
123 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-07-12 04:41:33 +08:00
"meta": {
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"version": "PTDL_v2",
"update_url": null
2018-07-12 04:41:33 +08:00
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"exported_at": "2024-04-11T14:59:42+01:00",
"name": "Wine Generic",
"author": "",
"description": "Squad is a realism-based military tactical first-person shooter video game developed and published by Canadian indie developer Offworld Industries exclusively through the Steam distribution platform. It is a spiritual successor to the Project Reality modification for Battlefield 2.",
"features": null,
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"docker_images": {
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"\/parkervcp\/yolks:wine_latest": "\/parkervcp\/yolks:wine_latest"
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"file_denylist": [],
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"startup": ".\/",
2018-07-12 04:41:33 +08:00
"config": {
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"files": "{\r\n \"SquadGame\/ServerConfig\/Server.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"ServerName\": \"ServerName=\\\"{{}}\\\"\",\r\n \"MaxPlayers\": \"MaxPlayers={{}}\",\r\n \"AllowTeamChanges\": \"AllowTeamChanges={{}}\",\r\n \"ShouldAdvertise\": \"ShouldAdvertise={{}}\",\r\n \"NumReservedSlots\": \"NumReservedSlots={{}}\",\r\n \"PreventTeamChangeIfUnbalanced\": \"PreventTeamChangeIfUnbalanced={{}}\",\r\n \"EnforceTeamBalance\": \"EnforceTeamBalance={{}}\",\r\n \"RecordDemos\": \"RecordDemos={{}}\",\r\n \"TKAutoKickEnabled\": \"TKAutoKickEnabled={{}}\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"SquadGame\/ServerConfig\/Rcon.cfg\": {\r\n \"parser\": \"file\",\r\n \"find\": {\r\n \"Password\": \"Password=\\\"{{}}\\\"\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}",
"startup": "{\r\n \"done\": \"Everything Done\"\r\n}",
"logs": "{}",
2018-07-12 04:41:33 +08:00
"stop": "^C"
"scripts": {
"installation": {
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"script": "#!\/bin\/bash\r\n# This script installs the Squad game server using Wine and SteamCMD, as well as creates a script.\r\n\r\n# Navigate to the temporary directory and setup SteamCMD\r\ncd \/tmp\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\ncurl -sSL -o steamcmd.tar.gz https:\/\/\/client\/installer\/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz\r\ntar -xzvf steamcmd.tar.gz -C \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\n\r\n# Create a directory to prevent SteamCMD disk write errors\r\nmkdir -p \/mnt\/server\/steamapps\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\/steamcmd\r\n\r\n# Install the Squad server for Windows using SteamCMD\r\n.\/ +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +force_install_dir \/mnt\/server +login anonymous +app_update 403240 validate +quit\r\n\r\n# Remove the Steam workshop file to prevent conflict with mods specified in the variables tab\r\nrm \/mnt\/server\/steamapps\/workshop\/appworkshop_393380.acf\r\n\r\n# Address ownership issues which can cause SteamCMD to fail, especially when running as root\r\nchown -R root:root \/mnt\r\n\r\n# Set the HOME environment variable to the server directory\r\nexport HOME=\/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n# Download specified workshop items using a list from the `WORKSHOP_ITEMS` environment variable\r\n.\/ +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +force_install_dir \/mnt\/server +login anonymous \\\r\n$(IFS=','; for item in $WORKSHOP_ITEMS; do echo \"+workshop_download_item 393380 ${item}\"; done) \\\r\n+quit\r\n\r\n# Move downloaded mods to the appropriate directory\r\nmv -f \/mnt\/server\/steamapps\/workshop\/content\/393380\/* \/mnt\/server\/SquadGame\/Plugins\/Mods\/\r\n\r\n# Create or Download '' in the server directory\r\necho \"Creating script in the server directory...\"\r\ncat << 'EOF' > \/mnt\/server\/\r\n#!\/bin\/bash\r\n# Startup command to run the Squad game server and tail logs.\r\n\r\n# Ensure the server executable variable is replaced correctly\r\nSERVER_EXEC=\"\/home\/container\/SquadGame\/Binaries\/Win64\/${SERVER_EXECUTABLE}\"\r\nLOG_PATH=\"\/home\/container\/SquadGame\/Saved\/Logs\/SquadGame.log\"\r\n\r\n# Output startup details\r\necho \"Starting the Squad game server...\"\r\necho \"Executable: $SERVER_EXEC\"\r\necho \"Logs will be tailed from: $LOG_PATH\"\r\n\r\n# Start the Squad server in the background\r\nwine \"$SERVER_EXEC\" Port=${SERVER_PORT} QueryPort=${QUERY_PORT} beaconport=${BEACON_PORT} FIXEDMAXTICKRATE=${FIXEDMAXTICKRATE} -log &\r\n\r\n# Tail the log file\r\ntail -f \"$LOG_PATH\"\r\nEOF\r\n\r\nchmod +x \/mnt\/server\/\r\n\r\n# Inform user of installation completion\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"\r\necho \"Installation and script setup completed...\"\r\necho \"-----------------------------------------\"",
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"container": "\/parkervcp\/installers:debian",
2018-07-12 04:41:33 +08:00
"entrypoint": "bash"
"variables": [
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"name": "Server Executable",
"description": "The server executable to run.",
"env_variable": "SERVER_EXECUTABLE",
"default_value": "SquadGameServer.exe",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": false,
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"rules": "required|string",
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"field_type": "text"
2019-10-08 21:07:48 +08:00
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"name": "sub directory to install into",
"description": "for example is the server needs to get installed into \/home\/container\/server\/bin\/\r\n\r\nuse server\/bin\/",
"env_variable": "INSTALL_DIR",
"default_value": "",
"user_viewable": false,
"user_editable": false,
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"rules": "nullable|string",
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"field_type": "text"
2019-10-08 21:07:48 +08:00
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"name": "Download Workshops Items",
"description": "Workshop file ids separated by a comma \",\" (1111111,222222) \r\nReinstall Required to install mods",
"env_variable": "WORKSHOP_ITEMS",
"default_value": "",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string",
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"field_type": "text"
2019-10-08 21:07:48 +08:00
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"name": "Beacon Port",
"description": "Beacon port for your Squad server.",
"env_variable": "BEACON_PORT",
"default_value": "",
"user_viewable": true,
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"user_editable": false,
"rules": "required|numeric",
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"field_type": "text"
"name": "Max Players",
"description": "Sets the maximum number of players.",
"env_variable": "maxplayers",
"default_value": "80",
"user_viewable": true,
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"user_editable": false,
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"rules": "required",
"field_type": "text"
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"name": "Server Name",
"description": "The name for the server in the server list",
"env_variable": "servername",
"default_value": "Squad Server",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"rules": "required|string|max:30",
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"field_type": "text"
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"name": "Allowteamchange",
"description": "Allow players to change teams ( true \\\/ false )",
"env_variable": "allowteamchange",
"default_value": "true",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"rules": "required|string",
"field_type": "text"
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"name": "TKAutoKick",
"description": "teamkill system if you like enable by ( true \\\/ false )",
"env_variable": "TKAutoKickEnabled",
"default_value": "true",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
2023-01-13 18:05:59 +08:00
"rules": "required|string",
"field_type": "text"
2024-04-11 23:05:29 +08:00
"name": "tickrate",
"description": "your numbers of max tickrate",
"env_variable": "FIXEDMAXTICKRATE",
"default_value": "50",
"user_viewable": true,
"user_editable": true,
"rules": "required|string",
"field_type": "text"
2018-07-12 04:41:33 +08:00