mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 04:29:00 +08:00
NavMesh generator progress
This commit is contained in:
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
this.MaxTextBox.Name = "MaxTextBox";
this.MaxTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(177, 20);
this.MaxTextBox.TabIndex = 48;
this.MaxTextBox.Text = "100, 100";
this.MaxTextBox.Text = "50, 50";
// label1
@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
// return;
var path = ProjectForm.CurrentProjectFile.GetFullFilePath("navmeshes") + "\\";
GenerateButton.Enabled = false;
@ -112,6 +111,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var vert = new GenVertex();
var builder = new YnvBuilder();
var polys = new List<GenPoly>();
for (int x = imin.X; x <= imax.X; x++) //generate verts for each world cell
for (int y = imin.Y; y <= imax.Y; y++)
@ -122,8 +123,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var cellmin = space.Grid.GetWorldPos(gi);
var cellmax = cellmin + SpaceGrid.CellSize;
var vertexCountXY = (cellmax - cellmin) / density;
int vertexCountX = (int)vertexCountXY.X;
int vertexCountY = (int)vertexCountXY.Y;
int vertexCountX = (int)vertexCountXY.X+1;
int vertexCountY = (int)vertexCountXY.Y+1;
//int vertexCountTot = vertexCountX * vertexCountY;
vgrid.BeginGrid(vertexCountX, vertexCountY);
cellmin.Z = 0.0f;//min probably not needed here
@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
Thread.Sleep(20);//~50fps should be fine
ybn = gameFileCache.GetYbn(boundsitem.Name); //try queue it again..
if (ybn.Loaded && (ybn.Bounds != null))
@ -181,7 +183,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
ray.Position.Z = cellmax.Z + 1.0f;//start the ray at the top of the cell
var intres = space.RayIntersect(ray, float.MaxValue, layers);
while (intres.Hit && (intres.HitDist > 0))
while (intres.Hit)// && (intres.HitDist > 0))
if (intres.HitDist > 0)
vert.Position = intres.Position;
@ -199,9 +203,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
vert.PolyID = -1;
vgrid.AddVertex(ref vert);
//continue down until no more hits..... step by 3m
if (vgrid.CurVertexCount > 15) //too many hits?
{ break; }
//continue down until no more hits..... step by 3m
ray.Position.Z = intres.Position.Z - 3.0f;
intres = space.RayIntersect(ray, float.MaxValue, layers);
@ -218,16 +223,555 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var polys = vgrid.GenPolys();
newCount += polys.Count;
var genPolys = vgrid.GenPolys2();
newCount += genPolys.Count;
//try merge generated polys into bigger ones, while keeping convex!
UpdateStatus("Building edge dictionary...");
var edgeDict = new Dictionary<GenEdgeKey, GenEdge>();
var tryGetEdge = new Func<Vector3, Vector3, GenEdge>((v1, v2) =>
var key1 = new GenEdgeKey(v1, v2);
var key2 = new GenEdgeKey(v2, v1);
GenEdge edge = null;
if (edgeDict.TryGetValue(key1, out edge) || edgeDict.TryGetValue(key2, out edge))
return edge;
return null;
var tryRemoveEdge = new Action<Vector3, Vector3>((v1, v2) =>
var key1 = new GenEdgeKey(v1, v2);
var key2 = new GenEdgeKey(v2, v1);
var buildEdgeDict = new Action(() =>
for (int p = 0; p < polys.Count; p++) //build edge dict
var poly = polys[p];
poly.Index = p;
for (int i = 0; i < poly.Vertices.Length; i++)
var ip = (i + 1) % poly.Vertices.Length;
var edge = tryGetEdge(poly.Vertices[i], poly.Vertices[ip]);
if (edge != null)
if (edge.Poly2 != null)
{ } //edge already assigned a second poly! shouldn't happen...
