You can contribute by either creating a new pull request or testing [existing pull requests]( and commenting on whether the egg works for you or not. Testing is very important and helpful!
1. Don't be afraid to submit PR's to the egg repo.
I don't bite. I will work with you on the egg and the required things to run it. Feel free to open a draft PR if you don't quite have the egg finished yet by yourself.
2. Keep it secure.
No start scripts that a user can edit.
If a start script is needed it should be part of a yolk.
Only use what is absolutely needed. The [yolks install images]( already contain the most basic packages that speeds up the installation process.
If you need something in an image, open a PR in [my yolks repo]( where it can be reviewed and built. Self-hosted or third-party images won't be accepted for security reasons.
Look at existing eggs to see how they work. In most cases, you can take the existing egg as your new template. There's a brief documentation on how to [create eggs]( and [Docker images](
Use existing Docker images for your egg. You can find them in [Parkers Yolks fork]( and [Pterodactyl Yolks](
We have a collection of [existing install script snippets]( that you can use.