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synced 2025-02-10 03:53:01 +08:00
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1439 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CodeWalker.GameFiles
//shader parameter names used in drawables.
//these were all extracted from MetaNames enum because their casing did not match the actual hash!
//these should probably really only be used for display purposes.
public enum ShaderParamNames : uint
_dimensionLOD2 = 2213330743,
_fakedGrassNormal = 3847734030,
_vecCollParams = 1235110448,
_vecVehColl0B = 3443329873,
_vecVehColl0M = 2054776271,
_vecVehColl0R = 3676612388,
_vecVehColl1B = 3338172776,
_vecVehColl1M = 3731892311,
_vecVehColl1R = 1839679119,
_vecVehColl2B = 1542889970,
_vecVehColl2M = 298913216,
_vecVehColl2R = 3503557575,
_vecVehColl3B = 2492173731,
_vecVehColl3M = 2003587933,
_vecVehColl3R = 3129694622,
_vecVehCollB = 4034110113,
_vecVehCollM = 4084115603,
_vecVehCollR = 2902956998,
Acceleration_Delta = 4042077187,
accumulationBufferSampler0 = 8230410,
accumulationBufferSampler1 = 272905623,
activeShadowCascades = 2747556057,
adapDOFProj = 711499858,
AdapLumSampler = 2600073949,
AdaptedLumMax = 735476279,
AdaptedLumMin = 120989687,
AdaptionParams = 994945211,
AdaptiveDofDepthDownSampleParams = 530741887,
adaptiveDOFExposureSampler = 2063861440,
AdaptiveDofFocusDistanceDampingParams1 = 4192702981,
AdaptiveDofFocusDistanceDampingParams2 = 3918393682,
AdaptiveDOFOutputBuffer = 2655767810,
AdaptiveDofParams0 = 1088399132,
AdaptiveDofParams1 = 806028659,
AdaptiveDofParams2 = 1767143429,
AdaptiveDofParams3 = 2870836122,
AdaptiveDOFParamsBuffer = 209455569,
adaptiveDOFSampler = 2098736783,
adaptiveDOFSamplerDepth = 718794333,
AdaptTime = 1514540018,
AirResist = 1208302886,
alphaAdjust = 1287606900,
AlphaMaskMapSampler = 1705051233,
AlphaRange = 1331056747,
AlphaScale = 931055822,
AlphaTest = 950204405,
alphaTestValue = 3310830370,
altRemap = 285573515,
AmbientDecalMask = 3686186843,
AmbientLightingParams = 1614910597,
ambientOcclusionContrast = 633061550,
AmbientOccSampler = 1212577329,
AnimatedNormalMapMask0Sampler = 2630205212,
AnimatedNormalMapMask1Sampler = 1838164585,
AnimatedNormalMapMask2Sampler = 2257753125,
animatedNormalMapMod1 = 96407192,
animatedNormalMapMod2 = 326478341,
AnisoNoiseSpecSampler = 2134197289,
AnisotropicAlphaBias = 363074471,
anisotropicSpecularColour = 1673722929,
anisotropicSpecularExponent = 499953092,
anisotropicSpecularIntensity = 401654871,
APlaneSampler = 1600333029,
ApplyDamageSampler = 1117905904,
approxTangent = 3606611481,
ArmourStrength = 3061795481,
AttenuationSampler = 483360323,
AverageLuminanceOut = 1654447808,
AvgLuminanceTexture = 1087818619,
AzimuthColor = 360934156,
AzimuthColorEast = 1882877478,
azimuthEastColor = 1044876032,
AzimuthHeight = 2649852765,
AzimuthStrength = 2824307566,
azimuthTransitionColor = 2670115477,
azimuthTransitionPosition = 2764855899,
azimuthWestColor = 1874413695,
BackBufferSampler = 3700325701,
BackBufferTexture = 3200056981,
BaseSampler = 2669264211,
baseTextureSampler = 1399472831,
bDebugDisplayDamageMap = 727005071,
bDebugDisplayDamageScale = 1720897181,
Billboard = 552363713,
blitSampler = 4098753311,
BloodSampler = 1970149772,
