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synced 2025-03-03 07:52:57 +08:00
618 lines
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618 lines
25 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CodeWalker.GameFiles;
using CodeWalker.World;
using SharpDX.Direct3D11;
using SharpDX;
using System.IO;
namespace CodeWalker.Rendering
public struct WidgetShaderSceneVars
public Matrix ViewProj;
public uint Mode; //0=Vertices, 1=Arc
public float Size; //world units
public float SegScale; //arc angle / number of segments
public float SegOffset; //angle offset of arc
public Vector3 CamRel; //center position
public uint CullBack; //culls pixels behind 0,0,0
public Color4 Colour; //colour for arc
public Vector3 Axis1; //axis 1 of arc
public float WidgetPad2;
public Vector3 Axis2; //axis 2 of arc
public float WidgetPad3;
public class WidgetShader : Shader
VertexShader vs;
PixelShader ps;
GpuVarsBuffer<WidgetShaderSceneVars> SceneVars;
GpuCBuffer<WidgetShaderVertex> Vertices;
public WidgetShader(Device device)
byte[] vsbytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Shaders\\WidgetVS.cso");
byte[] psbytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Shaders\\WidgetPS.cso");
vs = new VertexShader(device, vsbytes);
ps = new PixelShader(device, psbytes);
SceneVars = new GpuVarsBuffer<WidgetShaderSceneVars>(device);
Vertices = new GpuCBuffer<WidgetShaderVertex>(device, 150); //should be more than needed....
public void Dispose()
public override void SetShader(DeviceContext context)
public override bool SetInputLayout(DeviceContext context, VertexType type)
context.InputAssembler.InputLayout = null;
context.InputAssembler.SetIndexBuffer(null, SharpDX.DXGI.Format.Unknown, 0);
return true;
public override void SetSceneVars(DeviceContext context, Camera camera, Shadowmap shadowmap, ShaderGlobalLights lights)
SceneVars.Vars.ViewProj = Matrix.Transpose(camera.ViewProjMatrix);
SceneVars.SetVSCBuffer(context, 0);
public override void SetEntityVars(DeviceContext context, ref RenderableInst rend)
public override void SetModelVars(DeviceContext context, RenderableModel model)
public override void SetGeomVars(DeviceContext context, RenderableGeometry geom)
public override void UnbindResources(DeviceContext context)
context.VertexShader.SetConstantBuffer(0, null);
context.VertexShader.SetShaderResource(0, null);
public void DrawDefaultWidget(DeviceContext context, Camera cam, Vector3 camrel, Quaternion ori, float size)
SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
SceneVars.Vars.Mode = 0; //vertices mode
SceneVars.Vars.CamRel = camrel;
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
Vector3 xdir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitX);
Vector3 ydir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitY);
Vector3 zdir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitZ);
Color4 xcolour = new Color4(0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 ycolour = new Color4(0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 zcolour = new Color4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
Vector3[] axes = { xdir, ydir, zdir };
Vector3[] sides = { ydir, xdir, xdir };
Color4[] colours = { xcolour, ycolour, zcolour };
float linestart = 0.0f * size;
float lineend = 1.0f * size;
float arrowstart = 0.9f * size;
float arrowend = 1.0f * size;
float arrowrad = 0.05f * size;
//draw lines...
