RconLog({ msgType = 'serverStart', hostname = 'lovely', maxplayers = 32 }) RegisterServerEvent('rlPlayerActivated') local names = {} AddEventHandler('rlPlayerActivated', function() RconLog({ msgType = 'playerActivated', netID = source, name = GetPlayerName(source), guid = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1], ip = GetPlayerEP(source) }) names[source] = { name = GetPlayerName(source), id = source } TriggerClientEvent('rlUpdateNames', GetHostId()) end) RegisterServerEvent('rlUpdateNamesResult') AddEventHandler('rlUpdateNamesResult', function(res) if source ~= GetHostId() then print('bad guy') return end for id, data in pairs(res) do if data then if data.name then if not names[id] then names[id] = data end if names[id].name ~= data.name or names[id].id ~= data.id then names[id] = data RconLog({ msgType = 'playerRenamed', netID = id, name = data.name }) end end else names[id] = nil end end end) AddEventHandler('playerDropped', function() RconLog({ msgType = 'playerDropped', netID = source, name = GetPlayerName(source) }) names[source] = nil end) AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(netID, name, message) RconLog({ msgType = 'chatMessage', netID = netID, name = name, message = message, guid = GetPlayerIdentifiers(netID)[1] }) end) AddEventHandler('rconCommand', function(commandName, args) if commandName == 'status' then for netid, data in pairs(names) do local guid = GetPlayerIdentifiers(netid) if guid and guid[1] and data then local ping = GetPlayerPing(netid) RconPrint(netid .. ' ' .. guid[1] .. ' ' .. data.name .. ' ' .. GetPlayerEP(netid) .. ' ' .. ping .. "\n") end end CancelEvent() elseif commandName:lower() == 'clientkick' then local playerId = table.remove(args, 1) local msg = table.concat(args, ' ') DropPlayer(playerId, msg) CancelEvent() elseif commandName:lower() == 'tempbanclient' then local playerId = table.remove(args, 1) local msg = table.concat(args, ' ') TempBanPlayer(playerId, msg) CancelEvent() end end)