BloodSamplerVS = 3796090472,
BloodZoneAdjust = 1011740581,
bloomLum = 1959356754,
BloomParams = 1213613006,
BloomSampler = 1613750243,
BloomSamplerG = 2187220839,
BloomTexelSize = 3590118590,
BlueOff = 1614062594,
blurIntensity = 804387779,
BlurSampler = 822703767,
BlurVignettingParams = 871768731,
BokehAlphaCutoff = 1703140281,
BokehBrightnessParams = 1737665654,
BokehEnableVar = 643379889,
BokehGlobalAlpha = 1022881476,
BokehNumAddedToBuckets = 2514924683,
BokehParams1 = 3945388007,
BokehParams2 = 4184896628,
BokehPointBuffer = 2084769495,
BokehSortedIndexBuffer = 1533187666,
BokehSortedListBuffer = 201662228,
BokehSortLevel = 2314931517,
BokehSortLevelMask = 1605336858,
BokehSortTransposeMatHeight = 3470273647,
BokehSortTransposeMatWidth = 821002802,
BokehSpritePointBuffer = 170997925,
bottomSkyColour = 161676916,
BoundRadius = 2230834649,
branchBendPivot = 892666959,
branchBendStiffnessAdjust = 3894262326,
Brightness = 26603225,
BrightnessSetting = 303513935,
BrightTonemapParams0 = 118691255,
BrightTonemapParams1 = 1904208559,
BrokenBumpSampler = 2033191777,
BrokenColor = 2817208061,
BrokenDiffuseColor = 878330249,
BrokenDiffuseSampler = 3349868497,
BrokenGlassTileScale = 1356197901,
BrokenSpecularColor = 1359397883,
BrokenSpecularSampler = 3872409448,
bumpiness = 4134611841,
BumpSampler = 1186448975,
BumpSampler_layer0 = 1073714531,
BumpSampler_layer1 = 1422769919,
BumpSampler_layer2 = 2745359528,
BumpSampler_layer3 = 2975430677,
BumpSampler_layer4 = 2417505683,
BumpSampler_layer5 = 3720106230,
BumpSampler_layer6 = 4091379000,
BumpSampler2 = 1893875305,
BumpSamplerFur = 2030333799,
bumpSelfShadowAmount = 2907460320,
BurnoutLimit = 2048742054,
cBPlaneSampler = 1648690748,
ChromAbParam = 2243268978,
clippingPlane = 1632555383,
ClipPlanes = 4225498643,
ClothDarken = 4285790447,
ClothDarkenColor = 2192646550,
clothParentMatrix = 2335024113,
ClothSweatMapSampler = 1059055951,
ClothSweatSpec = 2469844039,
cloudBaseColour = 2670795993,
cloudBaseMinusMidColour = 207551193,
CloudBias = 1077109597,
cloudBillboardParams = 1372983410,
CloudColor = 3245908258,
cloudConstants1 = 1542931277,
cloudConstants2 = 1848698816,
cloudConstants3 = 3972097247,
cloudDetailConstants = 2178269534,
CloudFadeOut = 1796923256,
CloudInscatteringRange = 1590938598,
cloudLayerAnimScale1 = 2699058131,
cloudLayerAnimScale2 = 2904978527,
cloudLayerAnimScale3 = 1697604722,
cloudMidColour = 3120184161,
cloudShadowColour = 2429466598,
cloudShadowMinusBaseColourTimesShadowStrength = 3681751999,
CloudShadowOffset = 1192276656,
CloudShadowStrength = 3469302040,
CloudThicknessEdgeSmoothDetailScaleStrength = 2448643918,
CloudThreshold = 2011404587,
ClumpBump = 620873514,
COCOutputTexture = 561614071,
ColorCorrect = 1418724964,
ColorCorrectHighLum = 1002641818,
ColorFringeParams1 = 1315010326,
ColorFringeParams2 = 94922157,
colorHighLum = 3178323397,
colorLowLum = 4274011020,
colorLum = 819694290,
ColorSampler = 3918882525,
colorScaler = 2433112487,
ColorShift = 3269836664,
ColorShiftLowLum = 2775271800,
ColorShiftScalar = 2106064165,
ColorTexture = 934209648,
ComboHeightSamplerFur = 455740840,
ComboHeightSamplerFur01 = 1709265783,
ComboHeightSamplerFur2 = 374924583,
ComboHeightSamplerFur23 = 2930074258,
