mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 10:23:07 +08:00
AwcFile parsing improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public int StreamCount { get; set; }
public int InfoOffset { get; set; }
public ushort[] UnkUshorts { get; set; } //offsets of some sort?
public bool MultiChannel { get; set; }
public byte[] MultiChannelData { get; set; }
public AwcStreamInfo[] StreamInfos { get; set; }
public uint[] AudioIds { get; set; }
@ -79,8 +80,11 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
Decrypt_RSXXTEA(data, GTA5Keys.PC_AWC_KEY);
Magic = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0);
} else
ErrorMessage = "Corrupted data!";
switch (Magic)
@ -127,14 +131,24 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
var flag0 = ((Flags & 1) == 1);
var infoStart = 16 + (flag0 ? (StreamCount * 2) : 0);
if (flag0)
UnkUshorts = new ushort[StreamCount]; //offsets of some sort?
for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++)
UnkUshorts[i] = r.ReadUInt16();
var infoStart = 16 + (flag0 ? (StreamCount * 2) : 0);
if (ms.Position != infoStart)
{ }
ms.Position = infoStart;
List<AwcStreamInfo> infos = new List<AwcStreamInfo>();
Dictionary<uint, AwcStreamInfo> infoDict = new Dictionary<uint, AwcStreamInfo>();
List<uint> audioIds = new List<uint>();
List<AwcAudio> audios = new List<AwcAudio>();
for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++)
@ -145,178 +159,144 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++)
var info = infos[i];
for (int j = 0; j < info.TagCount; j++)
for (int j = 0; j < info.ChunkCount; j++)
var chunk = new AwcChunkInfo(r);
info.Chunks[chunk.Tag] = chunk;
info.ChunkDict[chunk.Tag] = chunk;
StreamInfos = infos.ToArray();
byte hformat = 0xFA;// 250 0x6061D4FA & 0xFF; //JenkHash.GenHash("format");
byte hdata = 0x55;// 85 0x5EB5E655 & 0xFF; //JenkHash.GenHash("data");
byte hycd = 0x5C;// 92 YCD resource chunk... lip sync anims?
byte hunk = 0x36;// 54 unk chunk? small number of bytes (2+)
if (MultiChannel)
AwcStreamInfo stream0 = null;
if (!infoDict.TryGetValue(0, out stream0))
ErrorMessage = "Couldn't find MultiChannel stream0";
AwcChunkInfo chunk72 = null;
if (!stream0.Chunks.TryGetValue(72, out chunk72))
ErrorMessage = "Couldn't find MultiChannel chunk72";
ms.Position = chunk72.Offset;
AwcChannelChunkInfo chanInfo = new AwcChannelChunkInfo(r);
if (chanInfo.ChannelCount != StreamCount - 1)
ErrorMessage = "Channel Count did not match Stream Count";
List<AwcChannelChunkItemInfo> chunkItems = new List<AwcChannelChunkItemInfo>();
for (int i = 0; i < chanInfo.ChannelCount; i++)
var itemInfo = new AwcChannelChunkItemInfo(r);
audioIds.Add(infos[i + 1].Id);
//AudioStreams.Add(new MultiChannelAudio(new ChunkStream(this.Stream, streamsChunks[0][Tag("data")]), channelsInfoHeader, streamsInfo, header.BigEndian));
AwcChunkInfo cdata = null;
if (!stream0.Chunks.TryGetValue(hdata, out cdata))
ErrorMessage = "Couldn't find Stream 0 data chunk";
ms.Position = cdata.Offset;
var lastPos = cdata.Offset + cdata.Size;
//int chunkSize = 0x800;
uint bigChunkSize = chanInfo.ChunkSize;
var chanCount = chanInfo.ChannelCount;
MultiChannelData = r.ReadBytes(cdata.Size);
ms.Position = cdata.Offset;
//var d = data;//temporary
////this doesn't seem to work :(
//while (ms.Position < lastPos)
// uint totalChunks = 0;
// var startPos = ms.Position;
// var curPos = startPos;
// //byte[] chunkdata = r.ReadBytes(chunkSize);
// //ms.Position = startPos;
// AwcChannelChunkHeader[] chanHeaders = new AwcChannelChunkHeader[chanCount];
// for (int i = 0; i < chanCount; i++)
// {
// var chanHeader = new AwcChannelChunkHeader(r);
// chanHeaders[i] = chanHeader;
// totalChunks += chanHeader.ChunkCount;
// }
// int headerSize = (int)(totalChunks * 4 + chanInfo.ChannelCount * AwcChannelChunkHeader.Size);
// headerSize += (((-headerSize) % chunkSize) + chunkSize) % chunkSize; //todo: simplify this!
