Citizen.CreateThread(function() local isDead = false local hasBeenDead = false local diedAt while true do Wait(0) local player = PlayerId() if NetworkIsPlayerActive(player) then local ped = PlayerPedId() if IsPedFatallyInjured(ped) and not isDead then isDead = true if not diedAt then diedAt = GetGameTimer() end local killer = NetworkGetEntityKillerOfPlayer(player) local killerentitytype = GetEntityType(killer) local killertype = -1 local killerinvehicle = false local killervehiclename = '' local killervehicleseat = 0 if killerentitytype == 1 then killertype = GetPedType(killer) if IsPedInAnyVehicle(killer, false) == 1 then killerinvehicle = true killervehiclename = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(killer))) killervehicleseat = GetPedVehicleSeat(killer) else killerinvehicle = false end end local killerid = GetPlayerByEntityID(killer) if killer ~= ped and killerid ~= nil and NetworkIsPlayerActive(killerid) then killerid = GetPlayerServerId(killerid) else killerid = -1 end if killer == ped then TriggerEvent('baseevents:onPlayerDied', killertype, { table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(ped)) }) TriggerServerEvent('baseevents:onPlayerDied', killertype, { table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(ped)) }) hasBeenDead = true else TriggerEvent('baseevents:onPlayerKilled', killerid, {killertype=killertype, killerinveh=killerinvehicle, killervehseat=killervehicleseat, killervehname=killervehiclename, killerpos=table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(ped))}) TriggerServerEvent('baseevents:onPlayerKilled', killerid, {killertype=killertype, killerinveh=killerinvehicle, killervehseat=killervehicleseat, killervehname=killervehiclename, killerpos=table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(ped))}) hasBeenDead = true end elseif not IsPedFatallyInjured(ped) then isDead = false diedAt = nil end -- check if the player has to respawn in order to trigger an event if not hasBeenDead and diedAt ~= nil and diedAt > 0 then TriggerEvent('baseevents:onPlayerWasted', { table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(ped)) }) TriggerServerEvent('baseevents:onPlayerWasted', { table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(ped)) }) hasBeenDead = true elseif hasBeenDead and diedAt ~= nil and diedAt <= 0 then hasBeenDead = false end end end end) function GetPlayerByEntityID(id) for i=0,32 do if(NetworkIsPlayerActive(i) and GetPlayerPed(i) == id) then return i end end return nil end