mirror of https://github.com/ZeroDream-CN/PHPMC7 synced 2024-11-24 21:22:55 +08:00

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//translated by Kevin
$langdata = Array(
'提示信息' => 'Notice',
'主页' => 'Home',
'服务器控制台' => 'Console',
'服务器管理' => 'Server Management',
'Daemon 管理' => 'Daemon Management',
'用户管理' => 'User Management',
'PHPMC 7 设置' => 'Settings',
'首页' => 'Home',
'关闭操作' => 'Close',
'定位当前选项卡' => 'Close this tab',
'关闭全部选项卡' => 'Close all tabs',
'关闭其他选项卡' => 'Close all other tabs',
'退出' => 'Sign Out',
'PHPMC 提供技术支持' => 'Powered by PHPMC',
'系统数据统计' => 'System Statistics',
'Daemon 数量' => 'Running Daemons',
'Minecraft 服务器数量' => 'Running Minecraft Servers',
'登录失败次数' => 'Login Failures Time',//not sure
'用户数量' => 'Users Count', //not sure
'主页' => 'Home',
'欢迎使用 PHPMC' => 'Thank You for Using PHPMC',
'管理面板系统' => 'Minecraft Server Manager',
'您正在使用的 PHPMC 版本为:' => 'Current version of PHPMC is ',
'如果您在使用中遇到任何问题请与我取得联系QQ204034。' => 'If you encounters any problem during usage please email akkariin@akkariin.com',
'PHPMC 官方网站:' => 'PHPMC Official Website: ',
'系统信息' => 'System Info',
'PHP 版本:' => 'PHP Version: ',
'PHP 运行方式:' => 'PHP CGI Mode: ',
'服务器操作系统:' => 'Server OS: ',
'HTTP 服务器:' => 'HTTP Server: ',
'服务器控制台' => 'Server Console',
'在此处输入命令Enter 提交' => 'Please enter your command here and hit enter to utilize',
'服务器控制台' => 'Server console',
'在线玩家' => 'Player(s) Online',
'最大在线' => 'Maximum Players',
'当前延迟:' => 'Ping: ',
'开启' => 'Start',
'关闭' => 'Stop',
'重启' => 'Restart',
'保持输出滚动' => 'Enable Realtime Refreshing',
'游戏地址:' => 'Server IP: ',
'FTP 账号:' => 'FTP Username: ',
'FTP 密码:' => 'FTP Password: ',
'选择服务器' => 'Select Server',
'服务器列表' => 'Server List',
'修改服务器' => 'Server Settings',
'从上面选择一个服务器来修改设置' => 'Please select a server from the server list above to edit the settings.',
'请注意,服务器创建后无法修改 Daemon。' => 'Please be noticed, You can\'t change the daemon after the server created.',
'服务器名称' => 'Nickname',
'最大内存 (MB)' => 'Max Memory (MB)',
'核心文件名字' => 'JAR File',
'核心启动命令' => 'JAR File Starting Command',
'停止命令' => 'Server Stop Command',
'服务器端口' => 'Port',
'服务器 FTP 密码' => 'FTP password',
'服务器所有者' => 'Owner',
'删除服务器' => 'Delete Server',
'保存修改' => 'Save Changes',
'添加服务器' => 'Add Server',
'选择 Daemon' => 'Select Daemon',
'服务器名称' => 'Server Name',
'最大内存 (MB)' => 'Max Memory (MB)',
'核心文件名字' => 'JAR File',
'核心启动命令' => 'JAR File Starting Command',
'停止命令' => 'Server Stop Command',
'服务器端口' => 'Port',
'服务器 FTP 密码' => 'FTP Password',
'服务器所有者' => 'Server Owner',
'添加服务器' => 'Add Server',
'请稍后,正在加载...' => 'Implementing...',
'您确定要删除此服务器吗?此操作不可恢复!' => 'Are you sure to delete this server? This operation is irreversible',
'Daemon 列表' => 'Daemon List',
'修改 Daemon' => 'Daemon Modification',
'从上面选择一个 Daemon 来修改设置' => 'Select a daemon to modify',
'请注意,当 Daemon 中还有服务器时无法删除。' => 'The daemon can\'t be delete when there\'s some server in the daemon',
'Daemon 名称' => 'Daemon name',
'AJAX 请求地址' => 'AJAX request address',
'连接密码' => 'Connect password',
'域名或 IP 地址' => 'Domain or IP address',
'服务器系统类型' => 'Server operating system',
'删除 Daemon' => 'Delete Daemon',
'保存修改' => 'Save',
'添加 Daemon' => 'Add Daemon',
'Daemon 名称' => 'Daemon name',
'AJAX 请求地址' => 'AJAX request address',
'连接密码' => 'Connect password',
'域名或 IP 地址' => 'Domain or IP address',
'服务器系统类型' => 'Server operating system',
'添加 Daemon' => 'Add Daemon',
'请稍后,正在加载...' => 'Loading...',
'您确定要删除此 Daemon 吗?此操作不可恢复!' => 'Are you sure to delete this daemon?',
'用户列表' => 'User list',
'修改用户' => 'Modify user',
'从上面选择一个用户来修改设置' => 'Please select a daemon from the daemon list above to edit the settings.',
'请注意,当用户还拥有服务器时无法删除。' => 'This user can not be deleted since this user have active servers in the account.',
'用户名' => 'Username',
'用户密码 (留空不修改)' => 'Username (Leave blank to not make any changes)',
'用户邮箱' => 'Email',
'用户权限' => 'Permissions',
'删除用户' => 'Delete User',
'保存修改' => 'Save',
'添加用户' => 'Add User',
'用户名' => 'Username',
'用户密码' => 'Password',
'用户邮箱' => 'Email',
'用户权限' => 'Permission',
'添加用户' => 'Add User',
'您确定要删除此用户吗?此操作不可恢复!' => 'Are you sure to delete this user? This operation is irreversible',
'PHPMC 7 设置' => 'PHPMC 7 Settings',
'感谢您使用 PHPMC' => 'Thank you for using PHPMC',
'如果您在使用中遇到任何问题,请与我取得联系。' => 'If you encounters any problem during usage please contact me at',
'QQ204034 | Emailakkariin@akkariin.com' => 'QQ204034 | Emailakkariin@akkariin.com',
'站点名称' => 'Site Name',
'站点简介' => 'Site Description',
'系统主题' => 'Site Theme',
'系统语言' => 'Languages',
'保存设置' => 'Save Config',
'检查更新' => 'Check Updates',
'请稍后,正在检查软件更新...' => 'Checking updates, please wait...',
'检查更新错误:' => 'Failed to check update: ',
'本地版本:' => 'Current Version: ',
'最新版本:' => 'Latest Version: ',
'您的 PHPMC 已经是最新版本,无需更新。' => 'Your PHPMC up to date!',
'本地版本:' => 'Current Version: ',
'最新版本:' => 'Latest Version: ',
'更新内容:' => 'What\'s New',
'立即更新' => 'Update Now',
'请稍后,正在执行系统更新...' => 'System Updating, Please Wait...'