// curPos += headerSize;
// AwcChannelChunk[] chanChunks = new AwcChannelChunk[chanCount];
// for (int i = 0; i < chanCount; i++)
// {
// var chanChunk = new AwcChannelChunk(r, chanHeaders[i], chunkItems[i]);
// chanChunks[i] = chanChunk;
// curPos += chanChunk.TotalDataSize;
// }
// if (curPos - startPos > chanInfo.ChunkSize)
// {
// ErrorMessage = "Chunk was bigger than the chunk size";
// break;
// }
// if ((totalChunks == 0) || ((startPos + chanInfo.ChunkSize) > lastPos))
// {
// ErrorMessage = "Unable to read chunk";
// break;
// }
// var newPos = startPos + bigChunkSize;
// if (newPos >= lastPos) break;
// ms.Position = newPos;
for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++)
var info = infos[i];
AwcChunkInfo cformat = null;
if (!info.Chunks.TryGetValue(hformat, out cformat))
ErrorMessage = "Couldn't find Stream " + i.ToString() + " format chunk";
AwcChunkInfo cdata = null;
if (!info.Chunks.TryGetValue(hdata, out cdata))
ErrorMessage = "Couldn't find Stream " + i.ToString() + " data chunk";
AwcChunkInfo cycd = null;
AwcAudioAnimClipDict oycd = null;
if (info.Chunks.TryGetValue(hycd, out cycd))
ms.Position = cycd.Offset;
oycd = new AwcAudioAnimClipDict(r, cycd);
AwcChunkInfo cunk = null;
AwcAudioUnk ounk = null;
if (info.Chunks.TryGetValue(hunk, out cunk))
ms.Position = cunk.Offset;
ounk = new AwcAudioUnk(r, cunk);
ms.Position = cformat.Offset;
AwcFormatChunk formatChunk = new AwcFormatChunk(r);
ms.Position = cdata.Offset;
AwcAudio audio = new AwcAudio(r, info, formatChunk, cdata);
audio.ClipDict = oycd;
audio.UnkData = ounk;
Audios = audios.ToArray();
AudioIds = audioIds.ToArray();
//ReadAudiosOrig(infoDict, r);
private void ReadAudios(DataReader r)
List<uint> audioIds = new List<uint>();
List<AwcAudio> audios = new List<AwcAudio>();
for (int i = 0; i < StreamCount; i++)
var info = StreamInfos[i];
var audio = new AwcAudio();
audio.StreamInfo = info;
for (int j = 0; j < info.ChunkList.Count; j++)
var chunk = info.ChunkList[j];
r.Position = chunk.Offset;
switch (chunk.Tag)
case 85: //data
audio.DataInfo = chunk;
audio.Data = r.ReadBytes(chunk.Size);
case 250://format
audio.Format = new AwcFormatChunk(r, chunk);
case 92: //animation - YCD resource chunk
audio.ClipDict = new AwcAudioAnimClipDict(r, chunk);
case 43: //unk2B
audio.UnkData2B = new AwcAudioUnk(r, chunk);
case 54: //unk36 - small number of bytes (2+)
audio.UnkData36 = new AwcAudioUnk(r, chunk);
case 90: //unk5A
audio.UnkData5A = new AwcAudioUnk(r, chunk);
case 104://unk68
audio.UnkData68 = new AwcAudioUnk(r, chunk);
case 217://unkD9 - length 200+
audio.UnkDataD9 = new AwcAudioUnk(r, chunk);
case 72: //multi channel info
audio.MultiChannelInfo = new AwcChannelChunkInfo(r);
case 163://multi unkA3
audio.MultiChannelOffsets = new AwcChannelOffsetsInfo(r, chunk);
case 189://multi unkBD
audio.UnkDataBD = new AwcAudioUnk(r, chunk);
if ((r.Position - chunk.Offset) != chunk.Size)
{ }//make sure everything was read!
