64").Replace('\\', '/').Replace("platform:", "x64").ToLowerInvariant(); } private string GetDlcMountedPath(string path) { foreach (var efm in DlcExtraFolderMounts) { foreach (var fm in efm.FolderMounts) { if ((fm.platform == null) || (fm.platform == "x64")) { if (path.StartsWith(fm.path)) { path = path.Replace(fm.path, fm.mountAs); } } } } return path; } private string GetDlcUnmountedPath(string path) { foreach (var efm in DlcExtraFolderMounts) { foreach (var fm in efm.FolderMounts) { if ((fm.platform == null) || (fm.platform == "x64")) { if (path.StartsWith(fm.mountAs)) { path = path.Replace(fm.mountAs, fm.path); } } } } return path; } public string GetDlcPatchedPath(string path) { string p; if (DlcPatchedPaths.TryGetValue(path, out p)) { return p; } return path; } private List GetModdedRpfList(List list) { //if (!EnableMods) return new List(list); List rlist = new List(); RpfFile f; if (!EnableMods) { foreach (var file in list) { if (!file.Path.StartsWith("mods")) { rlist.Add(file); } } } else { foreach (var file in list) { if (RpfMan.ModRpfDict.TryGetValue(file.Path, out f)) { rlist.Add(f); } else { if (file.Path.StartsWith("mods")) { var basepath = file.Path.Substring(5); if (!RpfMan.RpfDict.ContainsKey(basepath)) //this file isn't overriding anything { rlist.Add(file); } } else { rlist.Add(file); } } } } return rlist; } private void InitGlobalDicts() { YdrDict = new Dictionary(); YddDict = new Dictionary(); YtdDict = new Dictionary(); YftDict = new Dictionary(); YcdDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var rpffile in AllRpfs) { if (rpffile.AllEntries == null) continue; foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries) { if (entry is RpfFileEntry) { RpfFileEntry fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydr")) { YdrDict[entry.NameHash] = fentry; //replaces any existing entries... YdrDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } else if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydd")) { YddDict[entry.NameHash] = fentry; //replaces any existing entries... YddDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } else if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ytd")) { YtdDict[entry.NameHash] = fentry; //replaces any existing entries... YtdDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } else if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".yft")) { YftDict[entry.NameHash] = fentry; YftDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } else if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ycd")) { YcdDict[entry.NameHash] = fentry; YcdDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } } } } } private void InitMapDicts() { YmapDict = new Dictionary(); YbnDict = new Dictionary(); YnvDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var rpffile in ActiveMapRpfFiles.Values) //RpfMan.BaseRpfs) { if (rpffile.AllEntries == null) continue; foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries) { if (entry is RpfFileEntry) { RpfFileEntry fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ymap")) { //YmapDict[entry.NameHash] = fentry; YmapDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } else if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ybn")) { //YbnDict[entry.NameHash] = fentry; YbnDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } else if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ynv")) { YnvDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } } } } AllYmapsDict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var rpffile in AllRpfs) { if (rpffile.AllEntries == null) continue; foreach (var entry in rpffile.AllEntries) { if (entry is RpfFileEntry) { RpfFileEntry fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ymap")) { AllYmapsDict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; } } } } } private void InitManifestDicts() { AllManifests = new List(); hdtexturelookup = new Dictionary(); IEnumerable rpfs = PreloadedMode ? AllRpfs : (IEnumerable)ActiveMapRpfFiles.Values; foreach (RpfFile file in rpfs) { if (file.AllEntries == null) continue; //manifest and meta parsing.. foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //sp_manifest.ymt //if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith("zonebind.ymt")/* || entry.Name.EndsWith("vinewood.ymt")*/) //{ // YmtFile ymt = GetFile(entry); //} if (entry.Name.EndsWith(".ymf"))// || entry.Name.EndsWith(".ymt")) { try { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YmfFile ymffile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (ymffile != null) { AllManifests.Add(ymffile); if (ymffile.Pso != null) { } else if (ymffile.Rbf != null) { } else if (ymffile.Meta != null) { } else { } if (ymffile.HDTxdAssetBindings != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ymffile.HDTxdAssetBindings.Length; i++) { var b = ymffile.HDTxdAssetBindings[i]; var targetasset = JenkHash.GenHash(b.targetAsset.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); var hdtxd = JenkHash.GenHash(b.HDTxd.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); hdtexturelookup[targetasset] = hdtxd; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { string errstr = entry.Path + "\n" + ex.ToString(); ErrorLog(errstr); } } } } } private void InitGtxds() { var parentTxds = new Dictionary(); IEnumerable rpfs = PreloadedMode ? AllRpfs : (IEnumerable)ActiveMapRpfFiles.Values; var addTxdRelationships = new Action>((from) => { foreach (var kvp in from) { uint chash = JenkHash.GenHash(kvp.Key.ToLowerInvariant()); uint phash = JenkHash.GenHash(kvp.Value.ToLowerInvariant()); if (!parentTxds.ContainsKey(chash)) { parentTxds.Add(chash, phash); } else { } } }); var addRpfTxdRelationships = new Action>((from) => { foreach (RpfFile file in from) { if (file.AllEntries == null) continue; foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { try { if ((entry.NameLower == "gtxd.ymt") || (entry.NameLower == "gtxd.meta")) { GtxdFile ymt = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (ymt.TxdRelationships != null) { addTxdRelationships(ymt.TxdRelationships); } } else if (entry.NameLower == "vehicles.meta") { VehiclesFile vf = RpfMan.GetFile(entry);//could also get loaded in InitVehicles... if (vf.TxdRelationships != null) { addTxdRelationships(vf.TxdRelationships); } } } catch (Exception ex) { string errstr = entry.Path + "\n" + ex.ToString(); ErrorLog(errstr); } } } }); addRpfTxdRelationships(rpfs); if (EnableDlc) { addRpfTxdRelationships(DlcActiveRpfs); } textureParents = parentTxds; //ensure resident global texture dicts: YtdFile ytd1 = new YtdFile(GetYtdEntry(JenkHash.GenHash("mapdetail"))); LoadFile(ytd1); AddTextureLookups(ytd1); YtdFile ytd2 = new YtdFile(GetYtdEntry(JenkHash.GenHash("vehshare"))); LoadFile(ytd2); AddTextureLookups(ytd2); } private void InitMapCaches() { AllCacheFiles = new List(); YmapHierarchyDict = new Dictionary(); string cachefilepath = "common.rpf\\data\\gta5_cache_y.dat"; if (EnableDlc) { cachefilepath = "update\\update.rpf\\common\\data\\gta5_cache_y.dat"; } try { var maincache = RpfMan.GetFile(cachefilepath); if (maincache != null) { AllCacheFiles.Add(maincache); foreach (var node in maincache.AllMapNodes) { if (YmapDict.ContainsKey(node.Name)) { YmapHierarchyDict[node.Name] = node; } else { } //ymap not found... } } else { ErrorLog(cachefilepath + ": cache not loaded! Possibly an unsupported GTAV installation version."); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog(cachefilepath + ": " + ex.ToString()); } if (EnableDlc) { foreach (string dlccachefile in DlcCacheFileList) { try { var dat = RpfMan.GetFile(dlccachefile); if (dat == null) { continue; } //update\\x64\\dlcpacks\\mpspecialraces\\dlc.rpf\\x64\\data\\cacheloaderdata_dlc\\mpspecialraces_3336915258_cache_y.dat (hash of: mpspecialraces_interior_additions) AllCacheFiles.Add(dat); foreach (var node in dat.AllMapNodes) { if (YmapDict.ContainsKey(node.Name)) { YmapHierarchyDict[node.Name] = node; } else { } //ymap not found... } } catch (Exception ex) { string errstr = dlccachefile + "\n" + ex.ToString(); ErrorLog(errstr); } } //foreach (var dlcfile in DlcActiveRpfs) //{ // foreach (RpfEntry entry in dlcfile.AllEntries) // { // try // { // if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith("_cache_y.dat")) // { // var dat = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); // AllCacheFiles.Add(dat); // foreach (var node in dat.AllMapNodes) // { // if (YmapDict.ContainsKey(node.Name)) // { // YmapHierarchyDict[node.Name] = node; // } // else // { } //ymap not found... // } // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // string errstr = entry.Path + "\n" + ex.ToString(); // ErrorLog(errstr); // } // } //} } //foreach (RpfFile file in RpfMan.BaseRpfs) //{ // if (file.AllEntries == null) continue; // foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) // { // try // { // //if (entry.Name.EndsWith("_manifest.ymf")) // //{ // // var ymf = GetFile(entry); // //} // //else // if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith("_cache_y.dat")) // { // //parse the cache dat files. // var dat = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); // AllCacheFiles.Add(dat); // foreach (var node in dat.AllMapNodes) // { // YmapHierarchyDict[node.Name] = node; // } // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // string errstr = entry.Path + "\n" + ex.ToString(); // ErrorLog(errstr); // } // } //} } private void InitArchetypeDicts() { YtypDict = new Dictionary(); archetypesLoaded = false; archetypeDict.Clear(); if (!LoadArchetypes) return; var rpfs = EnableDlc ? AllRpfs : BaseRpfs; foreach (RpfFile file in rpfs) //RpfMan.BaseRpfs)RpfMan.AllRpfs)//ActiveMapRpfFiles.Values) // { if (file.AllEntries == null) continue; if (!EnableDlc && file.Path.StartsWith("update")) continue; //parse ytyps foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ytyp")) { AddYtypToDictionary(entry); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog(entry.Path + ": " + ex.Message); } } } archetypesLoaded = true; } private void AddYtypToDictionary(RpfEntry entry) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YtypFile ytypfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (ytypfile == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load ytyp file."); //couldn't load the file for some reason... shouldn't happen.. } if (ytypfile.Meta == null) { throw new Exception("ytyp file was not in meta format."); } if (YtypDict.ContainsKey(ytypfile.NameHash)) { //throw new Exception("ytyp " + JenkIndex.GetString(ytypfile.NameHash) + " already loaded."); //errorAction(entry.Path + ": ytyp " + JenkIndex.GetString(ytypfile.NameHash) + " already loaded."); YtypDict[ytypfile.NameHash] = ytypfile; //override ytyp and continue anyway, could be unique archetypes in here still... } else { YtypDict.Add(ytypfile.NameHash, ytypfile); } if ((ytypfile.AllArchetypes == null) || (ytypfile.AllArchetypes.Length == 0)) { ErrorLog(entry.Path + ": no archetypes found"); } else { foreach (var arch in ytypfile.AllArchetypes) { uint hash = arch.Hash; if (hash == 0) continue; if (archetypeDict.ContainsKey(hash)) { var oldval = archetypeDict[hash]; //replace old archetype? } archetypeDict[hash] = arch; } } ////if (ytypfile.AudioEmitters != null) ////{ //// foreach (CExtensionDefAudioEmitter emitter in ytypfile.AudioEmitters) //// { //// //audioind++; //// //uint hash =; //// //if (hash == 0) hash =; //// //if (hash == 0) //// // continue; //// //if (AudioArchetypes.ContainsKey(hash)) //// //{ //// // var oldval = AudioArchetypes[hash]; //// // //errorAction(entry.Path + ": " + emitter.ToString() + ": (CTimeArchetypeDef) Already in archetype dict. Was in: " + oldval.ToString()); //// // //overwrite with new definition? how to tell? //// // AudioArchetypes[hash] = new Tuple(ytypfile, audioind); //// //} //// //else //// //{ //// // AudioArchetypes.Add(hash, new Tuple(ytypfile, audioind)); //// //} //// } ////} } public void InitStringDicts() { string langstr = "american_rel"; //todo: make this variable? string langstr2 = "americandlc.rpf"; string langstr3 = "american.rpf"; Gxt2Dict = new Dictionary(); var gxt2files = new List(); foreach (var rpf in AllRpfs) { foreach (var entry in rpf.AllEntries) { if (entry is RpfFileEntry fentry) { var p = entry.Path; if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".gxt2") && (p.Contains(langstr) || p.Contains(langstr2) || p.Contains(langstr3))) { Gxt2Dict[entry.ShortNameHash] = fentry; if (DoFullStringIndex) { var gxt2 = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (gxt2 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < gxt2.TextEntries.Length; i++) { var e = gxt2.TextEntries[i]; GlobalText.Ensure(e.Text, e.Hash); } gxt2files.Add(gxt2); } } } } } } if (!DoFullStringIndex) { string globalgxt2path = "x64b.rpf\\data\\lang\\" + langstr + ".rpf\\global.gxt2"; var globalgxt2 = RpfMan.GetFile(globalgxt2path); if (globalgxt2 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < globalgxt2.TextEntries.Length; i++) { var e = globalgxt2.TextEntries[i]; GlobalText.Ensure(e.Text, e.Hash); } } return; } GlobalText.FullIndexBuilt = true; foreach (var rpf in AllRpfs) { foreach (var entry in rpf.AllEntries) { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith("statssetup.xml")) { var xml = RpfMan.GetFileXml(entry.Path); if (xml == null) { continue; } var statnodes = xml.SelectNodes("StatsSetup/stats/stat"); foreach (XmlNode statnode in statnodes) { if (statnode == null) { continue; } var statname = Xml.GetStringAttribute(statnode, "Name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statname)) { continue; } var statnamel = statname.ToLowerInvariant(); StatsNames.Ensure(statname); StatsNames.Ensure(statnamel); StatsNames.Ensure("sp_" + statnamel); StatsNames.Ensure("mp0_" + statnamel); StatsNames.Ensure("mp1_" + statnamel); } } } } StatsNames.FullIndexBuilt = true; } public void InitVehicles() { if (!LoadVehicles) return; //Neos7 //Involved files(at least for rendering purpose ) //Vehicles.meta //Carcols.meta //Carvariations.meta //Vehiclelayouts.meta //The other metas shouldn't be important for rendering //Then the global carcols.ymt is required too //As it contains the general shared tuning options //Carcols for modkits and lights kits definitions //Carvariations links such modkits and lights kits to each vehicle plus defines colours combinations of spawned vehicles //Vehiclelayouts mostly to handle ped interactions with the vehicle IEnumerable rpfs = PreloadedMode ? AllRpfs : (IEnumerable)ActiveMapRpfFiles.Values; var allVehicles = new Dictionary(); var allCarCols = new List(); var allCarModCols = new List(); var allCarVariations = new List(); var allCarVariationsDict = new Dictionary(); var allVehicleLayouts = new List(); var addVehicleFiles = new Action>((from) => { foreach (RpfFile file in from) { if (file.AllEntries == null) continue; foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { #if !DEBUG try #endif { if (entry.NameLower == "vehicles.meta") { VehiclesFile vf = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (vf.InitDatas != null) { foreach (var initData in vf.InitDatas) { var name = initData.modelName.ToLowerInvariant(); var hash = JenkHash.GenHash(name); if (allVehicles.ContainsKey(hash)) { } allVehicles[hash] = initData; } } } if ((entry.NameLower == "carcols.ymt") || (entry.NameLower == "carcols.meta")) { var cf = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (cf.VehicleModelInfo != null) { } allCarCols.Add(cf); } if (entry.NameLower == "carmodcols.ymt") { var cf = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (cf.VehicleModColours != null) { } allCarModCols.Add(cf); } if ((entry.NameLower == "carvariations.ymt") || (entry.NameLower == "carvariations.meta")) { var cf = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (cf.VehicleModelInfo?.variationData != null) { foreach (var variation in cf.VehicleModelInfo.variationData) { var name = variation.modelName.ToLowerInvariant(); var hash = JenkHash.GenHash(name); allCarVariationsDict[hash] = variation; } } allCarVariations.Add(cf); } if (entry.NameLower.StartsWith("vehiclelayouts") && entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".meta")) { var lf = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (lf.Xml != null) { } allVehicleLayouts.Add(lf); } } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { string errstr = entry.Path + "\n" + ex.ToString(); ErrorLog(errstr); } #endif } } }); addVehicleFiles(rpfs); if (EnableDlc) { addVehicleFiles(DlcActiveRpfs); } VehiclesInitDict = allVehicles; } public void InitPeds() { if (!LoadPeds) return; IEnumerable rpfs = PreloadedMode ? AllRpfs : (IEnumerable)ActiveMapRpfFiles.Values; List dlcrpfs = new List(); if (EnableDlc) { foreach (var rpf in DlcActiveRpfs) { dlcrpfs.Add(rpf); if (rpf.Children == null) continue; foreach (var crpf in rpf.Children) { dlcrpfs.Add(crpf); if (crpf.Children?.Count > 0) { } } } } var allPeds = new Dictionary(); var allPedsFiles = new List(); var allPedYmts = new Dictionary(); var allPedDrwDicts = new Dictionary>(); var allPedTexDicts = new Dictionary>(); var allPedClothDicts = new Dictionary>(); Dictionary ensureDict(Dictionary> coll, MetaHash hash) { Dictionary dict; if (!coll.TryGetValue(hash, out dict)) { dict = new Dictionary(); coll[hash] = dict; } return dict; } var addPedDicts = new Action((namel, hash, dir) => { Dictionary dict = null; var files = dir?.Files; if (files != null) { foreach (var file in files) { if (file.NameLower == namel + ".yld") { dict = ensureDict(allPedClothDicts, hash); dict[file.ShortNameHash] = file; } } } if (dir?.Directories != null) { foreach (var cdir in dir.Directories) { if (cdir.NameLower == namel) { dir = cdir; break; } } files = dir?.Files; if (files != null) { foreach (var file in files) { if (file?.NameLower == null) continue; if (file.