For 1.17 JPMS arguments, fix regex to match`^1\.(17|18|19|20|21|22|23)` or latest instead of only dot . minor versions, which is something I didn't notice in a previous PR. This should future proof it.
- Updated image to use new yolks Java image.
- Removed unused `-Djavax.accessibility.assistive_technologies=" "` flag from startup command.
- Updated and added as many Startup Variables as possible for basic/common settings in the `config.txt` file.
- Updated the install script to (1.) have more verbose/clear logging, (2.) update old `config.txt` files with newer versions (while retaining the old one for posterity at `config.txt-old`), and (3.) moving the `example_playlist.txt` file to the correct directory.
`config.txt` File:
- Updated to the latest version.
`playlist.txt` File:
- Renamed to `example_playlist.txt`.
- Updated in general to match Wiki's example.
- Added authors
- Added a better bot description.
- Improved "Configuration" section.
- Added "Updating" section.
add support for Spigot 1.18 - 1.23 including snapshots that should future proof it
change install image and remove packages from installation since our install image contains them all
add troubleshooting steps and messages should install fail
use temurin Java images for building since adoptopenjdk is deprecated and doesn't have 17
overwrite used memory for building to 1024 if less than 1024 is used . Wings allocates minimum of 1024MB memory, however, it's not enough to build 1.17+
Updates Docker images to use yolks
Delete config parser that was leftover from tshock egg
Fixes glibc missing
Fixes missing server config file and does not overwrite it on reinstall
Fixes server shutdown
Add debug messages for debugging when users complain. Do not overwrite `` if it exists.
Correctly configure PHP `extensions_dir`to fix issues with loading extensions like Change install image to our installer for faster installation.
The tshock egg currently uses `unzip` command in the installation script to extract the downloaded files.
If the user reinstalls the server, the extracted files already exist, and `unzip` prompts for whether to overwrite the files or not. This causes the installation script to get stuck.
This fixes the problem by adding the `-o` option to overwrite the files without prompting.
- Adds the newly discovered `-multihome` flag to fix update's IPv6 related issue, where the IP binds to IPv6 by default, causing a crash on boot. Server will now bind to IPv4 by default. As this is a hotfix, IPv6's possible support will be investigated at a later date.
- Adds the newly discovered `?listen` flag to the `-Port` flag to explicitly declare the port. This will prevent the server from possibly auto-incrementing the port if, for whatever reason, it thinks there's another Satisfactory server present in the same container.