ComboHeightSamplerFur3 = 2760212866,
ComboHeightSamplerFur4 = 4056161278,
ComboHeightSamplerFur45 = 2509158229,
ComboHeightSamplerFur67 = 1396547512,
ComboHeightTexMask = 285679314,
Contrast = 699508084,
ConvertSampler = 4959160,
CoronasDepthMapSampler = 3603235271,
CrackDecalBumpAlphaThreshold = 3343925161,
CrackDecalBumpAmount = 2155296103,
CrackDecalBumpTileScale = 730767419,
CrackEdgeBumpAmount = 3420190257,
CrackEdgeBumpTileScale = 492538267,
crackleIntensity = 1771354266,
CrackleSampler = 1774790613,
CrackMatrix = 2644409350,
CrackOffset = 2214698276,
CrackSampler = 3328498618,
cRPlaneSampler = 3915834095,
cubeFace = 2567801214,
CurLumSampler = 3431586341,
currentDOFTechnique = 3543504858,
currentLum = 968818364,
currentResolution = 4182813263,
curveCoeffs = 2763646717,
DamagedWheelOffsets = 1348413520,
DamageMultiplier = 378227101,
DamageSampler = 3579349756,
damageSpecTextureSampler = 3820652825,
DamageTextureOffset = 4318529,
damageTextureSampler = 4132715990,
DamageVertBuffer = 2811144871,
DarkTonemapParams0 = 1554855265,
DarkTonemapParams1 = 780523795,
deathIntensity = 2219791851,
DeathSampler = 4146990968,
debugCloudsParams = 580885775,
debugLightColour = 227690714,
DecalSampler = 2811948736,
DecalTint = 3092072610,
DecorationFrameInfo = 3729783099,
DecorationTattooAdjust = 1578586549,
DecorationTintPaletteSel = 2448945809,
DecorationTintPaletteTexSampler = 4286164294,
deferredLightDownsampleDepthSampler = 110250107,
deferredLightParams = 1690620309,
deferredLightScreenSize = 3811483225,
deferredLightVolumeParams = 2130744975,
deferredPerspectiveShearParams0 = 3433855881,
deferredPerspectiveShearParams1 = 61303170,
deferredPerspectiveShearParams2 = 4125937165,
deferredProjectionParams = 424764587,
deferredVolumeColour = 2115695095,
deferredVolumeDepthBufferSamp = 3381865158,
deferredVolumeDirection = 3203966112,
deferredVolumePosition = 1009422528,
deferredVolumeShaftCompositeMtx = 3101393666,
deferredVolumeShaftGradient = 404580226,
deferredVolumeShaftGradientColourInv = 1067440921,
deferredVolumeShaftPlanes = 3122758957,
deferredVolumeTangentXAndShaftRadius = 1118228408,
deferredVolumeTangentYAndShaftLength = 4283942594,
DensitySampler = 3828368598,
DepthBlurHalfResSampler = 2333753907,
DepthBlurHalfResTexture = 2638246296,
DepthBlurSampler = 979379647,
DepthBlurTexture = 4038110621,
depthBuffer = 3447665758,
depthBuffer2 = 1908423578,
depthBuffer2_Sampler = 720934291,
DepthBufferSamp = 2492728818,
DepthBufferSampler = 3497598060,
DepthMapPointSampler = 4215380418,
DepthMapSampler = 847477652,
DepthMapTexSampler = 2784473838,
DepthSampler = 383876435,
depthSourceSampler = 2578937463,
depthTexture = 4088842947,
DepthTextureMS = 4134029566,
deSatContrastGamma = 1070958827,
Desaturate = 2639337807,
desaturateTint = 2511699259,
detailBumpiness = 1675037470,
DetailBumpSampler = 143227613,
DetailDensity2Sampler = 2587222892,
DetailDensitySampler = 2270155403,
detailMapOffset = 3032413960,
DetailMapSampler = 1041827691,
detailMapUScale = 489333004,
detailMapVScale = 2830921123,
DetailNormal2Sampler = 2004179855,
DetailNormalSampler = 2903840997,
DetailOffset = 2002782257,
DetailSampler = 3393362404,
detailSettings = 3038654095,
detailUVScale = 3418497265,
