# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import re from ..compat import compat_urllib_parse_urlencode from .common import InfoExtractor class CiscoLiveIE(InfoExtractor): IE_NAME = 'ciscolive' _VALID_URL = r'https://ciscolive.cisco.com/on-demand-library/\??(?P[^#]+)#/(?:session/(?P.+))?$' _TESTS = [ { 'url': 'https://ciscolive.cisco.com/on-demand-library/?#/session/1423353499155001FoSs', 'md5': 'c98acf395ed9c9f766941c70f5352e22', 'info_dict': { 'id': '5803694304001', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': '13 Smart Automations to Monitor Your Cisco IOS Network [BRKNMS-2465]', 'description': 'md5:9c8b286dea1e3cb479c4562f1c3e5000', 'timestamp': 1530305395, 'uploader_id': '5647924234001', 'upload_date': '20180629', 'location': '16B Mezz.', }, }, { 'url': 'https://ciscolive.cisco.com/on-demand-library/?search.event=ciscoliveus2018&search.technicallevel=scpsSkillLevel_aintroductory&search.focus=scpsSessionFocus_designAndDeployment#/', 'md5': '993d4cf051f6174059328b1dce8e94bd', 'info_dict': { 'upload_date': '20180629', 'title': 'DevNet Panel-Applying Design Thinking to Building Products in Cisco [DEVNET-1794]', 'timestamp': 1530316421, 'uploader_id': '5647924234001', 'id': '5803751616001', 'description': 'md5:df02755cc961cc38950c36f53849ff1b', 'location': 'WoS, DevNet Theater', 'ext': 'mp4', }, }, { 'url': 'https://ciscolive.cisco.com/on-demand-library/?search.technology=scpsTechnology_applicationDevelopment&search.technology=scpsTechnology_ipv6&search.focus=scpsSessionFocus_troubleshootingTroubleshooting#/', 'md5': '80e0c3b87e373fe3a3316b934b8915bf', 'info_dict': { 'upload_date': '20180629', 'title': 'Beating the CCIE Routing & Switching [BRKCCIE-9162]', 'timestamp': 1530311842, 'uploader_id': '5647924234001', 'id': '5803735679001', 'description': 'md5:9e05b6772263276a5b8feef6f04887a1', 'location': 'TulĂșm 02', 'ext': 'mp4', }, } ] # These appear to be constant across all Cisco Live presentations # and are not tied to any user session or event RAINFOCUS_API_URL = 'https://events.rainfocus.com/api/%s' RAINFOCUS_APIPROFILEID = 'Na3vqYdAlJFSxhYTYQGuMbpafMqftalz' RAINFOCUS_WIDGETID = 'n6l4Lo05R8fiy3RpUBm447dZN8uNWoye' BRIGHTCOVE_URL_TEMPLATE = 'http://players.brightcove.net/5647924234001/SyK2FdqjM_default/index.html?videoId=%s' def _parse_rf_item(self, rf_item): ''' Parses metadata and passes to Brightcove extractor ''' # Metadata parsed from Rainfocus API result # Not all of which is appropriate to pass to Brightcove extractor # but might be nice to print to output event_name = rf_item.get('eventName') # Full event name [Cisco Live EMEA 2016] # rf_id = rf_item.get('eventId') # Rainfocus ID [14382715417240cleu16] cl_id = rf_item.get('abbreviation') # Cisco Live ID - Shorthand session ID [BRKCRS-2501] title = rf_item.get('title') # Full session title [Campus QoS Design-Simplified] description = rf_item.get('abstract') # Description [This session will apply Cisco's QoS strategy for rich media...] presenter_name = rf_item.get('participants')[0].get('fullName') # Presenter's full name [Tim Szigeti] presenter_title = rf_item.get('participants')[0].get('jobTitle') # Presenter's job title [Principal Engineer - Technical Marketing] pdf_url = rf_item.get('files')[0].get('url') # Presentation PDF URL [https://clnv.s3.amazonaws.com/2016/eur/pdf/BRKCRS-2501.pdf] bc_id = rf_item.get('videos')[0].get('url') # Brightcove video ID [5803710412001] bc_url = self.BRIGHTCOVE_URL_TEMPLATE % bc_id # Brightcove video URL [http://players.brightcove.net/5647924234001/SyK2FdqjM_default/index.html?videoId=5803710412001] duration = rf_item.get('times')[0].get('length') * 60 # Duration. Provided in minutes * 60 = seconds [7200] location = rf_item.get('times')[0].get('room') # Location [Hall 7.3 Breakout Room 732] return { '_type': 'url_transparent', 'url': bc_url, 'id': cl_id, 'title': '%s [%s]' % (title, cl_id), 'creator': '%s, %s' % (presenter_name, presenter_title), 'description': '%s\nSlide Deck: %s' % (description, pdf_url), 'series': event_name, 'duration': duration, 'location': location, 'ie_key': 'BrightcoveNew', } def _check_bc_url_exists(self, rf_item): ''' Checks for the existence of a Brightcove URL in a RainFocus result item ''' try: bc_id = rf_item['videos'][0]['url'] mobj = re.match(r'\d+', bc_id) if mobj: return rf_item else: pass except IndexError: pass def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) headers = { 'Origin': 'https://ciscolive.cisco.com', 'rfApiProfileId': self.RAINFOCUS_APIPROFILEID, 'rfWidgetId': self.RAINFOCUS_WIDGETID, 'Referer': url, } # Single session URL (single video) if mobj.group('id'): rf_id = mobj.group('id') request = self.RAINFOCUS_API_URL % 'session' data = compat_urllib_parse_urlencode({'id': rf_id}) rf_result = self._download_json(request, rf_id, data=data, headers=headers) rf_item = self._check_bc_url_exists(rf_result.get('items')[0]) return self._parse_rf_item(rf_item) else: # Filter query URL (multiple videos) rf_query = mobj.group('query') rf_query = str(rf_query + '&type=session&size=1000') request = self.RAINFOCUS_API_URL % 'search' # Query JSON results offer no obvious way to ID the search rf_results = self._download_json(request, 'Filter query', data=rf_query, headers=headers) # Not all sessions have videos; filter them out before moving on rf_video_results = [ rf_item for rf_item in rf_results.get('sectionList')[0].get('items') if self._check_bc_url_exists(rf_item) ] entries = [self._parse_rf_item(rf_item) for rf_item in rf_video_results] return self.playlist_result(entries)