# YumV YumV is a FiveM server script, you can use it to install plugin, vehicle and maps quickly, like use the yum in CentOS. [README_zh.md](点我阅读中文介绍) ## Feature - Auto install plugin, vehicle, maps, peds or other. - Search the anything you want. - Remove the exist plugin. - Update the exist plugin to new version. - Show the installed plugin list. ## Installation First, goto your FXServer resources directory, such as `/home/akkariin/fivem/resources/`. ``` cd /home/akkariin/fivem/resources/ ``` Then, clone this project to your resources directory. ``` git clone https://github.com/kasuganosoras/YumV yum/ ``` Edit your `server.cfg` and append the following text: ``` start yum add_ace resource.yum command.refresh allow ``` Final, restart your FXServer, enjoy! ## Example use Install the vehicle "gtr": ``` yum install gtr ``` Search the vehicle "bmw": ``` yum search bmw ``` Update local plugin "vMenu": ``` yum update vMenu ``` Remove an exist plugin "subwrx": ``` yum remove subwrx ``` List all the plugins you installed: ``` yum list ``` You can use command `yum help` for help. ## Upload If you want to upload a new resource to YumV mirror, you can visit: https://yumv.net/ (Chinese website) You need to register an account to upload files. ## License This project is open-source, use GPL-v3 license.