2017-09-21 20:33:05 +10:00
using CodeWalker.Properties ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
namespace CodeWalker
public partial class SettingsForm : Form
private WorldForm worldForm ;
private KeyBindings keyBindings = new KeyBindings ( Settings . Default . KeyBindings ) ;
private string selKeyBinding = "" ;
private Keys selKeyBindingVal = Keys . None ;
private float camSensitivity = Settings . Default . CameraSensitivity ;
private float camSmoothing = Settings . Default . CameraSmoothing ;
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private bool mouseinvert = Settings . Default . MouseInvert ;
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public SettingsForm ( WorldForm owner )
InitializeComponent ( ) ;
worldForm = owner ;
var allkeys = Enum . GetValues ( typeof ( Keys ) ) ;
foreach ( var keyval in allkeys )
KeyBindingComboBox . Items . Add ( keyval ) ;
LoadKeyBindings ( ) ;
LoadMouseSettings ( ) ;
LoadAdvancedSettings ( ) ;
private void LoadKeyBindings ( )
KeyBindingsListView . Items . Clear ( ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Move Forwards" , keyBindings . MoveForward ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Move Backwards" , keyBindings . MoveBackward ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Move Left" , keyBindings . MoveLeft ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Move Right" , keyBindings . MoveRight ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Move Up" , keyBindings . MoveUp ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Move Down" , keyBindings . MoveDown ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Move Slower / Zoom In" , keyBindings . MoveSlowerZoomIn ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Move Faster / Zoom Out" , keyBindings . MoveFasterZoomOut ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Toggle Mouse Select" , keyBindings . ToggleMouseSelect ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Toggle Toolbar" , keyBindings . ToggleToolbar ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Exit Edit Mode" , keyBindings . ExitEditMode ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Edit Position" , keyBindings . EditPosition ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Edit Rotation" , keyBindings . EditRotation ) ;
AddKeyBinding ( "Edit Scale" , keyBindings . EditScale ) ;
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AddKeyBinding ( "First Person Mode" , keyBindings . FirstPerson ) ;
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private void LoadMouseSettings ( )
CameraSensitivityUpDown . Value = ( decimal ) camSensitivity * 1000 ;
CameraSmoothingUpDown . Value = ( decimal ) camSmoothing ;
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MouseInvertCheckBox . Checked = mouseinvert ;
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private void LoadAdvancedSettings ( )
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FolderTextBox . Text = GTAFolder . CurrentGTAFolder ;
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ExcludeFoldersTextBox . Text = Settings . Default . ExcludeFolders ;
ShadowCascadesUpDown . Value = Settings . Default . ShadowCascades ;
CacheSizeUpDown . Value = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( Settings . Default . CacheSize / 1048576 , CacheSizeUpDown . Minimum ) , CacheSizeUpDown . Maximum ) ;
CacheTimeUpDown . Value = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( ( decimal ) Settings . Default . CacheTime , CacheTimeUpDown . Minimum ) , CacheTimeUpDown . Maximum ) ;
GPUCacheTimeUpDown . Value = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( ( decimal ) Settings . Default . GPUCacheTime , GPUCacheTimeUpDown . Minimum ) , GPUCacheTimeUpDown . Maximum ) ;
GPUFlushTimeUpDown . Value = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( ( decimal ) Settings . Default . GPUCacheFlushTime , GPUFlushTimeUpDown . Minimum ) , GPUFlushTimeUpDown . Maximum ) ;
GeometryCacheSizeUpDown . Value = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( Settings . Default . GPUGeometryCacheSize / 1048576 , GeometryCacheSizeUpDown . Minimum ) , GeometryCacheSizeUpDown . Maximum ) ;
TextureCacheSizeUpDown . Value = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( Settings . Default . GPUTextureCacheSize / 1048576 , TextureCacheSizeUpDown . Minimum ) , TextureCacheSizeUpDown . Maximum ) ;
CollisionCacheSizeUpDown . Value = Math . Min ( Math . Max ( Settings . Default . GPUBoundCompCacheSize / 1048576 , CollisionCacheSizeUpDown . Minimum ) , CollisionCacheSizeUpDown . Maximum ) ;
private void AddKeyBinding ( string text , Keys key )
var lvi = KeyBindingsListView . Items . Add ( text ) ;
lvi . SubItems . Add ( key . ToString ( ) ) ;
lvi . Tag = key ;
public void SelectTab ( string tab )
switch ( tab )
case "Controls" :
MainTabControl . SelectedTab = ControlsTabPage ;
break ;
case "Advanced" :
MainTabControl . SelectedTab = AdvancedTabPage ;
break ;
private void UpdateKeyBindingsListViewItem ( string item , Keys val )
foreach ( ListViewItem lvi in KeyBindingsListView . Items )
if ( lvi . Text = = item )
lvi . SubItems [ 1 ] . Text = val . ToString ( ) ;
lvi . Tag = val ;
break ;
private void KeyBindingsListView_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
var sel = ( KeyBindingsListView . SelectedItems . Count = = 1 ) ? KeyBindingsListView . SelectedItems [ 0 ] : null ;
if ( sel ! = null )
selKeyBinding = sel . Text ;
