mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 07:47:28 +08:00
Refactor XML import into XmlMeta class to be more consistent with XML exporting
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,294 @@ namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
public class XmlMeta
public static byte[] GetData(XmlDocument doc, MetaFormat mformat, string fpathin)
switch (mformat)
case MetaFormat.RSC:
return GetRSCData(doc);
case MetaFormat.PSO:
return GetPSOData(doc);
case MetaFormat.RBF:
return GetRBFData(doc);
case MetaFormat.AudioRel:
return GetRelData(doc);
case MetaFormat.Ynd:
return GetYndData(doc);
case MetaFormat.Ynv:
return GetYnvData(doc);
case MetaFormat.Ycd:
return GetYcdData(doc);
case MetaFormat.Ybn:
return GetYbnData(doc);
case MetaFormat.Ytd:
return GetYtdData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Ydr:
return GetYdrData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Ydd:
return GetYddData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Yft:
return GetYftData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Ypt:
return GetYptData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Yld:
return GetYldData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Yed:
return GetYedData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Ywr:
return GetYwrData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Yvr:
return GetYvrData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.Awc:
return GetAwcData(doc, fpathin);
case MetaFormat.CacheFile:
return GetCacheFileData(doc);
case MetaFormat.Heightmap:
return GetHeightmapData(doc);
return null;
public static byte[] GetRSCData(XmlDocument doc)
var meta = GetMeta(doc);
if ((meta.DataBlocks?.Data == null) || (meta.DataBlocks.Count == 0)) return null;
return ResourceBuilder.Build(meta, 2); //meta is RSC V:2
public static byte[] GetPSOData(XmlDocument doc)
var pso = XmlPso.GetPso(doc);
if ((pso.DataSection == null) || (pso.DataMapSection == null) || (pso.SchemaSection == null)) return null;
return pso.Save();
public static byte[] GetRBFData(XmlDocument doc)
var rbf = XmlRbf.GetRbf(doc);
if (rbf.current == null) return null;
return rbf.Save();
public static byte[] GetRelData(XmlDocument doc)
var rel = XmlRel.GetRel(doc);
if ((rel.RelDatasSorted == null) || (rel.RelDatas == null)) return null;
return rel.Save();
public static byte[] GetYndData(XmlDocument doc)
var ynd = XmlYnd.GetYnd(doc);
if (ynd.NodeDictionary == null) return null;
return ynd.Save();
public static byte[] GetYnvData(XmlDocument doc)
var ynv = XmlYnv.GetYnv(doc);
if (ynv.Nav == null) return null;
return ynv.Save();
public static byte[] GetYcdData(XmlDocument doc)
var ycd = XmlYcd.GetYcd(doc);
if (ycd.ClipDictionary == null) return null;
return ycd.Save();
public static byte[] GetYbnData(XmlDocument doc)
var ybn = XmlYbn.GetYbn(doc);
if (ybn.Bounds == null) return null;
return ybn.Save();
public static byte[] GetYtdData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var ytd = XmlYtd.GetYtd(doc, fpathin);
if (ytd.TextureDict == null) return null;
return ytd.Save();
public static byte[] GetYdrData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var ydr = XmlYdr.GetYdr(doc, fpathin);
if (ydr.Drawable == null) return null;
return ydr.Save();
public static byte[] GetYddData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var ydd = XmlYdd.GetYdd(doc, fpathin);
if (ydd.DrawableDict == null) return null;
return ydd.Save();
public static byte[] GetYftData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var yft = XmlYft.GetYft(doc, fpathin);
if (yft.Fragment == null) return null;
return yft.Save();
public static byte[] GetYptData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var ypt = XmlYpt.GetYpt(doc, fpathin);
if (ypt.PtfxList == null) return null;
return ypt.Save();
public static byte[] GetYldData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var yld = XmlYld.GetYld(doc, fpathin);
if (yld.ClothDictionary == null) return null;
return yld.Save();
public static byte[] GetYedData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var yed = XmlYed.GetYed(doc, fpathin);
if (yed.ExpressionDictionary == null) return null;
return yed.Save();
public static byte[] GetYwrData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var ywr = XmlYwr.GetYwr(doc, fpathin);
if (ywr.Waypoints == null) return null;
return ywr.Save();
public static byte[] GetYvrData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var yvr = XmlYvr.GetYvr(doc, fpathin);
if (yvr.Records == null) return null;
return yvr.Save();
public static byte[] GetAwcData(XmlDocument doc, string fpathin)
var awc = XmlAwc.GetAwc(doc, fpathin);
if (awc.Streams == null) return null;
return awc.Save();
public static byte[] GetCacheFileData(XmlDocument doc)
return null; //TODO!!!