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
WidgetAxis sa = (WidgetAxis)(1 << i);
Color4 axcol = colours[i];
//main axis lines
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * linestart, axcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * lineend, axcol));
//arrow heads
Vector3 astart = axes[i] * arrowstart;
Vector3 aend = axes[i] * arrowend;
Vector3 aside = sides[i] * arrowrad;
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(aend, axcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(astart + aside, axcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(aend, axcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(astart - aside, axcol));
Vertices.SetVSResource(context, 0);
context.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
context.Draw(Vertices.CurrentCount, 0);
public void DrawPositionWidget(DeviceContext context, Camera cam, Vector3 camrel, Quaternion ori, float size, WidgetAxis selax)
SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
SceneVars.Vars.Mode = 0; //vertices mode
SceneVars.Vars.CamRel = camrel;
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
Vector3 xdir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitX);
Vector3 ydir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitY);
Vector3 zdir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitZ);
Color4 xcolour = new Color4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 ycolour = new Color4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 zcolour = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 selaxcol = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 selplcol = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
Vector3[] axes = { xdir, ydir, zdir };
Vector3[] sides1 = { ydir, zdir, xdir };
Vector3[] sides2 = { zdir, xdir, ydir };
WidgetAxis[] sideax1 = { WidgetAxis.Y, WidgetAxis.Z, WidgetAxis.X };
WidgetAxis[] sideax2 = { WidgetAxis.Z, WidgetAxis.X, WidgetAxis.Y };
Color4[] colours = { xcolour, ycolour, zcolour };
Color4[] coloursdark = { xcolour * 0.5f, ycolour * 0.5f, zcolour * 0.5f };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) coloursdark[i].Alpha = 1.0f;
float linestart = 0.2f * size;
float lineend = 1.0f * size;
float sideval = 0.4f * size;
float arrowstart = 1.0f * size;
float arrowend = 1.33f * size;
float arrowrad = 0.06f * size;
float hexx = 0.5f;
float hexy = 0.86602540378443864676372317075294f; //sqrt(0.75)
Vector2[] arrowv =
new Vector2(-1, 0) * arrowrad,
new Vector2(-hexx, hexy) * arrowrad,
new Vector2(hexx, hexy) * arrowrad,
new Vector2(1, 0) * arrowrad,
new Vector2(hexx, -hexy) * arrowrad,
new Vector2(-hexx, -hexy) * arrowrad,
new Vector2(-1, 0) * arrowrad
//draw lines...
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
WidgetAxis sa = (WidgetAxis)(1 << i);
bool axsel = ((selax & sa) > 0);
Color4 axcol = axsel ? selaxcol : colours[i];
//axis side square lines
Vector3 ax = axes[i] * sideval;
Vector3 s1 = sides1[i] * sideval;
Vector3 s2 = sides2[i] * sideval;
Color4 sc1 = (axsel && ((selax & sideax1[i]) > 0)) ? selaxcol : colours[i];
Color4 sc2 = (axsel && ((selax & sideax2[i]) > 0)) ? selaxcol : colours[i];
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ax, sc1));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ax + s1, sc1));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ax, sc2));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ax + s2, sc2));
//main axis lines - draw after side lines to be on top
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * linestart, axcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * lineend, axcol));
Vertices.SetVSResource(context, 0);
context.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
context.Draw(Vertices.CurrentCount, 0);
//draw triangles...
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//axis arrows - kind of inefficient, but meh
Vector3 aend = axes[i] * arrowend;
Vector3 astart = axes[i] * arrowstart;
for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++)
Vector2 a1 = arrowv[n];
Vector2 a2 = arrowv[n + 1];
Vector3 ap1 = astart + sides1[i] * a1.Y + sides2[i] * a1.X;
Vector3 ap2 = astart + sides1[i] * a2.Y + sides2[i] * a2.X;
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(aend, colours[i]));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ap1, colours[i]));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ap2, colours[i]));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(astart, coloursdark[i]));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ap2, coloursdark[i]));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ap1, coloursdark[i]));
//selection planes
WidgetAxis sa = (WidgetAxis)(1 << i);
if (((selax & sa) > 0))
Vector3 ax = axes[i] * sideval;
for (int n = i + 1; n < 3; n++)
WidgetAxis tsa = (WidgetAxis)(1 << n);
if (((selax & tsa) > 0))
Vector3 tax = axes[n] * sideval;
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(Vector3.Zero, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ax, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(tax, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(tax + ax, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(tax, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(ax, selplcol));
Vertices.SetVSResource(context, 0);
context.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
context.Draw(Vertices.CurrentCount, 0);
public void DrawRotationWidget(DeviceContext context, Camera cam, Vector3 camrel, Quaternion ori, float size, WidgetAxis selax, WidgetAxis drawax)
SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
SceneVars.Vars.Mode = 0; //vertices mode
SceneVars.Vars.CamRel = camrel;
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
Vector3 xdir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitX);
Vector3 ydir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitY);
Vector3 zdir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitZ);
Color4 xcolour = new Color4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 ycolour = new Color4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 zcolour = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 icolour = new Color4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
Color4 ocolour = new Color4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
Color4 scolour = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Vector3[] axes = { xdir, ydir, zdir };
Vector3[] sides = { ydir, xdir, xdir };
Color4[] colours = { xcolour, ycolour, zcolour };
float linestart = 0.0f * size;
float lineend = 0.3f * size;
float ocircsize = 1.0f * size;
float icircsize = 0.75f * size;
//draw lines...
