2018-03-03 21:03:08 +08:00
using CodeWalker.GameFiles ;
using CodeWalker.Project.Panels ;
using CodeWalker.Properties ;
using CodeWalker.World ;
using SharpDX ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking ;
namespace CodeWalker.Project
2018-03-03 21:09:31 +08:00
public partial class ProjectForm : Form
2018-03-03 21:03:08 +08:00
public WorldForm WorldForm { get ; private set ; }
public ThemeBase Theme { get ; private set ; }
public ProjectExplorerPanel ProjectExplorer { get ; set ; }
public ProjectPanel PreviewPanel { get ; set ; }
public GameFileCache GameFileCache { get ; private set ; }
public RpfManager RpfMan { get ; private set ; }
public bool IsProjectLoaded
get { return CurrentProjectFile ! = null ; }
public ProjectFile CurrentProjectFile ;
private YmapFile CurrentYmapFile ;
private YmapEntityDef CurrentEntity ;
private YmapCarGen CurrentCarGen ;
private YmapGrassInstanceBatch CurrentGrassBatch ;
private YtypFile CurrentYtypFile ;
//private Archetype CurrentArchetype;
private YndFile CurrentYndFile ;
private YndNode CurrentPathNode ;
private YndLink CurrentPathLink ;
private YnvFile CurrentYnvFile ;
private YnvPoly CurrentNavPoly ;
private TrainTrack CurrentTrainTrack ;
private TrainTrackNode CurrentTrainNode ;
private YmtFile CurrentScenario ;
private ScenarioNode CurrentScenarioNode ;
private MCScenarioChainingEdge CurrentScenarioChainEdge ;
private bool renderitems = true ;
private bool hidegtavmap = false ;
private object projectsyncroot = new object ( ) ;
public object ProjectSyncRoot { get { return projectsyncroot ; } }
private Dictionary < int , YndFile > visibleynds = new Dictionary < int , YndFile > ( ) ;
private Dictionary < int , YnvFile > visibleynvs = new Dictionary < int , YnvFile > ( ) ;
private Dictionary < string , TrainTrack > visibletrains = new Dictionary < string , TrainTrack > ( ) ;
private Dictionary < string , YmtFile > visiblescenarios = new Dictionary < string , YmtFile > ( ) ;
private bool ShowProjectItemInProcess = false ;
2018-03-03 21:09:31 +08:00
public ProjectForm ( WorldForm worldForm = null )
2018-03-03 21:03:08 +08:00
WorldForm = worldForm ;
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
SetTheme ( Settings . Default . ProjectWindowTheme , false ) ;
ShowDefaultPanels ( ) ;
if ( ( WorldForm ! = null ) & & ( WorldForm . GameFileCache ! = null ) )
GameFileCache = WorldForm . GameFileCache ;
RpfMan = GameFileCache . RpfMan ;
GameFileCache = GameFileCacheFactory . Create ( ) ;
new Thread ( new ThreadStart ( ( ) = > {
GTA5Keys . LoadFromPath ( GTAFolder . CurrentGTAFolder , Settings . Default . Key ) ;
GameFileCache . Init ( UpdateStatus , UpdateError ) ;
RpfMan = GameFileCache . RpfMan ;
} ) ) . Start ( ) ;
private void UpdateStatus ( string text )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { UpdateStatus ( text ) ; } ) ) ;
//TODO: status text
//StatusLabel.Text = text;
catch { }
private void UpdateError ( string text )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { UpdateError ( text ) ; } ) ) ;
//TODO: error text
//ErrorLabel.Text = text;
catch { }
private void SetTheme ( string themestr , bool changing = true )
if ( changing & & ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null ) )
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Project will be closed before changing the theme. Are you sure you want to continue?" , "Theme change" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return ;
CloseProject ( ) ;
//string configFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "DockPanel.temp.config");
CloseAllContents ( ) ;
ProjectExplorer = null ;
PreviewPanel = null ;
foreach ( ToolStripMenuItem menu in ViewThemeMenu . DropDownItems )
menu . Checked = false ;
Theme = null ;
switch ( themestr )
default :
case "Blue" :
Theme = new VS2015BlueTheme ( ) ;
ViewThemeBlueMenu . Checked = true ;
break ;
case "Light" :
Theme = new VS2015LightTheme ( ) ;
ViewThemeLightMenu . Checked = true ;
break ;
case "Dark" :
Theme = new VS2015DarkTheme ( ) ;
ViewThemeDarkMenu . Checked = true ;
break ;
2018-03-04 00:09:39 +08:00
if ( changing )
Settings . Default . ProjectWindowTheme = themestr ;
Settings . Default . Save ( ) ;
2018-03-03 21:03:08 +08:00
Theme . Extender . FloatWindowFactory = new ProjectFloatWindowFactory ( ) ;
MainDockPanel . Theme = Theme ;
var version = VisualStudioToolStripExtender . VsVersion . Vs2015 ;
VSExtender . SetStyle ( MainMenu , version , Theme ) ;
VSExtender . SetStyle ( MainToolbar , version , Theme ) ;
//VSExtender.SetStyle(MainStatusBar, version, theme);
//if (File.Exists(configFile)) MainDockPanel.LoadFromXml(configFile, m_deserializeDockContent);
if ( changing )
ShowDefaultPanels ( ) ;
private T FindPanel < T > ( Func < T , bool > findFunc ) where T : ProjectPanel
foreach ( var pane in MainDockPanel . Panes )
foreach ( var content in pane . Contents )
var test = content as T ;
if ( ( test ! = null ) & & findFunc ( test ) )
return test ;
return null ;
private void ShowDefaultPanels ( )
ShowProjectExplorer ( ) ;
ShowWelcomePanel ( ) ;
private void ShowProjectExplorer ( )
if ( ( ProjectExplorer = = null ) | | ( ProjectExplorer . IsDisposed ) | | ( ProjectExplorer . Disposing ) )
ProjectExplorer = new ProjectExplorerPanel ( this ) ;
ProjectExplorer . OnItemSelected + = ProjectExplorer_OnItemSelected ;
ProjectExplorer . OnItemActivated + = ProjectExplorer_OnItemActivated ;
ProjectExplorer . SetTheme ( Theme ) ;
ProjectExplorer . Show ( MainDockPanel , DockState . DockLeft ) ;
ProjectExplorer . Show ( ) ;
private void ShowWelcomePanel ( )
ShowPreviewPanel ( ( ) = > { return new WelcomePanel ( ) ; } ) ;
private void ShowPreviewPanel < T > ( Func < T > createFunc , Action < T > updateAction = null ) where T : ProjectPanel
if ( ( PreviewPanel ! = null ) & & ( PreviewPanel is T ) )
PreviewPanel . BringToFront ( ) ; //.Show();
updateAction ? . Invoke ( PreviewPanel as T ) ;
var panel = createFunc ( ) ;
panel . HideOnClose = true ;
panel . SetTheme ( Theme ) ;
panel . Show ( MainDockPanel , DockState . Document ) ;
updateAction ? . Invoke ( panel ) ;
if ( PreviewPanel ! = null )
PreviewPanel . Close ( ) ;
PreviewPanel = panel ;
private void ShowPanel < T > ( bool promote , Func < T > createFunc , Action < T > updateAction , Func < T , bool > findFunc ) where T : ProjectPanel
T found = FindPanel ( findFunc ) ;
if ( ( found ! = null ) & & ( found ! = PreviewPanel ) )
found . BringToFront ( ) ; //.Show();
updateAction ? . Invoke ( found ) ;
if ( promote )
PromoteIfPreviewPanel ( PreviewPanel ) ;
if ( found ! = null )
found . BringToFront ( ) ; //.Show();
updateAction ? . Invoke ( found ) ;
ShowPreviewPanel ( createFunc , updateAction ) ;
PreviewPanel = null ;
ShowPreviewPanel ( createFunc , updateAction ) ;
private void ShowEditProjectPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditProjectPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetProject ( CurrentProjectFile ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return true ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditProjectManifestPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditProjectManifestPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetProject ( CurrentProjectFile ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return true ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYmapPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYmapPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetYmap ( CurrentYmapFile ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . Ymap = = CurrentYmapFile ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYmapEntityPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYmapEntityPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetEntity ( CurrentEntity ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . CurrentEntity = = CurrentEntity ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYmapCarGenPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYmapCarGenPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetCarGen ( CurrentCarGen ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . CurrentCarGen = = CurrentCarGen ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYmapGrassBatchPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYmapGrassPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetBatch ( CurrentGrassBatch ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . CurrentBatch = = CurrentGrassBatch ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYtypPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYtypPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetYtyp ( CurrentYtypFile ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . Ytyp = = CurrentYtypFile ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYndPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYndPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetYnd ( CurrentYndFile ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . Ynd = = CurrentYndFile ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYndNodePanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYndNodePanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetPathNode ( CurrentPathNode ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . CurrentPathNode = = CurrentPathNode ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYnvPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYnvPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetYnv ( CurrentYnvFile ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . Ynv = = CurrentYnvFile ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditYnvPolyPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditYnvPolyPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetYnvPoly ( CurrentNavPoly ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . YnvPoly = = CurrentNavPoly ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditTrainTrackPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditTrainTrackPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetTrainTrack ( CurrentTrainTrack ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . Track = = CurrentTrainTrack ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditTrainNodePanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditTrainNodePanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetTrainNode ( CurrentTrainNode ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . TrainNode = = CurrentTrainNode ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditScenarioYmtPanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditScenarioYmtPanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetScenarioYmt ( CurrentScenario ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . CurrentScenario = = CurrentScenario ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowEditScenarioNodePanel ( bool promote )
ShowPanel ( promote ,
( ) = > { return new EditScenarioNodePanel ( this ) ; } , //createFunc
( panel ) = > { panel . SetScenarioNode ( CurrentScenarioNode ) ; } , //updateFunc
( panel ) = > { return panel . CurrentScenarioNode = = CurrentScenarioNode ; } ) ; //findFunc
private void ShowCurrentProjectItem ( bool promote )
if ( CurrentEntity ! = null )
ShowEditYmapEntityPanel ( promote ) ;
else if ( CurrentCarGen ! = null )
ShowEditYmapCarGenPanel ( promote ) ;
else if ( CurrentGrassBatch ! = null )
ShowEditYmapGrassBatchPanel ( promote ) ;
else if ( CurrentYmapFile ! = null )
ShowEditYmapPanel ( promote ) ;
if ( CurrentYtypFile ! = null )
ShowEditYtypPanel ( promote ) ;
if ( CurrentPathNode ! = null )
ShowEditYndNodePanel ( promote ) ;
else if ( CurrentYndFile ! = null )
ShowEditYndPanel ( promote ) ;
if ( CurrentNavPoly ! = null )
ShowEditYnvPolyPanel ( promote ) ;
else if ( CurrentYnvFile ! = null )
ShowEditYnvPanel ( promote ) ;
if ( CurrentTrainNode ! = null )
ShowEditTrainNodePanel ( promote ) ;
else if ( CurrentTrainTrack ! = null )
ShowEditTrainTrackPanel ( promote ) ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode ! = null )
ShowEditScenarioNodePanel ( promote ) ;
else if ( CurrentScenario ! = null )
ShowEditScenarioYmtPanel ( promote ) ;
public void ShowProjectItem ( object item , bool promote )
ShowProjectItemInProcess = true ;
SetProjectItem ( item ) ;
if ( item = = CurrentProjectFile )
ShowEditProjectPanel ( promote ) ;
ShowCurrentProjectItem ( promote ) ;
ShowProjectItemInProcess = false ;
public void SetProjectItem ( object item )
CurrentYmapFile = item as YmapFile ;
CurrentEntity = item as YmapEntityDef ;
CurrentCarGen = item as YmapCarGen ;
CurrentGrassBatch = item as YmapGrassInstanceBatch ;
CurrentYtypFile = item as YtypFile ;
CurrentYndFile = item as YndFile ;
CurrentPathNode = item as YndNode ;
CurrentYnvFile = item as YnvFile ;
CurrentNavPoly = item as YnvPoly ;
CurrentTrainTrack = item as TrainTrack ;
CurrentTrainNode = item as TrainTrackNode ;
CurrentScenario = item as YmtFile ;
CurrentScenarioNode = item as ScenarioNode ;
CurrentScenarioChainEdge = item as MCScenarioChainingEdge ;
if ( CurrentEntity ! = null )
CurrentYmapFile = CurrentEntity . Ymap ;
else if ( CurrentCarGen ! = null )
CurrentYmapFile = CurrentCarGen . Ymap ;
else if ( CurrentGrassBatch ! = null )
CurrentYmapFile = CurrentGrassBatch . Ymap ;
if ( CurrentPathNode ! = null )
CurrentYndFile = CurrentPathNode . Ynd ;
if ( CurrentNavPoly ! = null )
CurrentYnvFile = CurrentNavPoly . Ynv ;
if ( CurrentTrainNode ! = null )
CurrentTrainTrack = CurrentTrainNode . Track ;
if ( ( CurrentScenario ! = null ) & & ( CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion = = null ) )
CurrentScenario = null ; //incase other types of ymt files make it into the project...
if ( CurrentScenarioNode ! = null )
CurrentScenario = CurrentScenarioNode . Ymt ;
if ( CurrentScenarioChainEdge ! = null )
CurrentScenario = CurrentScenarioChainEdge . Region ? . Ymt ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
private void ClosePanel < T > ( Func < T , bool > findFunc ) where T : ProjectPanel
var panel = FindPanel ( findFunc ) ;
if ( PreviewPanel = = panel )
PreviewPanel = null ;
panel ? . Close ( ) ;
private void CloseAllDocuments ( )
if ( MainDockPanel . DocumentStyle = = DocumentStyle . SystemMdi )
foreach ( Form form in MdiChildren ) form . Close ( ) ;
foreach ( IDockContent document in MainDockPanel . DocumentsToArray ( ) )
// IMPORANT: dispose all panes.