edge.Poly2 = poly;
edge.EdgeIndex2 = i;
var key = new GenEdgeKey(poly.Vertices[i], poly.Vertices[ip]);
edge = new GenEdge(poly, i);
edgeDict[key] = edge;
UpdateStatus("Merging polygons...");
float plthresh = 0.3f;//threshold for plane dist test
float dpthresh = 0.75f;//threshold for plane normals test
float dthresh = 6.0f;//absolute distance thresh
for (int p = 0; p < polys.Count; p++)
//UpdateStatus("Merging polygons... (" + p.ToString() + "/" + polys.Count.ToString() + ")");
var poly = polys[p];
if (poly == null) continue;
if (poly.Merged) continue;
var p1cnt = poly.Vertices.Length;
if (p1cnt < 3) continue;
var vplane = new Plane(poly.Vertices[0], poly.Normal);
var polycenter = poly.GetCenter();
for (int i = 0; i < poly.Vertices.Length; i++)
var ip = (i + 1) % poly.Vertices.Length;
var eind1 = i;
var edge = tryGetEdge(poly.Vertices[i], poly.Vertices[ip]);
if (edge == null) continue;
var poly2 = edge.Poly1;
var eind2 = edge.EdgeIndex1;
if (poly2 == poly) { poly2 = edge.Poly2; eind2 = edge.EdgeIndex2; }
if (poly2 == poly) continue;//can't merge with itself! redundant edges/verts...
if (poly2 == null) continue;
if (poly2.Merged) continue;//new merged poly will get checked later..
if (poly.Material.Index != poly2.Material.Index) continue;
if (poly.PolyFlags != poly2.PolyFlags) continue;
var poly2center = poly2.GetCenter();
var npdist = Math.Abs(Plane.DotCoordinate(vplane, poly2center));
if (npdist > plthresh) continue;
var dpval = Vector3.Dot(poly.Normal, poly2.Normal);
if (dpval < dpthresh) continue;
var dist = (polycenter - poly2center).Length();
if (dist > dthresh) continue;
//if we got here, can merge these 2 polys....
var newverts = new List<Vector3>();
//add verts from poly1 from 0 to poly1 edge index (ip)
//add verts from poly2 from poly2 edge index+2 to poly2 edge index (wrap/mod!)
//add verts from poly1 from poly1 edge index+2 to last
var p2cnt = poly2.Vertices.Length;
var l2beg = (eind2 + 2) % p2cnt;
var l2end = eind2;
if (l2end < l2beg) l2end += p2cnt;
var l1beg = (eind1 + 2);
if (l1beg > p1cnt) l2end--;//don't add the first vertex again in this case!
for (int j = 0; j <= eind1; j++) newverts.Add(poly.Vertices[j]);
for (int j = l2beg; j <= l2end; j++) newverts.Add(poly2.Vertices[j % p2cnt]);
for (int j = l1beg; j < p1cnt; j++) newverts.Add(poly.Vertices[j]);
var varr = newverts.ToArray();
var remredun = true;
while (remredun)
remredun = false;
newverts.Clear(); // remove redundant edges!
for (int j = 0; j < varr.Length; j++)
var j0 = j - 1; if (j0 < 0) j0 += varr.Length;
var j2 = j + 1; j2 = j2 % varr.Length;
var v0 = varr[j0];
var v1 = varr[j];
var v2 = varr[j2];
if (v0 == v2)
if (j2 > j)
j = j2;
if (j == varr.Length - 1)
newverts = newverts.GetRange(0, newverts.Count - 1);
{ }
j = varr.Length;
remredun = true;
varr = newverts.ToArray();
if (remredun)
{ }
var newpoly = new GenPoly(newverts.ToArray(), poly);
newpoly.Index = polys.Count;
polys.Add(newpoly);//try merge this poly again later...
//for all the edges in this new poly, need to update all the values!!! polys and indices!
for (int j = 0; j < newpoly.Vertices.Length; j++)
var jp = (j + 1) % newpoly.Vertices.Length;
var v = newpoly.Vertices[j];
var vp = newpoly.Vertices[jp];
var tedge = tryGetEdge(v, vp);
if (tedge == null)
{ continue; }//shouldn't happen..
if (tedge.Poly1 == poly) { tedge.Poly1 = newpoly; tedge.EdgeIndex1 = j; }
if (tedge.Poly2 == poly) { tedge.Poly2 = newpoly; tedge.EdgeIndex2 = j; }
if (tedge.Poly1 == poly2) { tedge.Poly1 = newpoly; tedge.EdgeIndex1 = j; }
if (tedge.Poly2 == poly2) { tedge.Poly2 = newpoly; tedge.EdgeIndex2 = j; }
if (tedge.Poly1 == tedge.Poly2)
{ } //why does this happen..? probably when an edge can't be removed due to an enclosed poly
//tryRemoveEdge(poly.Vertices[i], poly.Vertices[ip]);
polys[p] = null;//free up some memory..?