selKeyBindingVal = ( Keys ) sel . Tag ;
KeyBindingNameLabel . Text = selKeyBinding ;
KeyBindingComboBox . SelectedItem = sel . Tag ;
KeyBindingComboBox . Enabled = true ;
KeyBindButton . Enabled = true ;
selKeyBinding = string . Empty ;
selKeyBindingVal = Keys . None ;
KeyBindingNameLabel . Text = "(No binding selected)" ;
KeyBindingComboBox . SelectedItem = null ;
KeyBindingComboBox . Enabled = false ;
KeyBindButton . Enabled = false ;
private void KeyBindingComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( selKeyBinding ) )
Keys val = ( Keys ) KeyBindingComboBox . SelectedItem ;
if ( val ! = selKeyBindingVal )
selKeyBindingVal = val ;
keyBindings . SetBinding ( selKeyBinding , val ) ;
UpdateKeyBindingsListViewItem ( selKeyBinding , val ) ;
Settings . Default . KeyBindings = keyBindings . GetSetting ( ) ;
if ( worldForm ! = null )
worldForm . SetKeyBindings ( keyBindings ) ;
private void KeyBindButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
KeyBindForm f = new KeyBindForm ( ) ;
f . SelectedKey = selKeyBindingVal ;
if ( f . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
var val = f . SelectedKey ;
selKeyBindingVal = val ;
KeyBindingComboBox . SelectedItem = val ;
keyBindings . SetBinding ( selKeyBinding , val ) ;
UpdateKeyBindingsListViewItem ( selKeyBinding , val ) ;
Settings . Default . KeyBindings = keyBindings . GetSetting ( ) ;
if ( worldForm ! = null )
worldForm . SetKeyBindings ( keyBindings ) ;
private void CameraSensitivityUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
camSensitivity = ( float ) CameraSensitivityUpDown . Value * 0.001f ;
Settings . Default . CameraSensitivity = camSensitivity ;
if ( worldForm ! = null )
worldForm . SetCameraSensitivity ( camSensitivity , camSmoothing ) ;
private void CameraSmoothingUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
camSmoothing = ( float ) CameraSmoothingUpDown . Value ;
Settings . Default . CameraSmoothing = camSmoothing ;
if ( worldForm ! = null )
worldForm . SetCameraSensitivity ( camSensitivity , camSmoothing ) ;
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private void MouseInvertCheckBox_CheckedChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
mouseinvert = MouseInvertCheckBox . Checked ;
Settings . Default . MouseInvert = mouseinvert ;
if ( worldForm ! = null )
worldForm . SetMouseInverted ( mouseinvert ) ;
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private void SaveButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
//apply and save the settings.
Settings . Default . KeyBindings = keyBindings . GetSetting ( ) ;
Settings . Default . CameraSensitivity = camSensitivity ;
Settings . Default . CameraSmoothing = camSmoothing ;
Settings . Default . Save ( ) ;
DoneButton . Text = "Done" ;
private void DoneButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Close ( ) ;
private void ResetButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
if ( MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to reset all CodeWalker settings to their default values?" , "Confirm reset settings to defaults" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = = DialogResult . Yes )
var k = Settings . Default . Key ;
Settings . Default . Reset ( ) ;
Settings . Default . Key = k ;
Settings . Default . Save ( ) ;
KeyBindingsListView . SelectedItems . Clear ( ) ;
keyBindings = new KeyBindings ( Settings . Default . KeyBindings ) ;
LoadKeyBindings ( ) ;
camSensitivity = Settings . Default . CameraSensitivity ;
camSmoothing = Settings . Default . CameraSmoothing ;
LoadMouseSettings ( ) ;
LoadAdvancedSettings ( ) ;
if ( worldForm ! = null )
worldForm . SetKeyBindings ( keyBindings ) ;
worldForm . SetCameraSensitivity ( camSensitivity , camSmoothing ) ;
private void SettingsForm_FormClosed ( object sender , FormClosedEventArgs e )
if ( worldForm ! = null )
worldForm . OnSettingsFormClosed ( ) ;
private void FolderBrowseButton_Click ( object sender , EventArgs e )
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GTAFolder . UpdateGTAFolder ( false ) ;
FolderTextBox . Text = GTAFolder . CurrentGTAFolder ;
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private void ExcludeFoldersTextBox_TextChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . ExcludeFolders = ExcludeFoldersTextBox . Text ;
private void ShadowCascadesUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . ShadowCascades = ( int ) ShadowCascadesUpDown . Value ;
private void CacheTimeUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . CacheTime = ( double ) CacheTimeUpDown . Value ;
private void CacheSizeUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . CacheSize = ( long ) CacheSizeUpDown . Value * 1048576 ;
private void GPUCacheTimeUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . GPUCacheTime = ( double ) GPUCacheTimeUpDown . Value ;
private void GPUFlushTimeUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . GPUCacheFlushTime = ( double ) GPUFlushTimeUpDown . Value ;
private void GeometryCacheSizeUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . GPUGeometryCacheSize = ( long ) GeometryCacheSizeUpDown . Value * 1048576 ;
private void TextureCacheSizeUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . GPUTextureCacheSize = ( long ) TextureCacheSizeUpDown . Value * 1048576 ;
private void CollisionCacheSizeUpDown_ValueChanged ( object sender , EventArgs e )
Settings . Default . GPUBoundCompCacheSize = ( long ) CollisionCacheSizeUpDown . Value * 1048576 ;