mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 04:02:48 +08:00
Skin mesh now using correct bone transforms
This commit is contained in:
@ -622,6 +622,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var bone = Bones[i];
BonesMap[bone.Id] = bone;
bone.BindTransformInv = (i < TransformationsInverted?.Length) ? TransformationsInverted[i] : Matrix.Invert(bone.AnimTransform);
bone.BindTransformInv.M44 = 1.0f;
@ -776,9 +781,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public Quaternion Rotation { get; set; }
public Vector3 Translation { get; set; }
public uint Unknown_1Ch { get; set; } // 0x00000000 RHW?
public float ScaleX { get; set; } // 1.0
public float ScaleY { get; set; } // 1.0
public float ScaleZ { get; set; } // 1.0
public Vector3 Scale { get; set; }
public float Unknown_2Ch { get; set; } // 1.0 RHW?
public ushort NextSiblingIndex { get; set; } //limb end index? IK chain?
public short ParentIndex { get; set; }
@ -800,10 +803,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
//used by CW for animating skeletons.
public Quaternion AnimRotation;
public Vector3 AnimTranslation;
public Matrix AnimTransform;
public Quaternion AnimRotation;//relative to parent
public Vector3 AnimTranslation;//relative to parent
public Vector3 AnimScale;
public Matrix AnimTransform;//absolute world transform, animated
public Matrix BindTransformInv;//inverse of bind pose transform
public Matrix SkinTransform;//transform to use for skin meshes
/// <summary>
/// Reads the data-block from a stream.
@ -811,19 +816,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public override void Read(ResourceDataReader reader, params object[] parameters)
// read structure data
//this.RotationX = reader.ReadSingle();
//this.RotationY = reader.ReadSingle();
//this.RotationZ = reader.ReadSingle();
//this.RotationW = reader.ReadSingle();
this.Rotation = new Quaternion(reader.ReadVector4());
this.Translation = reader.ReadVector3();
//this.TranslationX = reader.ReadSingle();
//this.TranslationY = reader.ReadSingle();
//this.TranslationZ = reader.ReadSingle();
this.Unknown_1Ch = reader.ReadUInt32();
this.ScaleX = reader.ReadSingle();
this.ScaleY = reader.ReadSingle();
this.ScaleZ = reader.ReadSingle();
this.Scale = reader.ReadVector3();
this.Unknown_2Ch = reader.ReadSingle();
this.NextSiblingIndex = reader.ReadUInt16();
this.ParentIndex = reader.ReadInt16();
@ -844,7 +840,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
AnimRotation = Rotation;
AnimTranslation = Translation;
AnimTransform = Matrix.AffineTransformation(1.0f, AnimRotation, AnimTranslation);
AnimScale = Scale;
/// <summary>
@ -859,9 +855,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
@ -893,6 +887,26 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
return Id.ToString() + ": " + Name;
public void UpdateAnimTransform()
//AnimTransform = Matrix.AffineTransformation(1.0f, AnimRotation, AnimTranslation);//(local transform)
var pos = AnimTranslation;
var ori = AnimRotation;
var sca = AnimScale;
var pbone = Parent;
while (pbone != null)
pos = pbone.AnimRotation.Multiply(pos) + pbone.AnimTranslation;
ori = pbone.AnimRotation * ori;
pbone = pbone.Parent;
AnimTransform = Matrix.AffineTransformation(1.0f, ori, pos);//(global transform)
AnimTransform.ScaleVector *= sca;
SkinTransform = BindTransformInv * AnimTransform;
//SkinTransform = Matrix.Identity;//(for testing)
[TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class Joints : ResourceSystemBlock
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public Dictionary<ushort, RenderableModel> ModelBoneLinks;
public Matrix3_s[] BoneTransforms;
public List<Bone> Bones;
public override void Init(DrawableBase drawable)
@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
HasSkeleton = hasskeleton;
HasTransforms = hastransforms;
Bones = skeleton?.Bones?.Data;
//calculate transforms for the models if there are any. (TODO: move this to a method for re-use...)