polys[poly2.Index] = null;
poly.Merged = true;
poly2.Merged = true;
break;//go to the next poly: don't do more than 1 merge at a time..
var mergedPolys = new List<GenPoly>();
foreach (var poly in polys)
if (poly == null) continue;
if (poly.Merged) continue;
polys = mergedPolys;
UpdateStatus("Merging edges...");
edgeDict = new Dictionary<GenEdgeKey, GenEdge>();
float dpthresh1 = 0.5f;
float dpthresh2 = 0.7f; //try preserve shape more when not attached
foreach (var poly in polys)
if (poly?.Vertices == null) continue;
if (poly.Vertices.Length < 5) continue;
for (int i = 1; i < poly.Vertices.Length; i++)
var ni = i - 1;
var edge0 = tryGetEdge(poly.Vertices[ni], poly.Vertices[i]);
if (edge0 == null)
{ continue; }//really shouldn't happen
var poly0 = (edge0.Poly1 != poly) ? edge0.Poly1 : edge0.Poly2;
var vert0 = poly.Vertices[ni];
var ip = (i + 1) % poly.Vertices.Length;
var ip2 = (i + 2) % poly.Vertices.Length;
var edge1 = tryGetEdge(poly.Vertices[i], poly.Vertices[ip]);
if (edge1 == null)
{ continue; }//really shouldn't happen
var poly1 = (edge1.Poly1 != poly) ? edge1.Poly1 : edge1.Poly2;
var vert1 = poly.Vertices[ip];
var verti = poly.Vertices[i];
var vert2 = poly.Vertices[ip2];
var dp = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(verti - vert0), Vector3.Normalize(vert2 - verti));
var dp2 = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Normalize(verti - vert0), Vector3.Normalize(vert1 - verti));
var usedpthresh = ((poly0 == null) || (poly0 == poly)) ? dpthresh2 : dpthresh1;
if ((poly0 != poly1) || (dp < usedpthresh) || (dp2 < -0.05))//can't merge, move on to next edge
{ continue; }
if ((poly0 != null) && (poly0.Vertices.Length < 5))
{ continue; }
//remove the relevant vertex from both polys, and start again for this poly (reset i to 1)
poly0?.RemoveVertex(verti);//if poly0==poly, remove same vertex twice?
//remove merged edges from edge dict, and add new edge to it
tryRemoveEdge(vert0, verti);
tryRemoveEdge(verti, vert1);
var key = new GenEdgeKey(vert0, vert1);
var edge = new GenEdge(poly, i-1);
edge.Poly2 = poly0;
edge.EdgeIndex2 = poly0?.FindVertex(vert0) ?? -1; //(edge0.Poly2 != poly0) ? edge0.EdgeIndex1 : edge0.EdgeIndex2;
edgeDict[key] = edge;
i = 0;//will be incremented to 1 before next loop
if (poly.Vertices.Length < 5) break;//don't make polys disappear! shouldn't happen anyway
UpdateStatus("Convexifying polygons...");
mergedPolys = new List<GenPoly>();
var getAngle = new Func<GenPoly, int, int, float>((poly, i1, i2) =>
var edge0 = poly.Vertices[i2] - poly.Vertices[i1];
return (float)Math.Atan2(edge0.Y, edge0.X);
var getAngleDiff = new Func<float, float, float>((a1, a2) =>
var angldiff = a2 - a1;
if (angldiff > Math.PI) angldiff -= (float)(Math.PI * 2);
if (angldiff < -Math.PI) angldiff += (float)(Math.PI * 2);
return angldiff;
var findInflection = new Func<GenPoly, int, int>((poly, starti) =>
var vcnt = poly.Vertices.Length;
var i0 = starti % vcnt;
var i1 = (i0 + 1) % vcnt;
var angl0 = getAngle(poly, i0, i1);
var curangl = angl0;
for (int i = starti+1; i <= vcnt; i++)
i0 = i % vcnt;
i1 = (i0 + 1) % vcnt;
angl0 = getAngle(poly, i0, i1);
var angldiff = getAngleDiff(curangl, angl0);
if (angldiff < 0)
return i0;
curangl = angl0;
return -1;
var findIntersection = new Func<GenPoly, int, int, int>((poly, i0, i1) =>
var vcnt = poly.Vertices.Length;
var v0 = poly.Vertices[i0];
var v1 = poly.Vertices[i1];
var minx0 = Math.Min(v0.X, v1.X);
var miny0 = Math.Min(v0.Y, v1.Y);
var maxx0 = Math.Max(v0.X, v1.X);
var maxy0 = Math.Max(v0.Y, v1.Y);
for (int i = 1; i < vcnt; i++)
var i2 = (i + i0) % vcnt;
var i3 = (i2 + 1) % vcnt;
if (i3 == i1) break;
var v2 = poly.Vertices[i2];
var v3 = poly.Vertices[i3];
if ((v0 == v2) || (v0 == v3) || (v1 == v2) || (v1 == v3)) continue; //don't test if sharing a vertex.
