softwarenoob 777174781c
feat: add steam_disk_space egg feature to SteamCMD eggs
A new egg feature modal was introduced in Panel v1.7.0 triggering when server has run out of disk space to provide more user-friendly instructions to both admins and normal users. This is unique to SteamCMD specific errors.
2022-01-20 20:09:13 +02:00

Team Fortress 2 Classic

From their Website

Team Fortress 2 Classic is a re-imagining of the 2008-2009 era of the original Team Fortress 2, of which is what we consider the "Classic Era", featuring old features that were scrapped and worked upon, or new content such as new weapons and gamemodes.

Server Ports

TF2C servers require 1 port to be open, the SourceTV port can also be opened for spectators.

Port default
Game/rcon 27015
SourceTV 27020