ATS fix mkdir

This commit is contained in:
Quinten 2022-12-11 14:00:36 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent de53554f0d
commit 899a0cb4bf
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
"meta": {
"version": "PTDL_v2",
"update_url": null
"exported_at": "2022-12-11T11:11:17+01:00",
"name": "American Truck Simulator Dedicated Server",
"author": "",
"description": "This will set up SteamCMD and all the required files for the newly released American Truck Simulator Dedicated server. Simply placed the exported server config from your ATS instance to the .local\/share\/American Truck Simulator\/ folder and select start. Make sure that auto start is off on server creation to allow you to upload your config files.",
"features": [
"docker_images": {
"\/parkervcp\/games:source": "\/parkervcp\/games:source"
"file_denylist": [],
"startup": ".\/bin\/linux_x64\/amtrucks_server",
"config": {
"files": "{\r\n \"\/.local\/share\/American Truck Simulator\/server_config.sii\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \" connection_dedicated_port:\": \" connection_dedicated_port: {{}}\",\r\n \" query_dedicated_port:\": \" query_dedicated_port: {{env.QUERY_PORT}}\",\r\n \" server_logon_token:\": \" server_logon_token: \\\"{{env.STEAM_TOKEN}}\\\"\",\r\n \" lobby_name:\": \" lobby_name: \\\"{{env.LOBBY_NAME}}\\\"\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"[MP] Session running.\"\r\n}",
"logs": "{}",
"stop": "^C"
"scripts": {
"installation": {
"script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n\r\n## just in case someone removed the defaults.\r\nif [[ \"${STEAM_USER}\" == \"\" ]] || [[ \"${STEAM_PASS}\" == \"\" ]]; then\r\n echo -e \"steam user is not set.\\n\"\r\n echo -e \"Using anonymous user.\\n\"\r\n STEAM_USER=anonymous\r\n STEAM_PASS=\"\"\r\n STEAM_AUTH=\"\"\r\nelse\r\n echo -e \"user set to ${STEAM_USER}\"\r\nfi\r\n\r\n## download and install steamcmd\r\ncd \/tmp\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\ncurl -sSL -o steamcmd.tar.gz https:\/\/\/client\/installer\/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz\r\ntar -xzvf steamcmd.tar.gz -C \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/steamapps # Fix steamcmd disk write error when this folder is missing\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\n\r\n# SteamCMD fails otherwise for some reason, even running as root.\r\n# This is changed at the end of the install process anyways.\r\nchown -R root:root \/mnt\r\nexport HOME=\/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n## install game using steamcmd\r\n.\/ +force_install_dir \/mnt\/server +login ${STEAM_USER} ${STEAM_PASS} ${STEAM_AUTH} +app_update ${SRCDS_APPID} validate +quit\r\n\r\n## set up 32 bit libraries\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/.steam\/sdk32\r\ncp -v linux32\/ ..\/.steam\/sdk32\/\r\n\r\n## set up 64 bit libraries\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/.steam\/sdk64\r\ncp -v linux64\/ ..\/.steam\/sdk64\/\r\n\r\n\r\n## add below your custom commands if needed\r\nmkdir -p \"\/mnt\/server\/.local\/share\/American Truck Simulator\/\"\r\necho -e '\\033[1mUpload your config and pack file first before starting the server!\\033[0m'\r\n\r\n## install end\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"\r\necho \"Installation completed...\"\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"",
"container": "\/parkervcp\/installers:debian",
"entrypoint": "bash"
"variables": [
"name": "Auto update",
"description": "",
"env_variable": "AUTO_UPDATE",
"default_value": "1",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|boolean",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "App ID",
"description": "",
"env_variable": "SRCDS_APPID",
"default_value": "2239530",
"user_viewable": false,
"user_editable": false,
"rules": "required|string|in:2239530",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "STEAM_TOKEN",
"description": "",
"env_variable": "STEAM_TOKEN",
"default_value": "",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "nullable|string|max:64",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "query port",
"description": "Must be between 27015 and 27020!",
"env_variable": "QUERY_PORT",
"default_value": "27016",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": false,
"rules": "required|string",
"field_type": "text"
"meta": {
"version": "PTDL_v2",
"update_url": null
"name": "LOBBY_NAME",
"description": "Used as the name of the server lobby",