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
WidgetAxis sa = (WidgetAxis)(1 << i);
bool axsel = ((selax & sa) > 0);
Color4 axcol = axsel ? colours[i] : icolour;
//main axis lines
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * linestart, axcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * lineend, axcol));
Vertices.SetVSResource(context, 0);
context.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
context.Draw(Vertices.CurrentCount, 0);
//linestrip for arcs and circles
context.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip;
Vector3 sdir = Vector3.Normalize(camrel);
//if (cam.IsMapView || cam.IsOrthographic)
// sdir = cam.ViewDirection;
float ad1 = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(sdir, Vector3.UnitY));
float ad2 = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(sdir, Vector3.UnitZ));
Vector3 ax1 = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(sdir, (ad1 > ad2) ? Vector3.UnitY : Vector3.UnitZ));
Vector3 ax2 = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(sdir, ax1));
//drawing circles
int segcount = 40;
int vertcount = segcount + 1;
SceneVars.Vars.Mode = 1; //arc mode
SceneVars.Vars.SegScale = ((float)Math.PI) * 2.0f / segcount; //arc angle / number of segments
SceneVars.Vars.SegOffset = 0.0f; //angle offset of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Axis1 = ax1; //axis 1 of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Axis2 = ax2; //axis 2 of arc
SceneVars.Vars.CullBack = 0; //culls pixels behind 0,0,0
//outer circle
if (drawax == WidgetAxis.XYZ)
SceneVars.Vars.Size = ocircsize; //world units
SceneVars.Vars.Colour = (selax == WidgetAxis.XYZ) ? scolour : ocolour; //colour for arc
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
context.Draw(vertcount, 0);
//inner circle
SceneVars.Vars.Size = icircsize; //world units
SceneVars.Vars.Colour = icolour; //colour for arc
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
context.Draw(vertcount, 0);
//drawing arcs - culling done in PS
SceneVars.Vars.Size = icircsize; //world units
SceneVars.Vars.CullBack = 1; //culls pixels behind 0,0,0
if ((drawax & WidgetAxis.X) != 0)
SceneVars.Vars.SegOffset = 0.0f; //angle offset of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Axis1 = ydir; //axis 1 of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Axis2 = zdir; //axis 2 of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Colour = (selax == WidgetAxis.X) ? scolour : xcolour; //colour for arc
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
context.Draw(vertcount, 0);
if ((drawax & WidgetAxis.Y) != 0)
SceneVars.Vars.SegOffset = 0.0f; //angle offset of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Axis1 = xdir; //axis 1 of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Axis2 = zdir; //axis 2 of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Colour = (selax == WidgetAxis.Y) ? scolour : ycolour; //colour for arc
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
context.Draw(vertcount, 0);
if ((drawax & WidgetAxis.Z) != 0)
SceneVars.Vars.SegOffset = 0.0f; //angle offset of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Axis1 = xdir; //axis 1 of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Axis2 = ydir; //axis 2 of arc
SceneVars.Vars.Colour = (selax == WidgetAxis.Z) ? scolour : zcolour; //colour for arc
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
context.Draw(vertcount, 0);
public void DrawScaleWidget(DeviceContext context, Camera cam, Vector3 camrel, Quaternion ori, float size, WidgetAxis selax)
SetInputLayout(context, VertexType.Default);
SceneVars.Vars.Mode = 0; //vertices mode
SceneVars.Vars.CamRel = camrel;
SetSceneVars(context, cam, null, null);
Vector3 xdir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitX);
Vector3 ydir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitY);
Vector3 zdir = ori.Multiply(Vector3.UnitZ);
Color4 xcolour = new Color4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 ycolour = new Color4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 zcolour = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 selaxcol = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Color4 selplcol = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
Vector3[] axes = { xdir, ydir, zdir };
Vector3[] sides1 = { ydir, zdir, xdir };
Vector3[] sides2 = { zdir, xdir, ydir };
WidgetAxis[] sideax1 = { WidgetAxis.Y, WidgetAxis.Z, WidgetAxis.X };
WidgetAxis[] sideax2 = { WidgetAxis.Z, WidgetAxis.X, WidgetAxis.Y };
Color4[] colours = { xcolour, ycolour, zcolour };
Color4[] coloursn = { ycolour, zcolour, xcolour };
Color4[] coloursdark = { xcolour * 0.5f, ycolour * 0.5f, zcolour * 0.5f };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) coloursdark[i].Alpha = 1.0f;
float linestart = 0.0f * size;
float lineend = 1.33f * size;
float innertri = 0.7f * size;
float outertri = 1.0f * size;
float cubestart = 1.28f * size;
float cubeend = 1.33f * size;
float cubesize = 0.025f * size;
//draw lines...