document . DockHandler . DockPanel = null ;
document . DockHandler . Close ( ) ;
private void CloseAllContents ( )
// we don't want to create another instance of tool window, set DockPanel to null
if ( ProjectExplorer ! = null ) ProjectExplorer . DockPanel = null ;
if ( PreviewPanel ! = null ) PreviewPanel . DockPanel = null ;
// Close all other document windows
CloseAllDocuments ( ) ;
// IMPORTANT: dispose all float windows.
foreach ( var window in MainDockPanel . FloatWindows . ToList ( ) ) window . Dispose ( ) ;
System . Diagnostics . Debug . Assert ( MainDockPanel . Panes . Count = = 0 ) ;
System . Diagnostics . Debug . Assert ( MainDockPanel . Contents . Count = = 0 ) ;
System . Diagnostics . Debug . Assert ( MainDockPanel . FloatWindows . Count = = 0 ) ;
private void CloseAllProjectItems ( )
foreach ( var pane in MainDockPanel . Panes . ToArray ( ) )
foreach ( var content in pane . Contents . ToArray ( ) )
var panel = content as ProjectPanel ;
if ( panel ? . Tag ! = null )
panel . Close ( ) ;
private void PromoteIfPreviewPanel ( IDockContent panel )
if ( panel = = PreviewPanel )
if ( PreviewPanel ! = null )
PreviewPanel . HideOnClose = false ;
PreviewPanel = null ;
private void PromoteIfPreviewPanelActive ( )
PromoteIfPreviewPanel ( MainDockPanel . ActiveContent ) ;
//######## Public methods
public void NewProject ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null )
////unload current project first
CloseProject ( ) ;
CurrentProjectFile = new ProjectFile ( ) ;
CurrentProjectFile . Name = "New CodeWalker Project" ;
CurrentProjectFile . Version = 1 ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectUI ( ) ;
public void OpenProject ( )
string file = ShowOpenDialog ( "CodeWalker Projects|*.cwproj" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( file ) )
return ;
CloseProject ( ) ;
CurrentProjectFile = new ProjectFile ( ) ;
CurrentProjectFile . Load ( file ) ;
string cpath = new FileInfo ( CurrentProjectFile . Filepath ) . Directory . FullName ;
foreach ( var ymap in CurrentProjectFile . YmapFiles )
string filename = ymap . FilePath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filename ) )
filename = cpath + "\\" + filename ;
if ( File . Exists ( filename ) )
LoadYmapFromFile ( ymap , filename ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't find file: " + filename ) ;
foreach ( var ytyp in CurrentProjectFile . YtypFiles )
string filename = ytyp . FilePath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filename ) )
filename = cpath + "\\" + filename ;
if ( File . Exists ( filename ) )
LoadYtypFromFile ( ytyp , filename ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't find file: " + filename ) ;
foreach ( var ynd in CurrentProjectFile . YndFiles )
string filename = ynd . FilePath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filename ) )
filename = cpath + "\\" + filename ;
if ( File . Exists ( filename ) )
LoadYndFromFile ( ynd , filename ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't find file: " + filename ) ;
foreach ( var ynv in CurrentProjectFile . YnvFiles )
string filename = ynv . FilePath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filename ) )
filename = cpath + "\\" + filename ;
if ( File . Exists ( filename ) )
LoadYnvFromFile ( ynv , filename ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't find file: " + filename ) ;
foreach ( var track in CurrentProjectFile . TrainsFiles )
string filename = track . FilePath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filename ) )
filename = cpath + "\\" + filename ;
if ( File . Exists ( filename ) )
LoadTrainTrackFromFile ( track , filename ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't find file: " + filename ) ;
foreach ( var scenario in CurrentProjectFile . ScenarioFiles )
string filename = scenario . FilePath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filename ) )
filename = cpath + "\\" + filename ;
if ( File . Exists ( filename ) )
LoadScenarioFromFile ( scenario , filename ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't find file: " + filename ) ;
LoadProjectUI ( ) ;
public void CloseProject ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
foreach ( var ymap in CurrentProjectFile . YmapFiles )
if ( ( ymap ! = null ) & & ( ymap . HasChanged ) )
//save the current ymap first?
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Would you like to save " + ymap . Name + " before closing?" , "Save .ymap before closing?" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
CurrentYmapFile = ymap ;
SaveYmap ( ) ;
foreach ( var ytyp in CurrentProjectFile . YtypFiles )
if ( ( ytyp ! = null ) & & ( ytyp . HasChanged ) )
//save the current ytyp first?
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Would you like to save " + ytyp . Name + " before closing?" , "Save .ytyp before closing?" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
CurrentYtypFile = ytyp ;
SaveYtyp ( ) ;
foreach ( var ynd in CurrentProjectFile . YndFiles )
if ( ( ynd ! = null ) & & ( ynd . HasChanged ) )
//save the current ynd first?
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Would you like to save " + ynd . Name + " before closing?" , "Save .ynd before closing?" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
CurrentYndFile = ynd ;
SaveYnd ( ) ;
foreach ( var ynv in CurrentProjectFile . YnvFiles )
if ( ( ynv ! = null ) & & ( ynv . HasChanged ) )
//save the current ynv first?
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Would you like to save " + ynv . Name + " before closing?" , "Save .ynv before closing?" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
CurrentYnvFile = ynv ;
SaveYnv ( ) ;
foreach ( var trains in CurrentProjectFile . TrainsFiles )
if ( ( trains ! = null ) & & ( trains . HasChanged ) )
//save the current trains file first?
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Would you like to save " + trains . Name + " before closing?" , "Save trains file before closing?" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
CurrentTrainTrack = trains ;
SaveTrainTrack ( ) ;
foreach ( var scenario in CurrentProjectFile . ScenarioFiles )
if ( ( scenario ! = null ) & & ( scenario . HasChanged ) )
//save the current scenario file first?
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Would you like to save " + scenario . Name + " before closing?" , "Save scenario file before closing?" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
CurrentScenario = scenario ;
SaveScenario ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged )
//save the current project first?
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Would you like to save the current project before closing?" , "Save project before closing?" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
SaveProject ( ) ;
CloseAllProjectItems ( ) ;
CurrentProjectFile = null ;
CurrentYmapFile = null ;
CurrentYtypFile = null ;
CurrentYndFile = null ;
CurrentYnvFile = null ;
CurrentTrainTrack = null ;
CurrentScenario = null ;
LoadProjectUI ( ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . SelectItem ( null ) ; //make sure current selected item isn't still selected...
public void SaveProject ( bool saveas = false )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( CurrentProjectFile . Filepath ) | | saveas )
string fileName = ShowSaveDialog ( "CodeWalker Projects|*.cwproj" , CurrentProjectFile . Filepath ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( fileName ) )
{ return ; } //user cancelled
string oldpath = CurrentProjectFile . Filepath ;
CurrentProjectFile . Filepath = fileName ;
CurrentProjectFile . Filename = new FileInfo ( fileName ) . Name ;
CurrentProjectFile . UpdateFilenames ( oldpath ) ;
CurrentProjectFile . Save ( ) ;
SetProjectHasChanged ( false ) ;
public void Save ( )
if ( CurrentYmapFile ! = null )
SaveYmap ( ) ;
else if ( CurrentYtypFile ! = null )
SaveYtyp ( ) ;
else if ( CurrentYndFile ! = null )
SaveYnd ( ) ;
else if ( CurrentYnvFile ! = null )
SaveYnv ( ) ;
else if ( CurrentTrainTrack ! = null )
SaveTrainTrack ( ) ;
else if ( CurrentScenario ! = null )
SaveScenario ( ) ;
else if ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null )
SaveProject ( ) ;
public void SaveAll ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null )
if ( CurrentProjectFile . YmapFiles ! = null )
var cymap = CurrentYmapFile ;
foreach ( var ymap in CurrentProjectFile . YmapFiles )
CurrentYmapFile = ymap ;
SaveYmap ( ) ;
CurrentYmapFile = cymap ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . YtypFiles ! = null )
var cytyp = CurrentYtypFile ;
foreach ( var ytyp in CurrentProjectFile . YtypFiles )
CurrentYtypFile = ytyp ;
SaveYtyp ( ) ;
CurrentYtypFile = cytyp ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . YndFiles ! = null )
var cynd = CurrentYndFile ;
foreach ( var ynd in CurrentProjectFile . YndFiles )
CurrentYndFile = ynd ;
SaveYnd ( ) ;
CurrentYndFile = cynd ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . YnvFiles ! = null )
var cynv = CurrentYnvFile ;
foreach ( var ynv in CurrentProjectFile . YnvFiles )
CurrentYnvFile = ynv ;
SaveYnv ( ) ;
CurrentYnvFile = cynv ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . TrainsFiles ! = null )
var ctrack = CurrentTrainTrack ;
foreach ( var track in CurrentProjectFile . TrainsFiles )
CurrentTrainTrack = track ;
SaveYnd ( ) ;
CurrentTrainTrack = ctrack ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . ScenarioFiles ! = null )
var cscen = CurrentScenario ;
foreach ( var scen in CurrentProjectFile . ScenarioFiles )
CurrentScenario = scen ;
SaveScenario ( ) ;
CurrentScenario = cscen ;
SaveProject ( ) ;
public void SaveCurrentItem ( bool saveas = false )
if ( CurrentYmapFile ! = null )
SaveYmap ( saveas ) ;
else if ( CurrentYtypFile ! = null )
SaveYtyp ( saveas ) ;
else if ( CurrentYndFile ! = null )
SaveYnd ( saveas ) ;
else if ( CurrentYnvFile ! = null )
SaveYnv ( saveas ) ;
else if ( CurrentTrainTrack ! = null )
SaveTrainTrack ( saveas ) ;
else if ( CurrentScenario ! = null )
SaveScenario ( saveas ) ;
public void NewYmap ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
int testi = 1 ;
string fname = string . Empty ;
bool filenameok = false ;
while ( ! filenameok )
fname = "map" + testi . ToString ( ) + ".ymap" ;
filenameok = ! CurrentProjectFile . ContainsYmap ( fname ) ;
testi + + ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
YmapFile ymap = CurrentProjectFile . AddYmapFile ( fname ) ;
if ( ymap ! = null )
ymap . Loaded = true ;
ymap . HasChanged = true ; //new ymap, flag as not saved
ymap . _CMapData . contentFlags = 65 ; //stream flags value
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
public void OpenYmap ( )
string [ ] files = ShowOpenDialogMulti ( "Ymap files|*.ymap" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( files = = null )
return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
foreach ( string file in files )
if ( ! File . Exists ( file ) ) continue ;
var ymap = CurrentProjectFile . AddYmapFile ( file ) ;
if ( ymap ! = null )
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
LoadYmapFromFile ( ymap , file ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't add\n" + file + "\n - the file already exists in the project." ) ;
public void SaveYmap ( bool saveas = false )
if ( CurrentYmapFile = = null ) return ;
string ymapname = CurrentYmapFile . Name ;
string filepath = CurrentYmapFile . FilePath ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) )
filepath = ymapname ;
string origfile = filepath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filepath ) )
saveas = true ;
byte [ ] data ;
lock ( projectsyncroot ) //need to sync writes to ymap objects...
saveas = saveas | | string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) ;
if ( saveas )
filepath = ShowSaveDialog ( "Ymap files|*.ymap" , filepath ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) )
{ return ; }
string newname = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( filepath ) ;
JenkIndex . Ensure ( newname ) ;
CurrentYmapFile . FilePath = filepath ;
CurrentYmapFile . RpfFileEntry . Name = new FileInfo ( filepath ) . Name ;
CurrentYmapFile . Name = CurrentYmapFile . RpfFileEntry . Name ;
CurrentYmapFile . _CMapData . name = new MetaHash ( JenkHash . GenHash ( newname ) ) ;
data = CurrentYmapFile . Save ( ) ;
if ( data ! = null )
File . WriteAllBytes ( filepath , data ) ;
SetYmapHasChanged ( false ) ;
if ( saveas )
if ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null )
string origpath = CurrentProjectFile . GetRelativePath ( origfile ) ;
string newpath = CurrentProjectFile . GetRelativePath ( CurrentYmapFile . FilePath ) ;
if ( ! CurrentProjectFile . RenameYmap ( origpath , newpath ) )
{ //couldn't rename it in the project?