public static byte[] GetHeightmapData(XmlDocument doc)
var hmf = XmlHmap.GetHeightmap(doc);
if (hmf.MaxHeights == null) return null;
return hmf.Save();
public static string GetXMLFormatName(MetaFormat mformat)
switch (mformat)
case MetaFormat.RSC: return "Meta XML";
case MetaFormat.PSO: return "PSO XML";
case MetaFormat.RBF: return "RBF XML";
case MetaFormat.AudioRel: return "REL XML";
case MetaFormat.Ynd: return "YND XML";
case MetaFormat.Ynv: return "YNV XML";
case MetaFormat.Ycd: return "YCD XML";
case MetaFormat.Ybn: return "YBN XML";
case MetaFormat.Ytd: return "YTD XML";
case MetaFormat.Ydr: return "YDR XML";
case MetaFormat.Ydd: return "YDD XML";
case MetaFormat.Yft: return "YFT XML";
case MetaFormat.Ypt: return "YPT XML";
case MetaFormat.Yld: return "YLD XML";
case MetaFormat.Yed: return "YED XML";
case MetaFormat.Ywr: return "YWR XML";
case MetaFormat.Yvr: return "YVR XML";
case MetaFormat.Awc: return "AWC XML";
case MetaFormat.CacheFile: return "CacheFile XML";
case MetaFormat.Heightmap: return "Heightmap XML";
default: return "XML";
public static MetaFormat GetXMLFormat(string fnamel, out int trimlength)
var mformat = MetaFormat.RSC;
trimlength = 4;
if (!fnamel.EndsWith(".xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.XML;//not really correct, but have to return something...
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".pso.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.PSO;
trimlength = 8;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".rbf.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.RBF;
trimlength = 8;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".rel.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.AudioRel;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ynd.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ynd;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ynv.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ynv;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ycd.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ycd;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ybn.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ybn;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ytd.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ytd;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ydr.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ydr;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ydd.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ydd;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".yft.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Yft;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ypt.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ypt;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".yld.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Yld;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".yed.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Yed;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ywr.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ywr;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".yvr.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Yvr;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".awc.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Awc;
if (fnamel.EndsWith("cache_y.dat.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.CacheFile;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".dat.xml") && fnamel.StartsWith("heightmap"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Heightmap;
return mformat;
public static Meta GetMeta(XmlDocument doc)
MetaBuilder mb = new MetaBuilder();
@ -2703,92 +2703,15 @@ namespace CodeWalker
var fname = fi.Name;
var fnamel = fname.ToLowerInvariant();
var fpathin = fpath;
var mformat = MetaFormat.RSC;
var trimlength = 4;
if (!fnamel.EndsWith(".xml"))
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Not an XML file!", "Cannot import XML");
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".pso.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.PSO;
trimlength = 8;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".rbf.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.RBF;
trimlength = 8;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".rel.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.AudioRel;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ynd.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ynd;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ynv.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ynv;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ycd.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ycd;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ybn.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ybn;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ytd.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ytd;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ydr.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ydr;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ydd.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ydd;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".yft.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Yft;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ypt.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ypt;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".yld.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Yld;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".yed.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Yed;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".ywr.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Ywr;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".yvr.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Yvr;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".awc.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Awc;
if (fnamel.EndsWith("cache_y.dat.xml"))
mformat = MetaFormat.CacheFile;
if (fnamel.EndsWith(".dat.xml") && fnamel.StartsWith("heightmap"))
mformat = MetaFormat.Heightmap;
var trimlength = 4;
var mformat = XmlMeta.GetXMLFormat(fnamel, out trimlength);
fname = fname.Substring(0, fname.Length - trimlength);
fnamel = fnamel.Substring(0, fnamel.Length - trimlength);
@ -2802,228 +2725,7 @@ namespace CodeWalker
byte[] data = null;
switch (mformat)
case MetaFormat.RSC:
var meta = XmlMeta.GetMeta(doc);
if ((meta.DataBlocks?.Data == null) || (meta.DataBlocks.Count == 0))
