# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import collections import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import compat_urlparse from ..utils import ( clean_html, ExtractorError, get_element_by_class, int_or_none, orderedSet, remove_start, str_or_none, str_to_int, unescapeHTML, unified_timestamp, url_or_none, urlencode_postdata, ) from .dailymotion import DailymotionIE from .pladform import PladformIE from .vimeo import VimeoIE from .youtube import YoutubeIE class VKBaseIE(InfoExtractor): _NETRC_MACHINE = 'vk' def _login(self): username, password = self._get_login_info() if username is None: return login_page, url_handle = self._download_webpage_handle( 'https://vk.com', None, 'Downloading login page') login_form = self._hidden_inputs(login_page) login_form.update({ 'email': username.encode('cp1251'), 'pass': password.encode('cp1251'), }) # vk serves two same remixlhk cookies in Set-Cookie header and expects # first one to be actually set self._apply_first_set_cookie_header(url_handle, 'remixlhk') login_page = self._download_webpage( 'https://login.vk.com/?act=login', None, note='Logging in', data=urlencode_postdata(login_form)) if re.search(r'onLoginFailed', login_page): raise ExtractorError( 'Unable to login, incorrect username and/or password', expected=True) def _real_initialize(self): self._login() class VKIE(VKBaseIE): IE_NAME = 'vk' IE_DESC = 'VK' _VALID_URL = r'''(?x) https?:// (?: (?: (?:(?:m|new)\.)?vk\.com/video_| (?:www\.)?daxab.com/ ) ext\.php\?(?P.*?\boid=(?P-?\d+).*?\bid=(?P\d+).*)| (?: (?:(?:m|new)\.)?vk\.com/(?:.+?\?.*?z=)?video| (?:www\.)?daxab.com/embed/ ) (?P-?\d+_\d+)(?:.*\blist=(?P[\da-f]+))? ) ''' _TESTS = [ { 'url': 'http://vk.com/videos-77521?z=video-77521_162222515%2Fclub77521', 'md5': '7babad3b85ea2e91948005b1b8b0cb84', 'info_dict': { 'id': '-77521_162222515', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'ProtivoGunz - Хуёвая песня', 'uploader': 're:(?:Noize MC|Alexander Ilyashenko).*', 'uploader_id': '-77521', 'duration': 195, 'timestamp': 1329049880, 'upload_date': '20120212', }, }, { 'url': 'http://vk.com/video205387401_165548505', 'md5': '6c0aeb2e90396ba97035b9cbde548700', 'info_dict': { 'id': '205387401_165548505', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'No name', 'uploader': 'Tom Cruise', 'uploader_id': '205387401', 'duration': 9, 'timestamp': 1374364108, 'upload_date': '20130720', } }, { 'note': 'Embedded video', 'url': 'http://vk.com/video_ext.php?oid=32194266&id=162925554&hash=7d8c2e0d5e05aeaa&hd=1', 'md5': 'c7ce8f1f87bec05b3de07fdeafe21a0a', 'info_dict': { 'id': '32194266_162925554', 'ext': 'mp4', 'uploader': 'Vladimir Gavrin', 'title': 'Lin Dan', 'duration': 101, 'upload_date': '20120730', 'view_count': int, }, 'skip': 'This video has been removed from public access.', }, { # VIDEO NOW REMOVED # please update if you find a video whose URL follows the same pattern 'url': 'http://vk.com/video-8871596_164049491', 'md5': 'a590bcaf3d543576c9bd162812387666', 'note': 'Only available for registered users', 'info_dict': { 'id': '-8871596_164049491', 'ext': 'mp4', 'uploader': 'Триллеры', 'title': '► Бойцовский клуб / Fight Club 1999 [HD 720]', 'duration': 8352, 'upload_date': '20121218', 'view_count': int, }, 'skip': 'Requires vk account credentials', }, { 'url': 'http://vk.com/hd_kino_mania?z=video-43215063_168067957%2F15c66b9b533119788d', 'md5': '4d7a5ef8cf114dfa09577e57b2993202', 'info_dict': { 'id': '-43215063_168067957', 'ext': 'mp4', 'uploader': 'Киномания - лучшее из мира кино', 'title': ' ', 'duration': 7291, 'upload_date': '20140328', }, 'skip': 'Requires vk account credentials', }, { 'url': 'http://m.vk.com/video-43215063_169084319?list=125c627d1aa1cebb83&from=wall-43215063_2566540', 'md5': '0c45586baa71b7cb1d0784ee3f4e00a6', 'note': 'ivi.ru embed', 'info_dict': { 