# cfx-server-data _The data repository for Cfx.re servers_ ## Deprecation notice This repository itself is considered finalized/immutable and is currently archived. Pull requests or issue reports were not merged for a *while*, using the contents of the repository should still be fine (and this shouldn't change until mentioned otherwise). In the future, relevant parts of this repository will be moved to [citizenfx/fivem](https://github.com/citizenfx/fivem) to be bundled with actual server builds, and the examples (+ legacy API-like resources) will be moved to a new repository. If there's any critical issue in the code in this repository, posting on the [Cfx.re forums](https://forum.cfx.re/) may work. ## Usage 1. Make sure to `git clone`. Don't "Download ZIP", as that'll make it _much_ harder to update to newer versions. 2. Put custom resources in `resources/[local]/` if you don't want to be affected by any random messups. ### Advanced usage You can also consider using the repository as a submodule + symlink for your own Git repository: **Linux**: ``` $ git submodule add https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data.git vendor/server-data $ ln -s ../vendor/server-data/resources/ 'resources/[base]/' ``` **Windows**: ``` > git submodule add https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data.git vendor/server-data > mklink /d resources\[base] ..\vendor\server-data\resources ``` ## Policy You can make pull requests to propose changes that benefit _everyone_. Add new useful resources, change/improve existing ones - anything goes, as long as you make sure to: 1. Not break existing users/APIs. 2. Not change default behavior without a toggle. 3. Use best practices (convars over config files, native commands wherever possible, etc.) Modifying or rewriting existing resources in this repository for local use only is _strongly_ discouraged.