RegisterServerEvent('chat:init') RegisterServerEvent('chat:addTemplate') RegisterServerEvent('chat:addMessage') RegisterServerEvent('chat:addSuggestion') RegisterServerEvent('chat:removeSuggestion') RegisterServerEvent('_chat:messageEntered') RegisterServerEvent('chat:clear') RegisterServerEvent('__cfx_internal:commandFallback') -- this is a built-in event, but somehow needs to be registered RegisterNetEvent('playerJoining') exports('addMessage', function(target, message) if not message then message = target target = -1 end if not target or not message then return end TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', target, message) end) local hooks = {} local hookIdx = 1 exports('registerMessageHook', function(hook) local resource = GetInvokingResource() hooks[hookIdx + 1] = { fn = hook, resource = resource } hookIdx = hookIdx + 1 end) local modes = {} local function getMatchingPlayers(seObject) local players = GetPlayers() local retval = {} for _, v in ipairs(players) do if IsPlayerAceAllowed(v, seObject) then retval[#retval + 1] = v end end return retval end exports('registerMode', function(modeData) if not or not modeData.displayName or not modeData.cb then return false end local resource = GetInvokingResource() modes[] = modeData modes[].resource = resource local clObj = { name =, displayName = modeData.displayName, color = modeData.color or '#fff', isChannel = modeData.isChannel, isGlobal = modeData.isGlobal, } if not modeData.seObject then TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMode', -1, clObj) else for _, v in ipairs(getMatchingPlayers(modeData.seObject)) do TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMode', v, clObj) end end return true end) local function unregisterHooks(resource) local toRemove = {} for k, v in pairs(hooks) do if v.resource == resource then table.insert(toRemove, k) end end for _, v in ipairs(toRemove) do hooks[v] = nil end toRemove = {} for k, v in pairs(modes) do if v.resource == resource then table.insert(toRemove, k) end end for _, v in ipairs(toRemove) do TriggerClientEvent('chat:removeMode', -1, { name = v }) modes[v] = nil end end local function routeMessage(source, author, message, mode, fromConsole) if source >= 1 then author = GetPlayerName(source) end local outMessage = { color = { 255, 255, 255 }, multiline = true, args = { message }, mode = mode } if author ~= "" then outMessage.args = { author, message } end if mode and modes[mode] then local modeData = modes[mode] if modeData.seObject and not IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, modeData.seObject) then return end end local messageCanceled = false local routingTarget = -1 local hookRef = { updateMessage = function(t) -- shallow merge for k, v in pairs(t) do if k == 'template' then outMessage['template'] = v:gsub('%{%}', outMessage['template'] or '@default') elseif k == 'params' then if not outMessage.params then outMessage.params = {} end for pk, pv in pairs(v) do outMessage.params[pk] = pv end else outMessage[k] = v end end end, cancel = function() messageCanceled = true end, setSeObject = function(object) routingTarget = getMatchingPlayers(object) end, setRouting = function(target) routingTarget = target end } for _, hook in pairs(hooks) do if hook.fn then hook.fn(source, outMessage, hookRef) end end if modes[mode] then local m = modes[mode] m.cb(source, outMessage, hookRef) end if messageCanceled then return end TriggerEvent('chatMessage', source, #outMessage.args > 1 and outMessage.args[1] or '', outMessage.args[#outMessage.args]) if not WasEventCanceled() then if type(routingTarget) ~= 'table' then TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', routingTarget, outMessage) else for _, id in ipairs(routingTarget) do TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', id, outMessage) end end end if not fromConsole then print(author .. '^7' .. (modes[mode] and (' (' .. modes[mode].displayName .. ')') or '') .. ': ' .. message .. '^7') end end AddEventHandler('_chat:messageEntered', function(author, color, message, mode) if not message or not author then return end local source = source routeMessage(source, author, message, mode) end) AddEventHandler('__cfx_internal:commandFallback', function(command) local name = GetPlayerName(source) -- route the message as if it were a /command routeMessage(source, name, '/' .. command, nil, true) CancelEvent() end) -- player join messages AddEventHandler('playerJoining', function() if GetConvarInt('chat_showJoins', 1) == 0 then return end TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, '', { 255, 255, 255 }, '^2* ' .. GetPlayerName(source) .. ' joined.') end) AddEventHandler('playerDropped', function(reason) if GetConvarInt('chat_showQuits', 1) == 0 then return end TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, '', { 255, 255, 255 }, '^2* ' .. GetPlayerName(source) ..' left (' .. reason .. ')') end) RegisterCommand('say', function(source, args, rawCommand) routeMessage(source, (source == 0) and 'console' or GetPlayerName(source), rawCommand:sub(5), nil, true) end) -- command suggestions for clients local function refreshCommands(player) if GetRegisteredCommands then local registeredCommands = GetRegisteredCommands() local suggestions = {} for _, command in ipairs(registeredCommands) do if IsPlayerAceAllowed(player, ('command.%s'):format( then table.insert(suggestions, { name = '/' .., help = '' }) end end TriggerClientEvent('chat:addSuggestions', player, suggestions) end end AddEventHandler('chat:init', function() local source = source refreshCommands(source) for _, modeData in pairs(modes) do local clObj = { name =, displayName = modeData.displayName, color = modeData.color or '#fff', isChannel = modeData.isChannel, isGlobal = modeData.isGlobal, } if not modeData.seObject or IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, modeData.seObject) then TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMode', source, clObj) end end end) AddEventHandler('onServerResourceStart', function(resName) Wait(500) for _, player in ipairs(GetPlayers()) do refreshCommands(player) end end) AddEventHandler('onResourceStop', function(resName) unregisterHooks(resName) end)