from __future__ import print_function import math import re regex = re.compile(r'''(?:\s+)? # StrNumericLiteral.StrWhiteSpace (optional) ( # StringNumericLitral.StrDecimalLiteral (?P[\+\-])? # optional sign (?PInfinity)| [\+\-]?(?PNaN)| # not documented, but Node returns NaN [\+\-]?(?: # DecimalDigits . DecimalDigits(opt) ExponentPart(opt) (?:\d+)? # DecimalDigits (?:\.) (?:\d+)? # DecimalDigits (?:[eE] # ExponentPart.ExponentIndicator [\+\=]? # optional sign (?:\d+) )? )| 0(?P[bB])(?P[01]+)| 0(?P[oO])(?P[01234567]+)| 0(?P[xX])(?P[0-9a-fA-F]+) )(?:\s+)?$''', re.X) def getnan(): try: return math.nan except AttributeError: pass return float('nan') def getinf(mult=1): try: ret = math.inf except AttributeError: ret = float('inf') return mult * ret def can_be_int(inp, out): return str(out)[-2:] == '.0' and ('.0' not in inp and not inp.endswith('.')) def conditional_int(inp): # Values with leading zeros like 01.0 and 01. should fail if len(inp) > 1 and inp[0] == '0': raise SyntaxError('unexpected number; given "{}"'.format(inp)) out = float(inp) return int(str(out)[:-2], 10) if can_be_int(inp, out) else out def parse_numeric(x): m = re.match(regex, x) if not m: raise SyntaxError('invalid nor unexpected token; given "{}"'.format(x)) ret = groups = m.groupdict() if groups['inf']: sign = -1 if groups['inf_sign'] == '-' else 1 ret = getinf(sign) elif groups['nan']: ret = getnan() else: base = key = None if groups['binary']: base = 2 key = 'binary_number' elif groups['octal']: base = 8 key = 'octal_number' elif groups['hex']: base = 16 key = 'hex_number' if key and base: ret = int(groups[key], base) else: try: ret = conditional_int(ret) except ValueError as e: raise SyntaxError('invalid or unexpected token: given "{}"'.format(x)) print('{} -> {}'.format(x, ret)) return ret parse_numeric('.1') parse_numeric('1.') parse_numeric('Infinity') parse_numeric('-Infinity') parse_numeric('+Infinity') parse_numeric('NaN') parse_numeric('-NaN') parse_numeric('+NaN') try: parse_numeric('01.0') except SyntaxError as e: print('01.0 -> {}'.format(e)) try: parse_numeric('01.') except SyntaxError as e: print('01. -> {}'.format(e)) parse_numeric('1.0') parse_numeric('1.1') parse_numeric('1.e5') parse_numeric('1.E5') parse_numeric('1.1e5') parse_numeric('1.1E6') parse_numeric('-1.1E6') parse_numeric('+1.1') parse_numeric('0b101') parse_numeric('0B101') parse_numeric('0o755') parse_numeric('0O755') parse_numeric('0xaf') parse_numeric('0XDEADBEEF9')