Audios = audios.ToArray();
AudioIds = audioIds.ToArray();
private void ReadAudiosOrig(Dictionary<uint, AwcStreamInfo> infoDict, DataReader r)
//just leaving this here temporarily for reference about how libertyV parsed multichannel data
//r.Position = cdata.Offset;
//var lastPos = cdata.Offset + cdata.Size;
////int chunkSize = 0x800;
//uint bigChunkSize = chanInfo.ChunkSize;
//var chanCount = chanInfo.ChannelCount;
//MultiChannelData = r.ReadBytes(cdata.Size);
//r.Position = cdata.Offset;
////this doesn't seem to work :(
//while (ms.Position < lastPos)
// uint totalChunks = 0;
// var startPos = ms.Position;
// var curPos = startPos;
// //byte[] chunkdata = r.ReadBytes(chunkSize);
// //ms.Position = startPos;
// AwcChannelChunkHeader[] chanHeaders = new AwcChannelChunkHeader[chanCount];
// for (int i = 0; i < chanCount; i++)
// {
// var chanHeader = new AwcChannelChunkHeader(r);
// chanHeaders[i] = chanHeader;
// totalChunks += chanHeader.ChunkCount;
// }
// int headerSize = (int)(totalChunks * 4 + chanInfo.ChannelCount * AwcChannelChunkHeader.Size);
// headerSize += (((-headerSize) % chunkSize) + chunkSize) % chunkSize; //todo: simplify this!
// curPos += headerSize;
// AwcChannelChunk[] chanChunks = new AwcChannelChunk[chanCount];
// for (int i = 0; i < chanCount; i++)
// {
// var chanChunk = new AwcChannelChunk(r, chanHeaders[i], chunkItems[i]);
// chanChunks[i] = chanChunk;
// curPos += chanChunk.TotalDataSize;
// }
// if (curPos - startPos > chanInfo.ChunkSize)
// {
// ErrorMessage = "Chunk was bigger than the chunk size";
// break;
// }
// if ((totalChunks == 0) || ((startPos + chanInfo.ChunkSize) > lastPos))
// {
// ErrorMessage = "Unable to read chunk";
// break;
// }
// var newPos = startPos + bigChunkSize;
// if (newPos >= lastPos) break;
// ms.Position = newPos;
@ -326,21 +306,22 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcStreamInfo
public uint RawVal { get; set; }
public uint TagCount { get; set; }
public uint ChunkCount { get; set; }
public uint Id { get; set; }
public Dictionary<byte, AwcChunkInfo> Chunks { get; set; } = new Dictionary<byte, AwcChunkInfo>();
public List<AwcChunkInfo> ChunkList { get; set; } = new List<AwcChunkInfo>();
public Dictionary<byte, AwcChunkInfo> ChunkDict { get; set; } = new Dictionary<byte, AwcChunkInfo>();
public AwcStreamInfo(DataReader r)
RawVal = r.ReadUInt32();
TagCount = (RawVal >> 29);
ChunkCount = (RawVal >> 29);
Id = (RawVal & 0x1FFFFFFF);
public override string ToString()
return Id.ToString("X") + ": " + TagCount.ToString() + " tags";
return Id.ToString("X") + ": " + ChunkCount.ToString() + " chunks";
@ -367,20 +348,32 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcChannelChunkInfo
public uint Unk0 { get; set; }
public uint ChunkCount { get; set; }
public uint ChunkSize { get; set; }
public uint ChannelCount { get; set; }
public AwcChannelChunkItemInfo[] Channels { get; set; }
public uint TotalSize { get { return ChunkCount * ChunkSize; } }
public AwcChannelChunkInfo(DataReader r)
Unk0 = r.ReadUInt32();
ChunkCount = r.ReadUInt32();
ChunkSize = r.ReadUInt32();
ChannelCount = r.ReadUInt32();
List<AwcChannelChunkItemInfo> channels = new List<AwcChannelChunkItemInfo>();
for (int i = 0; i < ChannelCount; i++)
var itemInfo = new AwcChannelChunkItemInfo(r);
Channels = channels.ToArray();
public override string ToString()
return Unk0.ToString() + ": " + ChunkSize.ToString() + ", " + ChannelCount.ToString() + " channels";
