Merge pull request #1551 from gOOvER/patch-2

update/code-server - update install image to ghcr
This commit is contained in:
Michael (Parker) Parker 2022-02-19 07:37:34 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit 3ab81f1b57
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"scripts": {
"installation": {
"script": "apt update\r\napt install -y curl jq\r\nMATCH=linux-amd64\r\n\r\n# Create initial directories\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n# Create needed directories\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/.local\/lib \/mnt\/server\/.local\/bin \/mnt\/server\/.config\/code-server \/mnt\/server\/projects\r\n\r\n# Change permission of projects directory so it can be accessed by code-server\r\nchmod 777 \/mnt\/server\/projects\r\ntouch \"\/mnt\/server\/projects\/PLACE YOUR PROJECTS HERE\"\r\n\r\n# Check for available versions. Defaults to latest if no valid version is found.\r\nLATEST_JSON=$(curl --silent \"https:\/\/\/repos\/coder\/code-server\/releases\/latest\")\r\nRELEASES=$(curl --silent \"https:\/\/\/repos\/coder\/code-server\/releases\")\r\n\r\nif [ -z \"${VERSION}\" ] || [ \"${VERSION}\" == \"latest\" ]; then\r\n DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${LATEST_JSON} | jq .assets | jq -r .[].browser_download_url | grep -i ${MATCH})\r\nelse\r\n VERSION_CHECK=$(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r --arg VERSION \"v${VERSION}\" '.[] | select(.tag_name==$VERSION) | .tag_name')\r\n if [ \"v${VERSION}\" == \"${VERSION_CHECK}\" ]; then\r\n DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r --arg VERSION \"v${VERSION}\" '.[] | select(.tag_name==$VERSION) | .assets[].browser_download_url' | grep -i ${MATCH})\r\n else\r\n echo -e \"defaulting to latest release\"\r\n DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${LATEST_JSON} | jq .assets | jq -r .[].browser_download_url)\r\n fi\r\nfi\r\n\r\n# Download the given Version and extract it\r\necho \"Downloading $DOWNLOAD_URL\"\r\ncurl -fL $DOWNLOAD_URL | tar -C \/mnt\/server\/.local\/lib -xz\r\nmv \/mnt\/server\/.local\/lib\/code-server-*linux-amd64 \/mnt\/server\/.local\/lib\/code-server-${VERSION}\r\n\r\n\r\nPATH=\"\/mnt\/server\/.local\/bin:$PATH\"\r\necho \"password: changeme\r\nbind-addr:\r\nauth: password\r\ncert: false\" > \/mnt\/server\/.config\/code-server\/config.yaml\r\n\r\necho \"Install complete\"",
"container": "debian:buster-slim",
"container": "",
"entrypoint": "bash"
@ -50,4 +50,4 @@
"rules": "string|max:20"