mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 04:47:19 +08:00
Collisions rendering improvements and bug fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var pos = cam.Position;
var min = pos - dist;
var max = pos + dist;
var items = BoundsStore.GetItems(ref min, ref max);
var items = BoundsStore.GetItems(ref min, ref max, layers);
@ -1721,24 +1721,24 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
public List<BoundsStoreItem> GetItems(ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max)
public List<BoundsStoreItem> GetItems(ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, bool[] layers = null)
if (RootNode != null)
RootNode.GetItems(ref min, ref max, VisibleItems);
RootNode.GetItems(ref min, ref max, VisibleItems, layers);
return VisibleItems;
public List<BoundsStoreItem> GetItems(ref Ray ray)
public List<BoundsStoreItem> GetItems(ref Ray ray, bool[] layers = null)
if (RootNode != null)
RootNode.GetItems(ref ray, VisibleItems);
RootNode.GetItems(ref ray, VisibleItems, layers);
return VisibleItems;
@ -1817,7 +1817,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
Items = newItems;
public void GetItems(ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, List<BoundsStoreItem> items)
public void GetItems(ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, List<BoundsStoreItem> items, bool[] layers = null)
if ((max.X >= BBMin.X) && (min.X <= BBMax.X) && (max.Y >= BBMin.Y) && (min.Y <= BBMax.Y))
@ -1826,6 +1826,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
var item = Items[i];
if ((layers != null) && (item.Layer < 3) && (!layers[item.Layer]))
{ continue; }
if ((max.X >= item.Min.X) && (min.X <= item.Max.X) && (max.Y >= item.Min.Y) && (min.Y <= item.Max.Y))
@ -1839,13 +1843,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var c = Children[i];
if (c != null)
c.GetItems(ref min, ref max, items);
c.GetItems(ref min, ref max, items, layers);
public void GetItems(ref Ray ray, List<BoundsStoreItem> items)
public void GetItems(ref Ray ray, List<BoundsStoreItem> items, bool[] layers = null)
var box = new BoundingBox(BBMin, BBMax);
if (ray.Intersects(ref box))
@ -1855,6 +1859,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
var item = Items[i];
if ((layers != null) && (item.Layer < 3) && (!layers[item.Layer]))
{ continue; }
box = new BoundingBox(item.Min, item.Max);
if (ray.Intersects(box))
@ -1869,7 +1877,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.World
var c = Children[i];
if (c != null)
c.GetItems(ref ray, items);
c.GetItems(ref ray, items, layers);
@ -1846,38 +1846,97 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public class RenderableBoundComposite : RenderableCacheItem<BoundComposite>
public class RenderableBoundComposite : RenderableCacheItem<Bounds>
public RenderableBoundGeometry[] Geometries;
public override void Init(BoundComposite bound)
public override void Init(Bounds bound)
Key = bound;
if (bound is BoundComposite boundcomp)
var rgeom = new RenderableBoundGeometry(this);
var xform = Matrix.Identity;
if (bound is BoundBox boundbox)
rgeom.Init(boundbox, ref xform);
else if (bound is BoundSphere boundsph)
rgeom.Init(boundsph, ref xform);
else if (bound is BoundCylinder boundcyl)
rgeom.Init(boundcyl, ref xform);
else if (bound is BoundCapsule boundcap)
rgeom.Init(boundcap, ref xform);
else if (bound is BoundDisc boundisc)
rgeom.Init(boundisc, ref xform);
{ }
Geometries = new[] { rgeom };
DataSize = 64;//just a guesstimate
private void InitBoundComp(BoundComposite bound)
if (bound.Children == null)
RenderableBoundGeometry[] geoms = new RenderableBoundGeometry[bound.Children.data_items.Length];
var childTransforms = bound.ChildrenTransformation1 ?? bound.ChildrenTransformation2;