float a1 = v1.Y - v0.Y;
float b1 = v0.X - v1.X;
float c1 = a1 * v0.X + b1 * v0.Y;
float a2 = v3.Y - v2.Y;
float b2 = v2.X - v3.X;
float c2 = a2 * v2.X + b2 * v2.Y;
float delta = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1;
if (delta != 0)
var deltai = 1.0f / delta;
var vix = (b2 * c1 - b1 * c2) * deltai;
var viy = (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1) * deltai;
var minx1 = Math.Min(v2.X, v3.X);
var miny1 = Math.Min(v2.Y, v3.Y);
var maxx1 = Math.Max(v2.X, v3.X);
var maxy1 = Math.Max(v2.Y, v3.Y);
if ((vix >= minx0) && (vix >= minx1) && (vix <= maxx0) && (vix <= maxx1) &&
(viy >= miny0) && (viy >= miny1) && (viy <= maxy0) && (viy <= maxy1))
return i2;
return -1;
var findConvexSplit = new Func<GenPoly, int, int>((poly, starti) =>
var vcnt = poly.Vertices.Length;
//step backwards to find a valid split
var i0 = starti - 1; if (i0 < 0) i0 += vcnt;
var curangl = getAngle(poly, i0, starti);
var prevangl = curangl;
var iok = starti - 2; if (iok < 0) iok += vcnt;
var anyok = false;
for (int i = -2; i >= -vcnt; i--)
var i1 = i + starti; if (i1 < 0) i1 += vcnt; //i1 = i1 % vcnt;
var angl0 = getAngle(poly, starti, i1);
var angldiff0 = getAngleDiff(curangl, angl0);
if (angldiff0 < 0)
break;//split line would not be convex at starti
var i2 = (i1 + 1) % vcnt;
var angl1 = getAngle(poly, i1, i2);
var angldiff1 = getAngleDiff(angl0, angl1);
if (angldiff1 < 0)
break;//split line would not be convex at i1
var angl2 = getAngle(poly, i1, i2);
var angldiff2 = getAngleDiff(angl2, prevangl);
if (angldiff2 < 0)
break;//this step back is not convex
var inti = findIntersection(poly, starti, i1);
if (inti >= 0)
break;//split line intersects a poly edge!
prevangl = angl2;
anyok = true;
iok = i1;
if (anyok)
return iok;
//couldn't split by stepping backwards... so try split by stepping forwards!
i0 = (starti + 1) % vcnt;
curangl = getAngle(poly, starti, i0);
prevangl = curangl;
iok = (starti + 2) % vcnt;
for (int i = 2; i <= vcnt; i++)
var i1 = (i + starti) % vcnt;
var angl0 = getAngle(poly, i1, starti);
var angldiff0 = getAngleDiff(angl0, curangl);
if (angldiff0 < 0)
break;//split line would not be convex at starti
var i2 = (i1 - 1); if (i2 < 0) i2 += vcnt;
var angl1 = getAngle(poly, i2, i1);
var angldiff1 = getAngleDiff(angl1, angl0);
if (angldiff1 < 0)
break;//split line would not be convex at i1
var angl2 = getAngle(poly, i2, i1);
var angldiff2 = getAngleDiff(prevangl, angl2);
if (angldiff2 < 0)
break;//this step forward is not convex..
var inti = findIntersection(poly, i1, starti);
if (inti >= 0)
break;//split line intersects poly edge!
prevangl = angl2;
anyok = true;
iok = i1;
if (anyok)
return iok | 0x40000000;//set this flag to indicate polys got switched
//can't go either way... what now?