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydd")) { dict = ensureDict(allPedDrwDicts, hash); dict[file.ShortNameHash] = file; } else if (file.NameLower.EndsWith(".ytd")) { dict = ensureDict(allPedTexDicts, hash); dict[file.ShortNameHash] = file; } else if (file.NameLower.EndsWith(".yld")) { dict = ensureDict(allPedClothDicts, hash); dict[file.ShortNameHash] = file; } } } } }); var addPedsFiles = new Action>((from) => { foreach (RpfFile file in from) { if (file.AllEntries == null) continue; foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { #if !DEBUG try #endif { if ((entry.NameLower == "peds.ymt") || (entry.NameLower == "peds.meta")) { var pf = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (pf.InitDataList?.InitDatas != null) { foreach (var initData in pf.InitDataList.InitDatas) { var name = initData.Name.ToLowerInvariant(); var hash = JenkHash.GenHash(name); if (allPeds.ContainsKey(hash)) { } allPeds[hash] = initData; } } allPedsFiles.Add(pf); } } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { string errstr = entry.Path + "\n" + ex.ToString(); ErrorLog(errstr); } #endif } } }); var addPedFiles = new Action>((from) => { foreach (RpfFile file in from) { if (file.AllEntries == null) continue; foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { #if !DEBUG try #endif { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ymt")) { var testname = entry.GetShortNameLower(); var testhash = JenkHash.GenHash(testname); if (allPeds.ContainsKey(testhash)) { var pf = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (pf != null) { allPedYmts[testhash] = pf; addPedDicts(testname, testhash, entry.Parent); } } } } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { string errstr = entry.Path + "\n" + ex.ToString(); ErrorLog(errstr); } #endif } } }); addPedsFiles(rpfs); addPedsFiles(dlcrpfs); addPedFiles(rpfs); addPedFiles(dlcrpfs); PedsInitDict = allPeds; PedVariationsDict = allPedYmts; PedDrawableDicts = allPedDrwDicts; PedTextureDicts = allPedTexDicts; PedClothDicts = allPedClothDicts; foreach (var kvp in PedsInitDict) { if (!PedVariationsDict.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { }//checking we found them all! } } public bool SetDlcLevel(string dlc, bool enable) { bool dlcchange = (dlc != SelectedDlc); bool enablechange = (enable != EnableDlc); bool change = (dlcchange && enable) || enablechange; if (change) { lock (updateSyncRoot) { //lock (textureSyncRoot) { SelectedDlc = dlc; EnableDlc = enable; //mainCache.Clear(); ClearCachedMaps(); InitDlc(); } } } return change; } public bool SetModsEnabled(bool enable) { bool change = (enable != EnableMods); if (change) { lock (updateSyncRoot) { //lock (textureSyncRoot) { EnableMods = enable; RpfMan.EnableMods = enable; mainCache.Clear(); InitGlobal(); InitDlc(); } } } return change; } private void ClearCachedMaps() { if (AllYmapsDict != null) { foreach (var ymap in AllYmapsDict.Values) { GameFileCacheKey k = new GameFileCacheKey(ymap.ShortNameHash, GameFileType.Ymap); mainCache.Remove(k); } } } public void TryLoadEnqueue(GameFile gf) { if (((!gf.Loaded)) && (requestQueue.Count < 10))// && (!gf.LoadQueued) { requestQueue.Enqueue(gf); gf.LoadQueued = true; } } public Archetype GetArchetype(uint hash) { if (!archetypesLoaded) return null; Archetype arch = null; archetypeDict.TryGetValue(hash, out arch); return arch; } public MapDataStoreNode GetMapNode(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; MapDataStoreNode node = null; YmapHierarchyDict.TryGetValue(hash, out node); return node; } public YdrFile GetYdr(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; lock (requestSyncRoot) { var key = new GameFileCacheKey(hash, GameFileType.Ydr); YdrFile ydr = mainCache.TryGet(key) as YdrFile; if (ydr == null) { var e = GetYdrEntry(hash); if (e != null) { ydr = new YdrFile(e); if (mainCache.TryAdd(key, ydr)) { TryLoadEnqueue(ydr); } else { ydr.LoadQueued = false; //ErrorLog("Out of cache space - couldn't load drawable: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else { //ErrorLog("Drawable not found: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else if (!ydr.Loaded) { TryLoadEnqueue(ydr); } return ydr; } } public YddFile GetYdd(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; lock (requestSyncRoot) { var key = new GameFileCacheKey(hash, GameFileType.Ydd); YddFile ydd = mainCache.TryGet(key) as YddFile; if (ydd == null) { var e = GetYddEntry(hash); if (e != null) { ydd = new YddFile(e); if (mainCache.TryAdd(key, ydd)) { TryLoadEnqueue(ydd); } else { ydd.LoadQueued = false; //ErrorLog("Out of cache space - couldn't load drawable dictionary: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else { //ErrorLog("Drawable dictionary not found: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else if (!ydd.Loaded) { TryLoadEnqueue(ydd); } return ydd; } } public YtdFile GetYtd(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; lock (requestSyncRoot) { var key = new GameFileCacheKey(hash, GameFileType.Ytd); YtdFile ytd = mainCache.TryGet(key) as YtdFile; if (ytd == null) { var e = GetYtdEntry(hash); if (e != null) { ytd = new YtdFile(e); if (mainCache.TryAdd(key, ytd)) { TryLoadEnqueue(ytd); } else { ytd.LoadQueued = false; //ErrorLog("Out of cache space - couldn't load texture dictionary: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else { //ErrorLog("Texture dictionary not found: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else if (!ytd.Loaded) { TryLoadEnqueue(ytd); } return ytd; } } public YmapFile GetYmap(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; lock (requestSyncRoot) { var key = new GameFileCacheKey(hash, GameFileType.Ymap); YmapFile ymap = mainCache.TryGet(key) as YmapFile; if (ymap == null) { var e = GetYmapEntry(hash); if (e != null) { ymap = new YmapFile(e); if (mainCache.TryAdd(key, ymap)) { TryLoadEnqueue(ymap); } else { ymap.LoadQueued = false; //ErrorLog("Out of cache space - couldn't load ymap: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); } } else { //ErrorLog("Ymap not found: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else if (!ymap.Loaded) { TryLoadEnqueue(ymap); } return ymap; } } public YftFile GetYft(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; lock (requestSyncRoot) { var key = new GameFileCacheKey(hash, GameFileType.Yft); YftFile yft = mainCache.TryGet(key) as YftFile; if (yft == null) { var e = GetYftEntry(hash); if (e != null) { yft = new YftFile(e); if (mainCache.TryAdd(key, yft)) { TryLoadEnqueue(yft); } else { yft.LoadQueued = false; //ErrorLog("Out of cache space - couldn't load yft: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else { //ErrorLog("Yft not found: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else if (!yft.Loaded) { TryLoadEnqueue(yft); } return yft; } } public YbnFile GetYbn(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; lock (requestSyncRoot) { var key = new GameFileCacheKey(hash, GameFileType.Ybn); YbnFile ybn = mainCache.TryGet(key) as YbnFile; if (ybn == null) { var e = GetYbnEntry(hash); if (e != null) { ybn = new YbnFile(e); if (mainCache.TryAdd(key, ybn)) { TryLoadEnqueue(ybn); } else { ybn.LoadQueued = false; //ErrorLog("Out of cache space - couldn't load ybn: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else { //ErrorLog("Ybn not found: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else if (!ybn.Loaded) { TryLoadEnqueue(ybn); } return ybn; } } public YcdFile GetYcd(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; lock (requestSyncRoot) { var key = new GameFileCacheKey(hash, GameFileType.Ycd); YcdFile ycd = mainCache.TryGet(key) as YcdFile; if (ycd == null) { var e = GetYcdEntry(hash); if (e != null) { ycd = new YcdFile(e); if (mainCache.TryAdd(key, ycd)) { TryLoadEnqueue(ycd); } else { ycd.LoadQueued = false; //ErrorLog("Out of cache space - couldn't load ycd: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else { //ErrorLog("Ycd not found: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else if (!ycd.Loaded) { TryLoadEnqueue(ycd); } return ycd; } } public YnvFile GetYnv(uint hash) { if (!IsInited) return null; lock (requestSyncRoot) { var key = new GameFileCacheKey(hash, GameFileType.Ynv); YnvFile ynv = mainCache.TryGet(key) as YnvFile; if (ynv == null) { var e = GetYnvEntry(hash); if (e != null) { ynv = new YnvFile(e); if (mainCache.TryAdd(key, ynv)) { TryLoadEnqueue(ynv); } else { ynv.LoadQueued = false; //ErrorLog("Out of cache space - couldn't load ycd: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else { //ErrorLog("Ycd not found: " + JenkIndex.GetString(hash)); //too spammy... } } else if (!ynv.Loaded) { TryLoadEnqueue(ynv); } return ynv; } } public RpfFileEntry GetYdrEntry(uint hash) { RpfFileEntry entry; YdrDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry); return entry; } public RpfFileEntry GetYddEntry(uint hash) { RpfFileEntry entry; YddDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry); return entry; } public RpfFileEntry GetYtdEntry(uint hash) { RpfFileEntry entry; YtdDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry); return entry; } public RpfFileEntry GetYmapEntry(uint hash) { RpfFileEntry entry; if (!YmapDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry)) { AllYmapsDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry); } return entry; } public RpfFileEntry GetYftEntry(uint hash) { RpfFileEntry entry; YftDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry); return entry; } public RpfFileEntry GetYbnEntry(uint hash) { RpfFileEntry entry; YbnDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry); return entry; } public RpfFileEntry GetYcdEntry(uint hash) { RpfFileEntry entry; YcdDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry); return entry; } public RpfFileEntry GetYnvEntry(uint hash) { RpfFileEntry entry; YnvDict.TryGetValue(hash, out entry); return entry; } public bool LoadFile(T file) where T : GameFile, PackedFile { if (file == null) return false; RpfFileEntry entry = file.RpfFileEntry; if (entry != null) { return RpfMan.LoadFile(file, entry); } return false; } public T GetFileUncached(RpfFileEntry e) where T : GameFile, new() { var f = new T(); f.RpfFileEntry = e; TryLoadEnqueue(f); return f; } public void BeginFrame() { lock (requestSyncRoot) { mainCache.BeginFrame(); } } public bool ContentThreadProc() { Monitor.Enter(updateSyncRoot); GameFile req; //bool loadedsomething = false; int itemcount = 0; while (requestQueue.TryDequeue(out req) && (itemcount < MaxItemsPerLoop)) { //process content requests. if (req.Loaded) continue; //it's already loaded... (somehow) if ((req.LastUseTime - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds > 0.5) continue; //hasn't been requested lately..! ignore, will try again later if necessary itemcount++; //if (!loadedsomething) //{ //UpdateStatus("Loading " + req.RpfFileEntry.Name + "..."); //} switch (req.Type) { case GameFileType.Ydr: req.Loaded = LoadFile(req as YdrFile); break; case GameFileType.Ydd: req.Loaded = LoadFile(req as YddFile); break; case GameFileType.Ytd: req.Loaded = LoadFile(req as YtdFile); //if (req.Loaded) AddTextureLookups(req as YtdFile); break; case GameFileType.Ymap: YmapFile y = req as YmapFile; req.Loaded = LoadFile(y); if (req.Loaded) y.InitYmapEntityArchetypes(this); break; case GameFileType.Yft: req.Loaded = LoadFile(req as YftFile); break; case GameFileType.Ybn: req.Loaded = LoadFile(req as YbnFile); break; case GameFileType.Ycd: req.Loaded = LoadFile(req as YcdFile); break; case GameFileType.Ynv: req.Loaded = LoadFile(req as YnvFile); break; case GameFileType.Yld: req.Loaded = LoadFile(req as YldFile); break; default: break; } string str = (req.Loaded ? "Loaded " : "Error loading ") + req.ToString(); //string str = string.Format("{0}: {1}: {2}", requestQueue.Count, (req.Loaded ? "Loaded" : "Error loading"), req); UpdateStatus(str); //ErrorLog(str); if (!req.Loaded) { ErrorLog("Error loading " + req.ToString()); } //loadedsomething = true; } //whether or not we need another content thread loop bool itemsStillPending = (itemcount >= MaxItemsPerLoop); Monitor.Exit(updateSyncRoot); return itemsStillPending; } private void AddTextureLookups(YtdFile ytd) { if (ytd?.TextureDict?.TextureNameHashes?.data_items == null) return; lock (textureSyncRoot) { foreach (uint hash in ytd.TextureDict.TextureNameHashes.data_items) { textureLookup[hash] = ytd.RpfFileEntry; } } } public YtdFile TryGetTextureDictForTexture(uint hash) { lock (textureSyncRoot) { RpfFileEntry e; if (textureLookup.TryGetValue(hash, out e)) { return GetYtd(e.ShortNameHash); } } return null; } public YtdFile TryGetParentYtd(uint hash) { MetaHash phash; if (textureParents.TryGetValue(hash, out phash)) { return GetYtd(phash); } return null; } public uint TryGetParentYtdHash(uint hash) { MetaHash phash = 0; textureParents.TryGetValue(hash, out phash); return phash; } public uint TryGetHDTextureHash(uint txdhash) { MetaHash hdhash = 0; if (hdtexturelookup?.TryGetValue(txdhash, out hdhash) ?? false) { return hdhash; } return txdhash; } public Texture TryFindTextureInParent(uint texhash, uint txdhash) { Texture tex = null; var ytd = TryGetParentYtd(txdhash); while ((ytd != null) && (tex == null)) { if (ytd.Loaded && (ytd.TextureDict != null)) { tex = ytd.TextureDict.Lookup(texhash); } if (tex == null) { ytd = TryGetParentYtd(ytd.Key.Hash); } } return tex; } public DrawableBase TryGetDrawable(Archetype arche) { if (arche == null) return null; uint drawhash = arche.Hash; DrawableBase drawable = null; if ((arche.DrawableDict != 0))// && (arche.DrawableDict != arche.Hash)) { //try get drawable from ydd... YddFile ydd = GetYdd(arche.DrawableDict); if (ydd != null) { if (ydd.Loaded && (ydd.Dict != null)) { Drawable d; ydd.Dict.TryGetValue(drawhash, out d); //can't out to base class? drawable = d; if (drawable == null) { return null; //drawable wasn't in dict!! } } else { return null; //ydd not loaded yet, or has no dict } } else { //return null; //couldn't find drawable dict... quit now? } } if (drawable == null) { //try get drawable from ydr. YdrFile ydr = GetYdr(drawhash); if (ydr != null) { if (ydr.Loaded) { drawable = ydr.Drawable; } } else { YftFile yft = GetYft(drawhash); if (yft != null) { if (yft.Loaded) { if (yft.Fragment != null) { drawable = yft.Fragment.Drawable; } } } } } return drawable; } public DrawableBase TryGetDrawable(Archetype arche, out bool waitingForLoad) { waitingForLoad = false; if (arche == null) return null; uint drawhash = arche.Hash; DrawableBase drawable = null; if ((arche.DrawableDict != 0))// && (arche.DrawableDict != arche.Hash)) { //try get drawable from ydd... YddFile ydd = GetYdd(arche.DrawableDict); if (ydd != null) { if (ydd.Loaded) { if (ydd.Dict != null) { Drawable d; ydd.Dict.TryGetValue(drawhash, out d); //can't out to base class? drawable = d; if (drawable == null) { return null; //drawable wasn't in dict!! } } else { return null; //ydd has no dict } } else { waitingForLoad = true; return null; //ydd not loaded yet } } else { //return null; //couldn't find drawable dict... quit now? } } if (drawable == null) { //try get drawable from ydr. YdrFile ydr = GetYdr(drawhash); if (ydr != null) { if (ydr.Loaded) { drawable = ydr.Drawable; } else { waitingForLoad = true; } } else { YftFile yft = GetYft(drawhash); if (yft != null) { if (yft.Loaded) { if (yft.Fragment != null) { drawable = yft.Fragment.Drawable; } } else { waitingForLoad = true; } } } } return drawable; } private string[] GetExcludePaths() { string[] exclpaths = ExcludeFolders.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (exclpaths.