long dsize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bound.Children.data_items.Length; i++)
var rgeom = new RenderableBoundGeometry(this);
var child = bound.Children.data_items[i];
if (child is BoundGeometry)
var xform = ((childTransforms != null) && (i < childTransforms.Length)) ? childTransforms[i] : Matrix.Identity; xform.Column4 = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (child is BoundGeometry bgeom)
else if (child is BoundCapsule bcap)
rgeom.Init(bcap, ref xform);
else if (child is BoundSphere bsph)
rgeom.Init(bsph, ref xform);
else if (child is BoundBox bbox)
rgeom.Init(bbox, ref xform);
else if (child is BoundCylinder bcyl)
rgeom.Init(bcyl, ref xform);
else if (child is BoundDisc bdisc)
rgeom.Init(bdisc, ref xform);
else if (child != null)
{ }
if (rgeom.Initialised)
var rgeom = new RenderableBoundGeometry();
rgeom.Init(child as BoundGeometry);
rgeom.Owner = this;
geoms[i] = rgeom;
dsize += rgeom.TotalDataSize;
//other types of bound might be here, eg BoundBox
geoms[i] = null;//not really necessary
Geometries = geoms;
@ -1888,11 +1947,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public override void Load(Device device)
if (Geometries == null) return;
foreach (var geom in Geometries)
if (Geometries != null)
if (geom == null) continue;
foreach (var geom in Geometries)
if (geom == null) continue;
//LastUseTime = DateTime.Now; //reset usage timer
IsLoaded = true;
@ -1901,11 +1962,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public override void Unload()
IsLoaded = false;
if (Geometries == null) return;
foreach (var geom in Geometries)
if (Geometries != null)
if (geom == null) continue;
foreach (var geom in Geometries)
if (geom == null) continue;
LoadQueued = false;
@ -1922,7 +1985,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public Buffer VertexBuffer { get; set; }
//public Buffer IndexBuffer { get; set; }
public VertexBufferBinding VBBinding;
public BoundGeometry BoundGeom;
public VertexType VertexType { get; set; } = VertexType.Default;
public int VertexStride { get; set; } = 36;
public int VertexCount { get; set; } = 0;
@ -1939,9 +2001,30 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public GpuSBuffer<RenderableCapsule> CapsuleBuffer { get; set; }
public GpuSBuffer<RenderableCylinder> CylinderBuffer { get; set; }
public Bounds Bound;
public BoundGeometry BoundGeom;
public Vector3 CenterGeom;
public Vector3 BBMin;
public Vector3 BBMax;
public Vector3 BBOffset = Vector3.Zero;
public Quaternion BBOrientation = Quaternion.Identity;
public bool Initialised = false;
public RenderableBoundGeometry(RenderableBoundComposite owner)
Owner = owner;
public void Init(BoundGeometry bgeom)
Bound = bgeom;
BoundGeom = bgeom;
CenterGeom = bgeom.CenterGeom;
BBMin = bgeom.BoundingBoxMin;
BBMax = bgeom.BoundingBoxMax;
if ((bgeom.Polygons == null) || (bgeom.Vertices == null))
@ -2077,7 +2160,141 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
VertexDataSize = (uint)(VertexCount * VertexStride);
TotalDataSize = VertexDataSize;
Initialised = true;
public void Init(BoundCapsule bcap, ref Matrix xform)
Matrix rmat = xform;
rmat.TranslationVector = Vector3.Zero;
Bound = bcap;
BBMin = bcap.BoundingBoxMin;
BBMax = bcap.BoundingBoxMax;
BBOffset = xform.TranslationVector;
BBOrientation = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(rmat);
var mat = (BoundsMaterialType)bcap.MaterialIndex;
var colourf = BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterialColour(mat);
var colour = (uint)colourf.ToRgba();
float extent = bcap.BoundingSphereRadius - bcap.Margin;
var rcap = new RenderableCapsule();
rcap.Colour = colour;
