2019-12-04 00:52:22 +11:00
#include "BasicPS.hlsli"
2017-09-21 20:33:05 +10:00
float4 main(VS_OUTPUT input) : SV_TARGET
float4 c = float4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
if (RenderMode == 0) c = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
2019-02-20 20:56:04 +11:00
if (EnableTexture > 0)
2017-09-21 20:33:05 +10:00
float2 texc = input.Texcoord0;
if (RenderMode >= 5)
if (RenderSamplerCoord == 2) texc = input.Texcoord1;
else if (RenderSamplerCoord == 3) texc = input.Texcoord2;
c = Colourmap.Sample(TextureSS, texc);
2019-02-20 20:56:04 +11:00
if (EnableTexture > 1) //2+ enables diffuse2
2019-02-20 10:41:00 +01:00
float4 c2 = Colourmap2.Sample(TextureSS, input.Texcoord1);
c = c2.a * c2 + (1 - c2.a) * c;
2019-11-27 12:56:34 +11:00
if (EnableTint == 2)
//weapon tint
float tx = (round(c.a * 255.009995) - 32.0) * 0.007813; //okay R* this is just silly
float ty = 0.03125 * 0.5;// //1;//what to use for Y value? cb12[2].w in R* shader
float4 c3 = TintPalette.Sample(TextureSS, float2(tx, ty));
c.rgb *= c3.rgb;
c.a = 1;
2019-02-20 10:41:00 +01:00
2017-09-21 20:33:05 +10:00
if (IsDistMap) c = float4(c.rgb*2, (c.r+c.g+c.b) - 1);
if ((IsDecal == 0) && (c.a <= 0.33)) discard;
if ((IsDecal == 1) && (c.a <= 0.0)) discard;
if(IsDecal==0) c.a = 1;
2018-03-07 22:24:37 +11:00
if (IsDecal == 2)
float4 mask = TextureAlphaMask * c;
c.a = saturate(mask.r + mask.g + mask.b + mask.a);
c.rgb = 0;
2017-09-21 20:33:05 +10:00
c.a = saturate(c.a*AlphaScale);
2019-11-27 12:56:34 +11:00
if (EnableTint == 1)
2017-09-21 20:33:05 +10:00
c.rgb *= input.Tint.rgb;
if (IsDecal == 1)
c.a *= input.Colour0.a;
float3 norm = normalize(input.Normal);
if (RenderMode == 1) //normals
c.rgb = norm*0.5+0.5;
else if (RenderMode == 2) //tangents
c.rgb = normalize(input.Tangent.rgb)*0.5+0.5;
else if (RenderMode == 3) //colours
c.rgb = input.Colour0.rgb;
if (RenderModeIndex == 2) c.rgb = input.Colour1.rgb;
else if (RenderMode == 4) //texcoords
c.rgb = float3(input.Texcoord0, 0);
if (RenderModeIndex == 2) c.rgb = float3(input.Texcoord1, 0);
if (RenderModeIndex == 3) c.rgb = float3(input.Texcoord2, 0);
float3 spec = 0;
if (RenderMode == 0)
float4 nv = Bumpmap.Sample(TextureSS, input.Texcoord0); //sample r1.xyzw, v2.xyxx, t3.xyzw, s3 (BumpSampler)
float4 sv = Specmap.Sample(TextureSS, input.Texcoord0); //sample r2.xyzw, v2.xyxx, t4.xyzw, s4 (SpecSampler)
float2 nmv = nv.xy;
float4 r0 = 0, r1, r2, r3;
if (EnableNormalMap)
if (EnableDetailMap)
//detail normalmapp
r0.xy = input.Texcoord0 * detailSettings.zw; //mul r0.xy, v2.xyxx, detailSettings.zwzz
r0.zw = r0.xy * 3.17; //mul r0.zw, r0.xxxy, l(0.000000, 0.000000, 3.170000, 3.170000)
r0.xy = Detailmap.Sample(TextureSS, r0.xy).xy - 0.5; //sample r1.xyzw, r0.xyxx, t2.xyzw, s2 (DetailSampler) //mad r0.xy, r1.xyxx, l(2.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), l(-1.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
r0.zw = Detailmap.Sample(TextureSS, r0.zw).xy - 0.5; //sample r1.xyzw, r0.zwzz, t2.xyzw, s2 (DetailSampler) //mad r0.zw, r1.xxxy, l(0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000), l(0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000) //r0.zw = r0.zw*0.5; //mul r0.zw, r0.zzzw, l(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000, 0.500000)
r0.xy = r0.xy + r0.zw; //mad r0.xy, r0.xyxx, l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000, 0.000000), r0.zwzz
r0.yz = r0.xy * detailSettings.y; //mul r0.yz, r0.xxyx, detailSettings.yyyy
//r0.x = -r0.x*detailSettings.x; //mul r0.x, -r0.x, detailSettings.x
nmv = r0.yz*sv.w + nv.xy; //mad r0.yz, r0.yyzy, r2.wwww, r1.xxyx //add detail to normal, using specmap(!)