@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (hastransforms)
int boneidx = (int)((model.SkeletonBinding >> 24) & 0xFF);
int boneidx = model.BoneIndex;
Matrix trans = (boneidx < modeltransforms.Length) ? modeltransforms[boneidx] : Matrix.Identity;
Bone bone = (hasbones && (boneidx < bones.Count)) ? bones[boneidx] : null;
@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
if (((model.SkeletonBinding >> 8) & 0xFF) > 0) //skin mesh?
if (model.IsSkinMesh)
model.Transform = Matrix.Identity;
@ -304,22 +305,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
//populate the bonetransforms array
Matrix[] bonetrans = (fragtransforms != null) ? fragtransforms : (modeltransforms != null) ? modeltransforms : null;
if (bonetrans != null)
BoneTransforms = new Matrix3_s[bonetrans.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < bonetrans.Length; i++)
Matrix b = bonetrans[i];
Matrix3_s bt = new Matrix3_s();
bt.Row1 = b.Row1;
bt.Row2 = b.Row2;
bt.Row3 = b.Row3;
BoneTransforms[i] = bt;
@ -373,6 +359,27 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
private void UpdateBoneTransforms()
if (Bones == null) return;
if ((BoneTransforms == null) || (BoneTransforms.Length != Bones.Count))
BoneTransforms = new Matrix3_s[Bones.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < Bones.Count; i++)
var bone = Bones[i];
Matrix b = bone.SkinTransform;
Matrix3_s bt = new Matrix3_s();
bt.Row1 = b.Column1;
bt.Row2 = b.Column2;
bt.Row3 = b.Column3;
BoneTransforms[i] = bt;
public void UpdateAnims(double realTime)
if (CurrentAnimTime == realTime) return;//already updated this!
@ -469,25 +476,17 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
for (int i = 0; i < bones.Count; i++)
var bone = bones[i];
var pos = bone.AnimTranslation;
var ori = bone.AnimRotation;
var pbone = bone.Parent;
while (pbone != null)
pos = pbone.AnimRotation.Multiply(pos) + pbone.AnimTranslation;
ori = pbone.AnimRotation * ori;
pbone = pbone.Parent;
bone.AnimTransform = Matrix.AffineTransformation(1.0f, ori, pos);
//update model's transform from animated bone
RenderableModel bmodel = null;
ModelBoneLinks?.TryGetValue(bone.Id, out bmodel);
if (bmodel == null)
{ continue; }
if (((bmodel.SkeletonBinding >> 8) & 0xFF) > 0) //skin mesh? //TODO: see eg. p_oil_pjack_03_s
if (bmodel.IsSkinMesh) //don't transform model for skin mesh
{ continue; }
bmodel.Transform = bone.AnimTransform;
@ -495,6 +494,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
private void UpdateAnimUV(ClipMapEntry cme, RenderableGeometry rgeom = null)
@ -591,11 +592,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public bool UseTransform;
public Matrix Transform;
public int BoneIndex = 0;
public bool IsSkinMesh = false;
public void Init(DrawableModel dmodel)
SkeletonBinding = dmodel.SkeletonBinding;//4th byte is bone index, 2nd byte for skin meshes
RenderMaskFlags = dmodel.RenderMaskFlags; //only the first byte seems be related to this
IsSkinMesh = ((SkeletonBinding >> 8) & 0xFF) > 0;
BoneIndex = (int)((SkeletonBinding >> 24) & 0xFF);
DrawableModel = dmodel;
long geomcount = dmodel.Geometries.data_items.Length;
@ -1102,12 +1102,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
const uint cred = 4278190335;// (uint)new Color4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f).ToRgba();
const uint cgrn = 4278255360;// (uint)new Color4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f).ToRgba();
const uint cblu = 4294901760;// (uint)new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f).ToRgba();
VertexTypePC v1 = new VertexTypePC();
VertexTypePC v2 = new VertexTypePC();
v1.Colour = cgrn;
v2.Colour = cblu;
VertexTypePC vr = new VertexTypePC();
VertexTypePC vg = new VertexTypePC();
VertexTypePC vb = new VertexTypePC();
vr.Colour = cred;
vg.Colour = cgrn;
vb.Colour = cblu;
foreach (var item in renderskeletonlist)
@ -1127,7 +1130,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
var pind = pinds[i];
var bone = bones[i];
var pbone = bone.Parent;
if (pbone == null) continue; //nothing to draw for the root bone
if (xforms != null)//how to use xforms? bind pose?
@ -1142,24 +1144,44 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
//draw line from bone's position to parent position...