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't rename ymap in project! This shouldn't happen - check the project file XML." ) ;
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
SetCurrentSaveItem ( ) ;
if ( CurrentYmapFile . SaveWarnings ! = null )
string w = string . Join ( "\n" , CurrentYmapFile . SaveWarnings ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( CurrentYmapFile . SaveWarnings . Count . ToString ( ) + " warnings were generated while saving the ymap:\n" + w ) ;
CurrentYmapFile . SaveWarnings = null ; //clear it out for next time..
public void AddYmapToProject ( YmapFile ymap )
if ( ymap = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( YmapExistsInProject ( ymap ) ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . AddYmapFile ( ymap ) )
ymap . HasChanged = true ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
CurrentYmapFile = ymap ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
if ( CurrentEntity ! = null )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectEntityTreeNode ( CurrentEntity ) ;
else if ( CurrentCarGen ! = null )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectCarGenTreeNode ( CurrentCarGen ) ;
public void RemoveYmapFromProject ( )
if ( CurrentYmapFile = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
CurrentProjectFile . RemoveYmapFile ( CurrentYmapFile ) ;
CurrentYmapFile = null ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
public bool YmapExistsInProject ( YmapFile ymap )
if ( ymap = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return false ;
return CurrentProjectFile . ContainsYmap ( ymap ) ;
public void NewEntity ( YmapEntityDef copy = null , bool copyPosition = false )
if ( CurrentYmapFile = = null ) return ;
float spawndist = 5.0f ; //use archetype BSradius if starting with a copy...
if ( copy ! = null )
spawndist = copy . BSRadius * 2.5f ;
bool cp = copyPosition & & ( copy ! = null ) ;
Vector3 pos = cp ? copy . Position : GetSpawnPos ( spawndist ) ;
CEntityDef cent = new CEntityDef ( ) ;
if ( copy ! = null )
cent = copy . CEntityDef ;
//TODO: copy entity extensions!
cent . archetypeName = new MetaHash ( JenkHash . GenHash ( "prop_alien_egg_01" ) ) ;
cent . rotation = new Vector4 ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
cent . scaleXY = 1.0f ;
cent . scaleZ = 1.0f ;
cent . flags = 1572872 ;
cent . parentIndex = - 1 ;
cent . lodDist = 200.0f ;
cent . lodLevel = Unk_1264241711 . LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD ;
cent . priorityLevel = Unk_648413703 . PRI_REQUIRED ;
cent . ambientOcclusionMultiplier = 255 ;
cent . artificialAmbientOcclusion = 255 ;
cent . position = pos ;
YmapEntityDef ent = new YmapEntityDef ( CurrentYmapFile , 0 , ref cent ) ;
ent . SetArchetype ( GameFileCache . GetArchetype ( cent . archetypeName ) ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
CurrentYmapFile . AddEntity ( ent ) ;
CurrentYmapFile . AddEntity ( ent ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectEntityTreeNode ( ent ) ;
CurrentEntity = ent ;
ShowEditYmapEntityPanel ( false ) ;
public void AddEntityToProject ( )
if ( CurrentEntity = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentEntity . Ymap = = null )
MessageBox . Show ( "Sorry, interior entities cannot currently be added to the project." ) ;
return ;
CurrentYmapFile = CurrentEntity . Ymap ;
if ( ! YmapExistsInProject ( CurrentYmapFile ) )
var ent = CurrentEntity ;
CurrentYmapFile . HasChanged = true ;
AddYmapToProject ( CurrentYmapFile ) ;
CurrentEntity = ent ; //bug fix for some reason the treeview selects the project node here.
CurrentYmapFile = ent . Ymap ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectEntityTreeNode ( ent ) ;
public bool DeleteEntity ( )
if ( CurrentYmapFile = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentEntity = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentEntity . Ymap ! = CurrentYmapFile ) return false ;
if ( CurrentYmapFile . AllEntities = = null ) return false ; //nothing to delete..
if ( CurrentYmapFile . RootEntities = = null ) return false ; //nothing to delete..
if ( CurrentEntity . _CEntityDef . numChildren ! = 0 )
MessageBox . Show ( "This entity's numChildren is not 0 - deleting entities with children is not currently supported by CodeWalker." ) ;
return true ;
int idx = CurrentEntity . Index ;
for ( int i = idx + 1 ; i < CurrentYmapFile . AllEntities . Length ; i + + )
var ent = CurrentYmapFile . AllEntities [ i ] ;
if ( ent . _CEntityDef . numChildren ! = 0 )
MessageBox . Show ( "There are other entities present in this .ymap that have children. Deleting this entity is not currently supported by CodeWalker." ) ;
return true ;
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to delete this entity?\n" + CurrentEntity . _CEntityDef . archetypeName . ToString ( ) + "\n" + CurrentEntity . Position . ToString ( ) + "\n\nThis operation cannot be undone. Continue?" , "Confirm delete" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return true ;
bool res = false ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
res = CurrentYmapFile . RemoveEntity ( CurrentEntity ) ;
//WorldForm.SelectItem(null, null, null);
res = CurrentYmapFile . RemoveEntity ( CurrentEntity ) ;
if ( ! res )
MessageBox . Show ( "Entity.Index didn't match the index of the entity in the ymap. This shouldn't happen, check LOD linkages!" ) ;
var delent = CurrentEntity ;
var delymap = CurrentYmapFile ;
ProjectExplorer ? . RemoveEntityTreeNode ( delent ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetYmapHasChanged ( delymap , true ) ;
ClosePanel ( ( EditYmapEntityPanel p ) = > { return p . Tag = = delent ; } ) ;
CurrentEntity = null ;
return true ;
public bool IsCurrentEntity ( YmapEntityDef ent )
return CurrentEntity = = ent ;
public void NewCarGen ( YmapCarGen copy = null , bool copyPosition = false )
if ( CurrentYmapFile = = null ) return ;
Vector3 pos = GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
CCarGen ccg = new CCarGen ( ) ;
if ( copy ! = null )
ccg = copy . CCarGen ;
ccg . flags = 3680 ;
ccg . orientX = 5.0f ;
ccg . perpendicularLength = 2.6f ;
//TODO: set default values for cargen
if ( ! copyPosition | | ( copy = = null ) )
ccg . position = pos ;
YmapCarGen cg = new YmapCarGen ( CurrentYmapFile , ccg ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
CurrentYmapFile . AddCarGen ( cg ) ;
CurrentYmapFile . AddCarGen ( cg ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectCarGenTreeNode ( cg ) ;
CurrentCarGen = cg ;
ShowEditYmapCarGenPanel ( false ) ;
public void AddCarGenToProject ( )
if ( CurrentCarGen = = null ) return ;
CurrentYmapFile = CurrentCarGen . Ymap ;
if ( ! YmapExistsInProject ( CurrentYmapFile ) )
var cargen = CurrentCarGen ;
CurrentYmapFile . HasChanged = true ;
AddYmapToProject ( CurrentYmapFile ) ;
CurrentCarGen = cargen ; //bug fix for some reason the treeview selects the project node here.
CurrentYmapFile = cargen . Ymap ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectCarGenTreeNode ( cargen ) ;
public bool DeleteCarGen ( )
if ( CurrentYmapFile = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentCarGen = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentCarGen . Ymap ! = CurrentYmapFile ) return false ;
if ( CurrentYmapFile . CarGenerators = = null ) return false ; //nothing to delete..
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to delete this car generator?\n" + CurrentCarGen . ToString ( ) + "\n\nThis operation cannot be undone. Continue?" , "Confirm delete" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return true ;
bool res = false ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
res = CurrentYmapFile . RemoveCarGen ( CurrentCarGen ) ;
//WorldForm.SelectItem(null, null, null);
res = CurrentYmapFile . RemoveCarGen ( CurrentCarGen ) ;
if ( ! res )
MessageBox . Show ( "Unable to delete the car generator. This shouldn't happen!" ) ;
var delgen = CurrentCarGen ;
ProjectExplorer ? . RemoveCarGenTreeNode ( CurrentCarGen ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetYmapHasChanged ( CurrentYmapFile , true ) ;
ClosePanel ( ( EditYmapCarGenPanel p ) = > { return p . Tag = = delgen ; } ) ;
CurrentCarGen = null ;
return true ;
public bool IsCurrentCarGen ( YmapCarGen cargen )
return CurrentCarGen = = cargen ;
2018-03-03 21:37:55 +08:00
private void ImportMenyooXml ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
var xmlpath = ShowOpenDialog ( "XML Files|*.xml" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( xmlpath ) ) return ;
var xmlstr = string . Empty ;
xmlstr = File . ReadAllText ( xmlpath ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
MessageBox . Show ( "Error loading file!\n" + ex . ToString ( ) ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( xmlstr ) ) return ;
var finf = new FileInfo ( xmlpath ) ;
MenyooXml menyooXml = new MenyooXml ( ) ;
menyooXml . FilePath = xmlpath ;
menyooXml . FileName = finf . Name ;
menyooXml . Name = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( finf . Name ) ;
menyooXml . Init ( xmlstr ) ;
string fname = menyooXml . Name + ".ymap" ;
lock ( ProjectSyncRoot )
YmapFile ymap = CurrentProjectFile . AddYmapFile ( fname ) ;
if ( ymap ! = null )
ymap . Loaded = true ;
ymap . HasChanged = true ; //new ymap, flag as not saved
ymap . _CMapData . contentFlags = 65 ; //stream flags value
CurrentYmapFile = ymap ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
int pedcount = 0 ;
int carcount = 0 ;
int entcount = 0 ;
int unkcount = 0 ;
foreach ( var placement in menyooXml . Placements )
if ( placement . Type = = 1 )
pedcount + + ;
else if ( placement . Type = = 2 )
CCarGen ccg = new CCarGen ( ) ;
var rotq = Quaternion . Invert ( new Quaternion ( placement . Rotation ) ) ;
Vector3 cdir = rotq . Multiply ( new Vector3 ( 0 , 5 , 0 ) ) ;
ccg . flags = 3680 ;
ccg . orientX = cdir . X ;
ccg . orientY = cdir . Y ;
ccg . perpendicularLength = 2.6f ;
ccg . position = placement . Position ;
ccg . carModel = placement . ModelHash ;
YmapCarGen cg = new YmapCarGen ( CurrentYmapFile , ccg ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
CurrentYmapFile . AddCarGen ( cg ) ;
CurrentYmapFile . AddCarGen ( cg ) ;
carcount + + ;
else if ( placement . Type = = 3 ) //standard entity
CEntityDef cent = new CEntityDef ( ) ;
cent . archetypeName = placement . ModelHash ;
cent . position = placement . Position ;
cent . rotation = placement . Rotation ;
cent . scaleXY = 1.0f ;
cent . scaleZ = 1.0f ;
cent . flags = placement . Dynamic ? 32 u : 0 ; // 1572872; //?
cent . parentIndex = - 1 ;
cent . lodDist = placement . LodDistance ;
cent . lodLevel = Unk_1264241711 . LODTYPES_DEPTH_ORPHANHD ;
cent . priorityLevel = Unk_648413703 . PRI_REQUIRED ;
cent . ambientOcclusionMultiplier = 255 ;
cent . artificialAmbientOcclusion = 255 ;
YmapEntityDef ent = new YmapEntityDef ( CurrentYmapFile , 0 , ref cent ) ;
ent . SetArchetype ( GameFileCache . GetArchetype ( cent . archetypeName ) ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
CurrentYmapFile . AddEntity ( ent ) ;
CurrentYmapFile . AddEntity ( ent ) ;
entcount + + ;
unkcount + + ;
lock ( ProjectSyncRoot )
CurrentYmapFile . CalcFlags ( ) ;
CurrentYmapFile . CalcExtents ( ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
ShowProjectItem ( CurrentYmapFile , false ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( entcount . ToString ( ) + " entities imported. \n" + carcount . ToString ( ) + " car generators imported. \n" + pedcount . ToString ( ) + " peds ignored. \n" + unkcount . ToString ( ) + " others ignored." ) ;
2018-03-03 21:03:08 +08:00
public void NewYtyp ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
int testi = 1 ;
string fname = string . Empty ;
bool filenameok = false ;
while ( ! filenameok )
fname = "types" + testi . ToString ( ) + ".ytyp" ;
filenameok = ! CurrentProjectFile . ContainsYtyp ( fname ) ;
testi + + ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
YtypFile ytyp = CurrentProjectFile . AddYtypFile ( fname ) ;
if ( ytyp ! = null )
//ytyp.Loaded = true;
ytyp . HasChanged = true ; //new ytyp, flag as not saved
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
public void OpenYtyp ( )
string [ ] files = ShowOpenDialogMulti ( "Ytyp files|*.ytyp" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( files = = null )
return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
foreach ( string file in files )
if ( ! File . Exists ( file ) ) continue ;
var ytyp = CurrentProjectFile . AddYtypFile ( file ) ;
if ( ytyp ! = null )
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
LoadYtypFromFile ( ytyp , file ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't add\n" + file + "\n - the file already exists in the project." ) ;
public void SaveYtyp ( bool saveas = false ) //TODO!
public void AddYtypToProject ( YtypFile ytyp )
if ( ytyp = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( YtypExistsInProject ( ytyp ) ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . AddYtypFile ( ytyp ) )
ytyp . HasChanged = true ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
CurrentYtypFile = ytyp ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
public void RemoveYtypFromProject ( )
if ( CurrentYtypFile = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
CurrentProjectFile . RemoveYtypFile ( CurrentYtypFile ) ;
CurrentYtypFile = null ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
public bool YtypExistsInProject ( YtypFile ytyp )
if ( ytyp = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return false ;
return CurrentProjectFile . ContainsYtyp ( ytyp ) ;
public void NewYnd ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
int testi = 1 ;
string fname = string . Empty ;
bool filenameok = false ;
while ( ! filenameok )
fname = "nodes" + testi . ToString ( ) + ".ynd" ;
filenameok = ! CurrentProjectFile . ContainsYnd ( fname ) ;
testi + + ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
YndFile ynd = CurrentProjectFile . AddYndFile ( fname ) ;
if ( ynd ! = null )
ynd . Loaded = true ;
ynd . HasChanged = true ; //new ynd, flag as not saved
//TODO: set new ynd default values...
ynd . NodeDictionary = new NodeDictionary ( ) ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
public void OpenYnd ( )
string [ ] files = ShowOpenDialogMulti ( "Ynd files|*.ynd" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( files = = null )
return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
foreach ( string file in files )
if ( ! File . Exists ( file ) ) continue ;
var ynd = CurrentProjectFile . AddYndFile ( file ) ;
if ( ynd ! = null )
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
LoadYndFromFile ( ynd , file ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't add\n" + file + "\n - the file already exists in the project." ) ;
public void SaveYnd ( bool saveas = false )
if ( ( CurrentYndFile = = null ) & & ( CurrentPathNode ! = null ) ) CurrentYndFile = CurrentPathNode . Ynd ;
if ( CurrentYndFile = = null ) return ;
string yndname = CurrentYndFile . Name ;
string filepath = CurrentYndFile . FilePath ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) )
filepath = yndname ;
string origfile = filepath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filepath ) )
saveas = true ;
byte [ ] data ;
lock ( projectsyncroot ) //need to sync writes to ynd objects...
saveas = saveas | | string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) ;
if ( saveas )
filepath = ShowSaveDialog ( "Ynd files|*.ynd" , filepath ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) )
{ return ; }
string newname = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( filepath ) ;
JenkIndex . Ensure ( newname ) ;
CurrentYndFile . FilePath = filepath ;
CurrentYndFile . RpfFileEntry . Name = new FileInfo ( filepath ) . Name ;
CurrentYndFile . Name = CurrentYndFile . RpfFileEntry . Name ;
data = CurrentYndFile . Save ( ) ;
if ( data ! = null )
File . WriteAllBytes ( filepath , data ) ;
SetYndHasChanged ( false ) ;
if ( saveas )
if ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null )
string origpath = CurrentProjectFile . GetRelativePath ( origfile ) ;
string newpath = CurrentProjectFile . GetRelativePath ( CurrentYndFile . FilePath ) ;
if ( ! CurrentProjectFile . RenameYnd ( origpath , newpath ) )
{ //couldn't rename it in the project? happens when project not saved yet...
