softwarenoob 777174781c
feat: add steam_disk_space egg feature to SteamCMD eggs
A new egg feature modal was introduced in Panel v1.7.0 triggering when server has run out of disk space to provide more user-friendly instructions to both admins and normal users. This is unique to SteamCMD specific errors.
2022-01-20 20:09:13 +02:00

Citadel: Forged with fire

Citadel: Forged With Fire is a massive online sandbox RPG set in the mystical world of Ignus. Featuring magic, spellcasting, building, exploring and crafting as you fight to make a name for yourself and achieve notoriety across the land.

Server Ports

Port default
Game 7777
Query 27015


You need to setup the Config of the Server in /Config/Game.ini

-> WorldCreationSettings