"description":"To make the Los Angeles Crimes public server. Los Angeles Crimes lets you play, create, and discover a variety of immersive worlds created by a global community!",
"script":"#!\/bin\/bash\r\ncd \/mnt\/server\r\n\r\n# delete the previous file (if it is in the file manager)\r\nrm -f LAC_Linux_v${VER}.x86_64 && rm -rf LAC_Linux_v${VER}_Data\r\n\r\n# Using another version still under development!\r\n#echo \"checking the given version file and download it... v${VER}.\"\r\n#wget https:\/\/dl.lacrimesonline.com\/builds\/LAC_v${VER}\/LAC_Linux_Server_v${VER}.zip -O LAC_Linux_Server_v${VER}.zip || echo \"VERSION v${VER} IS NOT FOUND! Use v1.6 instead...\" && exit 1\r\n\r\nwget https:\/\/dl.lacrimesonline.com\/builds\/LAC_Linux_v${VER}.zip -O LAC_Linux_Server_v${VER}.zip\r\necho \"successfully downloaded v${VER} files.!\" &&\r\n\r\n# Extracting & remove the zip file\r\nunzip .\/LAC_Linux_Server_v${VER}.zip\r\nrm -f .\/LAC_Linux_Server_v${VER}.zip\r\n\r\n# Make the main file executable....\r\nchmod +x LAC_Linux_v${VER}.x86_64\r\n\r\necho \"INSTALATION COMPLETE!\"",
"description":"The build version is available at https:\/\/dl.lacrimesonline.com\/builds\/. Just write a numeric version like 1.6, don't use any other characters than numbers and periods. If the entered version is incorrect\/non-existent it will use version 1.6 (for now). After replacing it, then reinstall this server. [ THIS FEATURE IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT ]",