//MessageBox.Show("Couldn't rename ynd in project! This shouldn't happen - check the project file XML.");
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
SetCurrentSaveItem ( ) ;
public void AddYndToProject ( YndFile ynd )
if ( ynd = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( YndExistsInProject ( ynd ) ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . AddYndFile ( ynd ) )
ynd . HasChanged = true ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
CurrentYndFile = ynd ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
if ( CurrentPathNode ! = null )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectPathNodeTreeNode ( CurrentPathNode ) ;
public void RemoveYndFromProject ( )
if ( CurrentYndFile = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
CurrentProjectFile . RemoveYndFile ( CurrentYndFile ) ;
CurrentYndFile = null ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
public bool YndExistsInProject ( YndFile ynd )
if ( ynd = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return false ;
return CurrentProjectFile . ContainsYnd ( ynd ) ;
public void NewPathNode ( YndNode copy = null , bool copyPosition = false )
if ( CurrentYndFile = = null ) return ;
var n = CurrentYndFile . AddNode ( ) ;
var areaid = n . AreaID ;
var nodeid = n . NodeID ;
if ( copy = = null )
copy = CurrentPathNode ;
if ( copy ! = null )
n . Init ( CurrentYndFile , copy . RawData ) ;
n . LinkCountUnk = copy . LinkCountUnk ;
n . AreaID = areaid ;
n . NodeID = nodeid ;
bool cp = copyPosition & & ( copy ! = null ) ;
Vector3 pos = cp ? copy . Position : GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
n . SetPosition ( pos ) ;
if ( copy ! = null )
var link1 = n . AddLink ( copy ) ;
var link2 = copy . AddLink ( n ) ;
if ( ( copy . Links ! = null ) & & ( copy . Links . Length > 0 ) )
var clink = copy . Links [ 0 ] ;
link1 . CopyFlags ( clink ) ;
var clnode = clink . Node2 ;
if ( clnode . Links ! = null )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < clnode . Links . Length ; i + + )
var clnlink = clnode . Links [ i ] ;
if ( clnlink . Node2 = = copy )
link2 . CopyFlags ( clnlink ) ;
break ;
CurrentYndFile . UpdateAllNodePositions ( ) ; //for the graphics...
CurrentYndFile . BuildBVH ( ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectPathNodeTreeNode ( n ) ;
CurrentPathNode = n ;
ShowEditYndNodePanel ( false ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdatePathYndGraphics ( CurrentYndFile , false ) ;
public bool DeletePathNode ( )
if ( CurrentYndFile = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentPathNode = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentPathNode . Ynd ! = CurrentYndFile ) return false ;
if ( CurrentYndFile . Nodes = = null ) return false ; //nothing to delete..
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to delete this path node?\n" + CurrentPathNode . ToString ( ) + "\n\nThis operation cannot be undone. Continue?" , "Confirm delete" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return true ;
bool res = false ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
res = CurrentYndFile . RemoveNode ( CurrentPathNode ) ;
//WorldForm.SelectItem(null, null, null);
res = CurrentYndFile . RemoveNode ( CurrentPathNode ) ;
if ( ! res )
MessageBox . Show ( "Unable to delete the path node. This shouldn't happen!" ) ;
var delnode = CurrentPathNode ;
ProjectExplorer ? . RemovePathNodeTreeNode ( CurrentPathNode ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetYndHasChanged ( CurrentYndFile , true ) ;
ClosePanel ( ( EditYndNodePanel p ) = > { return p . Tag = = delnode ; } ) ;
CurrentPathNode = null ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdatePathYndGraphics ( CurrentYndFile , false ) ;
return true ;
public bool IsCurrentPathNode ( YndNode pathnode )
return CurrentPathNode = = pathnode ;
public void NewYnv ( ) //TODO!
public void OpenYnv ( ) //TODO!
public void SaveYnv ( bool saveas = false ) //TODO!
public void AddYnvToProject ( YnvFile ynv )
if ( ynv = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( YnvExistsInProject ( ynv ) ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . AddYnvFile ( ynv ) )
ynv . HasChanged = true ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
CurrentYnvFile = ynv ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
if ( CurrentNavPoly ! = null )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectNavPolyTreeNode ( CurrentNavPoly ) ;
public void RemoveYnvFromProject ( )
if ( CurrentYnvFile = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
CurrentProjectFile . RemoveYnvFile ( CurrentYnvFile ) ;
CurrentYnvFile = null ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
public bool YnvExistsInProject ( YnvFile ynv )
if ( ynv = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return false ;
return CurrentProjectFile . ContainsYnv ( ynv ) ;
public void NewNavPoly ( YnvPoly copy = null , bool copyposition = false ) //TODO!
public bool DeleteNavPoly ( ) //TODO!
return false ;
public bool IsCurrentNavPoly ( YnvPoly poly )
return false ; // poly == CurrentNavPoly;
public void NewTrainTrack ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
int testi = 13 ;
string fname = string . Empty ;
bool filenameok = false ;
while ( ! filenameok )
fname = "trains" + testi . ToString ( ) + ".dat" ;
filenameok = ! CurrentProjectFile . ContainsTrainTrack ( fname ) ;
testi + + ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
TrainTrack track = CurrentProjectFile . AddTrainsFile ( fname ) ;
if ( track ! = null )
track . Loaded = true ;
track . HasChanged = true ; //new track, flag as not saved
//TODO: set new train track default values...
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
public void OpenTrainTrack ( )
string [ ] files = ShowOpenDialogMulti ( "Dat files|*.dat" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( files = = null )
return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
foreach ( string file in files )
if ( ! File . Exists ( file ) ) continue ;
var track = CurrentProjectFile . AddTrainsFile ( file ) ;
if ( track ! = null )
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
LoadTrainTrackFromFile ( track , file ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't add\n" + file + "\n - the file already exists in the project." ) ;
public void SaveTrainTrack ( bool saveas = false )
if ( ( CurrentTrainTrack = = null ) & & ( CurrentTrainNode ! = null ) ) CurrentTrainTrack = CurrentTrainNode . Track ;
if ( CurrentTrainTrack = = null ) return ;
string trackname = CurrentTrainTrack . Name ;
string filepath = CurrentTrainTrack . FilePath ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) )
filepath = trackname ;
string origfile = filepath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filepath ) )
saveas = true ;
byte [ ] data ;
lock ( projectsyncroot ) //need to sync writes to objects...
saveas = saveas | | string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) ;
if ( saveas )
filepath = ShowSaveDialog ( "Dat files|*.dat" , filepath ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) )
{ return ; }
string newname = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( filepath ) ;
CurrentTrainTrack . FilePath = filepath ;
CurrentTrainTrack . RpfFileEntry . Name = new FileInfo ( filepath ) . Name ;
CurrentTrainTrack . Name = CurrentTrainTrack . RpfFileEntry . Name ;
data = CurrentTrainTrack . Save ( ) ;
if ( data ! = null )
File . WriteAllBytes ( filepath , data ) ;
SetTrainTrackHasChanged ( false ) ;
if ( saveas )
if ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null )
string origpath = CurrentProjectFile . GetRelativePath ( origfile ) ;
string newpath = CurrentProjectFile . GetRelativePath ( CurrentTrainTrack . FilePath ) ;
if ( ! CurrentProjectFile . RenameTrainTrack ( origpath , newpath ) )
{ //couldn't rename it in the project? happens when project not saved yet...
//MessageBox.Show("Couldn't rename train track in project! This shouldn't happen - check the project file XML.");
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
SetCurrentSaveItem ( ) ;
public void AddTrainTrackToProject ( TrainTrack track )
if ( track = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( TrainTrackExistsInProject ( track ) ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . AddTrainsFile ( track ) )
track . HasChanged = true ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
CurrentTrainTrack = track ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
if ( CurrentTrainNode ! = null )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectTrainNodeTreeNode ( CurrentTrainNode ) ;
public void RemoveTrainTrackFromProject ( )
if ( CurrentTrainTrack = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
CurrentProjectFile . RemoveTrainsFile ( CurrentTrainTrack ) ;
CurrentTrainTrack = null ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
public bool TrainTrackExistsInProject ( TrainTrack track )
if ( track = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return false ;
return CurrentProjectFile . ContainsTrainTrack ( track ) ;
public void NewTrainNode ( TrainTrackNode copy = null , bool copyPosition = false )
if ( CurrentTrainTrack = = null ) return ;
var afternode = copyPosition ? copy : null ;
var n = CurrentTrainTrack . AddNode ( afternode ) ;
if ( copy = = null )
copy = CurrentTrainNode ;
if ( copy ! = null )
n . NodeType = copy . NodeType ;
bool cp = copyPosition & & ( copy ! = null ) ;
Vector3 pos = cp ? copy . Position : GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
n . SetPosition ( pos ) ;
//CurrentTrainTrack.BuildVertices(); //for the graphics...
CurrentTrainTrack . BuildBVH ( ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectTrainNodeTreeNode ( n ) ;
CurrentTrainNode = n ;
ShowEditTrainNodePanel ( false ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateTrainTrackGraphics ( CurrentTrainTrack , false ) ;
public bool DeleteTrainNode ( )
if ( CurrentTrainTrack = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentTrainNode = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentTrainNode . Track ! = CurrentTrainTrack ) return false ;
if ( CurrentTrainTrack . Nodes = = null ) return false ; //nothing to delete..
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to delete this train track node?\n" + CurrentTrainNode . ToString ( ) + "\n\nThis operation cannot be undone. Continue?" , "Confirm delete" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return true ;
bool res = false ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
res = CurrentTrainTrack . RemoveNode ( CurrentTrainNode ) ;
//WorldForm.SelectItem(null, null, null);
res = CurrentTrainTrack . RemoveNode ( CurrentTrainNode ) ;
if ( ! res )
MessageBox . Show ( "Unable to delete the train track node. This shouldn't happen!" ) ;
var delnode = CurrentTrainNode ;
ProjectExplorer ? . RemoveTrainNodeTreeNode ( CurrentTrainNode ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetTrainTrackHasChanged ( CurrentTrainTrack , true ) ;
ClosePanel ( ( EditTrainNodePanel p ) = > { return p . Tag = = delnode ; } ) ;
CurrentTrainNode = null ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateTrainTrackGraphics ( CurrentTrainTrack , false ) ;
return true ;
public bool IsCurrentTrainNode ( TrainTrackNode node )
return node = = CurrentTrainNode ;
public void NewScenario ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
int testi = 1 ;
string fname = string . Empty ;
bool filenameok = false ;
while ( ! filenameok )
fname = "scenario" + testi . ToString ( ) + ".ymt" ;
filenameok = ! CurrentProjectFile . ContainsScenario ( fname ) ;
testi + + ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
YmtFile ymt = CurrentProjectFile . AddScenarioFile ( fname ) ;
if ( ymt ! = null )
ymt . CScenarioPointRegion = new MCScenarioPointRegion ( ) ;
ymt . CScenarioPointRegion . Ymt = ymt ;
ymt . CScenarioPointRegion . Points = new MCScenarioPointContainer ( ymt . CScenarioPointRegion ) ;
ymt . CScenarioPointRegion . Paths = new MUnk_4023740759 ( ymt . CScenarioPointRegion ) ;
ymt . CScenarioPointRegion . LookUps = new MCScenarioPointLookUps ( ymt . CScenarioPointRegion ) ;
ymt . ScenarioRegion = new ScenarioRegion ( ) ;
ymt . ScenarioRegion . Region = ymt . CScenarioPointRegion ;
ymt . ScenarioRegion . Ymt = ymt ;
ymt . ScenarioRegion . BuildNodes ( ) ; //should be empty
ymt . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ; //should be empty
ymt . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //should be empty
ymt . HasChanged = true ; //new ymt, flag as not saved
ymt . Loaded = true ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
public void OpenScenario ( )
string [ ] files = ShowOpenDialogMulti ( "Ymt files|*.ymt" , string . Empty ) ;
if ( files = = null )
return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
foreach ( string file in files )
if ( ! File . Exists ( file ) ) continue ;
var ymt = CurrentProjectFile . AddScenarioFile ( file ) ;
if ( ymt ! = null )
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
LoadScenarioFromFile ( ymt , file ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( "Couldn't add\n" + file + "\n - the file already exists in the project." ) ;
public void SaveScenario ( bool saveas = false )
if ( ( CurrentScenario = = null ) & & ( CurrentScenarioNode ! = null ) ) CurrentScenario = CurrentScenarioNode . Ymt ;
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
string ymtname = CurrentScenario . Name ;
string filepath = CurrentScenario . FilePath ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) )
filepath = ymtname ;
string origfile = filepath ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( filepath ) )
saveas = true ;
byte [ ] data ;
lock ( projectsyncroot ) //need to sync writes to scenario...
saveas = saveas | | string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) ;
if ( saveas )
filepath = ShowSaveDialog ( "Ymt files|*.ymt" , filepath ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filepath ) )
{ return ; }
string newname = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( filepath ) ;
JenkIndex . Ensure ( newname ) ;
CurrentScenario . FilePath = filepath ;
CurrentScenario . RpfFileEntry . Name = new FileInfo ( filepath ) . Name ;
CurrentScenario . Name = CurrentScenario . RpfFileEntry . Name ;
CurrentScenario . ContentType = YmtFileContentType . ScenarioPointRegion ; //just to be sure..
data = CurrentScenario . Save ( ) ;
if ( data ! = null )
File . WriteAllBytes ( filepath , data ) ;
SetScenarioHasChanged ( false ) ;
if ( saveas )
if ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null )
string origpath = CurrentProjectFile . GetRelativePath ( origfile ) ;
string newpath = CurrentProjectFile . GetRelativePath ( CurrentScenario . FilePath ) ;
if ( ! CurrentProjectFile . RenameScenario ( origpath , newpath ) )
{ //couldn't rename it in the project? happens when project not saved yet...