{ }
return -1;
foreach (var poly in polys)
if (poly?.Vertices == null) continue;
var infi = findInflection(poly, 0);
var infi1 = infi;
//bool split = false;
while (infi >= 0)
//split = true;
var convi = findConvexSplit(poly, infi);
if (convi >= 0)
var flag = 0x40000000;
var reversed = (convi & flag) == flag;
convi = convi & 0x3FFFFFFF;//mask out that flag (don't care about sign bit)
//make a new poly, starting at convi and ending at spliti
var newverts = new List<Vector3>();
var vcnt = poly.Vertices.Length;
var endi = infi;
if (endi < convi) endi += vcnt;
for (int i = convi; i <= endi; i++)
var i0 = i % vcnt;
var varr1 = newverts.ToArray();
//remove the clipped vertices from the current poly
if (convi < endi) convi += vcnt;
for (int i = endi; i <= convi; i++)
var i0 = i % vcnt;
var varr2 = newverts.ToArray();
var newpoly = new GenPoly((reversed ? varr2 : varr1), poly);
newpoly.Index = mergedPolys.Count;
poly.Vertices = (reversed ? varr1 : varr2);
infi = findInflection(poly, 0);
infi1 = infi;
//couldn't split at this inflection point, move on to the next...
var infi2 = findInflection(poly, infi);
if (infi2 != infi1)
infi = infi2;
infi = -1;//don't get stuck in the loop!
//if (split) continue;
//{ } //poly is already convex..
poly.Index = mergedPolys.Count;
polys = mergedPolys;
edgeDict = new Dictionary<GenEdgeKey, GenEdge>();
newCount = polys.Count;
UpdateStatus("Building YNVs...");
foreach (var poly in polys)
if (poly.Vertices == null) continue;
var ypoly = builder.AddPoly(poly.Vertices);
if (ypoly == null)
{ continue; }
//TODO: add poly edges!
ypoly.B02_IsFootpath = (poly.Material.Index == 1);
ypoly.B18_IsRoad = (poly.Material.Index == 4);//4,5,6
@ -235,15 +779,18 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var ynvs = builder.Build(false);//todo:vehicles!
UpdateStatus("Creating YNV files...");
var path = ProjectForm.CurrentProjectFile?.GetFullFilePath("navmeshes") + "\\";
foreach (var ynv in ynvs)
var bytes = ynv.Save();
@ -295,10 +842,52 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
private struct GenEdgeKey
public Vector3 V1;
public Vector3 V2;
public GenEdgeKey(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
V1 = v1;
V2 = v2;
//public int V1X;
//public int V1Y;
//public int V1Z;
//public int V2X;
//public int V2Y;
//public int V2Z;
//public GenEdgeKey(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
// V1X = (int)(v1.X * 100);
// V1Y = (int)(v1.Y * 100);
// V1Z = (int)(v1.Z * 100);
// V2X = (int)(v2.X * 100);
// V2Y = (int)(v2.Y * 100);
// V2Z = (int)(v2.Z * 100);
private class GenEdge
//public GenPoly From;
//public GenPoly To;
public GenPoly Poly1;
public GenPoly Poly2;
public int EdgeIndex1;
public int EdgeIndex2;
public GenEdge(GenPoly p1, int e1)
Poly1 = p1;
EdgeIndex1 = e1;
public GenEdge(GenPoly p1, GenPoly p2, int e1, int e2)
Poly1 = p1;
Poly2 = p2;
EdgeIndex1 = e1;
EdgeIndex2 = e2;
private class GenPoly
@ -311,6 +900,76 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
public int[] CornerIndices;
public Vector3[] Vertices;
//public GenEdge[] Edges;
public bool Merged = false;
public GenPoly() { }
public GenPoly(Vector3[] verts, ref GenVertex vert)
Vertices = verts;
Normal = vert.Normal;
Material = vert.Material;
PolyFlags = vert.PolyFlags;
public GenPoly(Vector3[] verts, GenPoly orig)
Vertices = verts;
Normal = orig.Normal;