'id': '-43215063_169084319', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Книга Илая', 'duration': 6771, 'upload_date': '20140626', 'view_count': int, }, 'skip': 'Only works from Russia', }, { # video (removed?) only available with list id 'url': 'https://vk.com/video30481095_171201961?list=8764ae2d21f14088d4', 'md5': '091287af5402239a1051c37ec7b92913', 'info_dict': { 'id': '30481095_171201961', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'ТюменцевВВ_09.07.2015', 'uploader': 'Anton Ivanov', 'duration': 109, 'upload_date': '20150709', 'view_count': int, }, 'skip': 'Removed', }, { # youtube embed 'url': 'https://vk.com/video276849682_170681728', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'V3K4mi0SYkc', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': "DSWD Awards 'Children's Joy Foundation, Inc.' Certificate of Registration and License to Operate", 'description': 'md5:bf9c26cfa4acdfb146362682edd3827a', 'duration': 178, 'upload_date': '20130116', 'uploader': "Children's Joy Foundation Inc.", 'uploader_id': 'thecjf', 'view_count': int, }, }, { # dailymotion embed 'url': 'https://vk.com/video-37468416_456239855', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'k3lz2cmXyRuJQSjGHUv', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'md5:d52606645c20b0ddbb21655adaa4f56f', # TODO: fix test by fixing dailymotion description extraction 'description': 'md5:c651358f03c56f1150b555c26d90a0fd', 'uploader': 'AniLibria.Tv', 'upload_date': '20160914', 'uploader_id': 'x1p5vl5', 'timestamp': 1473877246, }, 'params': { 'skip_download': True, }, }, { # video key is extra_data not url\d+ 'url': 'http://vk.com/video-110305615_171782105', 'md5': 'e13fcda136f99764872e739d13fac1d1', 'info_dict': { 'id': '-110305615_171782105', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'S-Dance, репетиции к The way show', 'uploader': 'THE WAY SHOW | 17 апреля', 'uploader_id': '-110305615', 'timestamp': 1454859345, 'upload_date': '20160207', }, 'params': { 'skip_download': True, }, }, { # finished live stream, postlive_mp4 'url': 'https://vk.com/videos-387766?z=video-387766_456242764%2Fpl_-387766_-2', 'info_dict': { 'id': '-387766_456242764', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'ИгроМир 2016 День 1 — Игромания Утром', 'uploader': 'Игромания', 'duration': 5239, # TODO: use act=show to extract view_count # 'view_count': int, 'upload_date': '20160929', 'uploader_id': '-387766', 'timestamp': 1475137527, }, }, { # live stream, hls and rtmp links, most likely already finished live # stream by the time you are reading this comment 'url': 'https://vk.com/video-140332_456239111', 'only_matching': True, }, { # removed video, just testing that we match the pattern 'url': 'http://vk.com/feed?z=video-43215063_166094326%2Fbb50cacd3177146d7a', 'only_matching': True, }, { # age restricted video, requires vk account credentials 'url': 'https://vk.com/video205387401_164765225', 'only_matching': True, }, { # pladform embed 'url': 'https://vk.com/video-76116461_171554880', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': 'http://new.vk.com/video205387401_165548505', 'only_matching': True, }, { # This video is no longer available, because its author has been blocked. 'url': 'https://vk.com/video-10639516_456240611', 'only_matching': True, }, { # The video is not available in your region. 'url': 'https://vk.com/video-51812607_171445436', 'only_matching': True, }, { # Video %s is not available. 'url': 'https://vk.com/video-173478245_456239188', 'only_matching': True, }, ] def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) video_id = mobj.group('videoid') if video_id: info_url = 'https://vk.com/al_video.php?act=show_inline&al=1&video=' + video_id # Some videos (removed?) can only be downloaded with list id specified list_id = mobj.group('list_id') if list_id: info_url += '&list=%s' % list_id else: info_url = 'http://vk.com/video_ext.php?' + mobj.group('embed_query') video_id = '%s_%s' % (mobj.group('oid'), mobj.group('id')) info_page = self._download_webpage(info_url, video_id) url_page = self._download_webpage(url, video_id) error_message = self._html_search_regex( [r'(?s)]+class="video_layer_message"[^>]*>(.