//MessageBox.Show("Couldn't rename scenario in project! This shouldn't happen - check the project file XML.");
SetProjectHasChanged ( true ) ;
SetCurrentSaveItem ( ) ;
public void AddScenarioToProject ( YmtFile ymt )
if ( ymt = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( ScenarioExistsInProject ( ymt ) ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile . AddScenarioFile ( ymt ) )
ymt . HasChanged = true ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = true ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
CurrentScenario = ymt ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode ! = null )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( CurrentScenarioNode ) ;
public void RemoveScenarioFromProject ( )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
CurrentProjectFile . RemoveScenarioFile ( CurrentScenario ) ;
CurrentScenario = null ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
public bool ScenarioExistsInProject ( YmtFile ymt )
if ( ymt = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return false ;
return CurrentProjectFile . ContainsScenario ( ymt ) ;
public void NewScenarioNode ( ScenarioNode copy = null , bool copyPosition = false )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion = = null ) return ;
if ( copy = = null )
copy = CurrentScenarioNode ;
var n = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . AddNode ( copy ) ;
bool cp = copyPosition & & ( copy ! = null ) ;
Vector3 pos = cp ? copy . Position : GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
Quaternion ori = cp ? copy . Orientation : Quaternion . Identity ;
n . SetPosition ( pos ) ;
n . SetOrientation ( ori ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( n ) ;
CurrentScenarioNode = n ;
ShowEditScenarioNodePanel ( false ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( CurrentScenario , false ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public bool DeleteScenarioNode ( )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion = = null ) return false ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode = = null ) return false ;
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to delete this scenario node?\n" + CurrentScenarioNode . ToString ( ) + "\n\nThis operation cannot be undone. Continue?" , "Confirm delete" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return true ;
bool res = false ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
lock ( WorldForm . RenderSyncRoot ) //don't try to do this while rendering...
res = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . RemoveNode ( CurrentScenarioNode ) ;
res = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . RemoveNode ( CurrentScenarioNode ) ;
if ( ! res )
MessageBox . Show ( "Unable to delete the scenario node. This shouldn't happen!" ) ;
var delnode = CurrentScenarioNode ;
ProjectExplorer ? . RemoveScenarioNodeTreeNode ( CurrentScenarioNode ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetScenarioHasChanged ( CurrentScenario , true ) ;
ClosePanel ( ( EditScenarioNodePanel p ) = > { return p . Tag = = delnode ; } ) ;
CurrentScenarioNode = null ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( CurrentScenario , false ) ;
return true ;
public bool IsCurrentScenarioNode ( ScenarioNode node )
return node = = CurrentScenarioNode ;
public void SetScenarioChainEdge ( MCScenarioChainingEdge e )
CurrentScenarioChainEdge = e ;
public void AddScenarioChain ( )
if ( CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion = = null ) return ;
var paths = CurrentScenario ? . CScenarioPointRegion ? . Paths ;
if ( paths = = null ) return ;
var copy = CurrentScenarioNode ? . ChainingNode ? . Chain ;
var copyn = CurrentScenarioNode ? . ChainingNode ;
var copyp = CurrentScenarioNode ? . MyPoint ;
var copye = CurrentScenarioChainEdge ;
var copycl = CurrentScenarioNode ? . Cluster ;
MCScenarioChain chain = new MCScenarioChain ( ) ;
chain . Unk1 = 1 ; //default value
if ( copy ! = null )
chain . Data = copy . Data ;
chain . _Data . EdgeIds = new Array_ushort ( ) ; //start empty.. not really necessary
paths . AddChain ( chain ) ;
//add 2 new nodes to the new chain.
var pos1 = GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
var pos2 = pos1 + Vector3 . UnitX ;
ScenarioNode n1 = null ; // CurrentScenario.ScenarioRegion.AddNode();
if ( copycl ! = null )
ScenarioNode copyclnode = new ScenarioNode ( CurrentScenario ) ;
copyclnode . Cluster = copycl ;
copyclnode . ClusterMyPoint = new MCScenarioPoint ( CurrentScenario . CScenarioPointRegion ) ;
copyclnode . ClusterMyPoint . InteriorName = 493038497 ; //JenkHash.GenHash("none");
copyclnode . ClusterMyPoint . GroupName = 493038497 ;
copyclnode . ClusterMyPoint . IMapName = 493038497 ;
copyclnode . ClusterMyPoint . TimeStart = 0 ;
copyclnode . ClusterMyPoint . TimeEnd = 24 ;
n1 = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . AddNode ( copyclnode ) ;
n1 = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . AddNode ( ) ;
ScenarioNode n2 = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . AddNode ( ) ;
if ( copyp ! = null )
n1 . MyPoint . CopyFrom ( copyp ) ;
n2 . MyPoint . CopyFrom ( copyp ) ;
n1 . ChainingNode = new MCScenarioChainingNode ( ) ;
n2 . ChainingNode = new MCScenarioChainingNode ( ) ;
if ( copyn ! = null )
n1 . ChainingNode . CopyFrom ( copyn ) ;
n2 . ChainingNode . CopyFrom ( copyn ) ;
n1 . ChainingNode . NotLast = true ;
n2 . ChainingNode . NotFirst = true ;
n1 . ChainingNode . ScenarioNode = n1 ;
n2 . ChainingNode . ScenarioNode = n2 ;
paths . AddNode ( n1 . ChainingNode ) ;
paths . AddNode ( n2 . ChainingNode ) ;
n1 . ChainingNode . Chain = chain ;
n2 . ChainingNode . Chain = chain ;
var ed = new MCScenarioChainingEdge ( ) ;
if ( copye ! = null )
ed . Data = copye . Data ;
ed . NodeFrom = n1 . ChainingNode ;
ed . NodeTo = n2 . ChainingNode ;
ed . NodeIndexFrom = ( ushort ) n1 . ChainingNode . NodeIndex ;
ed . NodeIndexTo = ( ushort ) n2 . ChainingNode . NodeIndex ;
paths . AddEdge ( ed ) ;
chain . AddEdge ( ed ) ;
n1 . SetPosition ( pos1 ) ;
n2 . SetPosition ( pos2 ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( n1 ) ;
CurrentScenarioNode = n1 ;
CurrentScenarioChainEdge = ed ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( CurrentScenario , false ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void AddScenarioCluster ( ) //TODO: add defualt cluster points to new cluster
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
var sr = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion ;
if ( sr = = null ) return ;
var rgn = CurrentScenario . CScenarioPointRegion ;
if ( rgn = = null ) return ;
var copy = CurrentScenarioNode ? . Cluster ;
MCScenarioPointCluster cluster = new MCScenarioPointCluster ( rgn , copy ) ;
List < MCScenarioPoint > clusterpoints = new List < MCScenarioPoint > ( ) ;
if ( copy ! = null )
if ( copy . Points ? . MyPoints ! = null )
clusterpoints . AddRange ( copy . Points . MyPoints ) ;
rgn . AddCluster ( cluster ) ; //add the base cluster to the region.
var pos1 = GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
var ncopy = new ScenarioNode ( CurrentScenario ) ; //copy an empty node to start with, to avoid creating default MyPoint
var nc = sr . AddNode ( ncopy ) ; //add the base cluster's display node.
nc . Cluster = cluster ;
nc . SetPosition ( pos1 ) ;
if ( cluster . Points ! = null )
foreach ( var cpt in clusterpoints )
//TODO: copy cluster points....
//or create some default points!
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( nc ) ;
CurrentScenarioNode = nc ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( CurrentScenario , false ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void AddScenarioClusterPoint ( )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
var sr = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion ;
if ( sr = = null ) return ;
var rgn = CurrentScenario . CScenarioPointRegion ;
if ( rgn = = null ) return ;
var cluster = CurrentScenarioNode ? . Cluster ;
if ( cluster = = null ) return ;
if ( cluster . Points = = null )
cluster . Points = new MCScenarioPointContainer ( rgn ) ;
cluster . Points . Parent = cluster ;
var copy = CurrentScenarioNode ? . ClusterMyPoint ;
var pos1 = GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
var ori1 = copy ? . Orientation ? ? Quaternion . Identity ;
var cn = new ScenarioNode ( CurrentScenario ) ; //copy a blank node
var n = sr . AddNode ( cn ) ;
var np = new MCScenarioPoint ( rgn , copy ) ;
cluster . Points . AddMyPoint ( np ) ;
n . ClusterMyPoint = np ;
n . Cluster = cluster ;
n . SetPosition ( pos1 ) ;
n . SetOrientation ( ori1 ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( n ) ;
CurrentScenarioNode = n ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( CurrentScenario , false ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void AddScenarioEntity ( ) //TODO: add default entity point(s) to entity
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
var sr = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion ;
if ( sr = = null ) return ;
var rgn = CurrentScenario . CScenarioPointRegion ;
if ( rgn = = null ) return ;
var copy = CurrentScenarioNode ? . Entity ;
MCScenarioEntityOverride entity = new MCScenarioEntityOverride ( rgn , copy ) ;
List < MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint > entpoints = new List < MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint > ( ) ;
if ( copy ! = null )
if ( copy . ScenarioPoints ! = null )
entpoints . AddRange ( copy . ScenarioPoints ) ;
rgn . AddEntity ( entity ) ; //add the base entity to the region.
var pos1 = GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
var ncopy = new ScenarioNode ( CurrentScenario ) ; //copy an empty node to start with, to avoid creating default MyPoint
var ne = sr . AddNode ( ncopy ) ; //add the base entity's display node.
ne . Entity = entity ;
ne . SetPosition ( pos1 ) ;
if ( entity . ScenarioPoints ! = null )
foreach ( var cpt in entpoints )
//TODO: copy entity points....
//or create some default points!
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( ne ) ;
CurrentScenarioNode = ne ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( CurrentScenario , false ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void AddScenarioEntityPoint ( )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
var sr = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion ;
if ( sr = = null ) return ;
var rgn = CurrentScenario . CScenarioPointRegion ;
if ( rgn = = null ) return ;
var entity = CurrentScenarioNode ? . Entity ;
if ( entity = = null ) return ;
var copy = CurrentScenarioNode ? . EntityPoint ;
var pos1 = GetSpawnPos ( 10.0f ) ;
var ori1 = copy ? . Orientation ? ? Quaternion . Identity ;
var cn = new ScenarioNode ( CurrentScenario ) ; //copy a blank node
var n = sr . AddNode ( cn ) ;
var np = new MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint ( rgn , copy ) ;
entity . AddScenarioPoint ( np ) ;
n . EntityPoint = np ;
n . Entity = entity ;
n . SetPosition ( pos1 ) ;
n . SetOrientation ( ori1 ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( n ) ;
CurrentScenarioNode = n ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( CurrentScenario , false ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void DeleteScenarioChain ( )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode . ChainingNode = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode . ChainingNode . Chain = = null ) return ;
var chain = CurrentScenarioNode . ChainingNode . Chain ;
var paths = CurrentScenario . CScenarioPointRegion ? . Paths ;
if ( paths = = null ) return ;
var rgn = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion ;
if ( rgn = = null ) return ;
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to delete this scenario chain?\n" + chain . ToString ( ) + "\n\nThis operation cannot be undone. Continue?" , "Confirm delete" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return ;
bool delpoints = false ;
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Delete all Scenario Points for this chain as well?" , "Confirm delete points" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
delpoints = true ;
Dictionary < MCScenarioChainingNode , int > ndict = new Dictionary < MCScenarioChainingNode , int > ( ) ;
var edges = chain . Edges ;
if ( edges ! = null )
foreach ( var edge in edges )
//paths.RemoveEdge(edge); //removing nodes also removes edges!
paths . RemoveNode ( edge . NodeFrom ) ;
paths . RemoveNode ( edge . NodeTo ) ;
ndict [ edge . NodeFrom ] = 1 ;
ndict [ edge . NodeTo ] = 1 ;
paths . RemoveChain ( chain ) ;
List < ScenarioNode > delnodes = new List < ScenarioNode > ( ) ;
foreach ( var node in rgn . Nodes )
if ( ( node . ChainingNode ! = null ) & & ( ndict . ContainsKey ( node . ChainingNode ) ) )
delnodes . Add ( node ) ;
foreach ( var delnode in delnodes )
delnode . ChainingNode = null ; //this chaining node has been removed from the region. remove this association.