norm = NormalMap(nmv, bumpiness, input.Normal.xyz, input.Tangent.xyz, input.Bitangent.xyz);
if (EnableSpecMap == 0)
sv = float4(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1);
float r1y = norm.z - 0.35; ////r1.y = r0.w*r1.x - 0.35; //mad r1.y, r0.w, r1.x, l(-0.350000)
float3 globalScalars = float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
float globalScalars2z = 1;// 0.65; //wet darkness?
float wetness = 0;// 10.0;
r0.x = 0;// .5;
r0.z = 1 - globalScalars2z; //add r0.z, -globalScalars2.z, l(1.000000)
r0.y = saturate(r1y*1.538462); //mul_sat r0.y, r1.y, l(1.538462)
r0.y = r0.y * wetness; //mul r0.y, r0.y, gDynamicBakesAndWetness.z
r0.y = r0.y * r0.z; //mul r0.y, r0.z, r0.y
r1.yz = input.Colour0.xy * globalScalars.zy; //mul r1.yz, v1.xxyx, globalScalars.zzyz //vertex.colour0
r0.y = r0.y * r1.y; //mul r0.y, r0.y, r1.y
r0.x = r0.x * sv.w + 1.0; //mad r0.x, r0.x, r2.w, l(1.000000)
sv.xy = sv.xy*sv.xy; //mul r2.xy, r2.xyxx, r2.xyxx
r0.z = sv.w * specularFalloffMult; //mul r0.z, r2.w, specularFalloffMult
r3.y = r0.z * 0.001953125; //mul r3.y, r0.z, l(0.001953) (1/512)
r0.z = dot(sv.xyz, specMapIntMask); //dp3 r0.z, r2.xyzx, specMapIntMask.xyzx
r0.z = r0.z*specularIntensityMult; //mul r0.z, r0.z, specularIntensityMult
r3.x = r0.x * r0.z; //mul r3.x, r0.x, r0.z
r0.z = saturate(r0.z*r0.x + 0.4); //mad_sat r0.z, r0.z, r0.x, l(0.400000)
//sv.xy = r0.z*float2(0.5, 0.488281); //mul r2.xy, r0.zzzz, l(0.500000, 0.488281, 0.000000, 0.000000)
r0.z = 1 - r3.x*0.5; //mad r0.z, -r3.x, l(0.500000), l(1.000000)
r0.z = r0.z * r0.y; //mul r0.z, r0.z, r0.y
r0.y = r0.y * wetnessMultiplier; //mul r0.y, r0.y, wetnessMultiplier
r0.z = 1 - r0.z*0.5; //mad r0.z, r0.z, l(-0.500000), l(1.000000)
float3 tc = c.rgb * r0.x;
c.rgb = tc * r0.z; //diffuse factors...
