Once those files have been uploaded and configured you are free to start up your server. When the sever is started look for the line: Session search id: 00000000000000000/101 The number before the / is your search term. This is number to search for in the convoy screen to find your server. You can **NOT** search by the server name at this time. Example: if your number before the / is 987654321 then you would search for 987654321 on your convoy screen in game.
Adding a server token received from registering your server at https://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers be sure to use the correct App ID or your server will crash upon startup.
I do not claim to know everything about this setup as I just got it reliably working myself and will update the egg if anything changes. That being said, if you have problems open up an issue and I will do my best to help if when I have the time.