rcap.Point1 = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(bcap.Center - new Vector3(0, extent, 0), xform);
rcap.Orientation = BBOrientation;
rcap.Length = extent * 2.0f;
rcap.Radius = bcap.Margin;
Capsules = new[] { rcap };
Initialised = true;
public void Init(BoundSphere bsph, ref Matrix xform)
Bound = bsph;
BBMin = bsph.BoundingBoxMin;
BBMax = bsph.BoundingBoxMax;
BBOffset = xform.TranslationVector;
var mat = (BoundsMaterialType)bsph.MaterialIndex;
var colourf = BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterialColour(mat);
var colour = (uint)colourf.ToRgba();
var rsph = new RenderableSphere();
rsph.Colour = colour;
rsph.Center = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(bsph.Center, xform);
rsph.Radius = bsph.BoundingSphereRadius;
Spheres = new[] { rsph };
Initialised = true;
public void Init(BoundBox bbox, ref Matrix xform)
Matrix rmat = xform;
rmat.TranslationVector = Vector3.Zero;
Bound = bbox;
BBMin = bbox.BoundingBoxMin;
BBMax = bbox.BoundingBoxMax;
BBOffset = xform.TranslationVector;
BBOrientation = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(rmat);
var mat = (BoundsMaterialType)bbox.MaterialIndex;
var colourf = BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterialColour(mat);
var colour = (uint)colourf.ToRgba();
var extent = (bbox.BoundingBoxMax - bbox.BoundingBoxMin).Abs();
var rbox = new RenderableBox();
rbox.Colour = colour;
rbox.Corner = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(bbox.BoundingBoxMin, xform);
rbox.Edge1 = Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(extent.X, 0, 0), xform);
rbox.Edge2 = Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0, extent.Y, 0), xform);
rbox.Edge3 = Vector3.TransformNormal(new Vector3(0, 0, extent.Z), xform);
Boxes = new[] { rbox };
Initialised = true;
public void Init(BoundCylinder bcyl, ref Matrix xform)
Matrix rmat = xform;
rmat.TranslationVector = Vector3.Zero;
Bound = bcyl;
BBMin = bcyl.BoundingBoxMin;
BBMax = bcyl.BoundingBoxMax;
BBOffset = xform.TranslationVector;
BBOrientation = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(rmat);
var mat = (BoundsMaterialType)bcyl.MaterialIndex;
var colourf = BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterialColour(mat);
var colour = (uint)colourf.ToRgba();
var extent = (bcyl.BoundingBoxMax - bcyl.BoundingBoxMin).Abs();
var length = extent.Y;
var radius = extent.X * 0.5f;
var rcyl = new RenderableCylinder();
rcyl.Colour = colour;
rcyl.Point1 = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(bcyl.Center - new Vector3(0, length * 0.5f, 0), xform);
rcyl.Orientation = BBOrientation;
rcyl.Length = length;
rcyl.Radius = radius;
Cylinders = new[] { rcyl };
Initialised = true;
public void Init(BoundDisc bdisc, ref Matrix xform)
Matrix rmat = xform;
rmat.TranslationVector = Vector3.Zero;
Bound = bdisc;
BBMin = bdisc.BoundingBoxMin;
BBMax = bdisc.BoundingBoxMax;
BBOffset = xform.TranslationVector;
BBOrientation = Quaternion.LookAtLH(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitX, Vector3.UnitZ) * Quaternion.RotationMatrix(rmat);
var mat = (BoundsMaterialType)bdisc.MaterialIndex;
var colourf = BoundsMaterialTypes.GetMaterialColour(mat);
var colour = (uint)colourf.ToRgba();
var rcyl = new RenderableCylinder();
rcyl.Colour = colour;
rcyl.Point1 = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(bdisc.Center - new Vector3(bdisc.Margin, 0, 0), xform);
rcyl.Orientation = BBOrientation;
rcyl.Length = bdisc.Margin * 2.0f;
rcyl.Radius = bdisc.BoundingSphereRadius;
Cylinders = new[] { rcyl };
Initialised = true;
private ushort AddVertex(Vector3 pos, Vector3 norm, uint colour, List<VertexTypeDefault> list)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
