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synced 2025-03-14 18:37:33 +08:00
LodLights generator progress, correct hash for some lights
This commit is contained in:
@ -1380,6 +1380,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if ((DistantLODLights != null) && ((DistantLODLights.positions?.Length ?? 0) > 0))
flags = SetBit(flags, 1); //2
contentFlags = SetBit(contentFlags, 8); //256
if ((BoxOccluders != null) || (OccludeModels != null))
@ -2661,6 +2662,13 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
if (parent == null) return;
public void BuildLodLights(YmapDistantLODLights parent)
var n = direction?.Length ?? 0;
n = Math.Min(n, parent.positions?.Length ?? 0);
n = Math.Min(n, parent.colours?.Length ?? 0);
@ -2680,9 +2688,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
l.Init(this, parent, i);
LodLights[i] = l;
public void BuildBVH()
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
uint c = (i << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
uint h = GetLightHash(ent, li);// (uint)rnd.NextLong();
uint h = GetLightHash(ent, dwbl, li);
if (ent._CEntityDef.guid == 91259075)
{ } //h = 2324437992? should be:19112537
@ -232,8 +232,12 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
uint unk = isStreetLight ? 1u : 0;//2 bits - isStreetLight low bit, unk high bit
uint t = la.TimeFlags | (type << 26) | (unk << 24);
var maxext = (byte)Math.Max(Math.Max(la.Extent.X, la.Extent.Y), la.Extent.Z);
var inner = (byte)Math.Round(la.ConeInnerAngle * 1.4117647f);
var outer = (byte)Math.Round(la.ConeOuterAngle * 1.4117647f);
if (type == 4)
outer = (byte)Math.Max(Math.Max(la.Extent.X, la.Extent.Y), la.Extent.Z);
var light = new Light();
@ -244,8 +248,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
light.falloffExponent = la.FalloffExponent;
light.timeAndStateFlags = t;
light.hash = h;
light.coneInnerAngle = (byte)la.ConeInnerAngle;
light.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = Math.Max((byte)la.ConeOuterAngle, maxext);
light.coneInnerAngle = inner;
light.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = outer;
light.coronaIntensity = (byte)(la.CoronaIntensity * 6);
light.isStreetLight = isStreetLight;
@ -309,11 +313,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
var ll = new YmapLODLights();
var dl = new YmapDistantLODLights();
var cdl = new CDistantLODLight();
distymap.DistantLODLights = dl;
lodymap.LODLights = ll;
lodymap.Parent = distymap;
cdl.category = 1;//0=small, 1=med, 2=large
cdl.numStreetLights = numStreetLights;
dl.CDistantLODLight = cdl;
dl.positions = position.ToArray();
dl.colours = colour.ToArray();
dl.Ymap = distymap;
ll.direction = direction.ToArray();
ll.falloff = falloff.ToArray();
ll.falloffExponent = falloffExponent.ToArray();
@ -322,24 +331,16 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
ll.coneInnerAngle = coneInnerAngle.ToArray();
ll.coneOuterAngleOrCapExt = coneOuterAngleOrCapExt.ToArray();
ll.coronaIntensity = coronaIntensity.ToArray();
ll.Ymap = lodymap;
lodymap._CMapData.flags = 0;
distymap._CMapData.flags = 2;
lodymap._CMapData.contentFlags = 128;
distymap._CMapData.contentFlags = 256;
lodymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMin = eemin;
lodymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMax = eemax;
lodymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMin = semin - 1000f;
lodymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMax = semax + 1000f; //vanilla = ~1km
distymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMin = eemin;
distymap._CMapData.entitiesExtentsMax = eemax;
distymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMin = semin - 5000f; //make it huge
distymap._CMapData.streamingExtentsMax = semax + 5000f; //vanilla = ~3km
lodymap.LODLights = ll;
distymap.DistantLODLights = dl;
var lodname = pname + "_lodlights";
var distname = pname + "_distantlights";
@ -355,7 +356,8 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
distymap.RpfFileEntry.NameLower = distname + ".ymap";
lodymap._CMapData.parent = distymap._CMapData.name;
lodymap.Loaded = true;
distymap.Loaded = true;
UpdateStatus("Adding new ymap files to project...");
@ -431,24 +433,59 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Project.Panels
return v5;
private uint GetLightHash(YmapEntityDef ent, int lightIndex)
private uint GetLightHash(YmapEntityDef ent, DrawableBase dwbl, int lightIndex)
var len = 7;
var center = ent.Position + ent.Archetype.BSCenter;
var aa = center + ent.Archetype.BBMin;
var bb = center + ent.Archetype.BBMax;
var ori = ent.Orientation;
var pos = ent.Position;
var abmin = Vector3.Min(ent.Archetype.BBMin, dwbl.BoundingBoxMin);
var abmax = Vector3.Max(ent.Archetype.BBMax, dwbl.BoundingBoxMax);
Bounds b = null;
if (dwbl is Drawable ddwbl)
b = ddwbl.Bound;
if (dwbl is FragDrawable fdwbl)
b = fdwbl.OwnerFragment?.PhysicsLODGroup?.PhysicsLOD1?.Bound;
if (b != null)
abmin = Vector3.Min(abmin, b.BoxMin);
abmax = Vector3.Max(abmax, b.BoxMax);
Vector3[] c = new Vector3[8];
c[0] = abmin;
c[1] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmin.Y, abmax.Z);
c[2] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmax.Y, abmin.Z);
c[3] = new Vector3(abmin.X, abmax.Y, abmax.Z);
c[4] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmin.Y, abmin.Z);
c[5] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmin.Y, abmax.Z);
c[6] = new Vector3(abmax.X, abmax.Y, abmin.Z);
c[7] = abmax;
var bbmin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
var bbmax = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
Vector3 corn = ori.Multiply(c[j]) + pos;
bbmin = Vector3.Min(bbmin, corn);
bbmax = Vector3.Max(bbmax, corn);
var ints = new uint[len];
ints[0] = (uint)(aa.X * 10.0f);
ints[1] = (uint)(aa.Y * 10.0f);
ints[2] = (uint)(aa.Z * 10.0f);
ints[3] = (uint)(bb.X * 10.0f);
ints[4] = (uint)(bb.Y * 10.0f);
ints[5] = (uint)(bb.Z * 10.0f);
ints[6] = (uint)lightIndex;
ints[0] = (uint)(bbmin.X * 10.0f);
ints[1] = (uint)(bbmin.Y * 10.0f);
ints[2] = (uint)(bbmin.Z * 10.0f);
ints[3] = (uint)(bbmax.X * 10.0f);
ints[4] = (uint)(bbmax.Y * 10.0f);
ints[5] = (uint)(bbmax.Z * 10.0f);
ints[6] = (uint)lightIndex + 1;
return ComputeHash(ints);
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