{ "_comment": "DO NOT EDIT: FILE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY BY PTERODACTYL PANEL - PTERODACTYL.IO", "meta": { "version": "PTDL_v1", "update_url": null }, "exported_at": "2021-01-23T05:41:04+00:00", "name": "alt:V", "author": "parker@parkervcp.com", "description": "alt:V Multiplayer a third-party multiplayer modification for Grand Theft Auto: V", "features": null, "images": [ "quay.io\/paz\/game_altv:game_altv" ], "file_denylist": "", "startup": ".\/update.sh && chmod +x .\/altv-server && .\/altv-server", "config": { "files": "{\r\n \"server.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"host:\": \"host:\",\r\n \"port:\": \"port: {{server.build.default.port}}\",\r\n \"password:\": \"password: {{server.build.env.PASSWORD}}\",\r\n \"description:\": \"description: {{server.build.env.SERVER_DESC}}\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"update.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"branch:\": \"branch: {{server.build.env.BUILD}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}", "startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Server started\"\r\n}", "logs": "{}", "stop": "^C" }, "scripts": { "installation": { "script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n# AltV Install Script\r\n#\r\n# Server Files: \/mnt\/server\r\n# BUILD=stable ## this should be an egg variable.\r\napt update && apt install -y libatomic1 zip unzip jq curl wget libc-bin && cd \/mnt\/server && wget -O 'update.sh' 'https:\/\/raw.githubusercontent.com\/Lhoerion\/altv-serverupdater\/master\/update.sh' && chmod +x .\/update.sh && .\/update.sh && chmod +x .\/altv-server\r\necho -e \"install complete\"", "container": "debian:buster-slim", "entrypoint": "bash" } }, "variables": [ { "name": "ld lib path", "description": "Needed to load modules correctly. Best left at default.", "env_variable": "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "default_value": ".", "user_viewable": false, "user_editable": false, "rules": "required|string|max:20" }, { "name": "Release Branch", "description": "The supported versions are release, rc, dev (default: release).\r\nIf you don't know what you are doing leave it on release", "env_variable": "BUILD", "default_value": "release", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string|max:20" }, { "name": "Server Password", "description": "The password to join the server", "env_variable": "PASSWORD", "default_value": "ChangeMe", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "nullable|string|min:6" }, { "name": "Server Description", "description": "Description for the server.", "env_variable": "SERVER_DESC", "default_value": "A Pterodactyl Hosted Server", "user_viewable": true, "user_editable": true, "rules": "required|string" } ] }