if ( delpoints )
rgn . RemoveNode ( delnode ) ;
var cn = CurrentScenarioNode ;
var cs = CurrentScenario ;
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
if ( ! delpoints & & ( cn ! = null ) )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( cn ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioTreeNode ( cs ) ;
ClosePanel ( ( EditScenarioNodePanel p ) = > { return p . Tag = = cn ; } ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( cs , false ) ;
if ( delpoints )
WorldForm . SelectItem ( null ) ;
else if ( cs ? . ScenarioRegion ! = null )
cs . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
cs . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void DeleteScenarioCluster ( )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode . Cluster = = null ) return ;
var cluster = CurrentScenarioNode . Cluster ;
var rgn = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion ;
if ( rgn = = null ) return ;
var crgn = CurrentScenario . CScenarioPointRegion ;
if ( crgn = = null ) return ;
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to delete this scenario cluster?\n" + cluster . ToString ( ) + "\n\nThis operation cannot be undone. Continue?" , "Confirm delete" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return ;
bool delpoints = false ;
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Delete all Scenario Points for this cluster as well?" , "Confirm delete points" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
delpoints = true ;
crgn . RemoveCluster ( cluster ) ;
Dictionary < MCScenarioPoint , int > ndict = new Dictionary < MCScenarioPoint , int > ( ) ;
if ( cluster ? . Points ? . MyPoints ! = null )
foreach ( var point in cluster . Points . MyPoints )
ndict [ point ] = 1 ;
List < ScenarioNode > delnodes = new List < ScenarioNode > ( ) ;
foreach ( var node in rgn . Nodes )
if ( ( node . ClusterMyPoint ! = null ) & & ( ndict . ContainsKey ( node . ClusterMyPoint ) ) )
delnodes . Add ( node ) ;
else if ( node . Cluster = = cluster )
delnodes . Add ( node ) ;
foreach ( var delnode in delnodes )
if ( ! delpoints & & ( crgn . Points ! = null ) & & ( delnode . ClusterMyPoint ! = null ) )
var copypt = new MCScenarioPoint ( crgn , delnode . ClusterMyPoint ) ;
crgn . Points . AddMyPoint ( copypt ) ;
delnode . MyPoint = copypt ;
bool iscl = false ;
if ( ( delnode . Cluster ! = null ) & & ( delnode . ClusterMyPoint = = null ) & & ( delnode . ClusterLoadSavePoint = = null ) )
iscl = true ;
delnode . Cluster = null ;
delnode . ClusterMyPoint = null ; //this cluster point has been removed from the region. remove this association.
delnode . ClusterLoadSavePoint = null ;
if ( delpoints )
//if ((delnode.ChainingNode == null) && (delnode.EntityPoint == null))
rgn . RemoveNode ( delnode ) ;
else if ( iscl )
rgn . RemoveNode ( delnode ) ; //remove the cluster node itself.
var cn = CurrentScenarioNode ;
var cs = CurrentScenario ;
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
if ( ! delpoints & & ( cn ! = null ) )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( cn ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioTreeNode ( cs ) ;
ClosePanel ( ( EditScenarioNodePanel p ) = > { return p . Tag = = cn ; } ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( cs , false ) ;
if ( delpoints | | ( ( cn ! = null ) & & ( cn . MyPoint = = null ) ) )
WorldForm . SelectItem ( null ) ;
else if ( cs ? . ScenarioRegion ! = null )
cs . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
cs . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void DeleteScenarioEntity ( )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentScenarioNode . Entity = = null ) return ;
var entity = CurrentScenarioNode . Entity ;
var rgn = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion ;
if ( rgn = = null ) return ;
var crgn = CurrentScenario . CScenarioPointRegion ;
if ( crgn = = null ) return ;
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to delete this scenario entity override, and all its override points?\n" + entity . ToString ( ) + "\n\nThis operation cannot be undone. Continue?" , "Confirm delete" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ! = DialogResult . Yes )
return ;
//bool delpoints = false;
//if (MessageBox.Show("Delete all Scenario Points for this entity override as well?", "Confirm delete points", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
// delpoints = true;
crgn . RemoveEntity ( entity ) ;
Dictionary < MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint , int > ndict = new Dictionary < MCExtensionDefSpawnPoint , int > ( ) ;
if ( entity . ScenarioPoints ! = null )
foreach ( var point in entity . ScenarioPoints )
ndict [ point ] = 1 ;
List < ScenarioNode > delnodes = new List < ScenarioNode > ( ) ;
foreach ( var node in rgn . Nodes )
if ( ( node . EntityPoint ! = null ) & & ( ndict . ContainsKey ( node . EntityPoint ) ) )
delnodes . Add ( node ) ;
else if ( node . Entity = = entity )
delnodes . Add ( node ) ;
foreach ( var delnode in delnodes )
delnode . Entity = null ;
delnode . EntityPoint = null ; //this entity point has been removed from the region. remove this association.
rgn . RemoveNode ( delnode ) ;
var cn = CurrentScenarioNode ;
var cs = CurrentScenario ;
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioTreeNode ( cs ) ;
ClosePanel ( ( EditScenarioNodePanel p ) = > { return p . Tag = = cn ; } ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( cs , false ) ;
WorldForm . SelectItem ( null ) ;
else if ( cs ? . ScenarioRegion ! = null )
cs . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
cs . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void ImportScenarioChain ( )
var paths = CurrentScenario ? . CScenarioPointRegion ? . Paths ;
if ( paths = = null ) return ;
var rgn = CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion ;
if ( rgn = = null ) return ;
TextInputForm f = new TextInputForm ( ) ;
f . TitleText = "Import scenario chain points" ;
f . PromptText = "Input chain points in CSV (or TSV) format. Direction is in radians. NavSpeed is from 0 to 15. NavMode can be either Direct, NavMesh, or Roads. ScenarioType is the name of the scenario type to use." ;
f . MainText = "X, Y, Z, Direction, NavSpeed, NavMode, ScenarioType, ModelSet, Flags" ;
if ( f . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . Cancel ) return ;
var stypes = Scenarios . ScenarioTypes ; //these are loaded by Scenarios.Init
ScenarioType defaulttype = null ;
if ( stypes ! = null )
defaulttype = stypes . GetScenarioType ( 1194480618 ) ; //"drive";
AmbientModelSet defaultmodelset = null ;
uint defaultflags = 0 ;
ScenarioNode thisnode = null ;
ScenarioNode lastnode = null ;
MCScenarioChainingEdge lastedge = null ;
var str = f . MainText ;
var lines = str . Split ( '\n' ) ;
if ( lines . Length < 2 )
return ; //need at least 2 lines (1 point) to work with...
MCScenarioChain chain = new MCScenarioChain ( ) ;
paths . AddChain ( chain ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lines . Length ; i + + )
var line = lines [ i ] ;
var delim = line . Contains ( "," ) ? "," : " " ;
var vals = line . Split ( new [ ] { delim } , StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries ) ;
if ( vals . Length < 3 ) continue ;
if ( vals [ 0 ] . StartsWith ( "X" ) ) continue ;
Vector3 pos = Vector3 . Zero ;
float dir = 0 ;
var action = Unk_3609807418 . Move ;
var navMode = Unk_3971773454 . Direct ;
var navSpeed = Unk_941086046 . Unk_00_3279574318 ;
var stype = defaulttype ;
var modelset = defaultmodelset ;
var flags = defaultflags ;
var ok = true ;
ok = ok & & FloatUtil . TryParse ( vals [ 0 ] . Trim ( ) , out pos . X ) ;
ok = ok & & FloatUtil . TryParse ( vals [ 1 ] . Trim ( ) , out pos . Y ) ;
ok = ok & & FloatUtil . TryParse ( vals [ 2 ] . Trim ( ) , out pos . Z ) ;
if ( vals . Length > 3 )
ok = ok & & FloatUtil . TryParse ( vals [ 3 ] . Trim ( ) , out dir ) ;
while ( dir > Math . PI ) dir - = 2.0f * ( float ) Math . PI ;
while ( dir < - Math . PI ) dir + = 2.0f * ( float ) Math . PI ;
if ( vals . Length > 4 )
byte nsb = 0 ;
byte . TryParse ( vals [ 4 ] . Trim ( ) , out nsb ) ;
if ( nsb > 15 ) nsb = 15 ;
navSpeed = ( Unk_941086046 ) nsb ;
if ( vals . Length > 5 )
switch ( vals [ 5 ] . Trim ( ) )
case "Direct" : navMode = Unk_3971773454 . Direct ; break ;
case "NavMesh" : navMode = Unk_3971773454 . NavMesh ; break ;
case "Roads" : navMode = Unk_3971773454 . Roads ; break ;
if ( vals . Length > 6 )
var sthash = JenkHash . GenHash ( vals [ 6 ] . Trim ( ) . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ) ;
stype = stypes ? . GetScenarioType ( sthash ) ? ? defaulttype ;
if ( vals . Length > 7 )
var mshash = JenkHash . GenHash ( vals [ 7 ] . Trim ( ) . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ) ;
modelset = stypes ? . GetPedModelSet ( mshash ) ? ? null ;
if ( modelset = = null ) modelset = stypes ? . GetVehicleModelSet ( mshash ) ? ? null ;
if ( vals . Length > 8 )
if ( ! uint . TryParse ( vals [ 8 ] . Trim ( ) , out flags ) ) flags = defaultflags ;
if ( ! ok ) continue ;
thisnode = rgn . AddNode ( ) ;
thisnode . MyPoint . Direction = dir ;
thisnode . MyPoint . Type = stype ;
thisnode . MyPoint . ModelSet = modelset ;
thisnode . MyPoint . Flags = ( Unk_700327466 ) flags ;
thisnode . ChainingNode = new MCScenarioChainingNode ( ) ;
thisnode . ChainingNode . ScenarioNode = thisnode ;
thisnode . ChainingNode . Chain = chain ;
thisnode . ChainingNode . Type = stype ;
thisnode . ChainingNode . TypeHash = stype ? . NameHash ? ? 0 ;
thisnode . ChainingNode . NotLast = ( i < ( lines . Length - 1 ) ) ;
thisnode . ChainingNode . NotFirst = ( lastnode ! = null ) ;
thisnode . SetPosition ( pos ) ;
thisnode . Orientation = thisnode . MyPoint . Orientation ;
paths . AddNode ( thisnode . ChainingNode ) ;
if ( lastnode ! = null )
var edge = new MCScenarioChainingEdge ( ) ;
edge . NodeFrom = lastnode . ChainingNode ;
edge . NodeTo = thisnode . ChainingNode ;
edge . NodeIndexFrom = ( ushort ) lastnode . ChainingNode . NodeIndex ;
edge . NodeIndexTo = ( ushort ) thisnode . ChainingNode . NodeIndex ;
edge . Action = action ;
edge . NavMode = navMode ;
edge . NavSpeed = navSpeed ;
paths . AddEdge ( edge ) ;
chain . AddEdge ( edge ) ;
lastedge = edge ;
lastnode = thisnode ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
if ( lastnode ! = null )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( lastnode ) ;
CurrentScenarioNode = lastnode ;
//CurrentScenarioChainEdge = lastedge;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateScenarioGraphics ( CurrentScenario , false ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildBVH ( ) ;
CurrentScenario . ScenarioRegion . BuildVertices ( ) ; //for the graphics...
public void GetVisibleYmaps ( Camera camera , Dictionary < MetaHash , YmapFile > ymaps )
if ( hidegtavmap )
ymaps . Clear ( ) ; //remove all the gtav ymaps.
if ( renderitems & & ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null ) )
lock ( projectsyncroot )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < CurrentProjectFile . YmapFiles . Count ; i + + )
var ymap = CurrentProjectFile . YmapFiles [ i ] ;
if ( ymap . Loaded )
ymaps [ ymap . _CMapData . name ] = ymap ;
public void GetVisibleCollisionMeshes ( Camera camera , List < BoundsStoreItem > items )
if ( hidegtavmap )
items . Clear ( ) ;
public void GetVisibleWaterQuads ( Camera camera , List < WaterQuad > quads )
if ( hidegtavmap )
quads . Clear ( ) ;
public void GetVisibleYnds ( Camera camera , List < YndFile > ynds )
if ( hidegtavmap )
ynds . Clear ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
visibleynds . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ynds . Count ; i + + )
var ynd = ynds [ i ] ;
visibleynds [ ynd . AreaID ] = ynd ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < CurrentProjectFile . YndFiles . Count ; i + + )
var ynd = CurrentProjectFile . YndFiles [ i ] ;
if ( ynd . Loaded )
visibleynds [ ynd . AreaID ] = ynd ;
ynds . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var ynd in visibleynds . Values )
ynds . Add ( ynd ) ;
public void GetVisibleYnvs ( Camera camera , List < YnvFile > ynvs )
if ( hidegtavmap )
ynvs . Clear ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
visibleynvs . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ynvs . Count ; i + + )
var ynv = ynvs [ i ] ;
visibleynvs [ ynv . AreaID ] = ynv ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < CurrentProjectFile . YnvFiles . Count ; i + + )
var ynv = CurrentProjectFile . YnvFiles [ i ] ;
if ( ynv . Loaded )
visibleynvs [ ynv . AreaID ] = ynv ;
ynvs . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var ynv in visibleynvs . Values )
ynvs . Add ( ynv ) ;
public void GetVisibleTrainTracks ( Camera camera , List < TrainTrack > tracks )
if ( hidegtavmap )
tracks . Clear ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
visibletrains . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tracks . Count ; i + + )
var track = tracks [ i ] ;
visibletrains [ track . Name ] = track ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < CurrentProjectFile . TrainsFiles . Count ; i + + )
var track = CurrentProjectFile . TrainsFiles [ i ] ;
if ( track . Loaded )
visibletrains [ track . Name ] = track ;
tracks . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var track in visibletrains . Values )
tracks . Add ( track ) ;
public void GetVisibleScenarios ( Camera camera , List < YmtFile > ymts )
if ( hidegtavmap )
ymts . Clear ( ) ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
lock ( projectsyncroot )
visiblescenarios . Clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ymts . Count ; i + + )
var ymt = ymts [ i ] ;
visiblescenarios [ ymt . Name ] = ymt ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < CurrentProjectFile . ScenarioFiles . Count ; i + + )
var scenario = CurrentProjectFile . ScenarioFiles [ i ] ;
if ( scenario . Loaded )
visiblescenarios [ scenario . Name ] = scenario ;
ymts . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( var ymt in visiblescenarios . Values )
ymts . Add ( ymt ) ;
public void OnWorldSelectionChanged ( MapSelection sel )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { OnWorldSelectionChanged ( sel ) ; } ) ) ;
var ent = sel . EntityDef ;
var cargen = sel . CarGenerator ;
var grassbatch = sel . GrassBatch ;
var pathnode = sel . PathNode ;
var pathlink = sel . PathLink ;
var navpoly = sel . NavPoly ;
var trainnode = sel . TrainTrackNode ;
var scenariond = sel . ScenarioNode ;
var scenarioedge = sel . ScenarioEdge ;
YmapFile ymap = ent ? . Ymap ? ? cargen ? . Ymap ? ? grassbatch ? . Ymap ;
YndFile ynd = pathnode ? . Ynd ;
YnvFile ynv = navpoly ? . Ynv ;
TrainTrack traintrack = trainnode ? . Track ;
YmtFile scenario = scenariond ? . Ymt ? ? scenarioedge ? . Region ? . Ymt ;
bool showcurrent = false ;
if ( YmapExistsInProject ( ymap ) )
if ( ent ! = CurrentEntity )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectEntityTreeNode ( ent ) ;
if ( cargen ! = CurrentCarGen )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectCarGenTreeNode ( cargen ) ;
else if ( YndExistsInProject ( ynd ) )
if ( pathnode ! = CurrentPathNode )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectPathNodeTreeNode ( pathnode ) ;
else if ( YnvExistsInProject ( ynv ) )
if ( navpoly ! = CurrentNavPoly )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectNavPolyTreeNode ( navpoly ) ;
else if ( TrainTrackExistsInProject ( traintrack ) )
if ( trainnode ! = CurrentTrainNode )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectTrainNodeTreeNode ( trainnode ) ;
else if ( ScenarioExistsInProject ( scenario ) )
if ( ( scenariond ! = null ) & & ( scenariond ! = CurrentScenarioNode ) )
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( scenariond ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . DeselectNode ( ) ;
showcurrent = true ;
CurrentYmapFile = ymap ;
CurrentYtypFile = null ; //TODO: interiors!