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
WidgetAxis sa = (WidgetAxis)(1 << i);
bool axsel = ((selax & sa) > 0);
Color4 axcol = axsel ? selaxcol : colours[i];
WidgetAxis triaxn = sideax1[i];
bool trisel = axsel && ((selax & triaxn) > 0);
Color4 tricol = trisel ? selaxcol : colours[i];
Color4 trincol = trisel ? selaxcol : coloursn[i];
Vector3 inner1 = axes[i] * innertri;
Vector3 inner2 = sides1[i] * innertri;
Vector3 innera = (inner1 + inner2) * 0.5f;
Vector3 outer1 = axes[i] * outertri;
Vector3 outer2 = sides1[i] * outertri;
Vector3 outera = (outer1 + outer2) * 0.5f;
//triangle axis lines
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(inner1, tricol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(innera, tricol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(innera, trincol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(inner2, trincol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(outer1, tricol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(outera, tricol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(outera, trincol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(outer2, trincol));
//main axis lines - draw after side lines to be on top
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * linestart, axcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * lineend, axcol));
Vertices.SetVSResource(context, 0);
context.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
context.Draw(Vertices.CurrentCount, 0);
//draw triangles...
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//axis end cubes - kind of inefficient, but meh
Vector3 cend = axes[i] * cubeend;
Vector3 cstart = axes[i] * cubestart;
Vector3 cside1 = sides1[i] * cubesize;
Vector3 cside2 = sides2[i] * cubesize;
Vector3 cv1 = cstart + cside1 - cside2;
Vector3 cv2 = cstart - cside1 - cside2;
Vector3 cv3 = cend + cside1 - cside2;
Vector3 cv4 = cend - cside1 - cside2;
Vector3 cv5 = cstart + cside1 + cside2;
Vector3 cv6 = cstart - cside1 + cside2;
Vector3 cv7 = cend + cside1 + cside2;
Vector3 cv8 = cend - cside1 + cside2;
Color4 col = colours[i];
Color4 cold = coloursdark[i];
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv1, cold));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv2, cold));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv5, cold));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv5, cold));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv2, cold));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv6, cold));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv3, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv4, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv7, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv7, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv4, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv8, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv1, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv2, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv3, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv3, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv2, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv4, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv5, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv6, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv7, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv7, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv6, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv8, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv1, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv5, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv3, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv3, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv5, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv7, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv2, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv6, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv4, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv4, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv6, col));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(cv8, col));
//selection triangles
if (selax == WidgetAxis.XYZ)
//all axes - just draw inner triangle
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(Vector3.Zero, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * innertri, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(sides1[i] * innertri, selplcol));
WidgetAxis sa = (WidgetAxis)(1 << i);
WidgetAxis na = sideax1[i];
if (((selax & sa) > 0) && ((selax & na) > 0))
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * innertri, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(sides1[i] * innertri, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * outertri, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(axes[i] * outertri, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(sides1[i] * innertri, selplcol));
Vertices.Add(new WidgetShaderVertex(sides1[i] * outertri, selplcol));
Vertices.SetVSResource(context, 0);
context.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = SharpDX.Direct3D.PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;
context.Draw(Vertices.CurrentCount, 0);
public struct WidgetShaderVertex
public Vector4 Position;
public Color4 Colour;
public WidgetShaderVertex(Vector3 p, Color4 c)
Position = new Vector4(p, 0.0f);
Colour = c;