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < exclpaths.Length; i++) { exclpaths[i] = exclpaths[i].ToLowerInvariant(); } } else { exclpaths = null; } return exclpaths; } public void TestAudioRels() { UpdateStatus("Testing Audio REL files"); bool savetest = true; bool xmltest = true; foreach (RpfFile rpf in RpfMan.AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in rpf.AllEntries) { var rfe = entry as RpfFileEntry; var rbfe = rfe as RpfBinaryFileEntry; if ((rfe == null) || (rbfe == null)) continue; if (rfe.NameLower.EndsWith(".rel")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); RelFile rel = new RelFile(rfe); RpfMan.LoadFile(rel, rfe); byte[] data; if (savetest) { data = rel.Save(); if (data != null) { if (data.Length != rbfe.FileUncompressedSize) { } else if (data.Length != rel.RawFileData.Length) { } else { for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) //raw file test if (data[i] != rel.RawFileData[i]) { break; } } RelFile rel2 = new RelFile(); rel2.Load(data, rfe);//roundtrip test if (rel2.IndexCount != rel.IndexCount) { } if (rel2.RelDatas == null) { } } else { } } if (xmltest) { var relxml = RelXml.GetXml(rel); //XML test... var rel3 = XmlRel.GetRel(relxml); if (rel3 != null) { if (rel3.RelDatasSorted?.Length != rel.RelDatasSorted?.Length) { } //check nothing went missing... data = rel3.Save(); //full roundtrip! if (data != null) { var rel4 = new RelFile(); rel4.Load(data, rfe); //insanity check if (data.Length != rbfe.FileUncompressedSize) { } else if (data.Length != rel.RawFileData.Length) { } else { for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) //raw file test if (data[i] != rel.RawFileData[i]) { break; } } var relxml2 = RelXml.GetXml(rel4); //full insanity if (relxml2.Length != relxml.Length) { } if (relxml2 != relxml) { } } else { } } else { } } } } } var hashmap = RelFile.HashesMap; if (hashmap.Count > 0) { } var sb2 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kvp in hashmap) { string itemtype = kvp.Key.ItemType.ToString(); if (kvp.Key.FileType == RelDatFileType.Dat151) { itemtype = ((Dat151RelType)kvp.Key.ItemType).ToString(); } else if (kvp.Key.FileType == RelDatFileType.Dat54DataEntries) { itemtype = ((Dat54SoundType)kvp.Key.ItemType).ToString(); } else { itemtype = kvp.Key.FileType.ToString() + ".Unk" + kvp.Key.ItemType.ToString(); } if (kvp.Key.IsContainer) { itemtype += " (container)"; } //if (kvp.Key.FileType == RelDatFileType.Dat151) { sb2.Append(itemtype); sb2.Append(" "); foreach (var val in kvp.Value) { sb2.Append(val.ToString()); sb2.Append(" "); } sb2.AppendLine(); } } var hashmapstr = sb2.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hashmapstr)) { } } public void TestAudioYmts() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Dictionary allids = new Dictionary(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { try { var n = entry.NameLower; if (n.EndsWith(".ymt")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); //YmtFile ymtfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); //if ((ymtfile != null)) //{ //} var sn = entry.GetShortName(); uint un; if (uint.TryParse(sn, out un)) { if (allids.ContainsKey(un)) { allids[un] = allids[un] + 1; } else { allids[un] = 1; //ushort s1 = (ushort)(un & 0x1FFFu); //ushort s2 = (ushort)((un >> 13) & 0x1FFFu); uint s1 = un % 80000; uint s2 = (un / 80000); float f1 = s1 / 5000.0f; float f2 = s2 / 5000.0f; sb.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, 0, {2}\r\n", f1, f2, sn); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); } } } var skeys = allids.Keys.ToList(); skeys.Sort(); var hkeys = new List(); foreach (var skey in skeys) { FlagsUint fu = new FlagsUint(skey); //hkeys.Add(skey.ToString("X")); hkeys.Add(fu.Bin); } string nstr = string.Join("\r\n", hkeys.ToArray()); string pstr = sb.ToString(); if (pstr.Length > 0) { } } public void TestMetas() { //find all RSC meta files and generate the MetaTypes init code MetaTypes.Clear(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //try { var n = entry.NameLower; //if (n.EndsWith(".ymap")) //{ // UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); // YmapFile ymapfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); // if ((ymapfile != null) && (ymapfile.Meta != null)) // { // MetaTypes.EnsureMetaTypes(ymapfile.Meta); // } //} //else if (n.EndsWith(".ytyp")) //{ // UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); // YtypFile ytypfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); // if ((ytypfile != null) && (ytypfile.Meta != null)) // { // MetaTypes.EnsureMetaTypes(ytypfile.Meta); // } //} //else if (n.EndsWith(".ymt")) //{ // UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); // YmtFile ymtfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); // if ((ymtfile != null) && (ymtfile.Meta != null)) // { // MetaTypes.EnsureMetaTypes(ymtfile.Meta); // } //} if (n.EndsWith(".ymap") || n.EndsWith(".ytyp") || n.EndsWith(".ymt")) { var rfe = entry as RpfResourceFileEntry; if (rfe == null) continue; UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); var data = rfe.File.ExtractFile(rfe); ResourceDataReader rd = new ResourceDataReader(rfe, data); var meta = rd.ReadBlock(); var xml = MetaXml.GetXml(meta); var xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.LoadXml(xml); var meta2 = XmlMeta.GetMeta(xdoc); var xml2 = MetaXml.GetXml(meta2); if (xml.Length != xml2.Length) { } if ((xml != xml2) && (!n.EndsWith("srl.ymt") && !n.StartsWith("des_"))) { } } } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); //} } } string str = MetaTypes.GetTypesInitString(); } public void TestPsos() { //find all PSO meta files and generate the PsoTypes init code PsoTypes.Clear(); var exceptions = new List(); var allpsos = new List(); var diffpsos = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { #if !DEBUG try #endif { var n = entry.NameLower; if (!(n.EndsWith(".pso") || n.EndsWith(".ymt") || n.EndsWith(".ymf") || n.EndsWith(".ymap") || n.EndsWith(".ytyp") || n.EndsWith(".cut"))) continue; //PSO files seem to only have these extensions var fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; var data = entry.File.ExtractFile(fentry); if (data != null) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data)) { if (PsoFile.IsPSO(ms)) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); var pso = new PsoFile(); pso.Load(ms); allpsos.Add(fentry.Path); PsoTypes.EnsurePsoTypes(pso); var xml = PsoXml.GetXml(pso); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml)) { } var xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.LoadXml(xml); var pso2 = XmlPso.GetPso(xdoc); var pso2b = pso2.Save(); var pso3 = new PsoFile(); pso3.Load(pso2b); var xml3 = PsoXml.GetXml(pso3); if (xml.Length != xml3.Length) { } if (xml != xml3) { diffpsos.Add(fentry.Path); } //if (entry.NameLower == "clip_sets.ymt") //{ } //if (entry.NameLower == "vfxinteriorinfo.ymt") //{ } //if (entry.NameLower == "vfxvehicleinfo.ymt") //{ } //if (entry.NameLower == "vfxpedinfo.ymt") //{ } //if (entry.NameLower == "vfxregioninfo.ymt") //{ } //if (entry.NameLower == "vfxweaponinfo.ymt") //{ } //if (entry.NameLower == "physicstasks.ymt") //{ } } } } } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); exceptions.Add(ex); } #endif } } string allpsopaths = string.Join("\r\n", allpsos); string diffpsopaths = string.Join("\r\n", diffpsos); string str = PsoTypes.GetTypesInitString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { } } public void TestRbfs() { var exceptions = new List(); var allrbfs = new List(); var diffrbfs = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { var n = entry.NameLower; if (!(n.EndsWith(".ymt") || n.EndsWith(".ymf") || n.EndsWith(".ymap") || n.EndsWith(".ytyp") || n.EndsWith(".cut"))) continue; //PSO files seem to only have these extensions var fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; var data = entry.File.ExtractFile(fentry); if (data != null) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data)) { if (RbfFile.IsRBF(ms)) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); var rbf = new RbfFile(); rbf.Load(ms); allrbfs.Add(fentry.Path); var xml = RbfXml.GetXml(rbf); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml)) { } var xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.LoadXml(xml); var rbf2 = XmlRbf.GetRbf(xdoc); var rbf2b = rbf2.Save(); var rbf3 = new RbfFile(); rbf3.Load(rbf2b); var xml3 = RbfXml.GetXml(rbf3); if (xml.Length != xml3.Length) { } if (xml != xml3) { diffrbfs.Add(fentry.Path); } if (data.Length != rbf2b.Length) { //File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\GitHub\\CodeWalkerResearch\\RBF\\" + fentry.Name + ".dat0", data); //File.WriteAllBytes("C:\\GitHub\\CodeWalkerResearch\\RBF\\" + fentry.Name + ".dat1", rbf2b); } else { for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { if (data[i] != rbf2b[i]) { diffrbfs.Add(fentry.Path); break; } } } } } } } } string allrbfpaths = string.Join("\r\n", allrbfs); string diffrbfpaths = string.Join("\r\n", diffrbfs); } public void TestCuts() { var exceptions = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { #if !DEBUG try #endif { var rfe = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (rfe == null) continue; if (rfe.NameLower.EndsWith(".cut")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); CutFile cut = new CutFile(rfe); RpfMan.LoadFile(cut, rfe); //PsoTypes.EnsurePsoTypes(cut.Pso); } } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); exceptions.Add(ex); } #endif } } string str = PsoTypes.GetTypesInitString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { } } public void TestYlds() { var exceptions = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { #if !DEBUG try #endif { var rfe = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (rfe == null) continue; if (rfe.NameLower.EndsWith(".yld")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YldFile yld = new YldFile(rfe); RpfMan.LoadFile(yld, rfe); } } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); exceptions.Add(ex); } #endif } } if (exceptions.Count > 0) { } } public void TestYcds() { bool savetest = false; var errorfiles = new List(); var errorentries = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //try //{ if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ycd")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YcdFile ycd1 = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (ycd1 == null) { errorentries.Add(entry); } else if (ycd1?.LoadException != null) { errorfiles.Add(ycd1);//these ones have file corruption issues and won't load as resource... } else if (savetest) { if (ycd1.ClipDictionary == null) { continue; } //var data1 = ycd1.Save(); var xml = YcdXml.GetXml(ycd1); var ycdX = XmlYcd.GetYcd(xml); var data = ycdX.Save(); var ycd2 = new YcdFile(); RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(ycd2, data, 46);//full roundtrip { if (ycd2 == null) { continue; } if (ycd2.ClipDictionary == null) { continue; } var c1 = ycd1.ClipDictionary.Clips?.data_items; var c2 = ycd2.ClipDictionary.Clips?.data_items; if ((c1 == null) || (c2 == null)) { continue; } if (c1.Length != c2.Length) { continue; } var a1 = ycd1.ClipDictionary.Animations?.Animations?.data_items; var a2 = ycd2.ClipDictionary.Animations?.Animations?.data_items; if ((a1 == null) || (a2 == null)) { continue; } if (a1.Length != a2.Length) { continue; } var m1 = ycd1.AnimMap; var m2 = ycd2.AnimMap; if ((m1 == null) || (m2 == null)) { continue; } if (m1.Count != m2.Count) { continue; } foreach (var kvp1 in m1) { var an1 = kvp1.Value; var an2 = an1; if (!m2.TryGetValue(kvp1.Key, out an2)) { continue; } var sa1 = an1?.Animation?.Sequences?.data_items; var sa2 = an2?.Animation?.Sequences?.data_items; if ((sa1 == null) || (sa2 == null)) { continue; } if (sa1.Length != sa2.Length) { continue; } for (int s = 0; s < sa1.Length; s++) { var s1 = sa1[s]; var s2 = sa2[s]; if ((s1?.Sequences == null) || (s2?.Sequences == null)) { continue; } if (s1.NumFrames != s2.NumFrames) { } if (s1.ChunkSize != s2.ChunkSize) { } if (s1.FrameOffset != s2.FrameOffset) { } if (s1.DataLength != s2.DataLength) { } else { //for (int b = 0; b < s1.DataLength; b++) //{ // var b1 = s1.Data[b]; // var b2 = s2.Data[b]; // if (b1 != b2) // { } //} } for (int ss = 0; ss < s1.Sequences.Length; ss++) { var ss1 = s1.Sequences[ss]; var ss2 = s2.Sequences[ss]; if ((ss1?.Channels == null) || (ss2?.Channels == null)) { continue; } if (ss1.Channels.Length != ss2.Channels.Length) { continue; } for (int c = 0; c < ss1.Channels.Length; c++) { var sc1 = ss1.Channels[c]; var sc2 = ss2.Channels[c]; if ((sc1 == null) || (sc2 == null)) { continue; } if (sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.LinearFloat) { continue; } if (sc1.Type != sc2.Type) { continue; } if (sc1.Index != sc2.Index) { continue; } if (sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.StaticQuaternion) { var acsq1 = sc1 as AnimChannelStaticQuaternion; var acsq2 = sc2 as AnimChannelStaticQuaternion; var vdiff = acsq1.Value - acsq2.Value; var len = vdiff.Length(); var v1len = Math.Max(acsq1.Value.Length(), 1); if (len > 1e-2f * v1len) { continue; } } else if (sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.StaticVector3) { var acsv1 = sc1 as AnimChannelStaticVector3; var acsv2 = sc2 as AnimChannelStaticVector3; var vdiff = acsv1.Value - acsv2.Value; var len = vdiff.Length(); var v1len = Math.Max(acsv1.Value.Length(), 1); if (len > 1e-2f * v1len) { continue; } } else if (sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.StaticFloat) { var acsf1 = sc1 as AnimChannelStaticFloat; var acsf2 = sc2 as AnimChannelStaticFloat; var vdiff = Math.Abs(acsf1.Value - acsf2.Value); var v1len = Math.Max(Math.Abs(acsf1.Value), 1); if (vdiff > 1e-2f * v1len) { continue; } } else if (sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.RawFloat) { var acrf1 = sc1 as AnimChannelRawFloat; var acrf2 = sc2 as AnimChannelRawFloat; for (int v = 0; v < acrf1.Values.Length; v++) { var v1 = acrf1.Values[v]; var v2 = acrf2.Values[v]; var vdiff = Math.Abs(v1 - v2); var v1len = Math.Max(Math.Abs(v1), 1); if (vdiff > 1e-2f * v1len) { break; } } } else if (sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.QuantizeFloat) { var acqf1 = sc1 as AnimChannelQuantizeFloat; var acqf2 = sc2 as AnimChannelQuantizeFloat; if (acqf1.ValueBits != acqf2.ValueBits) { continue; } if (Math.Abs(acqf1.Offset - acqf2.Offset) > (0.001f * Math.Abs(acqf1.Offset))) { continue; } if (Math.Abs(acqf1.Quantum - acqf2.Quantum) > 0.00001f) { continue; } for (int v = 0; v < acqf1.Values.Length; v++) { var v1 = acqf1.Values[v]; var v2 = acqf2.Values[v]; var vdiff = Math.Abs(v1 - v2); var v1len = Math.Max(Math.Abs(v1), 1); if (vdiff > 1e-2f * v1len) { break; } } } else if (sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.IndirectQuantizeFloat) { var aciqf1 = sc1 as AnimChannelIndirectQuantizeFloat; var aciqf2 = sc2 as AnimChannelIndirectQuantizeFloat; if (aciqf1.FrameBits != aciqf2.FrameBits) { continue; } if (aciqf1.ValueBits != aciqf2.ValueBits) { continue; } if (Math.Abs(aciqf1.Offset - aciqf2.Offset) > (0.001f * Math.Abs(aciqf1.Offset))) { continue; } if (Math.Abs(aciqf1.Quantum - aciqf2.Quantum) > 0.00001f) { continue; } for (int f = 0; f < aciqf1.Frames.Length; f++) { if (aciqf1.Frames[f] != aciqf2.Frames[f]) { break; } } for (int v = 0; v < aciqf1.Values.Length; v++) { var v1 = aciqf1.Values[v]; var v2 = aciqf2.Values[v]; var vdiff = Math.Abs(v1 - v2); var v1len = Math.Max(Math.Abs(v1), 1); if (vdiff > 1e-2f * v1len) { break; } } } else if ((sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.CachedQuaternion1) || (sc1.Type == AnimChannelType.CachedQuaternion2)) { var acrf1 = sc1 as AnimChannelCachedQuaternion; var acrf2 = sc2 as AnimChannelCachedQuaternion; if (acrf1.QuatIndex != acrf2.QuatIndex) { continue; } } } //for (int f = 0; f < s1.NumFrames; f++) //{ // var v1 = ss1.EvaluateVector(f); // var v2 = ss2.EvaluateVector(f); // var vdiff = v1 - v2; // var len = vdiff.Length(); // var v1len = Math.Max(v1.Length(), 1); // if (len > 1e-2f*v1len) // { } //} } } } } } } //if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".awc")) //awcs can also contain clip dicts.. //{ // UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); // AwcFile awcfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); // if ((awcfile != null)) // { } //} //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); //} } } if (errorfiles.Count > 0) { } } public void TestYtds() { bool savetest = false; var errorfiles = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ytd")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YtdFile ytdfile = null; try { ytdfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); } catch(Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); errorfiles.Add(entry); } if (savetest && (ytdfile != null) && (ytdfile.TextureDict != null)) { var fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (fentry == null) { continue; } //shouldn't happen var bytes = ytdfile.Save(); string origlen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(fentry.FileSize); string bytelen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(bytes.Length); if (ytdfile.TextureDict.Textures?.Count == 0) { } var ytd2 = new YtdFile(); //ytd2.Load(bytes, fentry); RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(ytd2, bytes, 13); if (ytd2.TextureDict == null) { continue; } if (ytd2.TextureDict.Textures?.Count != ytdfile.TextureDict.Textures?.Count) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < ytdfile.TextureDict.Textures.Count; i++) { var tx1 = ytdfile.TextureDict.Textures[i]; var tx2 = ytd2.TextureDict.Textures[i]; var td1 = tx1.Data; var td2 = tx2.Data; if (td1.FullData.Length != td2.FullData.Length) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < td1.FullData.Length; j++) { if (td1.FullData[j] != td2.FullData[j]) { break; } } } } } } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); //} } } if (errorfiles.Count > 0) { } } public void TestYbns() { bool savetest = false; var errorfiles = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ybn")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YbnFile ybn = null; try { ybn = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); errorfiles.Add(entry); } if (savetest && (ybn != null) && (ybn.Bounds != null)) { var fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (fentry == null) { continue; } //shouldn't happen var bytes = ybn.Save(); string origlen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(fentry.FileSize); string bytelen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(bytes.Length); var ybn2 = new YbnFile(); RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(ybn2, bytes, 43); if (ybn2.Bounds == null) { continue; } if (ybn2.Bounds.Type != ybn.Bounds.Type) { continue; } //quick check of roundtrip switch (ybn2.Bounds.Type) { case BoundsType.Sphere: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundSphere; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundSphere; if (b == null) { continue; } break; } case BoundsType.Capsule: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundCapsule; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundCapsule; if (b == null) { continue; } break; } case BoundsType.Box: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundBox; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundBox; if (b == null) { continue; } break; } case BoundsType.Geometry: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundGeometry; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundGeometry; if (b == null) { continue; } if (a.Polygons?.Length != b.Polygons?.Length) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < a.Polygons.Length; i++) { var pa = a.Polygons[i]; var pb = b.Polygons[i]; if (pa.Type != pb.Type) { } } break; } case BoundsType.GeometryBVH: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundBVH; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundBVH; if (b == null) { continue; } if (a.BVH?.Nodes?.data_items?.Length != b.BVH?.Nodes?.data_items?.Length) { } if (a.Polygons?.Length != b.Polygons?.Length) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < a.Polygons.Length; i++) { var pa = a.Polygons[i]; var pb = b.Polygons[i]; if (pa.Type != pb.Type) { } } break; } case BoundsType.Composite: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundComposite; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundComposite; if (b == null) { continue; } if (a.Children?.data_items?.Length != b.Children?.data_items?.Length) { } break; } case BoundsType.Disc: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundDisc; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundDisc; if (b == null) { continue; } break; } case BoundsType.Cylinder: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundCylinder; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundCylinder; if (b == null) { continue; } break; } case BoundsType.Cloth: { var a = ybn.Bounds as BoundCloth; var b = ybn2.Bounds as BoundCloth; if (b == null) { continue; } break; } default: //return null; // throw new Exception("Unknown bound type"); break; } } } } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); //} } } if (errorfiles.Count > 0) { } } public void TestYdrs() { bool savetest = false; var errorfiles = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydr")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YdrFile ydr = null; try { ydr = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); errorfiles.Add(entry); } if (savetest && (ydr != null) && (ydr.Drawable != null)) { var fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (fentry == null) { continue; } //shouldn't happen var bytes = ydr.Save(); string origlen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(fentry.FileSize); string bytelen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(bytes.Length); var ydr2 = new YdrFile(); RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(ydr2, bytes, 165); if (ydr2.Drawable == null) { continue; } if (ydr2.Drawable.AllModels?.Length != ydr.Drawable.AllModels?.Length) { continue; } } } } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); //} } } if (errorfiles.Count > 0) { } } public void TestYdds() { bool savetest = false; var errorfiles = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydd")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YddFile ydd = null; try { ydd = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); errorfiles.Add(entry); } if (savetest && (ydd != null) && (ydd.DrawableDict != null)) { var fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (fentry == null) { continue; } //shouldn't happen var bytes = ydd.Save(); string origlen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(fentry.FileSize); string bytelen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(bytes.Length); var ydd2 = new YddFile(); RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(ydd2, bytes, 165); if (ydd2.DrawableDict == null) { continue; } if (ydd2.DrawableDict.Drawables?.Count != ydd.DrawableDict.Drawables?.Count) { continue; } } } } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); //} } } if (errorfiles.Count > 0) { } } public void TestYfts() { bool savetest = false; var errorfiles = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".yft")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YftFile yft = null; try { yft = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); errorfiles.Add(entry); } if (savetest && (yft != null) && (yft.Fragment != null)) { var fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (fentry == null) { continue; } //shouldn't happen var bytes = yft.Save(); string origlen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(fentry.FileSize); string bytelen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(bytes.Length); var yft2 = new YftFile(); RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(yft2, bytes, 162); if (yft2.Fragment == null) { continue; } if (yft2.Fragment.Drawable?.AllModels?.Length != yft.Fragment.Drawable?.AllModels?.Length) { continue; } } } } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); //} } } if (errorfiles.Count > 0) { } } public void TestYpts() { var errorfiles = new List(); foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { //try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ypt")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YptFile ypt = null; try { ypt = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); errorfiles.Add(entry); } if ((ypt != null) && (ypt.PtfxList != null)) { var fentry = entry as RpfFileEntry; if (fentry == null) { continue; } //shouldn't happen var bytes = ypt.Save(); string origlen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(fentry.FileSize); string bytelen = TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(bytes.Length); var ypt2 = new YptFile(); RpfFile.LoadResourceFile(ypt2, bytes, 68); if (ypt2.PtfxList == null) { continue; } if (ypt2.PtfxList.Name?.Value != ypt.PtfxList.Name?.Value) { continue; } } } } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); //} } } if (errorfiles.Count > 0) { } } public void TestYmaps() { foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ymap")) { UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); YmapFile ymapfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if ((ymapfile != null))// && (ymapfile.Meta != null)) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString()); } } } } public void TestPlacements() { //int totplacements = 0; //int tottimedplacements = 0; //int totaudioplacements = 0; //StringBuilder sbtest = new StringBuilder(); //StringBuilder sbterr = new StringBuilder(); //sbtest.AppendLine("X, Y, Z, name, assetName, drawableDictionary, textureDictionary, ymap"); //foreach (RpfFile file in RpfMan.AllRpfs) //{ // foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) // { // try // { // if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ymap")) // { // UpdateStatus(string.Format(entry.Path)); // YmapFile ymapfile = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); // if ((ymapfile != null))// && (ymapfile.Meta != null)) // { // //if (ymapfile.CMapData.parent == 0) //root ymap output // //{ // // sbtest.AppendLine(JenkIndex.GetString( + ": " + entry.Path); // //} // if (ymapfile.CEntityDefs != null) // { // for (int n = 0; n < ymapfile.CEntityDefs.Length; n++) // { // //find ytyp... // var entdef = ymapfile.CEntityDefs[n]; // var pos = entdef.position; // bool istimed = false; // Tuple archetyp; // if (!BaseArchetypes.TryGetValue(entdef.archetypeName, out archetyp)) // { // sbterr.AppendLine("Couldn't find ytyp for " + entdef.ToString()); // } // else // { // int ymapbasecount = (archetyp.Item1.CBaseArchetypeDefs != null) ? archetyp.Item1.CBaseArchetypeDefs.Length : 0; // int baseoffset = archetyp.Item2 - ymapbasecount; // if (baseoffset >= 0) // { // if ((archetyp.Item1.CTimeArchetypeDefs == null) || (baseoffset > archetyp.Item1.CTimeArchetypeDefs.Length)) // { // sbterr.AppendLine("Couldn't lookup CTimeArchetypeDef... " + archetyp.ToString()); // continue; // } // istimed = true; // //it's a CTimeArchetypeDef... // CTimeArchetypeDef ctad = archetyp.Item1.CTimeArchetypeDefs[baseoffset]; // //if (ctad.ToString().Contains("spider")) // //{ // //} // //sbtest.