float3 incident = normalize(input.CamRelPos);
float3 refl = normalize(reflect(incident, norm));
float specb = saturate(dot(refl, GlobalLights.LightDir));
float specp = max(exp(specb * 10) - 1, 0);
spec += GlobalLights.LightDirColour.rgb * 0.00006 * specp * r0.z * sv.x * specularIntensityMult;// ((specularIntensityMult != 0) ? 1 : 0);
if (SpecOnly == 1)
c.a *= (EnableSpecMap == 0) ? nv.a : saturate(specp);
float4 fc = c;
c.rgb = FullLighting(c.rgb, spec, norm, input.Colour0, GlobalLights, EnableShadows, input.Shadows.x, input.LightShadow);
if (IsEmissive==1)
c.rgb += fc.rgb;
//c.rgb = max(c.rgb, 0);
c.a = saturate(c.a);
return c;
//mul r0.xy, v2.xyxx, detailSettings.zwzz
//mul r0.zw, r0.xxxy, l(0.000000, 0.000000, 3.170000, 3.170000)
//sample r1.xyzw, r0.xyxx, t2.xyzw, s2 (DetailSampler)
//mad r0.xy, r1.xyxx, l(2.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), l(-1.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
//sample r1.xyzw, r0.zwzz, t2.xyzw, s2 (DetailSampler)
//mad r0.zw, r1.xxxy, l(0.000000, 0.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000), l(0.000000, 0.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000)
//mul r0.zw, r0.zzzw, l(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.500000, 0.500000)
//mad r0.xy, r0.xyxx, l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000, 0.000000), r0.zwzz
//mul r0.yz, r0.xxyx, detailSettings.yyyy
//mul r0.x, -r0.x, detailSettings.x
//sample r1.xyzw, v2.xyxx, t3.xyzw, s3 (BumpSampler)
//sample r2.xyzw, v2.xyxx, t4.xyzw, s4 (SpecSampler)
//mad r0.yz, r0.yyzy, r2.wwww, r1.xxyx
//mad r0.yz, r0.yyzy, l(0.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000), l(0.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000)
//max r0.w, bumpiness, l(0.001000)
//mul r1.xy, r0.wwww, r0.yzyy
//dp2 r0.y, r0.yzyy, r0.yzyy
//add r0.y, -r0.y, l(1.000000)
//sqrt r0.y, |r0.y|
//mul r1.yzw, r1.yyyy, v5.xxyz
//mad r1.xyz, r1.xxxx, v4.xyzx, r1.yzwy
//mad r0.yzw, r0.yyyy, v3.xxyz, r1.xxyz
//dp3 r1.x, r0.yzwy, r0.yzwy
//rsq r1.x, r1.x
//mad r1.y, r0.w, r1.x, l(-0.350000)
//mul r0.yzw, r0.yyzw, r1.xxxx
//mad o1.xyz, r0.yzwy, l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000), l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000)
//add r0.z, -globalScalars2.z, l(1.000000)
//mul_sat r0.y, r1.y, l(1.538462)
//mul r0.y, r0.y, gDynamicBakesAndWetness.z
//mul r0.y, r0.z, r0.y
//mul r1.yz, v1.xxyx, globalScalars.zzyz
//mul r0.y, r0.y, r1.y
//mad r0.x, r0.x, r2.w, l(1.000000)
//mul r2.xy, r2.xyxx, r2.xyxx
//mul r0.z, r2.w, specularFalloffMult
//mul r3.y, r0.z, l(0.001953)
//dp3 r0.z, r2.xyzx, specMapIntMask.xyzx
//mul r0.z, r0.z, specularIntensityMult
//mul r3.x, r0.x, r0.z
//mad_sat r0.z, r0.z, r0.x, l(0.400000)
//mul r2.xy, r0.zzzz, l(0.500000, 0.488281, 0.000000, 0.000000)
//mad r0.z, -r3.x, l(0.500000), l(1.000000)
//mul r0.z, r0.z, r0.y
//mul r0.y, r0.y, wetnessMultiplier
//mad r0.z, r0.z, l(-0.500000), l(1.000000)
//sample r4.xyzw, v2.xyxx, t0.xyzw, s0 //DiffuseSampler
//mul r4.xyzw, r0.xxxx, r4.xyzw
//mul o0.xyz, r0.zzzz, r4.xyzx