Vector3 lbeg = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 lend = bone.AnimTranslation;// bone.Rotation.Multiply();
while (pbone != null)
lbeg = pbone.AnimRotation.Multiply(lbeg) + pbone.AnimTranslation;
lend = pbone.AnimRotation.Multiply(lend) + pbone.AnimTranslation;
pbone = pbone.Parent;
float starsize = (bone.AnimTransform.TranslationVector-camera.Position).Length() * 0.011f;
Vector3[] starverts0 = { Vector3.UnitX * starsize, Vector3.UnitY * starsize, Vector3.UnitZ * starsize };
Vector3[] starverts1 = { Vector3.UnitX * -starsize, Vector3.UnitY * -starsize, Vector3.UnitZ * -starsize };
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) starverts0[j] = bone.AnimTransform.MultiplyW(starverts0[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) starverts1[j] = bone.AnimTransform.MultiplyW(starverts1[j]);
if (pbone != null)
lbeg = pbone.AnimTransform.MultiplyW(lbeg);
lend = pbone.AnimTransform.MultiplyW(lend);
if (entity != null)
lbeg = entity.Position + entity.Orientation.Multiply(lbeg * entity.Scale);
lend = entity.Position + entity.Orientation.Multiply(lend * entity.Scale);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) starverts0[j] = entity.Position + entity.Orientation.Multiply(starverts0[j] * entity.Scale);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) starverts1[j] = entity.Position + entity.Orientation.Multiply(starverts1[j] * entity.Scale);
v1.Position = lbeg;
v2.Position = lend;
vr.Position = starverts0[0]; skeletonLineVerts.Add(vr);
vr.Position = starverts1[0]; skeletonLineVerts.Add(vr);
vg.Position = starverts0[1]; skeletonLineVerts.Add(vg);
vg.Position = starverts1[1]; skeletonLineVerts.Add(vg);
vb.Position = starverts0[2]; skeletonLineVerts.Add(vb);
vb.Position = starverts1[2]; skeletonLineVerts.Add(vb);
if (pbone != null) //don't draw the origin to root bone line
vg.Position = lbeg;
vb.Position = lend;
@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public ShaderParamNames RenderTextureSampler = ShaderParamNames.DiffuseSampler;
public bool SpecularEnable = true;
Matrix3_s[] defaultBoneMatrices;
bool defaultBoneMatricesBound = false;
private Dictionary<VertexType, InputLayout> layouts = new Dictionary<VertexType, InputLayout>();
@ -276,11 +277,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTT, new InputLayout(device, vspbbncttbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTT, new InputLayout(device, vspbbnctttbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCT, new InputLayout(device, vspbbncctbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCTT, new InputLayout(device, vspbbncctbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCTT.GetLayout()));//TODO
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCTX, new InputLayout(device, vspbbncctxbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTX, new InputLayout(device, vspbbncttxbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTTX, new InputLayout(device, vspbbncttxbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTTX.GetLayout()));//TODO
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCTTX, new InputLayout(device, vspbbncctxbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCTTX.GetLayout()));//TODO
//PBBCCT todo
//PBBNC todo
@ -343,6 +346,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
sphere = new UnitSphere(device, vsspherebytes, 4);
capsule = new UnitCapsule(device, vscapsulebytes, 4);
cylinder = new UnitCylinder(device, vscylinderbytes, 8);
defaultBoneMatrices = new Matrix3_s[255];
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
defaultBoneMatrices[i].Row1 = Vector4.UnitX;
defaultBoneMatrices[i].Row2 = Vector4.UnitY;
defaultBoneMatrices[i].Row3 = Vector4.UnitZ;
private void InitInstGlobalVars()
@ -446,6 +457,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
case VertexType.PBBNCCT:
vs = basicvspbbncct;
case VertexType.PBBNCCTT://todo
vs = basicvspbbncct;
case VertexType.PBBNCTX:
vs = basicvspbbnctx;
@ -557,12 +571,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public override void SetModelVars(DeviceContext context, RenderableModel model)
if (((model.SkeletonBinding >> 8) & 0xFF) > 0)
if (model.Owner.BoneTransforms != null)
if (model.Owner.BoneTransforms != null)
SetBoneMatrices(context, model.Owner.BoneTransforms);
SetBoneMatrices(context, model.Owner.BoneTransforms);
defaultBoneMatricesBound = false;
else if (!defaultBoneMatricesBound)
SetBoneMatrices(context, defaultBoneMatrices);
defaultBoneMatricesBound = true;
if (!model.UseTransform) return;
@ -57,12 +57,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
bool disposed = false;
VertexShader shadowvs;
VertexShader shadowvs_skin;
PixelShader shadowps;
GpuVarsBuffer<ShadowShaderVSSceneVars> VSSceneVars;
GpuVarsBuffer<ShadowShaderVSEntityVars> VSEntityVars;
GpuVarsBuffer<ShadowShaderVSModelVars> VSModelVars;
GpuVarsBuffer<ShadowShaderGeomVars> GeomVars;
GpuABuffer<Matrix3_s> BoneMatrices;
SamplerState texsampler;
SamplerState texsamplerc;
@ -70,15 +72,20 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public Vector4 WindVector { get; set; }