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, ctad.ToString(), entry.Name); // //sbtest.AppendLine(); // tottimedplacements++; // } // totplacements++; // } // Tuple audiotyp; // if (AudioArchetypes.TryGetValue(entdef.archetypeName, out audiotyp)) // { // if (istimed) // { // } // if (!BaseArchetypes.TryGetValue(entdef.archetypeName, out archetyp)) // { // sbterr.AppendLine("Couldn't find ytyp for " + entdef.ToString()); // } // if (audiotyp.Item1 != archetyp.Item1) // { // } // CBaseArchetypeDef cbad = archetyp.Item1.CBaseArchetypeDefs[archetyp.Item2]; // CExtensionDefAudioEmitter emitr = audiotyp.Item1.AudioEmitters[audiotyp.Item2]; // if ( != // { // } // string hashtest = JenkIndex.GetString(emitr.effectHash); // sbtest.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}", pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, cbad.ToString(), entry.Name, hashtest); // sbtest.AppendLine(); // totaudioplacements++; // } // } // } // //if (ymapfile.TimeCycleModifiers != null) // //{ // // for (int n = 0; n < ymapfile.TimeCycleModifiers.Length; n++) // // { // // var tcmod = ymapfile.TimeCycleModifiers[n]; // // Tuple archetyp; // // if (BaseArchetypes.TryGetValue(, out archetyp)) // // { // // } // // else // // { // // } // // } // //} // } // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // sbterr.AppendLine(entry.Path + ": " + ex.ToString()); // } // } //} //UpdateStatus("Ymap scan finished."); //sbtest.AppendLine(); //sbtest.AppendLine(totplacements.ToString() + " total CEntityDef placements parsed"); //sbtest.AppendLine(tottimedplacements.ToString() + " total CTimeArchetypeDef placements"); //sbtest.AppendLine(totaudioplacements.ToString() + " total CExtensionDefAudioEmitter placements"); //string teststr = sbtest.ToString(); //string testerr = sbterr.ToString(); //return; } public void TestDrawables() { DateTime starttime = DateTime.Now; bool doydr = false; bool doydd = false; bool doyft = true; List errs = new List(); Dictionary vdecls = new Dictionary(); Dictionary vdecluse = new Dictionary(); int drawablecount = 0; foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries) { try { if (doydr && entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydr")) { UpdateStatus(entry.Path); YdrFile ydr = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (ydr == null) { errs.Add(entry.Path + ": Couldn't read file"); continue; } if (ydr.Drawable == null) { errs.Add(entry.Path + ": Couldn't read drawable data"); continue; } drawablecount++; foreach (var kvp in ydr.Drawable.VertexDecls) { if (!vdecls.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { vdecls.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); vdecluse.Add(kvp.Key, 1); } else { vdecluse[kvp.Key]++; } } } else if (doydd & entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydd")) { UpdateStatus(entry.Path); YddFile ydd = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (ydd == null) { errs.Add(entry.Path + ": Couldn't read file"); continue; } if (ydd.Dict == null) { errs.Add(entry.Path + ": Couldn't read drawable dictionary data"); continue; } foreach (var drawable in ydd.Dict.Values) { drawablecount++; foreach (var kvp in drawable.VertexDecls) { if (!vdecls.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { vdecls.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); vdecluse.Add(kvp.Key, 1); } else { vdecluse[kvp.Key]++; } } } } else if (doyft && entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".yft")) { UpdateStatus(entry.Path); YftFile yft = RpfMan.GetFile(entry); if (yft == null) { errs.Add(entry.Path + ": Couldn't read file"); continue; } if (yft.Fragment == null) { errs.Add(entry.Path + ": Couldn't read fragment data"); continue; } if (yft.Fragment.Drawable != null) { drawablecount++; foreach (var kvp in yft.Fragment.Drawable.VertexDecls) { if (!vdecls.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { vdecls.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); vdecluse.Add(kvp.Key, 1); } else { vdecluse[kvp.Key]++; } } } if ((yft.Fragment.Clothes != null) && (yft.Fragment.Clothes.data_items != null)) { foreach (var cloth in yft.Fragment.Clothes.data_items) { drawablecount++; foreach (var kvp in cloth.Drawable.VertexDecls) { if (!vdecls.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { vdecls.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); vdecluse.Add(kvp.Key, 1); } else { vdecluse[kvp.Key]++; } } } } if ((yft.Fragment.DrawableArray != null) && (yft.Fragment.DrawableArray.data_items != null)) { foreach (var drawable in yft.Fragment.DrawableArray.data_items) { drawablecount++; foreach (var kvp in drawable.VertexDecls) { if (!vdecls.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { vdecls.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); vdecluse.Add(kvp.Key, 1); } else { vdecluse[kvp.Key]++; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { errs.Add(entry.Path + ": " + ex.ToString()); } } } string errstr = string.Join("\r\n", errs); //build vertex types code string errs.Clear(); StringBuilder sbverts = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kvp in vdecls) { var vd = kvp.Value; int usage = vdecluse[kvp.Key]; sbverts.AppendFormat("public struct VertexType{0} //id: {1}, stride: {2}, flags: {3}, types: {4}, refs: {5}", vd.Flags, kvp.Key, vd.Stride, vd.Flags, vd.Types, usage); sbverts.AppendLine(); sbverts.AppendLine("{"); uint compid = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (((vd.Flags >> i) & 1) == 1) { string typestr = "Unknown"; uint type = (uint)((vd.Types >> (4 * i)) & 0xF); switch (type) { case 0: typestr = "ushort"; break;// Data[i] = new ushort[1 * count]; break; case 1: typestr = "ushort2"; break;// Data[i] = new ushort[2 * count]; break; case 2: typestr = "ushort3"; break;// Data[i] = new ushort[3 * count]; break; case 3: typestr = "ushort4"; break;// Data[i] = new ushort[4 * count]; break; case 4: typestr = "float"; break;// Data[i] = new float[1 * count]; break; case 5: typestr = "Vector2"; break;// Data[i] = new float[2 * count]; break; case 6: typestr = "Vector3"; break;// Data[i] = new float[3 * count]; break; case 7: typestr = "Vector4"; break;// Data[i] = new float[4 * count]; break; case 8: typestr = "uint"; break;// Data[i] = new uint[count]; break; case 9: typestr = "uint"; break;// Data[i] = new uint[count]; break; case 10: typestr = "uint"; break;// Data[i] = new uint[count]; break; default: break; } sbverts.AppendLine(" public " + typestr + " Component" + compid.ToString() + ";"); compid++; } } sbverts.AppendLine("}"); sbverts.AppendLine(); } string vertstr = sbverts.ToString(); string verrstr = string.Join("\r\n", errs); UpdateStatus((DateTime.Now - starttime).ToString() + " elapsed, " + drawablecount.ToString() + " drawables, " + errs.Count.ToString() + " errors."); } public void GetArchetypeTimesList() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Name,AssetName,12am,1am,2am,3am,4am,5am,6am,7am,8am,9am,10am,11am,12pm,1pm,2pm,3pm,4pm,5pm,6pm,7pm,8pm,9pm,10pm,11pm,+12am,+1am,+2am,+3am,+4am,+5am,+6am,+7am"); foreach (var ytyp in YtypDict.Values) { foreach (var arch in ytyp.AllArchetypes) { if (arch.Type == MetaName.CTimeArchetypeDef) { var ta = arch as TimeArchetype; var t = ta.TimeFlags; sb.Append(arch.Name); sb.Append(","); sb.Append(arch.AssetName); sb.Append(","); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { bool v = ((t >> i) & 1) == 1; sb.Append(v ? "1" : "0"); sb.Append(","); } sb.AppendLine(); } } } var csv = sb.ToString(); } } }