//mul r0.x, r4.w, v1.w
//mul o0.w, r0.x, globalScalars.x
//add r0.x, wetnessMultiplier, l(-0.200000)
//mul_sat r0.x, r0.x, l(10.000000)
//mad_sat r0.z, v3.z, l(128.000000), l(-127.000000)
//mul o1.w, r0.x, r0.z
//mov r2.z, l(0.970000)
//mov r3.z, specularFresnel
//add r0.xzw, r2.xxyz, -r3.xxyz
//max r0.xzw, r0.xxzw, l(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
//mad r0.xyz, r0.xzwx, r0.yyyy, r3.xyzx
//sqrt o2.xy, r0.xyxx
//mov o2.z, r0.z
//mov o2.w, l(1.000000)
//mad r1.x, v1.x, globalScalars.z, gLightArtificialIntAmbient0.w
//mul r0.xy, r1.xzxx, l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
//sqrt o3.xy, r0.xyxx
//mov o3.zw, l(0,0,0,1.001884)
max r0.x, bumpiness, l(0.001000) //cb12[1].w
sample r1.xyzw, v2.xyxx, BumpSampler.xyzw, s2
mad r0.yz, r1.xxyx, l(0.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000), l(0.000000, -1.000000, -1.000000, 0.000000)
mul r0.xw, r0.xxxx, r0.yyyz
dp2 r0.y, r0.yzyy, r0.yzyy
add r0.y, -r0.y, l(1.000000)
sqrt r0.y, |r0.y|
mul r1.xyz, r0.wwww, v5.xyzx
mad r0.xzw, r0.xxxx, v4.xxyz, r1.xxyz
mad r0.xyz, r0.yyyy, v3.xyzx, r0.xzwx
dp3 r0.w, r0.xyzx, r0.xyzx
rsq r0.w, r0.w
mad r1.x, r0.z, r0.w, l(-0.350000)
mul r0.xyz, r0.wwww, r0.xyzx
mad o1.xyz, r0.xyzx, l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000), l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000)
mul_sat r0.x, r1.x, l(1.538462)
mul r0.x, r0.x, gDynamicBakesAndWetness.z //cb5[3].z
add r0.y, -globalScalars2.z, l(1.000000) //cb2[12].z
mul r0.x, r0.y, r0.x
mul r1.yz, v1.xxyx, globalScalars.zzyz //vertex.colour0, cb2[11].zzyz
mul r0.x, r0.x, r1.y
sample r2.xyzw, v2.xyxx, SpecSampler.xyzw, s3
mul r2.xy, r2.xyxx, r2.xyxx
mul r0.y, r2.w, specularFalloffMult //cb12[0].y
mul r3.y, r0.y, l(0.001953)
dp3 r0.y, r2.xyzx, specMapIntMask.xyzx //cb12[1].xyzx
mul r3.x, r0.y, specularIntensityMult //cb12[0].z
mad_sat r0.y, r0.y, specularIntensityMult, l(0.400000) //cb12[0].z
mul r2.xy, r0.yyyy, l(0.500000, 0.488281, 0.000000, 0.000000)
mad r0.y, -r3.x, l(0.500000), l(1.000000)
mul r0.y, r0.y, r0.x
mul r0.x, r0.x, wetnessMultiplier; //cb12[2].x
mad r0.y, r0.y, l(-0.500000), l(1.000000)
sample r4.xyzw, v2.xyxx, DiffuseSampler.xyzw, s0
mul o0.xyz, r0.yyyy, r4.xyzx
mul r0.y, r4.w, v1.w //vertex.colour0
mul o0.w, r0.y, globalScalars.x //cb2[11].x
add r0.y, wetnessMultiplier, l(-0.200000) //cb12[2].x
mul_sat r0.y, r0.y, l(10.000000)
mad_sat r0.z, v3.z, l(128.000000), l(-127.000000)
mul o1.w, r0.y, r0.z
mov r2.z, l(0.970000)
mov r3.z, specularFresnel //cb12[0].x
add r0.yzw, r2.xxyz, -r3.xxyz
max r0.yzw, r0.yyzw, l(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
mad r0.xyz, r0.yzwy, r0.xxxx, r3.xyzx
sqrt o2.xy, r0.xyxx
mov o2.z, r0.z
mov o2.w, l(1.000000)
mad r1.x, v1.x, globalScalars.z, gLightArtificialIntAmbient0.w //vertex.colour0, cb2[11].z, cb3[45].w
mul r0.xy, r1.xzxx, l(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
sqrt o3.xy, r0.xyxx
mov o3.zw, l(0,0,0,1.001884)
// Approximately 54 instruction slots used
// Generated by Microsoft (R) HLSL Shader Compiler 9.29.952.3111