diffuse2SpecMod = 1788442252,
diffuseCol = 1517692383,
DiffuseExtraSampler = 58635929,
DiffuseHfSampler = 2946270081,
diffuseMod = 1685953011,
DiffuseNoBorderTexSampler = 1732587965,
DiffuseSampler = 4059966321,
DiffuseSampler2 = 181641832,
DiffuseSampler3 = 1429813046, //thanks CP
DiffuseSamplerFur = 1282320680,
DiffuseSamplerPhase2 = 3227619449,
DiffuseSamplerPoint = 4015001285,
DiffuseSplatterTexSampler = 1412546033,
DiffuseTexSampler = 3004704155,
DiffuseTexSampler01 = 255045494,
DiffuseTexSampler02 = 2707084226,
DiffuseTexSampler03 = 2981196911,
DiffuseTexSampler04 = 3291650421,
DiffuseTexTileUV = 2816002123,
DiffuseWoundTexSampler = 3758481220,
DiffusionRadius = 4024070401,
dimmerSet = 1523312743,
dimmerSetPacked = 4182305072,
DirectionalMotionBlurIterParams = 2777949533,
DirectionalMotionBlurLength = 544111294,
DirectionalMotionBlurParams = 3408424243,
dirtColor = 1146381126,
DirtDecalMask = 1050016400,
dirtLevel = 47191856,
dirtLevelMod = 3961814809,
DirtSampler = 2124031998,
DirtBumpSampler = 3157820509,//thanks CP
DiskBrakeGlow = 1035405954,
displParams = 1163050293,
distanceMapSampler = 1616890976,
DistEpsilonScaleMin = 1163639717,
DistMapCenterVal = 1612602645,
distortionParams = 2957679312,
DistortionSampler = 342449994,
ditherSampler = 612917610,
dofBlur = 731686132,
DofBlurWeight = 706444485,
dofDist = 3329041621,
dofInten = 3552457075,
dofNoBlurBlendRingSize = 413916545,
dofNoBlurRadius = 108398598,
DOFOutputTexture = 3487236658,
dofProj = 2305108861,
dofProjCompute = 2729164810,
dofRenderTargetSize = 3995371223,
DOFSampler = 2614429576,
dofShear = 1387749709,
dofSkyWeightModifier = 1603770318,
DOFTargetSize = 3565962906,
downsampledDepthSampler = 2057740952,
DownsampleDepthSampler = 498175796,
dpMapFarClip = 3395601267,
dpMapNearClip = 479573217,
drawBucket = 514782960,
dReflectionParams = 153627866,
droopParams = 2926981594,
DruggedEffectColorShift = 4028255612,
DruggedEffectParams = 858398664,
dShadowMatrix = 3423656318,
dShadowOffsetScale = 930807775,
dShadowParam0123 = 3916656767,
dShadowParam4567 = 584100066,
dShadowParam891113 = 1698928349,
DstTextureSize = 45365902,
eaaParams2 = 1422359808,
earlyOut = 3422479905,
earlyOut_Sampler = 2971523439,
earlyOutParams = 141437565,
EastColor = 1417575779,
EdgeMarkParams = 717226593,
EdgeThreshold = 2670218238,
EdgeThresholdMin = 316543927,
effectsConstants = 1179101422,
ElapsedTime = 4152310215,
emissiveMultiplier = 1592520008,
emissiveReflectMultiplier = 1347035993,
EmitterParamLifeAndSpeed = 1295421465,
EmitterParamPos = 2286595424,
EmitterParamPosRange = 3505097448,
EmitterParamProbablityPhase2 = 1652433309,
EmitterTransform = 2216438402,
EmitterVelocityBoxPos = 1027158774,
EmitterVelocityBoxRange = 3202652030,
EnvBloodBinormal = 304838968,
EnvBloodData = 2241230170,
EnvBloodPos = 3704052925,
EnvBloodSampler = 3616483953,
EnvBloodTangent = 1134317228,
envEffFatThickness = 436649803,
envEffScale = 2431974683,
envEffTexTileUV = 3670603239,
envEffThickness = 2702504809,
EnvironmentSampler = 3317411368,
Exposure = 2538078618,
ExposureClampAndHistory = 2911392042,
ExposureCurve = 1836476954,
ExposureParams0 = 2329380491,
ExposureParams1 = 1031924697,
ExposureParams2 = 1253836365,
ExposureParams3 = 301405380,