CurrentEntity = ent ;
CurrentCarGen = cargen ;
CurrentGrassBatch = grassbatch ;
CurrentYndFile = ynd ;
CurrentPathNode = pathnode ;
CurrentPathLink = pathlink ;
CurrentYnvFile = ynv ;
CurrentNavPoly = navpoly ;
CurrentTrainTrack = traintrack ;
CurrentTrainNode = trainnode ;
CurrentScenario = scenario ;
CurrentScenarioNode = scenariond ;
CurrentScenarioChainEdge = scenarioedge ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
if ( showcurrent )
ShowProjectItemInProcess = true ;
ShowCurrentProjectItem ( false ) ;
ShowProjectItemInProcess = false ;
catch { }
public void OnWorldSelectionModified ( MapSelection sel , List < MapSelection > items )
if ( sel . MultipleSelection )
else if ( sel . EntityDef ! = null )
OnWorldEntityModified ( sel . EntityDef ) ;
else if ( sel . CarGenerator ! = null )
OnWorldCarGenModified ( sel . CarGenerator ) ;
else if ( sel . PathNode ! = null )
OnWorldPathNodeModified ( sel . PathNode , sel . PathLink ) ;
else if ( sel . NavPoly ! = null )
OnWorldNavPolyModified ( sel . NavPoly ) ;
else if ( sel . TrainTrackNode ! = null )
OnWorldTrainNodeModified ( sel . TrainTrackNode ) ;
else if ( sel . ScenarioNode ! = null )
OnWorldScenarioNodeModified ( sel . ScenarioNode ) ;
private void OnWorldEntityModified ( YmapEntityDef ent )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { OnWorldEntityModified ( ent ) ; } ) ) ;
if ( ( ent . Ymap = = null ) | | ( ent . MloParent ! = null ) )
return ; //TODO: properly handle interior entities!
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( ! YmapExistsInProject ( ent . Ymap ) )
ent . Ymap . HasChanged = true ;
AddYmapToProject ( ent . Ymap ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectEntityTreeNode ( ent ) ;
if ( ent ! = CurrentEntity )
CurrentEntity = ent ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectEntityTreeNode ( ent ) ;
if ( ent = = CurrentEntity )
ShowEditYmapEntityPanel ( false ) ;
if ( ent . Ymap ! = null )
SetYmapHasChanged ( true ) ;
catch { }
private void OnWorldCarGenModified ( YmapCarGen cargen )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { OnWorldCarGenModified ( cargen ) ; } ) ) ;
if ( cargen ? . Ymap = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( ! YmapExistsInProject ( cargen . Ymap ) )
cargen . Ymap . HasChanged = true ;
AddYmapToProject ( cargen . Ymap ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectCarGenTreeNode ( cargen ) ;
if ( cargen ! = CurrentCarGen )
CurrentCarGen = cargen ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectCarGenTreeNode ( cargen ) ;
if ( cargen = = CurrentCarGen )
ShowEditYmapCarGenPanel ( false ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . UpdateCarGenTreeNode ( cargen ) ;
if ( cargen . Ymap ! = null )
SetYmapHasChanged ( true ) ;
catch { }
private void OnWorldPathNodeModified ( YndNode node , YndLink link )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { OnWorldPathNodeModified ( node , link ) ; } ) ) ;
if ( node ? . Ynd = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( ! YndExistsInProject ( node . Ynd ) )
node . Ynd . HasChanged = true ;
AddYndToProject ( node . Ynd ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectPathNodeTreeNode ( node ) ;
if ( node ! = CurrentPathNode )
CurrentPathNode = node ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectPathNodeTreeNode ( node ) ;
//////if (link != CurrentPathLink)
////// CurrentPathLink = link;
////// ShowEditYndLinkPanel(false);
if ( node = = CurrentPathNode )
ShowEditYndNodePanel ( false ) ;
if ( node . Ynd ! = null )
SetYndHasChanged ( true ) ;
catch { }
private void OnWorldNavPolyModified ( YnvPoly poly )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { OnWorldNavPolyModified ( poly ) ; } ) ) ;
if ( poly ? . Ynv = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( ! YnvExistsInProject ( poly . Ynv ) )
poly . Ynv . HasChanged = true ;
AddYnvToProject ( poly . Ynv ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectNavPolyTreeNode ( poly ) ;
if ( poly ! = CurrentNavPoly )
CurrentNavPoly = poly ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectNavPolyTreeNode ( poly ) ;
if ( poly = = CurrentNavPoly )
ShowEditYnvPolyPanel ( false ) ;
if ( poly . Ynv ! = null )
SetYnvHasChanged ( true ) ;
catch { }
private void OnWorldTrainNodeModified ( TrainTrackNode node )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { OnWorldTrainNodeModified ( node ) ; } ) ) ;
if ( node ? . Track = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( ! TrainTrackExistsInProject ( node . Track ) )
node . Track . HasChanged = true ;
AddTrainTrackToProject ( node . Track ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectTrainNodeTreeNode ( node ) ;
if ( node ! = CurrentTrainNode )
CurrentTrainNode = node ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectTrainNodeTreeNode ( node ) ;
if ( node = = CurrentTrainNode )
ShowEditTrainNodePanel ( false ) ;
if ( node . Track ! = null )
SetTrainTrackHasChanged ( true ) ;
catch { }
private void OnWorldScenarioNodeModified ( ScenarioNode node )
if ( InvokeRequired )
BeginInvoke ( new Action ( ( ) = > { OnWorldScenarioNodeModified ( node ) ; } ) ) ;
if ( node ? . Ymt = = null ) return ;
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
if ( ! ScenarioExistsInProject ( node . Ymt ) )
node . Ymt . HasChanged = true ;
AddScenarioToProject ( node . Ymt ) ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( node ) ;
if ( node ! = CurrentScenarioNode )
CurrentScenarioNode = node ;
ProjectExplorer ? . TrySelectScenarioNodeTreeNode ( node ) ;
if ( node = = CurrentScenarioNode )
ShowEditScenarioNodePanel ( false ) ;
if ( node ? . Ymt ! = null )
SetScenarioHasChanged ( true ) ;
catch { }
public Vector3 GetSpawnPos ( float dist )
Vector3 pos = Vector3 . Zero ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
Vector3 campos = WorldForm . GetCameraPosition ( ) ;
Vector3 camdir = WorldForm . GetCameraViewDir ( ) ;
pos = campos + camdir * dist ;
return pos ;
public void SetProjectHasChanged ( bool changed )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null ) return ;
CurrentProjectFile . HasChanged = changed ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetProjectHasChanged ( changed ) ;
UpdateFormTitleText ( ) ;
public void SetYmapHasChanged ( bool changed )
if ( CurrentYmapFile = = null ) return ;
bool changechange = changed ! = CurrentYmapFile . HasChanged ;
if ( ! changechange ) return ;
CurrentYmapFile . HasChanged = changed ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetYmapHasChanged ( CurrentYmapFile , changed ) ;
PromoteIfPreviewPanelActive ( ) ;
public void SetYtypHasChanged ( bool changed )
if ( CurrentYtypFile = = null ) return ;
bool changechange = changed ! = CurrentYtypFile . HasChanged ;
if ( ! changechange ) return ;
CurrentYtypFile . HasChanged = changed ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetYtypHasChanged ( CurrentYtypFile , changed ) ;
PromoteIfPreviewPanelActive ( ) ;
public void SetYndHasChanged ( bool changed )
if ( CurrentYndFile = = null ) return ;
bool changechange = changed ! = CurrentYndFile . HasChanged ;
if ( ! changechange ) return ;
CurrentYndFile . HasChanged = changed ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetYndHasChanged ( CurrentYndFile , changed ) ;
PromoteIfPreviewPanelActive ( ) ;
public void SetYnvHasChanged ( bool changed )
if ( CurrentYnvFile = = null ) return ;
bool changechange = changed ! = CurrentYnvFile . HasChanged ;
if ( ! changechange ) return ;
CurrentYnvFile . HasChanged = changed ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetYnvHasChanged ( CurrentYnvFile , changed ) ;
PromoteIfPreviewPanelActive ( ) ;
public void SetTrainTrackHasChanged ( bool changed )
if ( CurrentTrainTrack = = null ) return ;
bool changechange = changed ! = CurrentTrainTrack . HasChanged ;
if ( ! changechange ) return ;
CurrentTrainTrack . HasChanged = changed ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetTrainTrackHasChanged ( CurrentTrainTrack , changed ) ;
PromoteIfPreviewPanelActive ( ) ;
public void SetScenarioHasChanged ( bool changed )
if ( CurrentScenario = = null ) return ;
bool changechange = changed ! = CurrentScenario . HasChanged ;
if ( ! changechange ) return ;
CurrentScenario . HasChanged = changed ;
ProjectExplorer ? . SetScenarioHasChanged ( CurrentScenario , changed ) ;
PromoteIfPreviewPanelActive ( ) ;
public RpfFileEntry FindParentYmapEntry ( uint hash )
if ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null )
foreach ( var ymap in CurrentProjectFile . YmapFiles )
if ( ( ymap . _CMapData . name . Hash = = hash ) | | ( JenkHash . GenHash ( Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( ymap . Name ) ) = = hash ) )
return ymap . RpfFileEntry ;
if ( ( GameFileCache ! = null ) & & ( GameFileCache . IsInited ) )
return GameFileCache . GetYmapEntry ( hash ) ;
return null ;
//######## Private methods
private void LoadYmapFromFile ( YmapFile ymap , string filename )
byte [ ] data = File . ReadAllBytes ( filename ) ;
ymap . Load ( data ) ;
GameFileCache . InitYmapEntityArchetypes ( ymap ) ; //this needs to be done after calling YmapFile.Load()
private void LoadYtypFromFile ( YtypFile ytyp , string filename )
byte [ ] data = File . ReadAllBytes ( filename ) ;
ytyp . Load ( data ) ;
private void LoadYndFromFile ( YndFile ynd , string filename )
byte [ ] data = File . ReadAllBytes ( filename ) ;
ynd . Load ( data ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdatePathYndGraphics ( ynd , true ) ; //links don't get drawn until something changes otherwise
//note: this is actually necessary to properly populate junctions data........
private void LoadYnvFromFile ( YnvFile ynv , string filename ) //TODO!