return ChunkCount.ToString() + ": " + ChunkSize.ToString() + ", " + ChannelCount.ToString() + " channels";
@ -421,14 +414,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public ushort LoopEnd { get; set; }
public ushort PlayEnd { get; set; }
public byte PlayBegin { get; set; }
public uint UnkExtra { get; set; }
public enum CodecFormat {
public enum CodecFormat
PCM = 0,
public CodecFormat Codec { get; set; }
public AwcFormatChunk(DataReader r)
public AwcFormatChunk(DataReader r, AwcChunkInfo info)
Samples = r.ReadUInt32();
LoopPoint = r.ReadInt32();
@ -440,9 +435,17 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
PlayBegin = r.ReadByte();
Codec = (CodecFormat)r.ReadByte();
//Apparently sometimes this struct is longer? TODO: fix??
switch (info.Size) //Apparently sometimes this struct is longer?
case 20:
case 24:
UnkExtra = r.ReadUInt32();
break;//no hit
@ -460,8 +463,14 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public byte[] Data { get; set; }
public AwcAudioAnimClipDict ClipDict { get; set; }
public AwcAudioUnk UnkData { get; set; }
public AwcAudioUnk UnkData2B { get; set; }
public AwcAudioUnk UnkData36 { get; set; }
public AwcAudioUnk UnkData5A { get; set; }
public AwcAudioUnk UnkData68 { get; set; }
public AwcAudioUnk UnkDataD9 { get; set; }
public AwcChannelChunkInfo MultiChannelInfo { get; set; }
public AwcChannelOffsetsInfo MultiChannelOffsets { get; set; }
public AwcAudioUnk UnkDataBD { get; set; }
public short Channels = 1;
public short BitsPerSample = 16;
@ -530,6 +539,9 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public AwcAudio()
public AwcAudio(DataReader r, AwcStreamInfo s, AwcFormatChunk f, AwcChunkInfo d)
StreamInfo = s;
@ -716,10 +728,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcAudioUnk
public AwcChunkInfo ChunkInfo { get; set; }
public byte[] Data { get; set; }
public AwcAudioUnk(DataReader r, AwcChunkInfo info)
ChunkInfo = info;
Data = r.ReadBytes(info.Size);
@ -736,6 +750,32 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcChannelOffsetsInfo
public AwcChunkInfo ChunkInfo { get; set; }
public uint[] Offsets { get; set; }
public AwcChannelOffsetsInfo(DataReader r, AwcChunkInfo info)
ChunkInfo = info;
var count = info.Size / 4;
var rem = info.Size % 4;
if (rem != 0)
{ }
Offsets = new uint[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Offsets[i] = r.ReadUInt32();
public override string ToString()
return (Offsets?.Length ?? 0).ToString() + " items";
[TC(typeof(EXP))] public class AwcChannelChunkHeader
@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
//RE test area!
@ -2831,6 +2832,35 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
{ }
public void TestAudioAwcs()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Dictionary<uint, int> allids = new Dictionary<uint, int>();
foreach (RpfFile file in AllRpfs)
foreach (RpfEntry entry in file.AllEntries)
var n = entry.NameLower;
if (n.EndsWith(".awc"))
var awcfile = RpfMan.GetFile<AwcFile>(entry);
if (awcfile != null)
{ }
catch (Exception ex)
UpdateStatus("Error! " + ex.ToString());
public void TestMetas()
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Forms
var item = PlayListView.Items.Add(audio.Name);
item.SubItems.Add(TextUtil.GetBytesReadable(audio.Data?.Length ?? 0));
item.Tag = audio;
totalLength += audio.Length;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user