Exposures = 2947662557,
ExposureSwitches = 1784826898,
faceTextureSampler = 624309278,
facetMask = 4034105764,
Fade_Thickness = 205855514,
fadeAlphaDist = 4164097433,
fadeAlphaDistUmTimer = 3637887135,
fadeAlphaLOD1Dist = 3563207876,
fadeAlphaLOD2Dist = 1294165969,
fadeAlphaLOD2DistFar0 = 4248689351,
fAge = 2063122051,
FallOffAndKernelParam = 1703468999,
fillColor = 3014106266,
Filmic0 = 2611530409,
fIntensity = 847954571,
FlowSampler = 1214194352,
FoamSampler = 3266349336,
FogColor = 3922291195,
FogParams = 1243028310,
FogRayTexSampler = 1487203018,
FogSampler = 2568933054,
fogVolumeColor = 2907231751,
fogVolumeDepthSampler = 1087981784,
fogVolumeInvTransform = 786602411,
fogVolumeParams = 10424280,
fogVolumePosition = 2937842810,
fogVolumeTransform = 1406518664,
foliageBranchBendPivot = 353881103,
foliageBranchBendStiffnessAdjust = 3429332683,
FontNormalSampler = 3140496408,
FontNormalScale = 91417371,
FontSampler = 2048139100,
FontTexture = 3394800319,
fourPlaneDof = 2764191939,
fpvMotionBlurSize = 1677050762,
fpvMotionBlurVelocity = 4116905408,
fpvMotionBlurWeights = 4038439571,
FrameMap = 1835157646,
FrameMapTexSampler = 507369750,
Frequency1 = 2441536523,
Frequency2 = 2219624855,
fresnelRolloff = 3796399242,
FullSampler = 3157511856,
furAlphaClip03 = 290288684,
furAlphaClip47 = 4280570754,
furAlphaDistance = 4141869331,
furAOBlend = 4026629301,
furAttenCoef = 2491165204,
furBendParams = 3489000159,
furDitherAlphaFadeParams = 3407922321,
furGlobalParams = 443249107,
furLayerParams = 1122745807,
furLayerParams2 = 3825466177,
furLayerParams3 = 1668577832,
furLayerStep = 1208356461,
furLength = 1430134069,
FurMaskSampler = 3794875320,
furMaxLayers = 253873259,
furMinLayers = 3007864804,
furNoiseUVScale = 1008743034,
furNumLayers = 110936794,
furSelfShadowMin = 3093266608,
furShadow03 = 1104745269,
furShadow47 = 711397225,
furStiffness = 2137279259,
furUvScales = 897751165,
g_AlphaFade = 1960511459,
g_BloodColor = 985986992,
g_BloodSplatParams = 1621619881,
g_CPQSMix_QSFadeIn = 2799702011,
g_CurrentValue = 1312005277,
g_EdgeHighlightColour = 1596321467,
g_f4RTSize = 4169783008,
g_fBilateralCoefficient = 2015612345,
g_fBilateralEdgeThreshold = 2771898508,
g_fCollisionSqScale = 731874660,
g_fEnableSpringForces = 2189248122,
g_fGrassSpringRigidity = 3152689414,
g_fGrassSpringScale = 2339438728,
g_fRippleRainStrength = 2044767128,
g_fSSAOBilateralCoef = 145680953,
g_fSSAOKernelScale = 3370811738,
g_fVolumetricLightRayIntensityMult = 3709677333,
g_GBufferTexture3Param = 3145202593,
g_GhostLevel = 1563742563,
g_HDAO_Params1 = 1535730194,
g_HDAO_Params2 = 3676889419,
g_HDAOApplyParams = 2705555169,
g_HDAOComputeParams = 2528000437,
g_HDAOExtraParams = 3628503020,
g_HDAOValleyParams = 1466262319,
g_HighlightScale = 1705698884,
g_ImposterSize = 786569893,
g_LightningStrikeNoiseParams = 390679343,
g_LightningStrikeParams = 3780586083,
g_LinearClampSampler = 2261256735,
g_MSAAPointTexture1_Dim = 3319333866,
g_MSAAPointTexture2_Dim = 3715862146,
g_OcclusionTextureParams = 4007914843,
g_PointSampler = 3230386348,
g_projParams = 360593454,
g_projShear = 1833194361,
g_Puddle_ScaleXY_Range = 529156535,
g_PuddleParams = 3536830402,
g_ResultTexture = 3349637075,
g_SSAOStrength = 1519496158,
