import re import xml.etree.ElementTree from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( compat_str, compat_urllib_parse, ExtractorError, unified_strdate, ) class ComedyCentralIE(InfoExtractor): """Information extractor for The Daily Show and Colbert Report """ # urls can be abbreviations like :thedailyshow or :colbert # urls for episodes like: # or urls for clips like: # or: # or: _VALID_URL = r"""^(:(?P<shortname>tds|thedailyshow|cr|colbert|colbertnation|colbertreport) |(https?://)?(www\.)? (?P<showname>thedailyshow|colbertnation)\.com/ (full-episodes/(?P<episode>.*)| (?P<clip> (the-colbert-report-(videos|collections)/(?P<clipID>[0-9]+)/[^/]*/(?P<cntitle>.*?)) |(watch/(?P<date>[^/]*)/(?P<tdstitle>.*))))) $""" _available_formats = ['3500', '2200', '1700', '1200', '750', '400'] _video_extensions = { '3500': 'mp4', '2200': 'mp4', '1700': 'mp4', '1200': 'mp4', '750': 'mp4', '400': 'mp4', } _video_dimensions = { '3500': '1280x720', '2200': '960x540', '1700': '768x432', '1200': '640x360', '750': '512x288', '400': '384x216', } @classmethod def suitable(cls, url): """Receives a URL and returns True if suitable for this IE.""" return re.match(cls._VALID_URL, url, re.VERBOSE) is not None def _print_formats(self, formats): print('Available formats:') for x in formats: print('%s\t:\t%s\t[%s]' %(x, self._video_extensions.get(x, 'mp4'), self._video_dimensions.get(x, '???'))) def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url, re.VERBOSE) if mobj is None: raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid URL: %s' % url) if'shortname'): if'shortname') in ('tds', 'thedailyshow'): url = u'' else: url = u'' mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url, re.VERBOSE) assert mobj is not None if'clip'): if'showname') == 'thedailyshow': epTitle ='tdstitle') else: epTitle ='cntitle') dlNewest = False else: dlNewest = not'episode') if dlNewest: epTitle ='showname') else: epTitle ='episode') self.report_extraction(epTitle) webpage,htmlHandle = self._download_webpage_handle(url, epTitle) if dlNewest: url = htmlHandle.geturl() mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url, re.VERBOSE) if mobj is None: raise ExtractorError(u'Invalid redirected URL: ' + url) if'episode') == '': raise ExtractorError(u'Redirected URL is still not specific: ' + url) epTitle ='episode') mMovieParams = re.findall('(?:<param name="movie" value="|var url = ")([^"]*(?:episode|video).*?:.*?))"', webpage) if len(mMovieParams) == 0: # The Colbert Report embeds the information in a without # a URL prefix; so extract the alternate reference # and then add the URL prefix manually. altMovieParams = re.findall('data-mgid="([^"]*(?:episode|video).*?:.*?)"', webpage) if len(altMovieParams) == 0: raise ExtractorError(u'unable to find Flash URL in webpage ' + url) else: mMovieParams = [("" + altMovieParams[0], altMovieParams[0])] uri = mMovieParams[0][1] indexUrl = '' + compat_urllib_parse.urlencode({'uri': uri}) indexXml = self._download_webpage(indexUrl, epTitle, u'Downloading show index', u'unable to download episode index') results = [] idoc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(indexXml) itemEls = idoc.findall('.//item') for partNum,itemEl in enumerate(itemEls): mediaId = itemEl.findall('./guid')[0].text shortMediaId = mediaId.split(':')[-1] showId = mediaId.split(':')[-2].replace('.com', '') officialTitle = itemEl.findall('./title')[0].text officialDate = unified_strdate(itemEl.findall('./pubDate')[0].text) configUrl = ('' + compat_urllib_parse.urlencode({'uri': mediaId})) configXml = self._download_webpage(configUrl, epTitle, u'Downloading configuration for %s' % shortMediaId) cdoc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(configXml) turls = [] for rendition in cdoc.findall('.//rendition'): finfo = (rendition.attrib['bitrate'], rendition.findall('./src')[0].text) turls.append(finfo) if len(turls) == 0: self._downloader.report_error(u'unable to download ' + mediaId + ': No videos found') continue if self._downloader.params.get('listformats', None): self._print_formats([i[0] for i in turls]) return # For now, just pick the highest bitrate format,rtmp_video_url = turls[-1] # Get the format arg from the arg stream req_format = self._downloader.params.get('format', None) # Select format if we can find one for f,v in turls: if f == req_format: format, rtmp_video_url = f, v break m = re.match(r'^rtmpe?://.*?/(?P<finalid>gsp.comedystor/.*)$', rtmp_video_url) if not m: raise ExtractorError(u'Cannot transform RTMP url') base = '' video_url = base +'finalid') effTitle = showId + u'-' + epTitle + u' part ' + compat_str(partNum+1) info = { 'id': shortMediaId, 'url': video_url, 'uploader': showId, 'upload_date': officialDate, 'title': effTitle, 'ext': 'mp4', 'format': format, 'thumbnail': None, 'description': compat_str(officialTitle), } results.append(info) return results