// Resource Bindings:
// Name Type Format Dim HLSL Bind Count
// ------------------------------ ---------- ------- ----------- -------------- ------
// DiffuseSampler sampler NA NA s0 1
// BumpSampler sampler NA NA s2 1
// SpecSampler sampler NA NA s3 1
// DiffuseSampler texture float4 2d t0 1
// BumpSampler texture float4 2d t2 1
// SpecSampler texture float4 2d t3 1
// misc_globals cbuffer NA NA cb2 1
// lighting_globals cbuffer NA NA cb3 1
// more_stuff cbuffer NA NA cb5 1
// megashader_locals cbuffer NA NA cb12 1
// Buffer Definitions:
// cbuffer misc_globals
// {
// float4 globalFade; // Offset: 0 Size: 16 [unused]
// float globalHeightScale; // Offset: 16 Size: 4 [unused]
// float4 g_Rage_Tessellation_CameraPosition;// Offset: 32 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 g_Rage_Tessellation_CameraZAxis;// Offset: 48 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 g_Rage_Tessellation_ScreenSpaceErrorParams;// Offset: 64 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 g_Rage_Tessellation_LinearScale;// Offset: 80 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 g_Rage_Tessellation_Frustum[4];// Offset: 96 Size: 64 [unused]
// float4 g_Rage_Tessellation_Epsilons;// Offset: 160 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 globalScalars; // Offset: 176 Size: 16
// float4 globalScalars2; // Offset: 192 Size: 16
// float4 globalScalars3; // Offset: 208 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 globalScreenSize; // Offset: 224 Size: 16 [unused]
// uint4 gTargetAAParams; // Offset: 240 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 colorize; // Offset: 256 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gGlobalParticleShadowBias; // Offset: 272 Size: 16 [unused]
// float gGlobalParticleDofAlphaScale;// Offset: 288 Size: 4 [unused]
// float gGlobalFogIntensity; // Offset: 292 Size: 4 [unused]
// float4 gPlayerLFootPos; // Offset: 304 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gPlayerRFootPos; // Offset: 320 Size: 16 [unused]
// }
// cbuffer lighting_globals
// {
// float4 gDirectionalLight; // Offset: 0 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gDirectionalColour; // Offset: 16 Size: 16 [unused]
// int gNumForwardLights; // Offset: 32 Size: 4 [unused]
// float4 gLightPositionAndInvDistSqr[8];// Offset: 48 Size: 128 [unused]
// float4 gLightDirectionAndFalloffExponent[8];// Offset: 176 Size: 128 [unused]
// float4 gLightColourAndCapsuleExtent[8];// Offset: 304 Size: 128 [unused]
// float gLightConeScale[8]; // Offset: 432 Size: 116 [unused]
// float gLightConeOffset[8]; // Offset: 560 Size: 116 [unused]
// float4 gLightNaturalAmbient0; // Offset: 688 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gLightNaturalAmbient1; // Offset: 704 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gLightArtificialIntAmbient0;// Offset: 720 Size: 16