private RenderableCacheLookup<DrawableBase, Renderable> renderables = new RenderableCacheLookup<DrawableBase, Renderable>(Settings.Default.GPUGeometryCacheSize, Settings.Default.GPUCacheTime);
private RenderableCacheLookup<Texture, RenderableTexture> textures = new RenderableCacheLookup<Texture, RenderableTexture>(Settings.Default.GPUTextureCacheSize, Settings.Default.GPUCacheTime);
private RenderableCacheLookup<BoundComposite, RenderableBoundComposite> boundcomps = new RenderableCacheLookup<BoundComposite, RenderableBoundComposite>(Settings.Default.GPUBoundCompCacheSize, Settings.Default.GPUCacheTime);
private RenderableCacheLookup<Bounds, RenderableBoundComposite> boundcomps = new RenderableCacheLookup<Bounds, RenderableBoundComposite>(Settings.Default.GPUBoundCompCacheSize, Settings.Default.GPUCacheTime);
private RenderableCacheLookup<YmapGrassInstanceBatch, RenderableInstanceBatch> instbatches = new RenderableCacheLookup<YmapGrassInstanceBatch, RenderableInstanceBatch>(67108864, Settings.Default.GPUCacheTime); //64MB - todo: make this a setting
private RenderableCacheLookup<YmapFile, RenderableLODLights> lodlights = new RenderableCacheLookup<YmapFile, RenderableLODLights>(33554432, Settings.Default.GPUCacheTime); //32MB - todo: make this a setting
private RenderableCacheLookup<YmapDistantLODLights, RenderableDistantLODLights> distlodlights = new RenderableCacheLookup<YmapDistantLODLights, RenderableDistantLODLights>(33554432, Settings.Default.GPUCacheTime); //32MB - todo: make this a setting
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
return textures.Get(texture);
public RenderableBoundComposite GetRenderableBoundComp(BoundComposite boundcomp)
public RenderableBoundComposite GetRenderableBoundComp(Bounds bound)
return boundcomps.Get(boundcomp);
return boundcomps.Get(bound);
public RenderableInstanceBatch GetRenderableInstanceBatch(YmapGrassInstanceBatch batch)
@ -1557,6 +1557,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (renderinteriors && (ent.MloInstance != null) && !MapViewEnabled) //render Mlo child entities...
renderworldentities.Add(ent);//collisions rendering needs this
@ -2808,19 +2809,19 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
RenderCollisionMesh(sdrawable.Bound, entity);
//FragDrawable fdrawable = rndbl.Key as FragDrawable;
//if (fdrawable != null)
// if (fdrawable.Bound != null)
// {
// RenderCollisionMesh(fdrawable.Bound, entity);
// }
// var fbound = fdrawable.OwnerFragment?.PhysicsLODGroup?.PhysicsLOD1?.Bound;
// if (fbound != null)
// {
// RenderCollisionMesh(fbound, entity);
// }
FragDrawable fdrawable = rndbl.Key as FragDrawable;
if (fdrawable != null)
if (fdrawable.Bound != null)
RenderCollisionMesh(fdrawable.Bound, entity);
var fbound = fdrawable.OwnerFragment?.PhysicsLODGroup?.PhysicsLOD1?.Bound;
if (fbound != null)
RenderCollisionMesh(fbound, entity);//TODO: these probably have extra transforms..!
if (renderskeletons && rndbl.HasSkeleton)
@ -3111,53 +3112,31 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
switch (bounds.Type)
RenderableBoundComposite rndbc = renderableCache.GetRenderableBoundComp(bounds);
if (rndbc.IsLoaded)
case 10: //BoundComposite
BoundComposite boundcomp = bounds as BoundComposite;
if (boundcomp != null)
RenderableBoundComposite rndbc = renderableCache.GetRenderableBoundComp(boundcomp);
if (rndbc.IsLoaded)
RenderableBoundGeometryInst rbginst = new RenderableBoundGeometryInst();
rbginst.Inst.Renderable = rndbc;
rbginst.Inst.Orientation = orientation;
rbginst.Inst.Scale = scale;
foreach (var geom in rndbc.Geometries)
if (geom == null) continue;
rbginst.Geom = geom;
rbginst.Inst.Position = position + orientation.Multiply(geom.BoundGeom.CenterGeom * scale);
rbginst.Inst.CamRel = rbginst.Inst.Position - camera.Position;