Matrix3_s[] defaultBoneMatrices;
bool defaultBoneMatricesBound = false;
private Dictionary<VertexType, InputLayout> layouts = new Dictionary<VertexType, InputLayout>();
public ShadowShader(Device device)
byte[] vsbytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Shaders\\ShadowVS.cso");
byte[] vssbytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Shaders\\ShadowVS_Skin.cso");
byte[] psbytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Shaders\\ShadowPS.cso");
shadowvs = new VertexShader(device, vsbytes);
shadowvs_skin = new VertexShader(device, vssbytes);
shadowps = new PixelShader(device, psbytes);
@ -86,6 +93,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
VSEntityVars = new GpuVarsBuffer<ShadowShaderVSEntityVars>(device);
VSModelVars = new GpuVarsBuffer<ShadowShaderVSModelVars>(device);
GeomVars = new GpuVarsBuffer<ShadowShaderGeomVars>(device);
BoneMatrices = new GpuABuffer<Matrix3_s>(device, 255);
//supported layouts - requires Position, Normal, Colour, Texcoord
@ -93,8 +101,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
layouts.Add(VertexType.DefaultEx, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypeDefaultEx.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCCT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCCT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCCTTTT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCCTTTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCTTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCTTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCTTTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCTTTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCTTTX_2, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCTTTX_2.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCTTTX_3, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCTTTX_3.GetLayout()));
@ -103,19 +109,25 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCCTTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCCTTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCCTTX_2, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCCTTX_2.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCCTTTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCCTTTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCCTT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCCTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCCTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCCTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCH2, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCH2.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PCCH2H4, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePCCH2H4.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCTT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PNCTTT, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePNCTTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTTX, new InputLayout(device, vsbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCT, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTX, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTT, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTT, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCT, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCT.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCTT, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCTT.GetLayout()));//TODO
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCTX, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTX, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTX.GetLayout()));
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCTTTX, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCTTTX.GetLayout()));//TODO
layouts.Add(VertexType.PBBNCCTTX, new InputLayout(device, vssbytes, VertexTypePBBNCCTTX.GetLayout()));//TODO
//PBBCCT todo
//PBBNC todo
@ -146,13 +158,22 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
MipLodBias = 0,
defaultBoneMatrices = new Matrix3_s[255];
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
defaultBoneMatrices[i].Row1 = Vector4.UnitX;
defaultBoneMatrices[i].Row2 = Vector4.UnitY;
defaultBoneMatrices[i].Row3 = Vector4.UnitZ;
public override void SetShader(DeviceContext context)
@ -161,6 +182,26 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
InputLayout l;
if (layouts.TryGetValue(type, out l))
VertexShader vs = shadowvs;
switch (type)
case VertexType.PBBNCT:
case VertexType.PBBNCTX:
case VertexType.PBBNCTT:
case VertexType.PBBNCTTT:
case VertexType.PBBNCCT:
case VertexType.PBBNCCTT:
case VertexType.PBBNCCTX:
case VertexType.PBBNCTTX:
case VertexType.PBBNCTTTX:
case VertexType.PBBNCCTTX:
vs = shadowvs_skin;
context.InputAssembler.InputLayout = l;
return true;
@ -192,6 +233,17 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public override void SetModelVars(DeviceContext context, RenderableModel model)
if (model.Owner.BoneTransforms != null)
SetBoneMatrices(context, model.Owner.BoneTransforms);
defaultBoneMatricesBound = false;