// float4 gLightArtificialIntAmbient1;// Offset: 736 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gLightArtificialExtAmbient0;// Offset: 752 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gLightArtificialExtAmbient1;// Offset: 768 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gDirectionalAmbientColour; // Offset: 784 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 globalFogParams[5]; // Offset: 800 Size: 80 [unused]
// float4 globalFogColor; // Offset: 880 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 globalFogColorE; // Offset: 896 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 globalFogColorN; // Offset: 912 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 globalFogColorMoon; // Offset: 928 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gReflectionTweaks; // Offset: 944 Size: 16 [unused]
// }
// cbuffer more_stuff
// {
// float4 gEntitySelectColor[2]; // Offset: 0 Size: 32 [unused]
// float4 gAmbientOcclusionEffect; // Offset: 32 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gDynamicBakesAndWetness; // Offset: 48 Size: 16
// float4 gAlphaRefVec0; // Offset: 64 Size: 16 [unused]
// float4 gAlphaRefVec1; // Offset: 80 Size: 16 [unused]
// float gAlphaTestRef; // Offset: 96 Size: 4 [unused]
// bool gTreesUseDiscard; // Offset: 100 Size: 4 [unused]
// float gReflectionMipCount; // Offset: 104 Size: 4 [unused]
// bool gUseTransparencyAA; // Offset: 108 Size: 4 [unused]
// bool gUseFogRay; // Offset: 112 Size: 4 [unused]
// }
// cbuffer megashader_locals
// {
// float specularFresnel; // Offset: 0 Size: 4
// float specularFalloffMult; // Offset: 4 Size: 4
// float specularIntensityMult; // Offset: 8 Size: 4
// float3 specMapIntMask; // Offset: 16 Size: 12
// float bumpiness; // Offset: 28 Size: 4
// float wetnessMultiplier; // Offset: 32 Size: 4
// float useTessellation; // Offset: 36 Size: 4 [unused]
// float HardAlphaBlend; // Offset: 40 Size: 4 [unused]
// }
// Input signature:
// Name Index Mask Register SysValue Format Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// SV_Position 0 xyzw 0 POS float
// COLOR 0 xyzw 1 NONE float xy w
// TEXCOORD 0 xy 2 NONE float xy
// TEXCOORD 1 xyz 3 NONE float xyz
// TEXCOORD 4 xyz 4 NONE float xyz
// TEXCOORD 5 xyz 5 NONE float xyz
// Output signature:
// Name Index Mask Register SysValue Format Used
// -------------------- ----- ------ -------- -------- ------- ------
// SV_Target 0 xyzw 0 TARGET float xyzw
// SV_Target 1 xyzw 1 TARGET float xyzw
// SV_Target 2 xyzw 2 TARGET float xyzw
// SV_Target 3 xyzw 3 TARGET float xyzw
dcl_constantbuffer CB2[13], immediateIndexed
dcl_constantbuffer CB3[46], immediateIndexed
dcl_constantbuffer CB5[4], immediateIndexed
dcl_constantbuffer CB12[3], immediateIndexed
dcl_sampler s0, mode_default
dcl_sampler s2, mode_default
dcl_sampler s3, mode_default
dcl_resource_texture2d (float,float,float,float) t0
dcl_resource_texture2d (float,float,float,float) t2
dcl_resource_texture2d (float,float,float,float) t3
dcl_input_ps linear v1.xyw
dcl_input_ps linear v2.xy
dcl_input_ps linear v3.xyz
dcl_input_ps linear v4.xyz
dcl_input_ps linear v5.xyz
dcl_output o0.xyzw
dcl_output o1.xyzw
dcl_output o2.xyzw
dcl_output o3.xyzw
dcl_temps 5