"env_variable": "LOBBY_NAME",
"default_value": "American Truck Simulator",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:20",
"field_type": "text"
"exported_at": "2022-12-11T13:59:43+01:00",
"name": "American Truck Simulator Dedicated Server",
"author": "",
"description": "This will set up SteamCMD and all the required files for the newly released American Truck Simulator Dedicated server. Simply placed the exported server config from your ATS instance to the .local\/share\/American Truck Simulator\/ folder and select start. Make sure that auto start is off on server creation to allow you to upload your config files.",
"features": [
"docker_images": {
"\/parkervcp\/games:source": "\/parkervcp\/games:source"
"file_denylist": [],
"startup": ".\/bin\/linux_x64\/amtrucks_server",
"config": {
"files": "{\r\n \"\/.local\/share\/American Truck Simulator\/server_config.sii\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \" connection_dedicated_port:\": \" connection_dedicated_port: {{}}\",\r\n \" query_dedicated_port:\": \" query_dedicated_port: {{env.QUERY_PORT}}\",\r\n \" server_logon_token:\": \" server_logon_token: \\\"{{env.STEAM_TOKEN}}\\\"\",\r\n \" lobby_name:\": \" lobby_name: \\\"{{env.LOBBY_NAME}}\\\"\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"[MP] Session running.\"\r\n}",
"logs": "{}",
"stop": "^C"
"scripts": {
"installation": {
"script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n\r\n## just in case someone removed the defaults.\r\nif [[ \"${STEAM_USER}\" == \"\" ]] || [[ \"${STEAM_PASS}\" == \"\" ]]; then\r\n echo -e \"steam user is not set.\\n\"\r\n echo -e \"Using anonymous user.\\n\"\r\n STEAM_USER=anonymous\r\n STEAM_PASS=\"\"\r\n STEAM_AUTH=\"\"\r\nelse\r\n echo -e \"user set to ${STEAM_USER}\"\r\nfi\r\n\r\n## download and install steamcmd\r\ncd \/tmp\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\ncurl -sSL -o steamcmd.tar.gz https:\/\/\/client\/installer\/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz\r\ntar -xzvf steamcmd.tar.gz -C \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/steamapps # Fix steamcmd disk write error when this folder is missing\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\n\r\n# SteamCMD fails otherwise for some reason, even running as root.\r\n# This is changed at the end of the install process anyways.\r\nchown -R root:root \/mnt\r\nexport HOME=\/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n## install game using steamcmd\r\n.\/ +force_install_dir \/mnt\/server +login ${STEAM_USER} ${STEAM_PASS} ${STEAM_AUTH} +app_update ${SRCDS_APPID} validate +quit\r\n\r\n## set up 32 bit libraries\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/.steam\/sdk32\r\ncp -v linux32\/ ..\/.steam\/sdk32\/\r\n\r\n## set up 64 bit libraries\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/.steam\/sdk64\r\ncp -v linux64\/ ..\/.steam\/sdk64\/\r\n\r\n\r\n## add below your custom commands if needed\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/.local\/share\/\"American Truck Simulator\"\/\r\necho -e '\\033[1mUpload your config and pack file first before starting the server!\\033[0m'\r\n\r\n## install end\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"\r\necho \"Installation completed...\"\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"",
"container": "\/parkervcp\/installers:debian",
"entrypoint": "bash"
"variables": [
"name": "Auto update",
"description": "",
"env_variable": "AUTO_UPDATE",
"default_value": "1",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|boolean",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "App ID",
"description": "",
"env_variable": "SRCDS_APPID",
"default_value": "2239530",
"user_viewable": false,
"user_editable": false,
"rules": "required|string|in:2239530",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "STEAM_TOKEN",
"description": "",
"env_variable": "STEAM_TOKEN",
"default_value": "",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "nullable|string|max:64",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "query port",
"description": "Must be between 27015 and 27020!",
"env_variable": "QUERY_PORT",
"default_value": "27016",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": false,
"rules": "required|string",
"field_type": "text"
"name": "LOBBY_NAME",
"description": "Used as the name of the server lobby",
"env_variable": "LOBBY_NAME",
"default_value": "American Truck Simulator",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string|max:20",
"field_type": "text"