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synced 2025-02-10 01:43:13 +08:00
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#include "BasicVS.hlsli"
struct VS_INPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
//float3 Normal : NORMAL;
struct RenderableSphere
float3 Center;
float Radius;
float3 Pad0;
uint Colour;
StructuredBuffer<RenderableSphere> Spheres : register(t1);
VS_OUTPUT main(VS_INPUT input, uint iid : SV_InstanceID)
VS_OUTPUT output;
RenderableSphere sph = Spheres[iid];
float3 ipos = (input.Position.xyz) * sph.Radius;// *0.5;
float3 inorm = input.Position.xyz;// input.Normal; //unit sphere pos == normal
float3 spos = (ipos + sph.Center) * Scale;
float3 rpos = mulvq(spos, Orientation);
float3 opos = CamRel.xyz + rpos;// bpos ModelTransform(input.Position.xyz);
float4 cpos = ScreenTransform(opos);
float3 bnorm = normalize(mulvq(inorm, Orientation));// NormalTransform(input.Normal);
float3 btang = 0.5;// NormalTransform(float3(1, 0, 0)); //no tangent to use on this vertex type...
float4 c = Unpack4x8UNF(sph.Colour).abgr;
float4 lightspacepos;
float shadowdepth = ShadowmapSceneDepth(opos, lightspacepos);
output.LightShadow = lightspacepos;
output.Shadows = float4(shadowdepth, 0,0,0);
output.Position = cpos;
output.CamRelPos = opos;
output.Normal = bnorm;
output.Texcoord0 = 0.5;// input.Texcoord0;
output.Texcoord1 = 0.5;// input.Texcoord;
output.Texcoord2 = 0.5;// input.Texcoord;
output.Colour0 = c;// float4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1); //input.Colour0;//float4(abs(input.Position.xyz), 1);//
output.Colour1 = float4(0.5,0.5,0.5,1); //input.Colour1
output.Tint = 0;
output.Tangent = float4(btang, 1);
output.Bitangent = float4(cross(btang, bnorm), 0);
return output;