# ################################ # # # # # Ree6 Config File # # # by Presti # # # # # ################################ # # Do not change this! config: version: 2.4.3 creation: 1681169485237 # HikariCP Configuration hikari: # SQL Configuration sql: user: root db: root pw: yourpw host: localhost port: 3306 # Misc Configuration misc: storage: sqlite storageFile: storage/Ree6.db poolSize: 10 # Heartbeat Configuration, for status reporting heartbeat: url: none # The URL to the Heartbeat-Server interval: 60 dagpi: apitoken: yourdagpixyztokenhere # Your Dagpi.xyz API-Token, for tweet image generation! amari: apitoken: Amari API-Token # Your Amari API-Token, for Amari Level imports! sentry: dsn: yourSentryDSNHere # Your Sentry DSN, for error reporting! # Spotify Application Configuration, used to parse Spotify Tracks/Playlists to YouTube search queries. spotify: client: id: yourspotifyclientid secret: yourspotifyclientsecret # Twitch Application Configuration, used for the StreamTools and Twitch Notifications. twitch: client: id: yourtwitchclientidhere secret: yourtwitchclientsecrethere # Twitter Application Configuration, used for the Twitter Notifications. twitter: consumer: key: yourTwitterConsumerKey secret: yourTwitterConsumerSecret access: key: yourTwitterAccessKey secret: yourTwitterAccessSecret # Reddit Application Configuration, used for the Reddit Notification. reddit: client: id: yourredditclientid secret: yourredditclientsecret # Instagram Application Configuration, used for the Instagram Notification. instagram: username: yourInstagramUsername password: yourInstagramPassword # Discord Application Configuration, used for OAuth and Bot Authentication. bot: tokens: release: ReleaseTokenhere # Token used when set to release build. beta: BetaTokenhere # Token used when set to beta build. dev: DevTokenhere # Token used when set to dev build.