else if (!defaultBoneMatricesBound)
SetBoneMatrices(context, defaultBoneMatrices);
defaultBoneMatricesBound = true;
if (!model.UseTransform) return;
VSModelVars.Vars.Transform = Matrix.Transpose(model.Transform);
@ -306,6 +358,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public void SetBoneMatrices(DeviceContext context, Matrix3_s[] matrices)
BoneMatrices.Update(context, matrices);
BoneMatrices.SetVSCBuffer(context, 7);
public override void UnbindResources(DeviceContext context)
context.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, null);
@ -341,10 +400,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
disposed = true;
@ -486,6 +486,16 @@
<ShaderType Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">Vertex</ShaderType>
<ShaderType Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">Vertex</ShaderType>
<FxCompile Include="ShadowVS_Skin.hlsl">
<ShaderType Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">Vertex</ShaderType>
<ShaderModel Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">4.0</ShaderModel>
<ShaderType Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">Vertex</ShaderType>
<ShaderModel Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">4.0</ShaderModel>
<ShaderType Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">Vertex</ShaderType>
<ShaderModel Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">4.0</ShaderModel>
<ShaderType Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">Vertex</ShaderType>
<ShaderModel Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">4.0</ShaderModel>
<FxCompile Include="SkydomePS.hlsl">
<ShaderType Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">Pixel</ShaderType>
<ShaderType Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">Pixel</ShaderType>
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
<FxCompile Include="BasicVS_PBBNCCT.hlsl" />
<FxCompile Include="BasicVS_PBBNCCTX.hlsl" />
<FxCompile Include="BasicVS_PBBNCTTX.hlsl" />
<FxCompile Include="ShadowVS_Skin.hlsl" />
<None Include="Quaternion.hlsli" />
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
#include "Common.hlsli"
#include "Quaternion.hlsli"
cbuffer VSSceneVars : register(b0)
float4x4 ViewProj;
float4 WindVector;
cbuffer VSEntityVars : register(b1)
float4 CamRel;
float4 Orientation;
uint HasSkeleton;
uint HasTransforms;
uint TintPaletteIndex;
uint Pad1;
float3 Scale;
uint Pad2;
cbuffer VSModelVars : register(b2)
float4x4 Transform;
cbuffer GeomVars : register(b3)
uint EnableTexture;
uint EnableTint;
uint IsDecal;
uint EnableWind;
float4 WindOverrideParams;
cbuffer BoneMatrices : register(b7) //rage_bonemtx
row_major float3x4 gBoneMtx[255]; // Offset: 0 Size: 12240
struct VS_INPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float4 BlendWeights : BLENDWEIGHTS;
float4 BlendIndices : BLENDINDICES;
float3 Normal : NORMAL;
float2 Texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 Colour : COLOR0;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Position : SV_POSITION;
//float3 Normal : NORMAL;
float2 Texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
//float4 Colour : COLOR0;
//float4 Tint : COLOR1;
//Texture2D<float4> TintPalette : register(t0);
//SamplerState TextureSS : register(s0);
float3x4 BoneMatrix(float4 weights, float4 indices)
uint4 binds = (uint4) (indices * 255.001953);
float3x4 b0 = gBoneMtx[binds.x];
float3x4 b1 = gBoneMtx[binds.y];
float3x4 b2 = gBoneMtx[binds.z];
float3x4 b3 = gBoneMtx[binds.w];
float4 t0 = b0[0] * weights.x + b1[0] * weights.y + b2[0] * weights.z + b3[0] * weights.w;
float4 t1 = b0[1] * weights.x + b1[1] * weights.y + b2[1] * weights.z + b3[1] * weights.w;
float4 t2 = b0[2] * weights.x + b1[2] * weights.y + b2[2] * weights.z + b3[2] * weights.w;
return float3x4(t0, t1, t2);
float3 BoneTransform(float3 ipos, float3x4 m)
float3 r;
float4 p = float4(ipos, 1);
r.x = dot(m[0], p);
r.y = dot(m[1], p);
r.z = dot(m[2], p);
return r;
VS_OUTPUT main(VS_INPUT input)
VS_OUTPUT output;
float3x4 bone = BoneMatrix(input.BlendWeights, input.BlendIndices);
float3 ipos = BoneTransform(input.Position.xyz, bone);
float3 tpos = (HasTransforms == 1) ? mul(float4(ipos, 1), Transform).xyz : ipos;
float3 spos = tpos * Scale;
float3 bpos = mulvq(spos, Orientation);
if (EnableWind)
bpos = GeomWindMotion(bpos, input.Colour.xyz, WindVector, WindOverrideParams);
float3 opos = CamRel.xyz + bpos;
float4 pos = float4(opos, 1);
float4 cpos = mul(pos, ViewProj);
//if (IsDecal == 1)
// //cpos.z -= 0.003; //todo: correct decal z-bias
//cpos.z = saturate(cpos.z); //might need work
//cpos.z = DepthFunc(cpos.zw);
//float3 inorm = input.Normal;
//float3 tnorm = (HasTransforms == 1) ? mul(inorm, (float3x3)Transform) : inorm;
//float3 bnorm = normalize(mulvq(tnorm, Orientation));
//float4 tnt = 0;
//if (EnableTint == 1)
// tnt = TintPalette.SampleLevel(TextureSS, float2(input.Colour.b, TintYVal), 0);
output.Position = cpos;
//output.Normal = bnorm;
output.Texcoord = input.Texcoord;
//output.Colour = input.Colour;
//output.Tint = tnt;
return output;
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