Material = orig.Material;
PolyFlags = orig.PolyFlags;
public Vector3 GetCenter()
var c = Vector3.Zero;
if (Vertices?.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
c += Vertices[i];
c /= Vertices.Length;
return c;
public int FindVertex(Vector3 v)
if (Vertices != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
if (Vertices[i] == v) return i;
return -1;
public void RemoveVertex(Vector3 v)
var newverts = new List<Vector3>();
bool removed = false;
if (Vertices != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Length; i++)
if (Vertices[i] == v)
removed = true;
if (removed)
Vertices = newverts.ToArray();
{ }//probably shouldn't happen
private class VertexGrid
@ -397,12 +1056,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
public void ConnectVertices()
var connectThresh = 0.2f;
var connectThresh = 0.4f;
var density = 0.5f;//to match vertex density (x/y distance)
for (int vx = 1; vx < VertexCountX; vx++)
for (int vx = 0; vx < VertexCountX; vx++)
int px = vx - 1;
for (int vy = 1; vy < VertexCountY; vy++)
for (int vy = 0; vy < VertexCountY; vy++)
int py = vy - 1;
int imin = VertexOffsets[vx, vy];
@ -413,8 +1072,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var vn = Vertices[i].Normal;
var vxz = vz + (vn.X / Math.Max(vn.Z, 1e-5f)) * density;
var vyz = vz + (vn.Y / Math.Max(vn.Z, 1e-5f)) * density;
var prevIDX = FindVertex(px, vy, vxz, connectThresh);
var prevIDY = FindVertex(vx, py, vyz, connectThresh);
var prevIDX = (px < 0) ? -1 : FindVertex(px, vy, vxz, connectThresh);
var prevIDY = (py < 0) ? -1 : FindVertex(vx, py, vyz, connectThresh);
var compPrevX = (prevIDX < 0) ? false : CompareVertexTypes(i, prevIDX);
var compPrevY = (prevIDY < 0) ? false : CompareVertexTypes(i, prevIDY);
Vertices[i].PrevIDX = prevIDX;
@ -588,7 +1247,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
return polys;
private void AssignVertices(ref Plane vpl, float plt, int i, int dnx, int dny, int dpy, int dir, GenPoly poly)
int pid = poly.Index;
@ -701,8 +1359,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
if (corners.Length < 3)
{ }//debug
private void AssignVertices2(ref Plane vpl, float plt, int i, int dnx, int dny, int dpy, int dir, GenPoly poly)
int pid = poly.Index;
@ -882,8 +1538,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
private void AssignVertices3(ref Plane vpl, float plt, int i, int dir, GenPoly poly)
int pid = poly.Index;
@ -954,6 +1608,166 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
public List<GenPoly> GenPolys2()
List<GenPoly> polys = new List<GenPoly>();
//do marching squares on the grid, assuming each vertex starts a cell
for (int vx = 0; vx < VertexCountX; vx++)
for (int vy = 0; vy < VertexCountY; vy++)
int imin = VertexOffsets[vx, vy];
int imax = VertexCounts[vx, vy] + imin;
for (int i = imin; i < imax; i++)
var nidx = Vertices[i].NextIDX;
var nidy = Vertices[i].NextIDY;
var nidxy = -1;
var nidyx = -1;
if ((nidx < 0) || (nidy < 0)) continue; //(can't form a square... try with less verts?)
//try to find the index of the opposite corner...
//there's 2 possibilities, can only form the square if they are both the same...
//what to do if they're different..? just choose one?
nidxy = Vertices[nidx].NextIDY;
nidyx = Vertices[nidy].NextIDX;
if (nidxy != nidyx)
{ }
if (nidxy == -1)
if (nidyx == -1)
{ continue; } //can't form a square! could use the 3?
