For 1.17 JPMS arguments, fix regex to match`^1\.(17|18|19|20|21|22|23)` or latest instead of only dot . minor versions, which is something I didn't notice in a previous PR. This should future proof it.
add support for Spigot 1.18 - 1.23 including snapshots that should future proof it
change install image and remove packages from installation since our install image contains them all
add troubleshooting steps and messages should install fail
use temurin Java images for building since adoptopenjdk is deprecated and doesn't have 17
overwrite used memory for building to 1024 if less than 1024 is used . Wings allocates minimum of 1024MB memory, however, it's not enough to build 1.17+
Add debug messages for debugging when users complain. Do not overwrite `` if it exists.
Correctly configure PHP `extensions_dir`to fix issues with loading extensions like Change install image to our installer for faster installation.
Support new 1.17+ Forge JPMS arguments that doesn't ship any executable jar
Fix forge latest build version option to actually use latest instead of recommended
Set build version input rules to only accept valid values of latest and recommended
Remove spaces from the version variables to avoid issues with curl. Forge site displays versions with spaces to end users
Uses latest purpur v2 API version, together with ignoring null values in jq contains that could trigger invalid results.
Removes java 14 that was deleted from yolks and expands echo debug messages