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<title>fivem runcode</title>
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<!-- TODO pending add-on resource that'll contain webpack'd compiler
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<button class="button is-primary" id="run">Run</button>
<div id="result">
to use a local deployment, uncomment; do note currently the server isn't optimized to serve >1MB files
<script src="monaco-editor/vs/loader.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/monaco-editor@0.18.1/min/vs/loader.js"></script>
function fetchClients() {
fetch('/runcode/clients').then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
const el = document.querySelector('#cl-select');
const clients = res.clients;
const realClients = [['All', '-1'], ...clients];
const createdClients = new Set([...el.querySelectorAll('option').entries()].map(([i, el]) => el.value));
const existentClients = new Set(realClients.map(([ name, id ]) => id));
const toRemove = [...createdClients].filter(a => !existentClients.has(a));
for (const [name, id] of realClients) {
const ex = el.querySelector(`option[value="${id}"]`);
if (!ex) {
const l = document.createElement('option');
l.setAttribute('value', id);
for (const id of toRemove) {
const l = el.querySelector(`option[value="${id}"]`);
if (l) {
let useClient = false;
let editServerCb = null;
[['#cl-button', true], ['#sv-button', false]].forEach(([ selector, isClient ]) => {
const eh = () => {
if (isClient) {
document.querySelector('#cl-select').disabled = false;
useClient = true;
} else {
document.querySelector('#cl-select').disabled = true;
useClient = false;
document.querySelectorAll('#cl-sv-toggle button').forEach(el => {
el.classList.remove('is-selected', 'is-info');
const tgt = document.querySelector(selector);
tgt.classList.add('is-selected', 'is-info');
if (editServerCb) {
// default to not-client
if (!isClient) {
document.querySelector(selector).addEventListener('click', ev => {
let lang = 'lua';
let editLangCb = null;
let initCb = null;
function getLangCode(lang) {
switch (lang) {
case 'js':
return 'javascript';
case 'ts':
return 'typescript';
return lang;
[['#lua-button', 'lua'], ['#js-button', 'js']/*, ['#ts-button', 'ts']*/].forEach(([ selector, langOpt ]) => {
const eh = () => {
lang = langOpt;
document.querySelectorAll('#lang-toggle button').forEach(el => {
el.classList.remove('is-selected', 'is-info');
const tgt = document.querySelector(selector);
tgt.classList.add('is-selected', 'is-info');
if (editLangCb) {
// default to not-client
if (langOpt === 'lua') {
document.querySelector(selector).addEventListener('click', ev => {
setInterval(() => fetchClients(), 1000);
const inNui = (!!window.invokeNative);
let openData = {};
if (inNui) {
document.querySelector('#passwordField').style.display = 'none';
fetch(`http://${window.parent.GetParentResourceName()}/getOpenData`, {
method: 'POST',
body: '{}'
}).then(a => a.json())
.then(a => {
openData = a;
if (!openData.options.canServer) {
document.querySelector('#cl-sv-toggle').style.display = 'none';
const trigger = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
trigger.initEvent('click', true, true);
} else if (!openData.options.canClient && !openData.options.canSelf) {
document.querySelector('#cl-sv-toggle').style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('#cl-field').style.display = 'none';
const trigger = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
trigger.initEvent('click', true, true);
if (!openData.options.canClient && openData.options.canSelf) {
document.querySelector('#cl-field').style.display = 'none';
if (openData.options.saveData) {
const cb = () => {
if (initCb) {
lastLang: openData.options.saveData.lastLang,
lastSnippet: openData.options.saveData.lastSnippet
} else {
setTimeout(cb, 50);
setTimeout(cb, 50);
fetch(`https://${window.parent.GetParentResourceName()}/doOk`, {
method: 'POST',
body: '{}'
document.querySelector('#close button').addEventListener('click', ev => {
fetch(`https://${window.parent.GetParentResourceName()}/doClose`, {
method: 'POST',
body: '{}'
const defFiles = ['index.d.ts'];
const defFilesServer = [...defFiles, 'natives_server.d.ts'];
const defFilesClient = [...defFiles, 'natives_universal.d.ts'];
const prefix = 'https://unpkg.com/@citizenfx/{}/';
const prefixClient = prefix.replace('{}', 'client');
const prefixServer = prefix.replace('{}', 'server');
require.config({ paths: { 'vs': 'https://unpkg.com/monaco-editor@0.18.1/min/vs' }});
require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], function() {
const editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('code-container'), {
value: 'return 42',
language: 'lua'
let finalizers = [];
const updateScript = (client, lang) => {
finalizers.forEach(a => a());
finalizers = [];
if (lang === 'js' || lang === 'ts') {
const defaults = (lang === 'js') ? monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults :
noLib: true,
allowNonTsExtensions: true
for (const file of (client ? defFilesClient : defFilesServer)) {
const prefix = (client ? prefixClient : prefixServer);
.then(a => a.text())
.then(a => {
const l = defaults.addExtraLib(a, file);
finalizers.push(() => l.dispose());
editLangCb = () => {
monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(editor.getModel(), getLangCode(lang));
updateScript(useClient, lang);
editServerCb = () => {
updateScript(useClient, lang);
initCb = (data) => {
if (data.lastLang) {
const trigger = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
trigger.initEvent('click', true, true);
if (data.lastSnippet) {
document.querySelector('#run').addEventListener('click', e => {
const text = editor.getValue();
fetch((!inNui) ? '/runcode/' : `https://${openData.res}/runCodeInBand`, {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({
password: document.querySelector('#password').value,
client: (useClient) ? document.querySelector('#cl-select').value : '',
code: text,
lang: lang
}).then(res => res.json()).then(res => {
if (inNui) {
res = JSON.parse(res); // double packing for sad msgpack-to-json
const resultElement = document.querySelector('#result');
if (res.error) {
resultElement.classList.remove('notification', 'is-success');
resultElement.classList.add('notification', 'is-danger');
} else {
resultElement.classList.remove('notification', 'is-danger');
resultElement.classList.add('notification', 'is-success');
resultElement.innerHTML = res.error || res.result;
if (res.from) {
resultElement.innerHTML += ' (from ' + res.from + ')';
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