Modrinth Generic

This is a generic egg for Modrinth modpacks

You will need to give it a modpack project ID. The project ID for Extreme Optimization! is 1oIpaoJo for example. This can be found on the modpack page in the Technical information section in the left sidebar.

You can also optionally specify a version ID. If you do not specify a version ID, the latest version will be used. The version ID for Extreme Optimization! version 1.12.2For2.0 is SyMW2FDv for example. This can be found on the modpack page by clicking the version number in the Versions section.

The script will automatically setup of Forge, Fabric, or Quilt depending on the modpack.

Server Ports

The minecraft server requires a single port for access (default 25565) but plugins may require extra ports to enabled for the server.

Port default
Game 25565