nidxy = nidyx;
bool f0 = CompareVertexTypes(i, nidx);
bool f1 = CompareVertexTypes(nidx, nidxy);
bool f2 = CompareVertexTypes(nidy, nidxy);
bool f3 = CompareVertexTypes(i, nidy);
//bool f4 = CompareVertexTypes(i, nidxy); //diagonal
//bool f5 = CompareVertexTypes(nidx, nidy); //diagonal
var v0 = Vertices[i];
var v1 = Vertices[nidx];
var v2 = Vertices[nidxy];
var v3 = Vertices[nidy];
var p0 = v0.Position;
var p1 = v1.Position;
var p2 = v2.Position;
var p3 = v3.Position;
var s0 = (p0 + p1) * 0.5f; //edge splits
var s1 = (p1 + p2) * 0.5f;
var s2 = (p2 + p3) * 0.5f;
var s3 = (p3 + p0) * 0.5f;
var sc = (s0 + s2) * 0.5f;//square center
var id = (f0 ? 8 : 0) + (f1 ? 4 : 0) + (f2 ? 2 : 0) + (f3 ? 1 : 0);
switch (id)
case 15: //all corners same
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p0, p1, p2, p3 }, ref v0));
case 3://single split cases
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s0, p1, s1 }, ref v1));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s1, p2, p3, p0, s0 }, ref v2));
case 5:
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s0, p1, p2, s2 }, ref v1));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s2, p3, p0, s0 }, ref v3));
case 6:
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s0, p1, p2, p3, s3 }, ref v1));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s3, p0, s0 }, ref v0));
case 9:
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s1, p2, s2 }, ref v2));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s2, p3, p0, p1, s1 }, ref v3));
case 10:
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s1, p2, p3, s3 }, ref v2));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s3, p0, p1, s1 }, ref v0));
case 12:
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s2, p3, s3 }, ref v3));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { s3, p0, p1, p2, s2 }, ref v0));
case 1://double split cases
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p0, s0, sc, s2, p3 }, ref v0));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p1, s1, sc, s0 }, ref v1));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p2, s2, sc, s1 }, ref v2));
case 2:
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p0, s0, sc, s3 }, ref v0));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p1, s1, sc, s0 }, ref v1));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p2, p3, s3, sc, s1 }, ref v2));
case 4:
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p0, s0, sc, s3 }, ref v0));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p1, p2, s2, sc, s0 }, ref v1));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p3, s3, sc, s2 }, ref v3));
case 8:
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p0, p1, s1, sc, s3 }, ref v0));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p2, s2, sc, s1 }, ref v2));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p3, s3, sc, s2 }, ref v3));
case 0: //all corners different? maybe check diagonals?
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p0, s0, sc, s3 }, ref v0));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p1, s1, sc, s0 }, ref v1));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p2, s2, sc, s1 }, ref v2));
polys.Add(new GenPoly(new[] { p3, s3, sc, s2 }, ref v3));
default://shouldn't happen?
return polys;
private int FindNextID(ref Plane vpl, float plt, int i, int dirnx, int dirny, int dirpy, float slope, out int dx, out int dy)
//find the next vertex along the slope in the given direction
@ -1318,7 +2132,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
if (InvokeRequired)
Invoke(new Action(() => { UpdateStatus(text); }));
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { UpdateStatus(text); }));
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
this.AudioRemoveFromProjectMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
this.ToolsMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
this.ToolsManifestGeneratorMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
this.ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
this.toolStripSeparator2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator();
this.ToolsImportMenyooXmlMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
@ -172,7 +173,6 @@
this.ToolbarSaveButton = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton();
this.ToolbarSaveAllButton = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton();
this.toolStripSeparator5 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator();
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
@ -1079,12 +1079,18 @@
this.ToolsManifestGeneratorMenu.Text = "Manifest Generator...";
this.ToolsManifestGeneratorMenu.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ToolsManifestGeneratorMenu_Click);
// ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu.Name = "ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu";
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(196, 22);
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu.Text = "LOD Lights Generator...";
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu_Click);
// ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu
this.ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu.Name = "ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu";
this.ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(196, 22);
this.ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu.Text = "Nav Mesh Generator...";
this.ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu.Visible = false;
this.ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ToolsNavMeshGeneratorMenu_Click);
// toolStripSeparator2
@ -1336,13 +1342,6 @@
this.toolStripSeparator5.Name = "toolStripSeparator5";
this.toolStripSeparator5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(6, 25);
// ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu.Name = "ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu";
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(196, 22);
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu.Text = "LOD Lights Generator...";
this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ToolsLODLightsGeneratorMenu_Click);
// ProjectForm
this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
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