-- in-memory spawnpoint array for this script execution instance local spawnPoints = {} -- auto-spawn enabled flag local autoSpawnEnabled = false local autoSpawnCallback -- support for mapmanager maps AddEventHandler('getMapDirectives', function(add) -- call the remote callback add('spawnpoint', function(state, model) -- return another callback to pass coordinates and so on (as such syntax would be [spawnpoint 'model' { options/coords }]) return function(opts) local x, y, z, heading local s, e = pcall(function() -- is this a map or an array? if opts.x then x = opts.x y = opts.y z = opts.z else x = opts[1] y = opts[2] z = opts[3] end x = x + 0.0001 y = y + 0.0001 z = z + 0.0001 -- get a heading and force it to a float, or just default to null heading = opts.heading and (opts.heading + 0.01) or 0 -- add the spawnpoint addSpawnPoint({ x = x, y = y, z = z, heading = heading, model = model }) -- recalculate the model for storage if not tonumber(model) then model = GetHashKey(model, _r) end -- store the spawn data in the state so we can erase it later on state.add('xyz', { x, y, z }) state.add('model', model) end) if not s then Citizen.Trace(e .. "\n") end end -- delete callback follows on the next line end, function(state, arg) -- loop through all spawn points to find one with our state for i, sp in ipairs(spawnPoints) do -- if it matches... if sp.x == state.xyz[1] and sp.y == state.xyz[2] and sp.z == state.xyz[3] and sp.model == state.model then -- remove it. table.remove(spawnPoints, i) return end end end) end) -- loads a set of spawn points from a JSON string function loadSpawns(spawnString) -- decode the JSON string local data = json.decode(spawnString) -- do we have a 'spawns' field? if not data.spawns then error("no 'spawns' in JSON data") end -- loop through the spawns for i, spawn in ipairs(data.spawns) do -- and add it to the list (validating as we go) addSpawnPoint(spawn) end end function addSpawnPoint(spawn) -- validate the spawn (position) if not tonumber(spawn.x) or not tonumber(spawn.y) or not tonumber(spawn.z) then error("invalid spawn position") end -- heading if not tonumber(spawn.heading) then error("invalid spawn heading") end -- model (try integer first, if not, hash it) local model = spawn.model if not tonumber(spawn.model) then model = GetHashKey(spawn.model) end -- is the model actually a model? if not IsModelInCdimage(model) then error("invalid spawn model") end -- is is even a ped? -- not in V? --[[if not IsThisModelAPed(model) then error("this model ain't a ped!") end]] -- overwrite the model in case we hashed it spawn.model = model -- all OK, add the spawn entry to the list table.insert(spawnPoints, spawn) end -- changes the auto-spawn flag function setAutoSpawn(enabled) autoSpawnEnabled = enabled end -- sets a callback to execute instead of 'native' spawning when trying to auto-spawn function setAutoSpawnCallback(cb) autoSpawnCallback = cb autoSpawnEnabled = true end -- function as existing in original R* scripts local function freezePlayer(id, freeze) local player = id SetPlayerControl(player, not freeze, false) local ped = GetPlayerPed(player) if not freeze then if not IsEntityVisible(ped) then SetEntityVisible(ped, true) end if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped) then SetEntityCollision(ped, true) end FreezeEntityPosition(ped, false) --SetCharNeverTargetted(ped, false) SetPlayerInvincible(player, false) else if IsEntityVisible(ped) then SetEntityVisible(ped, false) end SetEntityCollision(ped, false) FreezeEntityPosition(ped, true) --SetCharNeverTargetted(ped, true) SetPlayerInvincible(player, true) --RemovePtfxFromPed(ped) if not IsPedFatallyInjured(ped) then ClearPedTasksImmediately(ped) end end end function loadScene(x, y, z) NewLoadSceneStart(x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0) while IsNewLoadSceneActive() do networkTimer = GetNetworkTimer() NetworkUpdateLoadScene() end end -- to prevent trying to spawn multiple times local spawnLock = false -- spawns the current player at a certain spawn point index (or a random one, for that matter) function spawnPlayer(spawnIdx, cb) if spawnLock then return end spawnLock = true Citizen.CreateThread(function() DoScreenFadeOut(500) while IsScreenFadingOut() do Citizen.Wait(0) end -- if the spawn isn't set, select a random one if not spawnIdx then spawnIdx = GetRandomIntInRange(1, #spawnPoints + 1) end -- get the spawn from the array local spawn if type(spawnIdx) == 'table' then spawn = spawnIdx else spawn = spawnPoints[spawnIdx] end -- validate the index if not spawn then Citizen.Trace("tried to spawn at an invalid spawn index\n") spawnLock = false return end -- freeze the local player freezePlayer(PlayerId(), true) -- if the spawn has a model set if spawn.model then RequestModel(spawn.model) -- load the model for this spawn while not HasModelLoaded(spawn.model) do RequestModel(spawn.model) Wait(0) end -- change the player model SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), spawn.model) -- release the player model SetModelAsNoLongerNeeded(spawn.model) end -- preload collisions for the spawnpoint RequestCollisionAtCoord(spawn.x, spawn.y, spawn.z) -- spawn the player --ResurrectNetworkPlayer(GetPlayerId(), spawn.x, spawn.y, spawn.z, spawn.heading) local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1) -- V requires setting coords as well SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(ped, spawn.x, spawn.y, spawn.z, false, false, false, true) NetworkResurrectLocalPlayer(spawn.x, spawn.y, spawn.z, spawn.heading, true, true, false) -- gamelogic-style cleanup stuff ClearPedTasksImmediately(ped) --SetEntityHealth(ped, 300) -- TODO: allow configuration of this? RemoveAllPedWeapons(ped) -- TODO: make configurable (V behavior?) ClearPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerId()) -- why is this even a flag? --SetCharWillFlyThroughWindscreen(ped, false) -- set primary camera heading --SetGameCamHeading(spawn.heading) --CamRestoreJumpcut(GetGameCam()) -- load the scene; streaming expects us to do it --ForceLoadingScreen(true) --loadScene(spawn.x, spawn.y, spawn.z) --ForceLoadingScreen(false) while not HasCollisionLoadedAroundEntity(ped) do Citizen.Wait(0) end ShutdownLoadingScreen() DoScreenFadeIn(500) while IsScreenFadingIn() do Citizen.Wait(0) end -- and unfreeze the player freezePlayer(PlayerId(), false) TriggerEvent('playerSpawned', spawn) if cb then cb(spawn) end spawnLock = false end) end -- automatic spawning monitor thread, too local respawnForced local diedAt Citizen.CreateThread(function() -- main loop thing while true do Citizen.Wait(50) local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1) if playerPed and playerPed ~= -1 then -- check if we want to autospawn if autoSpawnEnabled then if NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) then if (diedAt and (GetTimeDifference(GetGameTimer(), diedAt) > 2000)) or respawnForced then if autoSpawnCallback then autoSpawnCallback() else spawnPlayer() end respawnForced = false end end end if IsEntityDead(playerPed) then if not diedAt then diedAt = GetGameTimer() end else diedAt = nil end end end end) function forceRespawn() spawnLock = false respawnForced = true end