+?)', r'(?s)]+id="video_ext_msg"[^>]*>(.+?)'], info_page, 'error message', default=None) if error_message: raise ExtractorError(error_message, expected=True) if re.search(r'/login\.php\?.*\bact=security_check', info_page): raise ExtractorError( 'You are trying to log in from an unusual location. You should confirm ownership at vk.com to log in with this IP.', expected=True) ERROR_COPYRIGHT = 'Video %s has been removed from public access due to rightholder complaint.' ERRORS = { r'Видеозапись .*? была изъята из публичного доступа в связи с обращением правообладателя.<': ERROR_COPYRIGHT, r'The video .*? was removed from public access by request of the copyright holder.<': ERROR_COPYRIGHT, r'Please log in or <': 'Video %s is only available for registered users, ' 'use --username and --password options to provide account credentials.', r'Unknown error': 'Video %s does not exist.', r'Видео временно недоступно': 'Video %s is temporarily unavailable.', r'Access denied': 'Access denied to video %s.', r'Видеозапись недоступна, так как её автор был заблокирован.': 'Video %s is no longer available, because its author has been blocked.', r'This video is no longer available, because its author has been blocked.': 'Video %s is no longer available, because its author has been blocked.', r'This video is no longer available, because it has been deleted.': 'Video %s is no longer available, because it has been deleted.', r'The video .+? is not available in your region.': 'Video %s is not available in your region.', r'The video .+? is unavailable': 'Video %s is not available.', r'You need to be a member of this group to view': 'Video %s is for group members only.', } for error_re, error_msg in ERRORS.items(): for page in [info_page, url_page]: if re.search(error_re, page): raise ExtractorError(error_msg % video_id, expected=True) youtube_url = YoutubeIE._extract_url(info_page) if youtube_url: return self.url_result(youtube_url, ie=YoutubeIE.ie_key()) vimeo_url = VimeoIE._extract_url(url, info_page) if vimeo_url is not None: return self.url_result(vimeo_url) pladform_url = PladformIE._extract_url(info_page) if pladform_url: return self.url_result(pladform_url) m_rutube = re.search( r'\ssrc="((?:https?:)?//rutube\.ru\\?/(?:video|play)\\?/embed(?:.*?))\\?"', info_page) if m_rutube is not None: rutube_url = self._proto_relative_url( m_rutube.group(1).replace('\\', '')) return self.url_result(rutube_url) dailymotion_urls = DailymotionIE._extract_urls(info_page) if dailymotion_urls: return self.url_result(dailymotion_urls[0], DailymotionIE.ie_key()) m_opts = re.search(r'(?s)var\s+opts\s*=\s*({.+?});', info_page) if m_opts: m_opts_url = re.search(r"url\s*:\s*'((?!/\b)[^']+)", m_opts.group(1)) if m_opts_url: opts_url = m_opts_url.group(1) if opts_url.startswith('//'): opts_url = 'http:' + opts_url return self.url_result(opts_url) # vars does not look to be served anymore since 24.10.2016 data = self._parse_json( self._search_regex( r'var\s+vars\s*=\s*({.+?});', info_page, 'vars', default='{}'), video_id, fatal=False) # is served instead if not data: data = self._parse_json( self._search_regex( [r'\s*({.+?})\s*', r'\s*({.+})'], info_page, 'json', default='{}'), video_id) if data: data = data['player']['params'][0] if not data: data = self._parse_json( self._search_regex( r'var\s+playerParams\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*;\s*\n', info_page, 'player params', default='{}'), video_id) if data: data = data['params'][0] #