shaders.Enqueue(ref rbginst);
RenderableBoundGeometryInst rbginst = new RenderableBoundGeometryInst();
rbginst.Inst.Renderable = rndbc;
rbginst.Inst.Orientation = orientation;
rbginst.Inst.Scale = scale;
foreach (var geom in rndbc.Geometries)
if (geom == null) continue;
rbginst.Geom = geom;
rbginst.Inst.Position = position + orientation.Multiply(geom.CenterGeom * scale);
rbginst.Inst.CamRel = rbginst.Inst.Position - camera.Position;
shaders.Enqueue(ref rbginst);
if (RenderedBoundCompsListEnable) //for later hit tests
var rb = new RenderedBoundComposite();
rb.BoundComp = rndbc;
rb.Entity = entity;
{ }
case 3: //BoundBox - found in drawables - TODO
BoundBox boundbox = bounds as BoundBox;
if (boundbox == null)
{ }
case 0: //BoundSphere - found in drawables - TODO
BoundSphere boundsphere = bounds as BoundSphere;
if (boundsphere == null)
{ }
if (RenderedBoundCompsListEnable) //for later hit tests
var rb = new RenderedBoundComposite();
rb.BoundComp = rndbc;
rb.Entity = entity;
@ -200,6 +200,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
public bool MultipleSelection { get; set; }
public Vector3 MultipleSelectionCenter { get; set; }
public Vector3 BBOffset { get; set; }
public Quaternion BBOrientation { get; set; }
public BoundingBox AABB { get; set; }
public BoundingSphere BSphere { get; set; }
public int GeometryIndex { get; set; }
@ -1248,6 +1248,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker
mode = BoundsShaderMode.Sphere;
if (CurMouseHit.CollisionBounds != null)
ori = ori * CurMouseHit.BBOrientation;
Renderer.RenderMouseHit(mode, clip, ref camrel, ref bbmin, ref bbmax, ref scale, ref ori, bsphrad);
@ -1534,6 +1538,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker
if (selectionItem.CollisionBounds != null)
camrel += ori.Multiply(selectionItem.BBOffset);
ori = ori * selectionItem.BBOrientation;
if (mode == BoundsShaderMode.Box)
@ -2562,10 +2571,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker
mray.Position = camera.MouseRay.Position + camera.Position;
mray.Direction = camera.MouseRay.Direction;
float hitdist = float.MaxValue;
Quaternion orinv = Quaternion.Invert(orientation);
Ray mraytrn = new Ray();
mraytrn.Position = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Position - camrel);
mraytrn.Direction = orinv.Multiply(mray.Direction);
MapBox mb = new MapBox();
mb.CamRelPos = camrel;// rbginst.Inst.CamRel;
@ -2576,23 +2583,31 @@ namespace CodeWalker
if (geom == null) continue;
mb.BBMin = geom.BoundGeom.BoundingBoxMin;
mb.BBMax = geom.BoundGeom.BoundingBoxMax;
mb.BBMin = geom.BBMin;
mb.BBMax = geom.BBMax;
mb.CamRelPos = camrel + orientation.Multiply(geom.BBOffset);
mb.Orientation = orientation * geom.BBOrientation;
var cent = camrel + (mb.BBMin + mb.BBMax) * 0.5f;
var cent = mb.CamRelPos + (mb.BBMin + mb.BBMax) * 0.5f;
if (cent.Length() > Renderer.renderboundsmaxdist) continue;
Quaternion orinv = Quaternion.Invert(mb.Orientation);
mraytrn.Position = orinv.Multiply(camera.MouseRay.Position - mb.CamRelPos);
mraytrn.Direction = orinv.Multiply(mray.Direction);
bbox.Minimum = mb.BBMin * scale;
bbox.Maximum = mb.BBMax * scale;
if (mraytrn.Intersects(ref bbox, out hitdist) && (hitdist < CurMouseHit.HitDist) && (hitdist > 0))
CurMouseHit.CollisionBounds = geom.BoundGeom;
CurMouseHit.CollisionBounds = geom.Bound;
CurMouseHit.EntityDef = entity;
CurMouseHit.Archetype = entity?.Archetype;
CurMouseHit.HitDist = hitdist;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = camrel;
CurMouseHit.CamRel = mb.CamRelPos;
CurMouseHit.BBOffset = geom.BBOffset;
CurMouseHit.BBOrientation = geom.BBOrientation;
CurMouseHit.AABB = bbox;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user