g_targetSize = 1149055682,
g_TextColour = 3414941892,
g_TextShadowColour = 3326514923,
g_TextShadowScale = 828975922,
g_vCollisionParams = 390873962,
g_vCollisionSpheres = 2187899533,
g_vPlayerPosition = 148353768,
g_vRelativeLuminanceThresholdParams = 1353171807,
g_vRippleAttributes = 1686992389,
g_vRippleTexelSize = 2041279531,
g_vTexelSize = 1568580394,
g_WaveXOffset = 2340128792,
g_WaveXZoom = 1940934038,
g_WaveYZoom = 936340354,
g_WidthScalar = 1482315230,
gActiveUnit = 247068080,
GalaxyOffset = 2261454336,
GalaxySampler = 304699295,
gAlphaCutoffMinMax = 3012586280,
gAlphaTest = 2215224122,
gAlphaToCoverageScale = 955152299,
gAmbientAmount = 862548646,
gAmbientColor = 2502793579,
gAmbientMult = 2621865253,
gAmbientShadow = 1730637860,
Gamma = 1617619096,
GammaCorrection = 2923835982,
gAnimatedNormalMapParams = 1356180523,
gAnimBlendWeights = 3438696362,
gAnimCombine = 4162938569,
gAnimSculpt = 732819097,
GaussianWeights = 3546535582,
gBackgroundDistortionAlphaBooster = 1266153517,
gBackgroundDistortionAmount = 2358946644,
gBackgroundDistortionVisibilityPercentage = 1950755416,
gBiasToCamera = 969255365,
gBlitMatrix = 1903406607,
gBloodData = 2470245206,
gBloodUVBoundsPage = 318462180,
gBlurAmount = 2372939986,
gBoneDamage0 = 493675041,
gBoneDamageEnabled = 3445557846,
gBounceColor = 3285219193,
gBoxCentrePos = 1213320064,
gBoxForward = 2141719324,
gBoxRight = 3950477470,
gBoxSize = 4157270760,
GBufferStencilTextureSampler = 34323572,
gbufferTexture0 = 1370576551,
gbufferTexture2 = 989669695,
gbufferTextureDepth = 3214151316,
GBufferTextureSampler0 = 3101514270,
GBufferTextureSampler1 = 1931628197,
GBufferTextureSampler2 = 1601349446,
GBufferTextureSampler3 = 394499945,
GBufferTextureSamplerDepth = 3001958741,
GBufferTextureSamplerSSAODepth = 566345585,
gCableParams = 3557855020,
gCamAngleLimits = 1391293880,
gCameraBias = 481136556,
gCameraDistanceAtMaxDisplacement = 894396470,
gCameraPos = 130109679,
gCameraPosition = 3861036523,
gCameraShrink = 196757553,
gClipPlanes = 993087185,
gCloudColor = 3349623462,
gCloudViewProj = 1388118204,
gCollisionLifeModifier = 28882798,
gCollisionPositionModifier = 1413333801,
gCollisionVelocityModifier = 2917041400,
gColorTint = 1945696018,
gColorTintPhase2 = 3971978241,
gColour = 819380429,
gColourSplash = 2769897443,
gControlLight = 1458962865,
gCrossFadeDistance = 2123742775,
gCSMParticleShadowSamp = 18467538,
gCSMParticleShadowTexture = 1879733647,
gCSMShaderVars_deferred = 4041368736,
gDayNightScale = 2033466401,
gDecalChannelSelection = 129604674,
gDecalNormalSampler = 353477773,
gDecalSampler = 2317915042,
gDeferredInverseViewProjMatrix = 3129339935,
gDeferredLightColourAndIntensity = 3618208763,
gDeferredLightConeAngle = 1457978794,
gDeferredLightConeAngleI = 3706722404,
gDeferredLightConeOffset = 2681954581,
gDeferredLightConeScale = 3587849890,
gDeferredLightDirection = 3096160936,
gDeferredLightInvSqrRadius = 1076369960,
gDeferredLightPosition = 3515628483,
gDeferredLightRadius = 771816156,
gDeferredLightRadiusProjShearParams = 507484242,
gDeferredLightSampler = 1527752693,
gDeferredLightSampler0P = 3029377315,
gDeferredLightSampler1 = 575604989,
gDeferredLightSampler2 = 1424289320,
gDeferredLightShadowMap0 = 2826529087,
