"description":"Git repo to clone\r\n\r\nI.E. https:\/\/github.com\/parkervcp\/repo_name",
"name":"Git Branch",
"description":"What branch to pull from github.\r\n\r\nDefault is blank to pull the repo default branch",
"name":"Auto Update",
"description":"Pull the latest files on startup when using a GitHub repo.",
"name":"Git Username",
"description":"Username to auth with git.",
"name":"Git Access Token",
"description":"Password to use with git.\r\n\r\nIt's best practice to use a Personal Access Token.\r\nhttps:\/\/github.com\/settings\/tokens\r\nhttps:\/\/gitlab.com\/-\/profile\/personal_access_tokens",
"name":"Bot Token",
"description":"The discord token used to run your bot. Sets to the environment variable `DISCORD_TOKEN`\r\n\r\nAlternatively, you can use a .env file",