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import Meta XML");
data = ResourceBuilder.Build(meta, 2); //meta is RSC V:2
case MetaFormat.PSO:
var pso = XmlPso.GetPso(doc);
if ((pso.DataSection == null) || (pso.DataMapSection == null) || (pso.SchemaSection == null))
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import PSO XML");
data = pso.Save();
case MetaFormat.RBF:
var rbf = XmlRbf.GetRbf(doc);
if (rbf.current == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import RBF XML");
data = rbf.Save();
case MetaFormat.AudioRel:
var rel = XmlRel.GetRel(doc);
if ((rel.RelDatasSorted == null) || (rel.RelDatas == null))
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import REL XML");
data = rel.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ynd:
var ynd = XmlYnd.GetYnd(doc);
if (ynd.NodeDictionary == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YND XML");
data = ynd.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ynv:
var ynv = XmlYnv.GetYnv(doc);
if (ynv.Nav == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YNV XML");
data = ynv.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ycd:
var ycd = XmlYcd.GetYcd(doc);
if (ycd.ClipDictionary == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YCD XML");
data = ycd.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ybn:
var ybn = XmlYbn.GetYbn(doc);
if (ybn.Bounds == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YBN XML");
data = ybn.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ytd:
var ytd = XmlYtd.GetYtd(doc, fpathin);
if (ytd.TextureDict == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YTD XML");
data = ytd.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ydr:
var ydr = XmlYdr.GetYdr(doc, fpathin);
if (ydr.Drawable == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YDR XML");
data = ydr.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ydd:
var ydd = XmlYdd.GetYdd(doc, fpathin);
if (ydd.DrawableDict == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YDD XML");
data = ydd.Save();
case MetaFormat.Yft:
var yft = XmlYft.GetYft(doc, fpathin);
if (yft.Fragment == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YFT XML");
data = yft.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ypt:
var ypt = XmlYpt.GetYpt(doc, fpathin);
if (ypt.PtfxList == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YPT XML");
data = ypt.Save();
case MetaFormat.Yld:
var yld = XmlYld.GetYld(doc, fpathin);
if (yld.ClothDictionary == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YLD XML");
data = yld.Save();
case MetaFormat.Yed:
var yed = XmlYed.GetYed(doc, fpathin);
if (yed.ExpressionDictionary == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YED XML");
data = yed.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ywr:
var ywr = XmlYwr.GetYwr(doc, fpathin);
if (ywr.Waypoints == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YWR XML");
data = ywr.Save();
case MetaFormat.Yvr:
var yvr = XmlYvr.GetYvr(doc, fpathin);
if (yvr.Records == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YVR XML");
data = yvr.Save();
case MetaFormat.Awc:
var awc = XmlAwc.GetAwc(doc, fpathin);
if (awc.Streams == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import AWC XML");
data = awc.Save();
case MetaFormat.CacheFile:
var cdf = new CacheDatFile();
//cdf.LoadXml() //TODO!!!
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": CacheFile XML import still TODO!!!", "Cannot import CacheFile XML");
case MetaFormat.Heightmap:
var hmf = XmlHmap.GetHeightmap(doc);
if (hmf.MaxHeights == null)
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import Heightmap XML");
data = hmf.Save();
byte[] data = XmlMeta.GetData(doc, mformat, fpathin);
if (data != null)
@ -3038,7 +2740,10 @@ namespace CodeWalker
MessageBox.Show(fname + ": Schema not supported.", "Cannot import " + XmlMeta.GetXMLFormatName(mformat));
#if !DEBUG
@ -386,83 +386,23 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Forms
if (!(exploreForm?.EditMode ?? false)) return false;
if(metaFormat == MetaFormat.XML) return false;//what are we even doing here?
byte[] data = null;
#if !DEBUG
switch (metaFormat)
data = XmlMeta.GetData(doc, metaFormat, string.Empty);
if (data == null)
case MetaFormat.XML: return false;//what are we even doing here?
case MetaFormat.RSC:
var meta = XmlMeta.GetMeta(doc);
if ((meta.DataBlocks?.Data == null) || (meta.DataBlocks.Count == 0))
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported.", "Cannot import Meta XML");
return false;
data = ResourceBuilder.Build(meta, 2); //meta is RSC "Version":2 (it's actually a type identifier, not a version!)
case MetaFormat.PSO:
var pso = XmlPso.GetPso(doc);
if ((pso.DataSection == null) || (pso.DataMapSection == null) || (pso.SchemaSection == null))
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported.", "Cannot import PSO XML");
return false;
data = pso.Save();
case MetaFormat.RBF:
var rbf = XmlRbf.GetRbf(doc);
if (rbf.current == null)
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported.", "Cannot import RBF XML");
return false;
data = rbf.Save();
case MetaFormat.Ynd:
var ynd = XmlYnd.GetYnd(doc);
if (ynd.NodeDictionary == null)
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YND XML");
return false;
data = ynd.Save();
case MetaFormat.Yld:
var yld = XmlYld.GetYld(doc);
if (yld.ClothDictionary == null)
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YLD XML");
return false;
data = yld.Save();
case MetaFormat.Yed:
var yed = XmlYed.GetYed(doc);
if (yed.ExpressionDictionary == null)
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported.", "Cannot import YED XML");
return false;
data = yed.Save();
case MetaFormat.CacheFile:
MessageBox.Show("Sorry, CacheFile import is not supported.", "Cannot import CacheFile XML");
return false;
case MetaFormat.Heightmap:
var hmap = XmlHmap.GetHeightmap(doc);
if (hmap.MaxHeights == null)
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported.", "Cannot import Heightmap XML");
return false;
data = hmap.Save();
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported.", "Cannot import " + XmlMeta.GetXMLFormatName(metaFormat));
return false;
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception ex)
@ -471,11 +411,6 @@ namespace CodeWalker.Forms
return false;
if (data == null)
MessageBox.Show("Schema not supported. (Unspecified error - data was null!)", "Cannot convert XML");
return false;
if (rpfFileEntry?.Parent != null)
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