gDeferredLightShadowMap1 = 2589969676,
gDeferredLightShadowMap2 = 2224923016,
gDeferredLightShadowMap3 = 1962213943,
gDeferredLightShaftParams = 2784101259,
gDeferredLightTangent = 3997363695,
gDeferredLightType = 874695930,
gDeferredLightVolumeParams = 371509596,
gDeferredProjParams = 1174638206,
gDeferredVolumeRadiusScale = 3037897088,
gDensityShiftScale = 3043875162,
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specularFalloffMultSpecMap = 2748867194,
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SweatMapSampler = 2330958813,
switchOn = 3150944317,
targetSize = 1880392259,
targetSizeParam = 1053269285,
TearGasParams = 1288904305,
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TerrainGridMidHeightCol = 2606299729,
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TerrainGridRight = 1294931141,
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TextureSampler = 726757629,
TextureSampler_layer0 = 3576369631,
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TextureSampler_layer2 = 831736502,
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TextureSampler_layer4 = 235963313,
TextureSampler_layer5 = 1429049834,
TextureSampler_layer6 = 1784855636,
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tintSampler = 1530343050,
tonemapColorFilterParams0 = 324960120,
tonemapColorFilterParams1 = 48979602,
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TopCloudDetail = 3891329052,
TopCloudHeight = 1826174990,
TopCloudLight = 1738437051,
TopCloudThreshold = 1907493970,
topLum = 2532426199,
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tyreDeformSwitchOn = 1318515464,
UIColor = 2438354415,
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umTriWave3Params = 2191838184,
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unsharpAmount = 982234565,
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viewToWorldProjectionParam = 3809745575,
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waterColor = 4201563883,
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waterfogPtfxParams = 1185901400,
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waterRenderSimParam = 3115418423,
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waterSimParam = 1441798312,
waterSimParams1 = 764072840,
waterSimParams2 = 2978995088,
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WetAnisotropicSpecularColour = 4244410187,
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wetnessMultiplier = 853385205,
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wrapLigthtingTerm = 850731621,
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WrinkleMaskSampler_1 = 3567506505,
WrinkleMaskSampler_2 = 2959477710,
WrinkleMaskSampler_3 = 3181913682,
WrinkleMaskSampler_4 = 199377605,
WrinkleMaskSampler_5 = 498853496,
wrinkleMaskStrengths0 = 3696993600,
wrinkleMaskStrengths1 = 3993356436,
wrinkleMaskStrengths2 = 9399719,
wrinkleMaskStrengths3 = 1226342076,
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WrinkleSampler_B = 163310560,
YPlaneSampler = 2291309475,
YUVtoRGB = 361269406,
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zenithTransitionColor = 3025743240,
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zShiftScale = 273550094,