private void LoadTrainTrackFromFile ( TrainTrack track , string filename )
byte [ ] data = File . ReadAllBytes ( filename ) ;
string fname = new FileInfo ( filename ) . Name ;
track . Load ( data ) ;
track . Name = fname ;
track . FilePath = filename ;
track . RpfFileEntry . Name = fname ;
track . RpfFileEntry . NameLower = fname . ToLowerInvariant ( ) ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . UpdateTrainTrackGraphics ( track , true ) ; //links don't get drawn until something changes otherwise
private void LoadScenarioFromFile ( YmtFile ymt , string filename )
byte [ ] data = File . ReadAllBytes ( filename ) ;
ymt . LoadRSC ( data ) ;
private void LoadProjectUI ( )
RefreshProjectUI ( ) ;
UpdateFormTitleText ( ) ;
LoadProjectTree ( ) ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
private void LoadProjectTree ( )
ProjectExplorer ? . LoadProjectTree ( CurrentProjectFile ) ;
private void UpdateFormTitleText ( )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
Text = "Project - CodeWalker by dexyfex" ;
Text = CurrentProjectFile . Name + " - CodeWalker by dexyfex" ;
private void RefreshProjectUI ( )
bool enable = ( CurrentProjectFile ! = null ) ;
FileCloseProjectMenu . Enabled = enable ;
FileSaveProjectMenu . Enabled = enable ;
FileSaveProjectAsMenu . Enabled = enable ;
private void RefreshUI ( )
RefreshYmapUI ( ) ;
RefreshEntityUI ( ) ;
RefreshCarGenUI ( ) ;
RefreshYtypUI ( ) ;
RefreshYndUI ( ) ;
RefreshYnvUI ( ) ;
RefreshTrainTrackUI ( ) ;
RefreshScenarioUI ( ) ;
SetCurrentSaveItem ( ) ;
private void RefreshYmapUI ( )
bool enable = ( CurrentYmapFile ! = null ) ;
bool inproj = YmapExistsInProject ( CurrentYmapFile ) ;
YmapNewEntityMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
YmapNewCarGenMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
if ( CurrentYmapFile ! = null )
YmapNameMenu . Text = "(" + CurrentYmapFile . Name + ")" ;
YmapNameMenu . Text = "(No .ymap file selected)" ;
YmapAddToProjectMenu . Enabled = enable & & ! inproj ;
YmapRemoveFromProjectMenu . Enabled = inproj ;
YmapMenu . Visible = enable ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . EnableYmapUI ( enable , CurrentYmapFile ? . Name ? ? "" ) ;
private void RefreshEntityUI ( )
//bool enable = (CurrentEntity != null);
//bool isinproj = false;
//if (CurrentEntity != null)
// isinproj = YmapExistsInProject(CurrentEntity.Ymap);
//EntityAddToProjectButton.Enabled = !isinproj;
//EntityDeleteButton.Enabled = isinproj;
private void RefreshCarGenUI ( )
//bool enable = (CurrentCarGen != null);
//bool isinproj = false;
//if (CurrentCarGen != null)
// isinproj = YmapExistsInProject(CurrentCarGen.Ymap);
//CarAddToProjectButton.Enabled = !isinproj;
//CarDeleteButton.Enabled = isinproj;
private void RefreshYtypUI ( )
bool enable = ( CurrentYtypFile ! = null ) ;
bool inproj = YtypExistsInProject ( CurrentYtypFile ) ;
YtypNewArchetypeMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
if ( CurrentYtypFile ! = null )
YtypNameMenu . Text = "(" + CurrentYtypFile . Name + ")" ;
YtypNameMenu . Text = "(No .ytyp file selected)" ;
YtypAddToProjectMenu . Enabled = enable & & ! inproj ;
YtypRemoveFromProjectMenu . Enabled = inproj ;
YtypMenu . Visible = enable ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
//WorldForm.EnableYtypUI(enable, CurrentYtypFile?.Name ?? "");
private void RefreshYndUI ( )
bool enable = ( CurrentYndFile ! = null ) ;
bool inproj = YndExistsInProject ( CurrentYndFile ) ;
YndNewNodeMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
if ( CurrentYndFile ! = null )
YndNameMenu . Text = "(" + CurrentYndFile . Name + ")" ;
YndNameMenu . Text = "(No .ynd file selected)" ;
YndAddToProjectMenu . Enabled = enable & & ! inproj ;
YndRemoveFromProjectMenu . Enabled = inproj ;
YndMenu . Visible = enable ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . EnableYndUI ( enable , CurrentYndFile ? . Name ? ? "" ) ;
private void RefreshYnvUI ( )
bool enable = ( CurrentYnvFile ! = null ) ;
bool inproj = YnvExistsInProject ( CurrentYnvFile ) ;
YnvNewPolygonMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
if ( CurrentYnvFile ! = null )
YnvNameMenu . Text = "(" + CurrentYnvFile . Name + ")" ;
YnvNameMenu . Text = "(No .ynv file selected)" ;
YnvAddToProjectMenu . Enabled = enable & & ! inproj ;
YnvRemoveFromProjectMenu . Enabled = inproj ;
YnvMenu . Visible = enable ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . EnableYnvUI ( enable , CurrentYnvFile ? . Name ? ? "" ) ;
private void RefreshTrainTrackUI ( )
bool enable = ( CurrentTrainTrack ! = null ) ;
bool inproj = TrainTrackExistsInProject ( CurrentTrainTrack ) ;
TrainsNewNodeMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
if ( CurrentTrainTrack ! = null )
TrainsNameMenu . Text = "(" + CurrentTrainTrack . Name + ")" ;
TrainsNameMenu . Text = "(No train track selected)" ;
TrainsAddToProjectMenu . Enabled = enable & & ! inproj ;
TrainsRemoveFromProjectMenu . Enabled = inproj ;
TrainsMenu . Visible = enable ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . EnableTrainsUI ( enable , CurrentTrainTrack ? . Name ? ? "" ) ;
private void RefreshScenarioUI ( )
bool enable = ( CurrentScenario ! = null ) ;
bool inproj = ScenarioExistsInProject ( CurrentScenario ) ;
ScenarioNewPointMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
ScenarioNewPointFromSelectedMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj & & ( CurrentScenarioNode ! = null ) ;
ScenarioNewEntityOverrideMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
ScenarioNewChainMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
ScenarioNewClusterMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
ScenarioImportChainMenu . Enabled = enable & & inproj ;
if ( CurrentScenario ! = null )
ScenarioNameMenu . Text = "(" + CurrentScenario . Name + ")" ;
ScenarioNameMenu . Text = "(No scenario region selected)" ;
ScenarioAddToProjectMenu . Enabled = enable & & ! inproj ;
ScenarioRemoveFromProjectMenu . Enabled = inproj ;
ScenarioMenu . Visible = enable ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . EnableScenarioUI ( enable , CurrentScenario ? . Name ? ? "" ) ;
private void SetCurrentSaveItem ( )
string filename = null ;
if ( CurrentYmapFile ! = null )
filename = CurrentYmapFile . RpfFileEntry ? . Name ;
else if ( CurrentYtypFile ! = null )
filename = CurrentYtypFile . RpfFileEntry ? . Name ;
else if ( CurrentYndFile ! = null )
filename = CurrentYndFile . RpfFileEntry ? . Name ;
else if ( CurrentYnvFile ! = null )
filename = CurrentYnvFile . RpfFileEntry ? . Name ;
else if ( CurrentTrainTrack ! = null )
filename = CurrentTrainTrack . RpfFileEntry ? . Name ;
else if ( CurrentScenario ! = null )
filename = CurrentScenario . RpfFileEntry ? . Name ;
bool enable = ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filename ) ;
if ( enable )
FileSaveItemMenu . Text = "Save " + filename ;
FileSaveItemAsMenu . Text = "Save " + filename + " As..." ;
ToolbarSaveButton . Text = "Save " + filename ;
FileSaveItemMenu . Text = "Save" ;
FileSaveItemAsMenu . Text = "Save As..." ;
ToolbarSaveButton . Text = "Save" ;
FileSaveItemMenu . Tag = filename ;
FileSaveItemAsMenu . Tag = filename ;
FileSaveItemMenu . Enabled = enable ;
FileSaveItemMenu . Visible = enable ;
FileSaveItemAsMenu . Enabled = enable ;
FileSaveItemAsMenu . Visible = enable ;
ToolbarSaveButton . Enabled = enable ;
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . SetCurrentSaveItem ( filename ) ;
private string ShowSaveDialog ( string filter , string filename )
SaveFileDialog . FileName = filename ;
SaveFileDialog . Filter = filter ;
if ( SaveFileDialog . ShowDialog ( this ) ! = DialogResult . OK )
return string . Empty ;
return SaveFileDialog . FileName ;
private string ShowOpenDialog ( string filter , string filename )
OpenFileDialog . FileName = filename ;
OpenFileDialog . Filter = filter ;
OpenFileDialog . Multiselect = false ;
if ( OpenFileDialog . ShowDialog ( this ) ! = DialogResult . OK )
return string . Empty ;
return OpenFileDialog . FileName ;
private string [ ] ShowOpenDialogMulti ( string filter , string filename )
OpenFileDialog . FileName = filename ;
OpenFileDialog . Filter = filter ;
OpenFileDialog . Multiselect = true ;
if ( OpenFileDialog . ShowDialog ( this ) ! = DialogResult . OK )
return null ;
return OpenFileDialog . FileNames ;
//######## events
private void ProjectForm_FormClosing ( object sender , FormClosingEventArgs e )
CloseProject ( ) ;
private void ProjectForm_FormClosed ( object sender , FormClosedEventArgs e )
if ( WorldForm ! = null )
WorldForm . OnProjectFormClosed ( ) ;
private void ProjectExplorer_OnItemSelected ( object item )
ShowProjectItem ( item , false ) ;
private void ProjectExplorer_OnItemActivated ( object item )
//promote from preview panel to full panel...
ShowProjectItem ( item , true ) ;
private void MainDockPanel_ActiveContentChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! ShowProjectItemInProcess )
var panel = MainDockPanel . ActiveContent as ProjectPanel ;
if ( panel ! = null )
MainDockPanel . DefaultFloatWindowSize = panel . Size ;
if ( panel ? . Tag ! = null )
SetProjectItem ( panel . Tag ) ;
RefreshUI ( ) ;
private void MainDockPanel_DocumentDragged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
PromoteIfPreviewPanel ( MainDockPanel . ActiveContent ) ;
private void FileNewProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewProject ( ) ;
private void FileNewYmapMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewYmap ( ) ;
private void FileNewYtypMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewYtyp ( ) ;
private void FileNewYndMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewYnd ( ) ;
private void FileNewYnvMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewYnv ( ) ;
private void FileNewTrainsMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewTrainTrack ( ) ;
private void FileNewScenarioMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewScenario ( ) ;
private void FileOpenProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenProject ( ) ;
private void FileOpenYmapMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenYmap ( ) ;
private void FileOpenYtypMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenYtyp ( ) ;
private void FileOpenYndMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenYnd ( ) ;
private void FileOpenYnvMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenYnv ( ) ;
private void FileOpenTrainsMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenTrainTrack ( ) ;
private void FileOpenScenarioMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenScenario ( ) ;
private void FileCloseProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
CloseProject ( ) ;
private void FileSaveProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SaveProject ( ) ;
private void FileSaveProjectAsMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SaveProject ( true ) ;
private void FileSaveItemMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SaveCurrentItem ( ) ;
private void FileSaveItemAsMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SaveCurrentItem ( true ) ;
private void ViewProjectExplorerMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ShowProjectExplorer ( ) ;
private void ViewThemeBlueMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SetTheme ( "Blue" ) ;
private void ViewThemeLightMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SetTheme ( "Light" ) ;
private void ViewThemeDarkMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SetTheme ( "Dark" ) ;
2018-03-03 21:37:55 +08:00
private void YmapNewEntityMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewEntity ( ) ;
private void YmapNewCarGenMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewCarGen ( ) ;
private void YmapAddToProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddYmapToProject ( CurrentYmapFile ) ;
private void YmapRemoveFromProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveYmapFromProject ( ) ;
private void YtypNewArchetypeMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
private void YtypAddToProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddYtypToProject ( CurrentYtypFile ) ;
private void YtypRemoveFromProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveYtypFromProject ( ) ;
private void YndNewNodeMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewPathNode ( ) ;
private void YndAddToProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddYndToProject ( CurrentYndFile ) ;
private void YndRemoveFromProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveYndFromProject ( ) ;
private void YnvNewPolygonMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewNavPoly ( ) ;
private void YnvAddToProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddYnvToProject ( CurrentYnvFile ) ;
private void YnvRemoveFromProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveYnvFromProject ( ) ;
private void TrainsNewNodeMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewTrainNode ( ) ;
private void TrainsAddToProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddTrainTrackToProject ( CurrentTrainTrack ) ;
private void TrainsRemoveFromProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveTrainTrackFromProject ( ) ;
private void ScenarioNewPointMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
CurrentScenarioNode = null ;
NewScenarioNode ( ) ;
private void ScenarioNewPointFromSelectedMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewScenarioNode ( ) ;
private void ScenarioNewEntityOverrideMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddScenarioEntity ( ) ;
private void ScenarioNewChainMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddScenarioChain ( ) ;
private void ScenarioNewClusterMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddScenarioCluster ( ) ;
private void ScenarioImportChainMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ImportScenarioChain ( ) ;
private void ScenarioAddToProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
AddScenarioToProject ( CurrentScenario ) ;
private void ScenarioRemoveFromProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RemoveScenarioFromProject ( ) ;
2018-03-03 21:03:08 +08:00
private void ToolsManifestGeneratorMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
ShowEditProjectManifestPanel ( false ) ;
private void ToolsImportMenyooXmlMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
2018-03-03 21:37:55 +08:00
ImportMenyooXml ( ) ;
2018-03-03 21:03:08 +08:00
private void RenderShowGtavMapMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RenderShowGtavMapMenu . Checked = ! RenderShowGtavMapMenu . Checked ;
hidegtavmap = ! RenderShowGtavMapMenu . Checked ;
private void RenderShowProjectItemsMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
RenderShowProjectItemsMenu . Checked = ! RenderShowProjectItemsMenu . Checked ;
renderitems = RenderShowProjectItemsMenu . Checked ;
private void ToolbarNewButton_ButtonClick ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
NewProject ( ) ;
NewYmap ( ) ;
private void ToolbarNewProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewProject ( ) ;
private void ToolbarNewYmapMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewYmap ( ) ;
private void ToolbarNewYtypMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewYtyp ( ) ;
private void ToolbarNewYndMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewYnd ( ) ;
private void ToolbarNewYnvMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewYnv ( ) ;
private void ToolbarNewTrainsMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewTrainTrack ( ) ;
private void ToolbarNewScenarioMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
NewScenario ( ) ;
private void ToolbarOpenButton_ButtonClick ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( CurrentProjectFile = = null )
OpenProject ( ) ;
OpenYmap ( ) ;
private void ToolbarOpenProjectMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenProject ( ) ;
private void ToolbarOpenYmapMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenYmap ( ) ;
private void ToolbarOpenYtypMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenYtyp ( ) ;
private void ToolbarOpenYndMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenYnd ( ) ;
private void ToolbarOpenYnvMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenYnv ( ) ;
private void ToolbarOpenTrainsMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenTrainTrack ( ) ;
private void ToolbarOpenScenarioMenu_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
OpenScenario ( ) ;
private void ToolbarSaveButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Save ( ) ;
private void ToolbarSaveAllButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
SaveAll ( ) ;